
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Obsession of Anwar-philies

Firstly, we have Rafizi Ramli telling us about Kajang Satay II (2), his strategic plan to disturb Anwar Ibrahim from the latter's reading of Hamlet in prison so as to free Anwar, then obtain a royal pardon for AI directly from HM (presumably by bypassing the Pardon Board), and get him (AI) elected as a MP by a PKR MP similarly abdicating his post for Anwar and abandoning his (that sacrificial MP's) as a people's representative a la Lee Chin Cheh, and finally with Yang Berhormat Anwar Ibrahim becoming Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Eureka!

Obviously, Rafizi is still unrepentant over his gi-normous blunder in the Kajang Satay I bullshit which saw the end of Pakatan Rakyat. Last year the former MB of Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim, wrote in his Facebook:

"The Kajang Move succeeded in demonising me, which caused me to lose my position.

"Even worse, this immoral political strategy also caused rifts in the ties between Pakatan component parties, due to rhetorical and hypocritical political attitudes," he said in a Facebook posting yesterday.

don't normally agree with Khalid Ibrahim and while the issue of hudud was the principal issue of discontentment between PAS and DAP, I've to agree with him that the Kajang Satay I bullshit became the catalyst for the disintegration of Pakatan Rakyat.

And Khalid's use of the word 'immoral' to describe PKR's political strategy that abused the election facility for the benefit of one man has been absolutely correct.

But an unrepentant Rafizi still wants to walk down the same path in his bizarre Kajang Satay II, again just for Anwar Ibrahim as the Kajang Satay I was also for the PKR de facto leader.

MM Online reported:

MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun also slammed the suggestion as an attempt to manipulate democracy by abusing the mandate that voters would have given to any MP, who would be a “two-week MP” vacating their seat for Anwar.

“No matter which MP, whether voluntarily or being forced to give way to Anwar. [They] have the responsibility to answer to the public because he was chosen by the people in the first place,” Chew told Malay Mail Online.

“We respect democratic results where the majority decides, however, it doesn't mean any individual or party [has] the rights to manipulate this democracy,” she added.

And before anyone excoriated Chew Mei Fun, just remember her courageous decency at a time of PKR's Eli Wong's most stressful moment when then the spineless PKR leaders cowardly abandoned Eli by the roadside, hoping she would disappear and not embarrassed them.

Only Mohd Nazri Aziz (UMNO) and Chew Mei Fun (MCA) stepped forth to defend Eli Wong while PKR leaders went into hiding.

Mei Fun had then said: Wanita MCA empathises with Wong ... We are outraged by such shameful acts of using women as sexual objects - it is an outright invasion of the privacy of women as well as exploitation of women for political use.

Back to the present - Secondly, on top of Rafizi Ramli's current Bullshit II, FMT published Zaid still hopes for Anwar to be PM in 2020 in which Zaid said:

“But then, they say Anwar is in jail and is, therefore, not qualified by reason of his conviction. Well, we know that, but someone will be prime minister in the interim and that someone will be Anwar’s choice."

“I have no doubt that Dr Mahathir will agree with Anwar’s choice. The interim candidate will be one who can maximise the opposition’s chances of winning, and someone Anwar has confidence in to lead the nation in the interim.”

Zaid said the interim prime minister could be either Anwar’s wife Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail or his daughter Nurul Izzah or “his one-time nemesis”, or anyon
e who led the opposition parties."

Anwar's “... one-time nemesis” is of course Mahathir.

But I have to say that Zaid has been a wee silly in proposing a 91-year old man as an alternative option for the future PM, mind you, just as an interim PM who in another term will be a "caretaker PM" until Anwar is freed, pardoned, elected and appointed by his peers as PM.

If Zaid had proposed Moody or Mukhriz that would have been more reasonable and responsible, but Maddy ...? Sheesh, puhleeeze lah Zaid..

But much as I adore Zaid, what disappoint me in his suggestion have been two points, namely:

(a) His insistence that Anwar Ibrahim shall be PM, come what may. C'mon lah, can't someone else be PM?

