
Monday, February 27, 2017

Old wine in new bottle - a known vintage

Malaysiakini - Mahathir shows up at Reformasi event, gets heckled:

The crowd at the Reformasi convention three days ago was surprised by Mahathir's unannounced appearance, considering the Refomasi movement was started by Anwar as a counter-attack against Mahathir following his sacking of Anwar in 1998.

Obviously the man who sacked Anwar was Mahathir, who then became Reformasi's principal bĂȘte noire (pet aversion or abomination), but three days ago he walked into the lion's den, totally thick skinned, in a desperate bid to solicit support.

By the by, just a snide (oopsy, I mean) side remark or rather a question: do you know who would normally be associated with the word 'solicit'? Wakakaka, and hint: 'solicitor' isn't the principal association.

Malaysiakini reported: During the opening speech Otai Reformis 1998 chairperson Saari Sungib, he said they would only accept Mahathir if he joins their campaign to free Anwar and if he apologises for what he had done during his reign as prime minister.

This received great applause from the crowd.

Saari later told Malaysiakini that they did not invite Mahathir to the event. 
He said Mahathir had made a request to attend the event through Khairuddin Abu Bakar, ...

Ok, so Mahathir 'solicited' his way into the convention, in order to 'solicit' support for his Pribumi in the coming GE-14.

Malaysiakini continued: Earlier in the convention, attended by many of the Reformasi movement supporters, a number of attendees had expressed anti-Mahathir sentiment in response to other speeches which mentioned Mahathir.

Recently I commented that once, while I might not have liked Mahathir, I did respect him. Alas, my respect for the former PM diminishes in direct proportion to his post-PM pompous power-craziness which two best or, rather, worst examples had been

(a) His unrelenting destruction and insults of AAB, even after the poor bloke had resigned.

Recall how in the aftermath of AAB's political destruction, PM Najib dared not appoint KJ who was UMNO Youth Head to any ministerial position whilst Mukhriz who was nobody in UMNO Youth at that time was made a deputy minister.

That UMNO political incongruity was unprecedented and double whammy, and known-by-everyone as a as-yet unsettled new PM's mollifying appeasement of a wrathful Kedah Kerala Kerbau on the warpath.

It was double whammy because the UMNO Youth Chief usually gets a ministerial position but in Khairy's case he did not (probably Najib at that time trying not to offend Mahathir who totally disliked/still dislikes Khairy), while additionally Mukhriz who was not an office holder in UMNO was made a deputy minister (probably Najib mollifying Mahathir), wakakaka.

(b) Mahathir's unbelievable statement (as far as I remember) that his two 'successors' (note the highlighted bold word is in the plural) were not to his satisfaction.

But his atrocious claim to having two 'successors' was a damning indictment of his preposterous pompous pathetic political phantasm of being the perpetual prime plenipotentiary for Malaysia.

In more simple terms, Mahathir was a former PM who had pretended to 'retire' but who had actually believed he was still in power (as the de facto PM) and thus could nominate each and every 'successor' who came/comes after him.

Regrettably he succeeded in this belief with AAB which might have encouraged his self-delusion but subsequently was knocked hard back into cold reality by a far more cunning or (if you like Najib, wakakaka) shrewd Najib.

What Najib is/was/has been, via facts, evidence (or a lack of), unsubstantiated allegations', or black propaganda, is entirely at the mercy of your personal opinion which no one should nor could change, but what is undeniable is that he is the head of his ruling coalition who has been nominated through their consensus (and not by Mahathir as the old man had believed) to be the PM of Malaysia.

And thus, undeniable is the FACT that Najib was NOT the successor of Mahathir but rather the successor of AAB.

But the point (yes, a media reported point) that Mahathir made of AAB and Najib being his 'two successors' draws our attention frighteningly to Mahathir's delusional, dangerous and detestable mindset.

The fact that now Mahathir has descended down so pathetically low (probably in self-despair but I have no pity nor respect for him at this stage) from his once arrogant high position, to 'solicit' support from his Reformasi enemies, the very people who call him Mahafiraun, Iblis, etc, has invariably and very sharply reminded me of his likely desperate wish to have a 'third successor'.

To that, I would swiftly reply, 'Thanks but NO thanks, we have had enough of you, not just for 22 years, which by its long tenure should be enough, but also from your self-interest-driven trail of destruction from 2003 until now'.

'3rd successor'?


dad and son 

Sadly along that post-PM path, he has somehow corrupted the political mindset of my once political idol. At this stage I thought I would share with you a script line often used by Korean TV dramas, paraphrased here, "LKS has grown politically too greedy." Wakakaka.

But it's fitting script line as LKS in his political career went from the simple aspiration of (first) the DAP governing Penang State - achieved, then nobly (b) denying BN the 2/3 majority in parliament - achieved, and now (c) dethroning BN-UMNO.

In his latest political ambition, he has even willingly allied himself with Mahathir, his once arch foe and the man who destroyed several of Malaysia's vaunted institutions (eg. Judiciary, Senate, Civil Service, Education, etc) and clouded the nation's secularity with his nonsensical (in LKS' own words) 929 & 617 Declarations.

Thus LKS' political ambition has succeedingly grown more and more grandiose, where 'grandiose' means 'affectedly grand or pompous', and where 'affectedly' in turn means 'assumed artificially', wakakaka.

Titanic Lim


But you know, even if the Pribumi-Pakatan coalition does win majority rule, the DAP won't be in government unless it is prepared to do what MCA and Gerakan are obsequiously doing or have been obsequiously doing in BN.

Read on to see what I mean.

At the Reformasi convention, Mahathir had the brazen cheek to tell the crowd to focus first on opposition unity in order to defeat his now-arch foe, and to only criticize him subsequently.

