
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Innocents living in fear under Hadi Awang's bill

MM Online - Creating hell for the promise of heaven

by Erna Mahyuni

NOVEMBER 23 — 2016 has become the year for opening Pandora's Box, it seems. From Brexit to Trump, people are disrupting the status quo seeking change for the sake of it... even if it is to their own detriment.

It is quaint to believe that humanity can make decisions based on the greater good. In reality, however, we are motivated by our basest urges with fear winning the battle over rational thought.

Another person who seems hell-bent on building his own private kingdom of heaven on Earth is Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang with his tabling of his purported amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965.

I find it alarming, this sick obsession with barbaric punishments as apparently God-prescribed. Too many Malaysians think that God wants his people to chop off limbs, stone and whip criminals to both prevent crime and earn God's blessing.

Theology is not worth debating here; my perspective is simply from a stance of common sense and simple mercy. Punitive measures do not work to stop crime; Saudi Arabia for all its supposed adherence to God's law has not stopped crime. It has just ensured the weakest and most vulnerable suffer even more.

Rape victims are not given justice in Saudi; instead they are persecuted and their aggressors often let off without so much as a slap on the wrist. Women are treated as nothing more than property ― with no right to independence and freedom of movement.

I do not wish to comment on the debate of supposed Arabisation in the country, but what is clear is that people like Hadi are making themselves out to be the envoys of God.

For non-Muslims to say that any change to the Shariah code will not affect them is an act of self-delusion.

It is no secret that Hadi's dearest wish is for Shariah law to apply not just to Muslims but to non-Muslims as well. He sees it as the perfect alternative to the civil laws of our land, thinking them more just and of course, blessed.

For all his pontificating, it is rather easy to disprove his notion that Shariah for all would usher in a safer, more moral society. All you need to do is look over at Saudi, Iran and now, Acheh to see that none of it is true. Instead, purportedly Islamic countries are not at all prosperous or crime-free.

Look at Saudi and its flailing economy, now that oil is no longer black gold. The heady days of high petroleum prices are over and they are never coming back. What has punitive laws that include disfigurement and inhumane treatment brought Saudi? Nothing good, nothing good at all.

I am no enemy of religion; but I will oppose torture disguised as justice and sick fascination with pain masked as piety.

Whatever flaws the current legal system has, at least at its core it tries to protect the innocent but Hadi's vision will see even the innocent living in fear.


  1. ALLAH only wants the best for us, which is why, HE ordained the divinely inspired system as implemented by Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W and later by the Khalifah Ar-Rashideen. Only HE who knoweth what is the best for us and the universe. Amin.

  2. .. ALLAH only wants the best for us, ... Only HE who knoweth what is the best for us and the universe. .."

    Hasan, I am the 1st to confess I know next to nothing about Islam although I have the fullest respect for those who hold that faith. However, to my simple mind, why do us mere human feel so arrogant to think Allah (pbuh) needs our help to implement Shariah law throughout this world? If Allah wishes it, it would happen without human's assistance. I would appreciate a rational answer based on pure reasoning. Thanks in advance.

    1. i see ur point. disobedience is a human culture. Adam just only ate a forbidden fruit but he was punished severely and extensively by ALLAH. he was exited from heaven until he died. he was separated from Eve for 40 years. i wonder if ALLAH HIMSELF delivered HIS punishment to er.. say, to a sodomite by cutting off his dick immediately after the act.. i guess there will be no more sodomy.

    2. i think the muslim have rights to advocate for hudud or syariah or whatever. n the non muslim have rights to reject n oppose if it impact on us. that said, my view is that we cant trust hadi, he demonstrate the bad, or worst kind of idiotic theocracy.

    3. @ HT Low

      I believe in the existence of Allah. The tenets of my faith in the nature and the being of Allah and the meaning of life (to appreciate, to love and to obey the creator) go to the core essence of my being. These convictions of mine cannot be secularized. If by being so, I demonstrate the bad, or the worst kind of idiotic theocracy, as expressed by my kawan HY, so be it.

    4. Muslim M'sians have right to advocate for hudud or syariah or whatever.

      But the level&depth of these supports MUST be ascertained FIRST!

      When that right is 'assumed' to be the ultimate goal of 'ALL' ummat Islam within M'sia then questions MUST be asked.

      Is it the aim of a minority of vocal manipulators?

      Or is it the consolidated move of the WHOLE ummat?

      As it stands now, all sorts of threats, religious &/or otherwise, have been forced-down-the-throad of the silent majority throughout the group to solidify a forced consensus.

      Perhaps, this pious-acting minority knows that their silent majority won't buy the hereafter baits. Thus the necessitated high-handedness!

      At the same time, these islamic 'do-gooders' r projecting a superficial 'united' front of the WHOLE ummat, supporting the advocation of hudud/syariah, to the Nons. So that the Nons can't question this 'islamic duty' of the whole ummat.

      Thus the 'WHOLESOMENESS' of this support MUST be arbitrated OPENLY & TRANSPARENTLY by all Muslim M'sians before any moves to further enhance any current islamic legality.

      This is to be fair to the silent majority within the ummat.

      Currently, such clear indication is absent san the claim of these religious freaks as an 'Islamic duty' of the ummat.

      To safeguard the interests of the Non-muslim M'sians, NEW rock-solid & irrevocable clauses must be enshrined within the current legal framework of the Federal Constitution for the argument that hudud/syariah ONLY effects Muslim M'sians.

      To ensure this PROMISE;

      1)There is NO TOLERANCE for any islamic judiary to be applied to any Non-Muslims M'sians within the country.

      1a)To avoid ambiguity, ANY cases of mixed (part Muslim/Non-Muslims) legal consideration MUST be determined in the civil courts of the country.

