
Thursday, July 05, 2018

Taib Mahmud - Non-action by Mahathir & Sarawak Report's deafening silence

FMT - Now go after your friend Taib Mahmud, Mahathir told:

PETALING JAYA: A rights activist has urged the authorities to train their focus on the alleged extraordinary wealth of Sarawak Governor Taib Mahmud, saying it would show that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government under Dr Mahathir Mohamad was not selective in its anti-corruption drive and would also take action against individuals seen to be close to the prime minister.

“The PH government has shown us that where there is a political will in getting to the root of the 1MDB scandal, there is a way to get rid of corruption in Malaysia and crony capitalism,” said Kua Kia Soong today, as former prime minister Najib Razak was formally charged on four counts of corruption and abuse of power.

Kua, a former political detainee and staunch Mahathir critic, said the prime minister must demonstrate that his campaign against Najib was not a personal vendetta by ignoring “his long-time ally in Sarawak”.

He said in living up to its image of promoting good governance, it was time for Putrajaya, under PH, to compel Taib, who he said could be the “richest individual in Malaysia”, to declare his assets.

Taib was Sarawak’s chief minister for 23 years, a big part of which was throughout Mahathir’s 22-year premiership.

He has been accused of amassing huge wealth and government contracts to benefit his family members, including by his foreign critics, such as Swiss-based Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), which estimated his wealth to be worth billions of dollars.

Activists and politicians have lodged several graft reports against Taib with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), after Mahathir brushed aside calls to investigate Taib, saying there had been no formal complaint.

Kua said PH must fulfil its pledge to wipe out kleptocracy, saying it was this promise that gave the coalition its polls victory last May.

“They must not disappoint the people of Malaysia, especially Sarawakians, who have seen the wealth of their state sucked dry by the rapacious greed of the kleptocrats there,” he added.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Mohd Shukri Abdull said yesterday that 15 investigation files had been opened since 2015/2016 on Taib but it was unable to take any action against him as investigations show that he did not chair any meetings or make decisions regarding certain projects.

“The investigations showed that the allegations were partly true. The problem was that he (Taib) did not make decisions, and he did not chair meetings.

“There were no cases that could be linked to him as the decisions were made by others.

“We have handed the matter over to the Attorney-General’s Chambers,” he said, adding that nothing more could be done unless new information surfaced.

From Sun Daily:

He was alleged to be behind illegal logging activities and the award of projects in the state to hundreds of companies he and is family are said to have vested interest.

In May, Switzerland-based environmentalist group Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) said they had evidence of corrupt practices by Taib and was prepared to share it with local authorities.

Last week, Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad said although allegations were made against Taib no report has been lodged with the MACC.

Mat Salleh juga mudah lupa? 

ternyata orang tionghua tua mudah lupa 


  1. I combed back many years of Ktemoc Konsiders, and he was also silent about Taib Mahmud.

    Why the Johnny Come Lately reformist act ?
    Insincere !

    1. what a bloody LIAR you are, though I understand you have a dedak-ised KPI to fulfil

    2. Prove it then....cheebye kaytee..

      Plus clare has shown her credentials, photo and id.

      Yours? Kaytee? Are you really an air itam lang? Birth cert? Property address? Old photos? Etc etc etc

    3. Next to jibby's kleptomaniac misfeasances, pekmo's equally opulent turpitudes r of the same pot&kettle-ness black!

      But pekmo still holds many influences in the Sarawak state. Any actions taken against him now, for a young over-enthusiastic regime, is too much to shallow!

      Jibby is a more easier case for (1) he has lost his power grip to manipulate the bolihland political scene, (2) the files of evidences r overwhelmingly against him.

      Those bleeding-hearts CAN'T see it & want to achieve utopia over night!

      Being while, the jibby diehards will use these similarities to feed their battle cries that the new govt isn't sticking to the promised manifesto proclamation.

    4. your dedak-ised defence of Maddy is amazing, justifying his DIFFERENTIATED actions

    5. U got better song to sing ke?

    6. Ck.....his lanpa buay song so need to talk more cock sing more song

  2. What's the hurry on ex CM Sarawak case? Give ultimatum to Sarawakians in their next State elections due soon to kick out PBB if they really detest their ex-CM and want priority on their cases.

    In the meantime, Peninsula Malaysia has a much bigger case of I MDB followed by Sabah's ex-CM cases.

    1. Peninsula has a bigger case than Taib's unaccountable billions, with most of it in Canada and the USA???

    2. How much is "unaccountable billions" ? Say lah...

      The huge size of the 1MDB scandal is accounted in detail, though Dedak-ised Najib apologists like Ktemoc pretend its too complicated.

    3. Is there a khairuddin abu hassan equivalent in jibby's camp to launch tons of official reports in US & Canada, backed up with solid evidences?

      If the complaints hold water, I'm very sure the relevant authorities in US & Canada will take appropriate actions within their jurisdictions.

      Or there is None! W/O the continuation of dedaks & concrete evidences, all supports r just superficial lah.

      It also tells plenty about all their rants, especially yrs!

      Teloq-less sycophants!

    4. aiyoyo, the Dedak-Makan-er is defending crony of his idol Mahathir

    5. Kaytee must be a better rebuttral hah

    6. I have no interest in defending Taib, but your previous tactics used to defend and deflect from Najib accusations need to be exposed.