No sirree, we must keep a constant beady alert eye on Mahathir to ensure the Mummy (of a Mahafiraun) is not resurrected and does not ever return.

Because I suspect that if (assuming) Pribumi does win the coming election with the 'solicited' help of dumbo DAP, it'll be too late for anyone to touch him, even the DAP.

For by then (part of my suspicions), Pribumi, PKR and UMNO (minus Najib and gang) will be the new coalition of UMNO Baru Baru, having already expelled a recalcitrant DAP like a used condom, for the DAP is unlikely to ever tremblingly obey Mahafuraun,.

Mahathir had probably hoped for PAS to be in the team as Pribumi, PKR, PAS and his previously created UMNO Baru (by then minus Najib, wakakaka) all share a common ancestor in UMNO the 1st.

Their DNA specimens show, as frequently stated in Korean TV dramas a 99.9% relationship. Wakakaka.

we all have a 99.9% 'relationship' with sweet innocent naive kaytee


Yes, you may want to get rid of Najib, but what is the point if Mahathir and gang get into power because it'll be the same, with no change at all, or even worse.

Corruption we can deal or live with, but power-craziness ...?

Make sure Mahathir stays out forevermore, and then deal with Najib.


  1. 'known-by-everyone as a as-yet unsettled new PM's mollifying appeasement of a wrathful Kedah Kerala Kerbau on the warpath.'

    Wakakaka..a question, why the 180 diagonal change to direct provoking now by the current solidly 'planted' in his/her seat, of yr ahjibgor?

    Wakakakaka again - 'his two 'successors'... were not to his satisfaction.'

    So r they BOTH to yr satisfaction?

    Wakakakaka 3 - 'damning indictment of his preposterous pompous pathetic political phantasm of being the perpetual prime plenipotentiary for Malaysia.'

    Then WHY didn't he stay on, instead of resigning? He could very well act like Mugabe of that failed state Zimbabwe.

    What's his udang, then & now?

    Wakakakaka 4, statement of the year - 'What Najib is/was/has been, via facts, evidence (or a lack of), unsubstantiated allegations', or black propaganda, is entirely at the mercy of your personal opinion which no one should nor could change, but what is undeniable is that he is the head of his ruling coalition who has been nominated through their consensus (and not by Mahathir as the old man had believed) to be the PM of Malaysia.'

    Honestly, could jibby reaches that stage w/o mamak's support? What r u smoking!

    "The fact that now Mahathir has descended down so pathetically low (probably in self-despair..from his once arrogant high position, to 'solicit' support from his Reformasi enemies,"

    Why not other side of the coin - a brilliant strategy to find alliance in unlikely places?

    Ditto, with LKS's move.

    "Yes, you may want to get rid of Najib, but what is the point if Mahathir and gang get into power because it'll be the same, with no change at all, or even worse."

    Jibby's current reign is a sure-failed happenstance for bolihland.

    Yr highly speculated Mamak's 'political reincarnation' stands on the notion that a bunch of 'idiots' who WOULD allow history to repeat itself.

    Which is the 1002th Arabian night tale?

    Tsk...tsk... wordsmith hard at work, with 'wrong' priority - wrong for us, definitely right for u!!!


  2. Another note for yr midnight insomnia here about not a simple case of bad judgement but a case of deliberate fraud.

    Before u recommend me to post this in yr sifu's blog, do read on. Wakakakaka.

    Forget for a moment wrt all the fallouts that's going to emerge from that justifiable investigation of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the US$10 billion Forex losses suffered by Bank Negara from 1987 to 1992 during that mamak's reign.

    Let's do a dissection in yr sifu's 'sudden' change of 'opinion' about 1MDB from a lack of evidences, unsubstantiated allegations', or black propaganda, (yr words) to NOT a simple case of bad judgement or adventurism turned sour.


    "What these people are not mentioning is that 1MDB is a going concern and has not ‘died’ like what happened in the Bank Negara Forex matter. Secondly, various investigations have already been conducted on 1MDB by various bodies and agencies while no such investigation has ever been done in 25 years on the US$10 billion Forex losses. Third, there is no new story regarding 1MDB other than what has already been said in 2015 while last month, in January 2017, new evidence has surfaced regarding the Bank Negara Forex losses."

    For jibby/1MDB, now, yr sifu's takes r as REAL as 1MDB has already been investigated many times and the reports are out there for all and sundry to read. No more a case of lack of evidences, unsubstantiated allegations', or black propaganda!!!!

    That 1MDB is a going concern and has not ‘died’ IS just like that Bank Negara Forex scandal had not 'died'. Both r been supported via mischievous accounting acrobat by the power that manages it.

    There is pending new stories regarding jibby/1MDB as those oversea investigations gathering momentum in the coming hot season for jibby. Just like that Bank Negara Forex scandal for mamak! Time will tell.

    Each case is/was a case of fraud involving the syphoning out of country’s money using accounting as the camouflage and the ‘trading losses’ as the disguise to steal billions.

    That megalomaniac of Manchester is just trying to cover his a** for future jingo of I-told-you-so while doing his paid service to harden the supports of the converted.

    Meanwhile, u r also hard on mamak's tail to arouse the hatred of the Nons for him.

    Both yr strategy here is very obvious.

    Indeed, the target is Mahathir and anything that hurts Mahathir is being investigated while at the same time this investigation will distract Malaysians from the bigger issues.

    This is WHY I posted my comment here!!!

    So, ada kah epal sama epal untuk mislead & confuse the Joe M'sians about the bigger picture for Bolihland?

    WHY can't u set yr priority RIGHT?

    Should I say again: wordsmith hard at work, with 'wrong' priority - wrong for us, definitely right for u!!!
