
Saturday, March 11, 2017

PPSMI - Promote and Prevent?

Taken from Malaysia-Today:

aisehman, why so muka asam? 

(MMO) – An academic has accused former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad of degrading the special position of Bahasa Melayu by introducing the Policy of Teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) back in 2003.

Universiti Sains Malaysia’s (USM) Comparative literature expert, Professor Datuk Seri Dr Md Salleh Yaapar also labelled Dr Mahathir’s action as a hurried move and accused him of betraying the will of the Malay Kings and violating the Federal Constitution.

“Dr Mahathir also betrayed the National Education Policy because he caused chaos in the country’s education system. From then on (2003), Bahasa Melayu could only be used to teach subjects deemed less important like arts, literature and religious education.

“Owing to that in schools and universities today, there exists a language apartheid phenomenon where the English language is hailed and at the same time, Bahasa Melayu is degraded and insulted,” the Malay daily Utusan Malaysia quoted him saying.

Md Salleh reportedly made the remarks when tabling his work paper at the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka (DBP) yesterday.

PPSMI was discontinued in 2012, but the Education Ministry has made it mandatory for students sitting for the Form Five SPM examination to pass the English-language subject beginning 2016.

Personally I have a completely different take, wakakaka, for as a Chinese Malaysians I see things quite differently from, say, Professor Datuk Seri Dr Md Salleh Yaapar. But matey, having a different opinion-assessment is my prerogative.

But before I dive into that Maddy's pro-PPMSI policy, I want to discuss with you the important or necessary requirements for language learning, whether that be the English language, Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin, Tamil, Swahili or kaytee's mother tongue of Teochew*, wakakaka.

* Today Teochow (Cháozhōuhuà or Cháoshànhuà) is spoken by only 12 to 15 million people [10 in China and 2 to 5 overseas], slightly less than the Khmer (Cambodian) language which has 16 million speakers

In my previous post I touched (in comment section) upon Tian Chua's language learning. Yes, at one stage he seems to have had an interest in multi language learning.

When he was incarcerated (ISA-ed) for 2 years in late September 1999 for being an activist in the Free Anwar reformasi movement, he whiled part of his time away behind bars learning several languages, namely, Norwegian (why this one?), Arabic, French (for 'future' use, wakakaka) and Sanskrit (I admire his interest in ancient archaic language as I too have such an interest), but he confessed he has by now mostly forgotten those languages.

To learn a language, that is, to read, write and speak the language, many people don't realise the far more, nay, MOST important aspect is actually the competency 'to listen and comprehend' in that language.

Yes, you can also learn to just read and write a language without the need to be able 'to listen and comprehend' it, but that's only learning half of that language when you can't converse in it nor take practical dictation or make a report in that language if you aren't able 'to listen and comprehend' it.

If Mahathir wanted Malaysian schoolkids to learn English, tell me which school subjects would be the most optimal for learning it?

Science and Mathematics?

Would these two subjects allow for maximum use of the language or just limited to some technical terms?

Contrary to what Professor Dr Md Salleh averred, that, "from then on (2003), Bahasa Melayu could only be used to teach subjects deemed less important like arts, literature and religious education", Mahathir had actually ensured Bahasa Melayu was taught in subjects that optimised its learning, namely, literature, religious studies (and arts, but where were these?).

Other ideal subjects for learning well a language would be those which maximises class oral/verbal interactions, eg. civics, history and of course the language class itself.

Science and maths aren't the best subjects for class interactions, with rare exceptions like when kaytee was still a schoolboy, saying in class and interacting with Miss Sweetie, our biology (science) teacher, when she dipped her hand into the chalk box to retrieve one, that there was a caterpillar in that box (which I had earlier placed there, wakakaka) and hearing her sweet screams.

OK, let's not bother discussing what other 'interactions' took place subsequently in that biology class, wakakaka, ouch.

So why did Maddy want Science and Maths to be taught in English?

Which students are really good in maths and science?

And in what language do their teachers teach in?

Remember that sinister old UMNO strategy of 'promote &  prevent'. If you can't remember that's alright - just read my old 2012 post The Big Medical Lie in which I wrote (extracts):

My uncle has just chipped in to relate a story in much early days, confirming our suspicion that Only some may be doctors. Then (at time of Unc's story), despite the reality that most Chinese and Indian students (other than a few for window dressing) were already marginalized out of local universities, an UMNO MP was still not satisfied with the very much imbalanced ratio of undergraduates in our higher institutions of learning.

He demanded, apparently in Parliament, a two-pronged strategy of 'promote' and 'prevent' - that was, promote the Malays (which in truth no one was against, subject to minimum standards) and also prevent non-Malays from seeking tertiary education outside Malaysia.

He urged that non-Malay students be prohibited from going abroad to study at foreign universities to ensure the goals of our most remarkable social engineering could be achieved. It was fortunate that his proposal was seen as far too openly racist for the mores of that time, and so was ignored.

But to say something in his favour, though no doubt he was an extremist he was at least open about his extremist views. For the last several years, we have instead sinister sneaky sly Machiavellian machinations achieving the very same two-pronged strategy, promote & prevent, to ensure the medical profession remains dominated by The Chosen Ones. I mentioned some of those mafulat Machivellian move to 'close the gates' to 'others' in Only some may be doctors.

This morning when I read Free Malaysia Today's (FMT) Liow knows about MMC’s racism, says doc I wasn't at all surprised by Dr A Subendran's accusation of Liow Tiong LIE lying when he (Liow) denied knowledge of the government practising racial discrimination regarding students studying medicine abroad, by either raising the bar or placing obstacles for those of the 'wrong colour'.

Dr Subendran, himself a graduate of CMSU, was particularly furious because he had personally talked at length with Liow 3 years ago on this particular topic of racial discrimination against 'nons' studying medicine abroad.

