
Tuesday, July 03, 2018

1MDB Taskforce lawless

Malaysiakini - Bar 'troubled' by taskforce announcing Najib's arrest:

Malaysian Bar president George Varughese said the professional body of lawyers is troubled by the 1MDB special taskforce's announcement that former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak had been arrested.

"The Malaysian Bar is shocked and troubled by the press statement issued today by the 1MDB taskforce announcing that Najib was arrested at 2.35pm in connection with SRC International Sdn Bhd, and that the former prime minister will be charged in court tomorrow at 8.30am.

"The taskforce has no legal standing to arrest Najib. Any arrest can only be effected either by the MACC or the police.

"The taskforce is also not in a position to decide whether or not Najib will be charged and or when he is to be charged," Varughese said in a statement today.

The special taskforce comprises MACC chief Mohd Shukri Abdull, former MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed, former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and former Bukit Aman police special branch deputy chief Abdul Hamid Bador.

PM Maddy's men 

Varughese said the move by the 1MDB special taskforce raised a number of questions.

"Is the taskforce legally empowered to order the arrest of Najib? And is the taskforce legally empowered to charge Najib?"
he said.

Najib was picked up this afternoon by the MACC at his Jalan Langgak Duta residence in Kuala Lumpur.

Subsequently, the 1MDB special taskforce confirmed Najib's arrest.


  1. Let's get something right..

    The task force announced the arrest After it had been carried out by the MACC, as a piece of information. They have a right as an interested party.

    I re-read the actual Press Statement ( which Ktemoc obviously hasn't ) and there is no suggestion , not a word , or implication there that they had ordered the arrest.

    Ktemoc is going completely insane from his benefactors arrest.

    1. wow, Monsterball the dedak-makan-er is really spinning - the Bar Council must have gotten it wrong then

    2. So kaytee is all rounder lei. Simi also know lei. a man. Expose yourself in public. Challenge madhater. At least susan loone and clare have their are a man courageous

    3. The Bar Council has a right to question. Of course...this is now a much more open Malaysia.

      But Ktemoc's characterisation (not the Bar Council's) of the 1MDB Taskforce as Lawless is Dedak-Fed Bullshit.

    4. I think the Bar President finally after 9 May have found their voices and roles and in this case happens to be a case of one drink too many.

      The arrest is done by MACC and charges etc will be by the AGC. So, where is the problem?

      Now, where were their voices in the case of the Underage Marriage?

      Too sensitive to handle for the Bar President? Then Siti Kassim is what the Bar Council needs now to speak without Fear or Favour.

    5. Pauline also has a face but you, where is your face other than between Pauline's heavy powerful thighs which will one day crush you kaukau when you fail your "duties", wakakaka

    6. Monsterball has shown disregard and disrespect for the assessment of the Bar Council, and he dares claim Malaysia today is a lawful society???

    7. Again kaytee.....your lanpa song oredi hah....wait till pauline hanson catches u.....guarantee your lanpa gone

      Do admire kaytee tenacity in defending the indefensible. Kaytee can put sean hannity to shame. Perhaps trump should hire kaytee instead.

      Whooops......trumpists like pure christians.....people like kaytee....hahahaha

  2. And perak 2009 takeover is lawful?????...ok ok .....cheebye kaytee only talk about sans the real culprit....najib razak....hahahaha

  3. Talk cock sing song lanpa song.....right kaytee....hahahahaha

  4. It is still ok la because TT has already said he will head the prosecution team. TT is already part of the team.

    BTW it is related to SRC and not the RM2.6 billion donation? Then, it should be Nik Faisal because he was given the full power of attorney by Najib? And also Suboh Yasin?


    [SRC International director, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil is the person said to have played a key role in the transfer of funds. Nik Faisal is believed to be Indonesia. The other person in SRC is Datuk Suboh Md Yassin who surrendered to the MACC last month.]

    1. Wakakakaka……

      Read the charge sheet besok lah!

      Jangan jadi terpandai le.

    2. Ck....what more can be said about these cheebye pas. They wanna have a pie on perak and kedah habuk pun tak dapat

  6. We still have to wait and see if the court allows the arrest.

    If they do not grant it and release him, then it will be an embarrassment for the MACC and the Task Force.

    On the other hand, if they do, watch the sparks fly from the opposition side, with accusations and police reports against Mahathir over his alleged past wrongs, and perhaps pickets, demonstrations and street protests by UMNO and possibly also PAS.

    We live in exciting times.

    1. the judiciary is today kowtowing to Maddy - who dares defy his imperial wishes, or else suffer the same crisis as in 1988

    2. And it doesnt kowtow to najib during the perak illegal takeover....madhater in charge....kaytee says....

      Fuck u cheebye....

    3. We live in fearful times, IT. If just about any unelected body were given overarching powers that can even summon the CJ to menghadap, and yet another body of non-law enforcers were given the authority to make arbitrary arrests, then where are the rule of law, separation of powers, and fair trial?

