
Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Malaysian Schadenfreude - outcome of an evil society

FMT - Stop gloating over Najib, Siti tells diehard govt supporters:

PETALING JAYA: Outspoken human rights lawyer Siti Kasim has hit out at diehard supporters of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government for rejoicing at the news of former prime minister Najib Razak’s arrest yesterday, saying it went against all human values.

Quoting verses from the Bible, Siti said such expressions of joy amounted to Schadenfreude, which means the experience of joy in witnessing the humiliation of another person.

“Vengeance belongs to God. We are not to return a wrong for a wrong, nor are we to rejoice if the Lord lets us see when those who have done us wrong, get what they deserve,” she wrote on Facebook, hours after Najib was picked up by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

No one’s misfortune should bring us pleasure. We should not find joy in any one’s sorrow,” wrote Siti.

Her post was however criticised by PH supporters, many of them saying their celebration over Najib’s arrest was justified.

“This has nothing to do with vengeance. This has everything to do with the rule of law,” said Bahma Sivasubramaniam, to which Siti shot back: “You guys are displaying exactly what vengeance is. And you guys showed how evil our society still is.”

Najib was today charged with four counts of criminal breach of trust and abuse of power, over some RM42 million in his private bank account.

He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The High Court which confiscated his passport, also set a bail of RM1 million.

Siti denied that her plea to the public to avoid rejoicing over Najib’s misfortune amounted to condoning his alleged misdeeds.

If you don’t understand what I meant then our humanity is to be questioned,” she said.

There were mixed reactions to news of Najib’s arrest yesterday.

DAP’s Tony Pua responded to a reporter by sending a string of “party” emoticons, suggesting he was celebrating the arrest.

Others were more cautious, and reminded the authorities to ensure Najib was treated with dignity and accorded his legal rights.

Siti said she was shocked to see “the gloating and jubilance and the OTT [over the top] attitude on social media.

“It is a misfortune to him although the misfortune is something he may have brought upon himself. He may have created these misfortunes, ie, to be facing the law and perhaps spending a long time in prison, but that does not mean we can cheer and shout of satisfaction when he is going through these hard times.

“He may be the nastiest person on earth but I won’t return the satisfaction that I become just like him,” said Siti.

“If you disagree with me, that is your prerogative. There’s no need to throw accusations. [Expletive] if you don’t like my stand.”


  1. The KLCI is partying today, by comparison with other Asian markets.

    As at 2.30pm:
    KLCI up 0.35%

    Singapore down 0.42%
    Nikkei down 0.35%
    Hang Seng down 1.39%
    Shanghai down 1.03%
    ASX (Aust) down 0.43%
    Kospi down 0.31%

    1. After losing RM7 Billion? Is that even a reason to celebrate?

  2. Siti Kassim has got a point there on society's Schadenfreude behavior.

    I don't see the point in anyone shouting joy and expressing their emotions by being over the top in Social media, print, or in public over another's humiliation whether by the Law or not.

    It does not prove anything nor contribute anything with all these expressions in social media.

    For those who can't control their Schadenfreude feelings and need to just express themselves in public like Loeas Loeas, the only remedy is just go to the nearest washroom and wanked it off quietly and enjoy yur own moment of bliss alone. Nobody else is interested in your estatic behaviour.


    1. So be a good guy - suffers in silence & never let yr true feeling shows!

      What a wanker of self-indulgent in egoistic bleeding heart compassion.

      Bravo…… sigh…… r u robot devoid of humanistic feeling?

    2. should ask this nostro piggy if he is the alter ego of kaytee cheebye mock.

      Time to demand fucking accountability from this cheebye kaytee.

      Kaytee....tell raja dad and mum knows who the fuck he is...mckk hah...hahahaha....

  3. Why not? Did you cheebye motherfucker kaytee call lim kit siang a traitor? Hence with obvious reason, you call you cheebye kaytee

    A fraud, invalid, someone who has short dick and a hypo.... reaped what you with it or leave the blogsphere and fuck off from malaysia politics!

  4. Please get something right.

    What people are feeling is
    Happiness that justice is finally being served.
    After years of obstruction of justice by Malaysian Official 1, using all the powers at his disposal, feeling completely helpless because all the institutions of the state were stacked against any resolution ever.

    1MDB and SRC are NOT victimless crimes.

  5. Wakakakaka……

    "If you disagree with me, that is your prerogative. There’s no need to throw accusations. [Expletive] if you don’t like my stand.”

    So what r u doing NOW?

    Having yr orgy by throwing veiled insults at us?

    That makes u what?


    1. Remind me of marie antoinette asking peasant to eat cake instead.

      We should do the honour in ending kaytee miserable. You see hor what people do to badly injured horse

      Bang! Bang! Mati....hahahahaha

    2. I love to see Pauline crushing your head with her thighs and stuffing your cakap-banyak mouth with her thatch. BTW, can you tell us how you breathe when you are servicing her? wakakaka

    3. Again, who is staying long long in australia hah? Sucking all the social benefits provided by aussie taxpayers.

      Aint that you kaytee? Ah so?

  6. One thing I know is that Tony Pua is not matured enough to be called a grownup.Just imagine a two term MP screaming and jumping up and down like a chimpanzee?Celebrating the arrest of Najib?Even if Najib is convicted there is nothing to be happy and celebrate openly and screaming about.At least show some humility and civility.Grow up you chimpanzees.

    1. Bruno u were like a monyet when uncle monty whipped u. Sudah lupa ka hehehe

  7. Thanks very much for your therapeutic words, Siti Kasim.

    1. Go handle that 11 year old girl kenna should be ashamed that such thing happened in islam

      Nik aziz will never forgive u

    2. Hello Looes.. it is a rare happening lah. Gay marriages lagi banyak. Go and get your tongue ringed.

    3. wakakaka, and scrubbed too

    4. Gay marriages r at least happened between consenting adults!

      Know what adults meant?

      While yr pedophiliac doctrine IS an abomination to humanity!


    Wow....Bijan actually has die-hard Cinapek supporters....including one here, wakakakaka..

    1. Plus one cheebye motherfucker kaytee....just like how spittin image ended maggie career

  9. I have every right as a Malaysian to enjoy seeing his suffering. Why? I am very pissed off.

    Me, myself, I, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will have to pay back 81B for ECRL, 50B for 1MDB, 10B for Gas Pipelines and who knows what else.

    I doubt Najib or his family will be paying any significant taxes on anything. Even gifts from foreign donors he wants to sapu. No shame, no conscience.

    Let me ask KT if he pays any Malaysian taxes? Even GST which he supports, does he pay? Will he help settled the debt that was piled up by this guy?

    I’m NOT Lovin’ This!!!