OK, I accept that a Chinese or an Indian, no matter how capable he or she may be, won't be PM for at least the next 50 years in this highly race-conscious nation, but surely there are other capable or even more capable Malays who are qualified to be PM, eg. Zaid himself, Saifuddin Abdullah (PKR), Azmin Ali (PKR), Nizar Jamaluddin (Amanah), Khalid Samad (Amanah), Dzukefly Ahmad (Amanah), Mohd Hanipa Maidin (Amanah), and as mentioned Mukhriz (Pribumi), Mohd Ariff Sabri (DAP), etc.

(b) Everyone knows Wan Azizah is a reluctant politician and only conducts herself as one purely for the purpose of campaigning to free her incarcerated husband (Sodomy I and II), or at times to substitute for him in dire circumstances.

So forget about her. Besides, she is not a great pollie.

Also, why even consider Nurul Izzah? Because she is the daughter of Anwar?

There seems to be this incessant obsession among some that only the bloodline of Anwar can ever be fit to be PM, or to hold that post in the interim for the Great Man himself.

Let's look at Nurul Izzah.

She is only 36 years old. You want her to be PM?

By contrast Mukhriz is 52, Nizar is 59, Azmin Ali is 52, all at the gnam gnam optimal age to be PM, but silly Zaid plus other Anwarphiles want a 36-year old person as our future PM?

Let me tell you something about Nurul. She panics easily or had panicked easily as was the case in 2012 when she allegedly expressed her support for freedom of religion for all Malaysians, including Malays, in a forum titled “Islamic state? Which vision? Whose responsibility”.

FMT had then reported in its news article Nurul Izzah backs religious freedom for all Nurul saying:

... there should be no compulsion in any religion including Islam.

“How can anyone say (freedom of religion) only apply to the non-Muslim, it has to be applied equally."

“In Quran, there is no specific term to the Malay as how it should be done,” she said when replying to an audience’s question on whether Malays should be entitled to freedom of religion.

Naturally UMNO salivated and jumped eagerly on her alleged statement for advocating religious freedom for Malays, who as Muslims would be a no-no.

Another sweetie, then deputy minister Mashitah Ibrahim, wanted to get her in some legal way, while Dr Mahathir, the current ally os nurul's father, also criticized her for her alleged un-Islamic statement.

A few days later, Tian Chua's Malaysian Chronicle had then came out with an article titled "Nurul is an Angel in our midst. Mashitah Ibrahim, you are a spinning pathological liar" wakakaka, but alas, Tian Chua was preaching only to the converted.

Poor sweetie Nurul panicked when the UMNO mob verbally attacked her for her apostate-like statement, so much so that she scurried to Dr Asri for help. Amanah (then PAS) MP also defended her.

She showed her (young) age and lack of experience then, so while we won't blame her for her imprudence, on the same token she showed she was and thus, at her age and inexperience, is not fit material to be PM, as an interim one or otherwise.

If Nurul can be considered as a future PM, I want Zaid to equally consider Dyana Sofya as another option, wakakaka.

But my point is, we in Pakatan have to stop this obsession, madness, addiction that Anwar Ibrahim or those of his bloodline are the only Melayu fit to be PM.


  1. did u ever ask y dap want wan azizah to be selangor mb? that's the same reason y many insist anwar.

  2. If I had to choose between Anwar and Mukriz,I would prefer Mukriz over Anwar.

  3. One thing for sure lu sudah makan dedak umno!!

  4. "But my point is, we in Pakatan "
    I didn't know KT is in Pakatan until now��
    Who else here are in the "we"?

  5. By convention, the PM and his deputy come from the party who wins the most seats in Parliment, unlike a state government. This I believe is so that if the PM is overseas or incapacitated, the acting PM is still from the same party and without dispute. Its pointless to speculate on the PM / DPM candidate until they have won the seats. Can you imagine Dr. M's party winning 5 seats out of 222 and wants to be PM?

    1. not necessarily. Down in OZ the Coalition, made up of the bigger Liberal Party and the smaller Nationals has a Liberal PM and a National DPM

    2. Not in the land of ketuanan