      The only other times this happened was in DPRK. What most Malaysians never did realise is they have just traded their freedom willingly to a self-admitted dictator and all these witchhunt and persecution bears the hallmark of his ironfisted and Machiavellian rule. Dissidents and opposing views no longer have place because they will be pounced on and torn to shreds by zombiac hell hounds. There is no more freedom of thought.

      Mahathir probably realised that when he tried to take the rakyat's freedom, they will resist. So now he changed tact and twisted his vile politics so much that the rakyat now willingly gives it to him.

      Yes. This isn't freedom – this is fear.

  7. The SRC charge is easier because the evidence is there and complete, with witnesses at hand. At the very least Najib knew the money was from SRC but still did not return it, so that is already an offence, albeit small.

    As for the greater 1MDB charge, BE PATIENT. This case is much more complex. There will be simultaneous charges against multiple people in multiple jurisdictions, all synchronized to avoid the culprits taking flight, example his relatives, Jho Low, the Middle Eastern co-conspirators, the 900 frozen bank account holders etc. Let more evidence and witnesses come forward or give testimonies esp that piggy. Cooperation is needed with DOJ, Singapore, Switzerland etc so that the charges brought forth are simultaneous, consistent and will stick in each of the jurisdictions.

    Also the MACC is giving chance for the 900 bank account holders (especially the so-called self-proclaimed religious ones) to voluntarily return the money they received from Najib that came from 1MDB. So it is still premature to charge Najib on 1MDB now.

    1. Pas Pis Pus sudah habis or almost habis their ill-gotten sudden windfall....200+ million distributed out with Hadi Bawang taking the lion share...mana ada cukup la...all finis spending on new mansions, spanking new luxurious cars, new young bini, exotic holidays, designer togs for makan angin ( but when back at their daerah, will morph into 'holymen' donning their Arab gowns and heads towel-up ), to recover all these monies...maybe partially only.

  8. Nooryana Najwa Najib has urged Malaysians to spare a thought for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak after his arrest earlier today.

    Nooryana, I have been thinking about your father every day for many many years.

  9. I was expecting Najib to arrested by a balaclava-clad SWAT team, armed with Heckler and Koch Submachine guns, the way Anwar Ibrahim was arrested.

    Very disappointed with Mahathir.
    He must be getting soft in his old age.

    1. Heard najib would be spared the cane if he is song one hah


  10. My lawyer friend, who is a bleeding-heart liberal , criticised the way Najib was arrested and put in the lockup for the night.
    It was unnecessary, though within the law.

    MACC could easily have summoned him to appear in court , charged , and a bail hearing held. As a respected pillar of the community, a former Prime Minister, wakakaka....there was no flight risk, hence no need to lock him up.

    There could be a deliberate element of spite among those in power today, fully within the Rule of Law, of course.... wakakaka...

  11. WFT ??? Najib appears in court wearing a business suit.
    We've been denied the pleasure of seeing Najib being paraded in an orange Remand suit and handcuffed...
    The same way Rafizi was treated ...

    Yes, Mahathir is getting soft in his old age.

  12. Najib resorts to Witchcraft to bolster his case....wakakaka....

  13. Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! The wheels of Justice moves slowly but it is moving.

    First the charges related to SRC since most of the evidences are available in the country and can be speedily instituted, then followed by 1 MDB later when all the evidences from overseas are acquired.

    In the meantime, other domestic cases like fraud, abuse, money laundering, theft etc related to EPF, Tabung Haji, Felda, Mara, PFF, GLCs, GLICs, statutory bodies and a thousand and one cases involving abuse of powers by Govt. staff in support of their own and political masters should be speeded up.

    Perhaps the setting up of a Commission of Corruption to speed up the matter will be needed instead of just depending on the 1 MDB Taskforce to handle all the cases for these lower tier cases.

    1. The SRC case is just the Appetizer, as well as the low-hanging fruit.

      The Main 1MDB case is much,much bigger but getting the Court-ready evidence beyond reasonable doubt is going to take time.

      Up to May 9, Malaysia refused point-blank to cooperate with any foreign Governments with their investigations.

    2. Caning also dont have.....nicholas of romania not so lucky....fuck last russian tsar also not so lucky.

      King louis, charles and tsae nicholas kenna beheaded lei for crime less than what najib did

  14. Wow...two of the biggest names in lawyers' circles in Malaysia...Tommy Thomas leading the Prosecution, and Shafee Abdullah leading Bijan's defence...

    Like two Roman gladiators in the Colliseum.

    Bring out the pop-corn.

  15. Aah, there goes your rule of law.

    where are the ambigas and "custodians" of democracy?

    why the deafening silence???

  16. Replies
    1. Wakakakaka…

      The rule of the law says prosecute the cases within the full confidence of the law!

      What do u want - jumping the queue & shoot with blind target?

      U might as well put the case in suspended NFA & let the culprit goes free.

      Or u have nothing better to say to earn yr keep?

      (BTW, when did kt allows anon to be used as a commentator's call of sign? Is this anon kt's pet or alter-ego?)