    7. Kaytee him gotta be exposed. Why others say something kenna 30k rm and jailed.....and kaytee got away scot free

      Something is really wrong. Hence the final outcome would be having kaytee dick decapitated and follow by kaytee rotten head

  3. The tenacity of the host n commenters is amazing

    1. Especially this cheebye has so many things to hide. Till today there is no references that cheebye kaytee is from air itam

      My dad is a true blue penang lang and a teacher.....he will know any naughty boy in penang or better still air itam

    2. Consider us the commentators saving this blog from descending into another carbon copy of MT whereby the flabby fat white liar in Manchester wouldn't allow and even banned outright any dissenting voices. One could say Ktemoc's only difference from his Sifu is by allowing all comments....but then again, without the opposing comments here, only those member member PAS saja ala john, unkown, that UmnosamaDap guy and lately Anon, would bore Ktemoc to tears, wakakkakaka. But then again, these boring one track mind full of mud Pas Pis Pus members might be boring but they wouldn't have driven Ktemoc insane, WAKAKAKA.

  4. I quite understand not everything that is necessary for good governance is politically possible under the Pakatan Government. At least for now.

    However, the unrelenting, invincible hostility of Ktemoc towards the new Government from its first minutes and hours is reprehensible.

    1. it's a smoke screen from kaytee hiding the ugliness of 1mdb scandal by najib

    2. Because from the first minutes and hours they took leadership, they had broke one promise after another. While they mock BN for their kleptocracy administration, they refuse to acknowledge their autocracy & cronicracy administration.They are not ruling the country with compassion and trustworthiness but by blind vengeance and unrelenting hubris.

      Why should KT give them a free pass when you folks have been badgering BN and even my PAS ever since you learnt how to use the internet? You folks have set the rules; no quarters given so none will be taken.

  5. Deafening silence form SR on Taib & Sarawak - NOT TRUE. FAKE NEWS.

    Just 2 weeks ago SR wrote -

    1. Jawab la Ktemoc, jangan tak jawab ! Ktemoc the fake news maker, following in his master's footstep that fat slob samsu guzzling mabuk liar still holing up in Manchester, hahahahha.

    2. Ktemoc el Fake News cha bor..

  6. And another one from SR dated June 17, 2018, less than 2 weeks ago.

    Don't spread FAKE NEWS.

    1. Jawab la Ahneyney ! Jangan tak jawab...your silence is deafening ...TS just proved that you have lied about SR.

    2. Here is the link...from SR

    3. KT will remain quiet as a mosque mouse just like when his fitnah about NO political appointees as diplomats been asked to resign in developed countries when govt changed was been exposed!

      He is learning fast to be a faceless clown when his lies r been exposed one by one.

    4. The thing is that Clare has shown her face, credentials and relevant documents. Cheebye Kaytee has shown nothing

      What the fuck kaytee afraid of? That my dad would expose kaytee's rcord as a bad boy who had to leave Penang or

      Pauline Hanson would squashed Kaytee's nuts.

      We mustn't let kaytee get away with it scot free.

  7. Former premier Najib Abdul Razak's daughter Nooryana Najwa has claimed that her personal bank account was frozen after she posted bail for her father.

    "Immediately after I posted bail for my dad yesterday with funds collected from friends and relatives, my bank said they had instructions to freeze my personal account which I use to pay for my own school fees," she said in a Facebook posting this afternoon.

    Nooryana claimed that her 10-month-old son's bank account with RM100 was also frozen.

    I suggest she remain silent otherwise people may question who paid for her Shangri-La engagement party as well as her grand wedding. I still remember the photos of the flowers. There were invoices and receipts posted online which suggested her father did not pay for it. Hmmmm, maybe the in-laws paid for all the party events, both in Malaysia and in Kazakhstan. Nice.

    Also for her info children's bank accounts have been used before by crooks to channel and launder money, thinking the authorities might overlook poor innocent cute babies. Amar Singh is pretty sharp that copper.

    1. I bet you never got married before, because you would know that its usually the groom side that has to foot the bill and only sometimes the bride side will chip in if the ceremony went out of budget. Furthermore, Malay weddings aren't like Chinese whereby the couple can 'claim back' from the guests. You're not compelled to pay 'entrance fee'.

      I suggest you remain silent if you have no inkling on what really happened and what's the norm.

    2. Here's just one of the links, just Google for many others. Actually the party was reported to cost USD135,000. If PMO paid the bill it is abuse of power. If Najib paid then he has to explain how he can afford it on his salary.


    Now Najib's turn to invite donations for his defence.

    Is Ktemoc going to scrutinise it the way he keeps jumping up and down about the funds donated for Lim Guan Eng's defence ?

    Don't hold your breath...

  9. MELAKA: Former Melaka Public Works Department director Datuk Khalid Omar was sentenced to 22 years in jail and fined RM36mil for various counts of offences relating to money laundering and corruption involving over RM5.4mil.

    Only 5.4 million.

    Do the maths -
    RM42 million SRC penalty equals....
    1MDB 50B penalty equals......

  10. im a Sarawakian. I'm more qualified than outsiders to demand Sarawak to be returned back to the people. However, I'm also pragmatic because I know who holds vast power in Sarawak. Without power, you can't do as you wish. So we hope the next state election, we can grow enough local power to clean up the mess.

    Politicians r politicians, they promise u e sun, moon & stars.r u expecting them 2 fulfill 100% of e promises in 100 days? i will b happy if even 75% r fulfilled.

    1. Plus u must demand for kaytee head too. He has been talking rots for too long

  11. But the Shangri La receipt was sent to the PMO. It went viral. Over 200k. Fake or real?And Najib was quoted as saying he paid for it. If the groom side paid why didn’t Najib just say that?

    1. Another sign of that reading deficiency syndrome lah!

      Dia tak faham - simple as that.