FMT reported Dr Subendran writing about the double standard in an email to Liow’s personal account on Aug 14, 2010, with copies to the Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Sidek Hassan and deputy ministers SK Devamany and A Kohilan Pillay. None of them responded. And why should we be surprised?

Dr Subendran informed FMT that a 2007 news report reported an education consultant explaining that the Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia was adequate as an entry requirement into Egyptian medical programmes. Hmmm, shades of Chubby Checker and his 'How low can you go' Limbo rock.

The infuriated doctor said: “So, it is crystal clear that MMC implements different sets of rules for Malays and non-Malays.”

“But, the question now is, why is Liow pretending to be in the dark when he has solid evidence about the double standard? It seems to me that he is forced to lie to the media to save BN’s reputation as it heads for the general election.”

All I want to say in conclusion is that I have to acknowledge Liow's parents were fantastically prescient in naming him as he is named, except they spelled his personal name LAI incorrectly.

'Promote' and 'Prevent'!

I wonder whether PPSMI could also be the acronym for 'Promote & Prevent in Sains, Matemetik & Ilmuhisab'?

The vernacular schools have been lucky that the (Malay) teachers in National type schools have been against the PPSMI, so they (Chinese school teachers) have benefited from the Malay teachers' protest against the government.

Indeed, it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

But could it be that someone had been ch'au sim (busuk hati)? Wakakaka.


  1. Universiti Sains Malaysia’s (USM) Comparative literature expert (???), Professor Datuk Seri Dr Md Salleh Yaapar IS a kangkong 'scholar' who is good at talking cockagroo & kaki ampu!

    He SHOULD have taken a peek at UiTM before opening his mouth.

    At UiTM, the MAIN medium of instruction is English!

    This has been going on since the early formation of itm, offering diploma & super diploma(??) to those GiatMara in mass production-line approaches.

    Ain't this in direct opposing the known official 'instruction' of the National Education Policy, which states that Bahasa Melayu SHOULD be the main medium of instruction?

    Maddy was not the ONLY one who was betraying the will of the Malay Kings and violating the Federal Constitution (??), via a language apartheid phenomenon!

    In fact, most of the ketuanan freaks elites do knowingly but act blurx2. In part, doing just like yr takes of two-pronged strategy of 'promote' and 'prevent' - that was, promote the Malays (which in truth no one was against, subject to minimum standards) and also prevent non-Malays from seeking tertiary education outside Malaysia!!!

    Wakakakaka..KT is playing chicky when he wrote;

    "So why did Maddy want Science and Maths to be taught in English?

    Which students are really good in maths and science?

    And in what language do their teachers teach in?"

    Maddy want Science and Maths to be taught in English bcoz he wanted to indirectly subvert the proliferation of the vernacular education, especially the Chinese independent schools!

    It's a known fact that Chinese M'sians from vernacular schools r always aced in maths & science, which r taught in Mandarin.

    Maddy COULD NOT say so openly for obvious reason. & yet those ketuanan freaks r TOO THICK to understand mamak's usual subtly approach to sticky political hot potatoes!

    KT is on the dot when he said "Mahathir had actually ensured Bahasa Melayu was taught in subjects that optimised its learning, namely, literature, religious studies (and arts, but where were these?)."

    "The vernacular schools have been lucky that the (Malay) teachers in National type schools have been against the PPSMI, so they (Chinese school teachers) have benefited from the Malay teachers' protest against the government."


    Man proposes, God disposes.

    Those (Malay) teachers' protests of PPSMI had created that unintentionally small white dot, within the black paisley of their PPSMI Tao!

    WRT that head eunuch of that defunct & defanged ular den, why wastes time?

    His time will come, soonest than expected!

    1. cis teach m&s in eng. most disagree to let our kids learn m&s in eng (to be specific, it shd be in mt) during primary level. on secondary level, any medium is fine as long as we have a choice.

      i dun think mahathir have any bad intention wrt ppsmi.

  2. As of 2017, a selected number of Secondary Schools, mainly in urban areas have been allowed to continue teaching Maths and Science in English from Form 1. The response form parents has been overwhelming, seeking to enrol their children in those schools. This goes beyond race and religion , with the demand coming from Chinese and Indian parents as well as Malays.

    Ktemoc appears to be a busuk hati operative, trying to assign nefarious motives where no evidence exists. The issue of PPSMI needs to be settled as an educational matter, and Race Warriors whether Malay or Chinese types need to butt out of it (this includes Busuk Hati pretend-Chinese Race Warriors)

  3. Indeed the issue of PPSMI needs to be settled as part of a bigger issue of educational matter!

    But, it seems to many of an anglophile out there, PPSMI is a SOLUTION to the poor & lousy state of the education in bolihland!

    "The response from parents has been overwhelming, seeking to enrol their children in those schools."


    PPSMI CAN'T be the cure all of the terminal state (病入膏肓) of the bolihland education policy. Tau tak?

    In fact, whether PPSMI can specifically improves the performance of the science & maths level of the affected pupils/students or not is still an open question.

    Based on the current overall competency ​levels within the bolihland schools, it's another wasteful effort to resuscitate a dying horse (all levels of education) due to long duration of over-flogging (wrong & constantly change administrative procedures) & malnutrition (lousy staffing).

    Atmost, it ONLY satisfies the illogical thinking of the anglophiles that all things England is wunderbar!

    Instead of just fighting for PPSMI, all efforts SHOULD be taken to emphasize the overwhelming reinventing of the bolihland educational policy - that's inclusive, meritocratic, outward-looking & market orientated.

    In bolihland, all these above-mentioned criteria, unfortunately, r directly/indirectly race and religion related!

    So, think out of the box lah than just shouting through yr silo view.