      1b)Any changes to the purity of this clause MUST be an OPEN REFERENDUM by the whole populace of the Non-muslim M'sians ONLY.

      2)The confirmation of M'sia as a SECULAR STATE must be SOLIDLY established.

      These thoughts will put to rest the subsequent debates of those religious freaks. It would also firmly indicating where their beef lies!!!

      No more flowery figurative speeches!

    5. Heil the blur sotong cum religious zombie.

      Yr god(???) would be ashamed how an omnipotent being CAN create such a follower!

    6. my brother hasan, I treasure inclusiveness, be it character, ideology, religion etc. i dun feel comfort with thought, action n comment that sound exclusive, arrogant n superior, for example lky, mahathir, lks n lge. i told u b4 i like koh tsu koon n khalid samad, n nik aziz as well. i think hadi resemble the former group, moreover his view n remark become more n more racist n dictatorial, he lack benevolent.

      i think theocracy under a dictator is very dangerous, n islam is not my point of contentious.

    7. Kawanku HY.. it is not about inclusiveness, it is about RUU355 i.e. enhancement of punishment for offences under syariah. I can take on a debate with Khalid Samad on this at anytime! BTW if it is just because of you and the nons that I should refrain from internalizing and practising my belief, my religion and my faith to the fullest so that I would be seen as melayu bagus dan inclusive, sori la kawan. I want RUU355 and after that being implemented I am not obligated or committed to vote for Hadi but it is my freedom to vote for anybody be it Najib or Anwar or Mat Sabu or Kit Siang or Clinton or Trump. Get my drift?

    8. my brother, i dun think inclusiveness n practice in fullest r mutually exclusive, maybe it is in islam, i dun know. lets educate me first if u will, whats yr stand on apostates, did hadi share yr stance on apostates? ruu355 ultimate aim is hudud right, cant muslim like pas n rpk just act like an honor man n say so? y all the twist n spin?

      i am not talking abt vote, i am more concern of a politician tat would have power to impose his will on everyone, in the name of religion. i hope tis man possess some quality like integrity n nobility, i see none in hadi, yet.

    9. My good kawan HY, in the Qur'an, Allah has given guidance and principles for the conduct and behaviour and values and norms of Muslims which are not subject to change in respect to people, time and place. Allah says in the Qur'an that Muslims must pray and fast, you and the nons have no problem with that. Allah says in the Qur'an that Muslims must sebat and potong tangan if Muslims committed certain offences, you and the nons said no way.. over my dead body! Whoa.. now who is God man? YOU/NONs..? Wakakaka.

      Hudud is the islamic name for penal code under syariah. What's your problem with that?

      So, as I support RUU355, am I impossing my will on ALL Muslims. In supporting Hadi, in the name of religion,do I too do not possess some quality like integrity and nobility, perhaps that you see in Khalid Samad.. yet? Wakakaka again.

    10. my dearest brother, u shd know one thing first, i never oppose hudud. i just dun know how tis not impact to non muslim, i said tis 20 years back n i say tis again today. even u cant tell for sure except refer to some text, which i notice everyone have their own interpretation. so my problem is with the implementation, not hudud per se.

      helen talked abt perpaduan ummah (umno + pas), the fact is perpecahan umno that lead to perpaduan, nothing much to do with dap, or chinese. however most dap n their fanboy also make thing worst by stretching out their head attacking pas n hadi, seem ever ready to be hududed wakaka.

      i guess the integrity n noble hadi (n u as well wakaka)see the umno perpecahan clearly, n that is y we would have the ruu355 to play on for the next few years, pas rally is coming, the rampant red thug, the blur blur yellow, all believe they r doing the right thing, however the fact (my opinion) is they (n the rakyat) r one that might lose everything except the dedak giver n eater wakaka. i believe khalid samad, if given choice, would never do what hadi did. get my drift?

      i am perfectly fine if muslim support ruu355 n hudud, there r many ways lead to rome, i am not sure is tis the best one. when the chinese revert n pick umno/bn the next round, we all back to square one.

    11. 'Allah says in the Qur'an that Muslims must sebat and potong tangan if Muslims committed certain offences, you and the nons said no way.. over my dead body! Whoa.. now who is God man? YOU/NONs..? Wakakaka.'

      '...i never oppose hudud. i just dun know how tis not impact to non muslim, i said tis 20 years back n i say tis again today.'

      One wants to be his god's die-hard (punch intended) servant.

      The other just wants to be politically correct, ignoring the fundamental differences of 是非 and 利益.

      Whatever the scheme, WHY not put both your words in an iron-clamped clause in the August Federal Constitution such that the Muslims put their word to pay while the Nons put their suspicion to rest.

      I REPEAT herewith:

      To ensure this PROMISE;

      1)There is NO TOLERANCE for any islamic judiary to be applied to any Non-Muslims M'sians within the country.

      1a)To avoid ambiguity, ANY cases of mixed (part Muslim/Non-Muslims) legal consideration MUST be determined in the civil courts of the country.

      1b)Any changes to the purity of this clause MUST be an OPEN REFERENDUM by the whole populace of the Non-muslim M'sians ONLY.

      2)The confirmation of M'sia as a SECULAR STATE must be SOLIDLY established.

      These thoughts will put to rest the subsequent debates of those religious freaks. It would also firmly indicating where their beef lies!!!


    12. ck, nope, i dun think i wan to be politically correct. i am not one that fully subscribe to the so called universal value, or to be more precise, western value. my attitude n my view toward chinese n islam civilization / culture is more or less same. i am not one that insist to preserve our way but at the same time expect others to give up what they think is best for them, under the caveat that there r freedom to choose. democratic plus rule of law is perhaps the best n what we can compromise at the moment when we dun have a better choice. moreover i always sound frank but courteous when exchange view with hasan, ellese etc because their comment is honest, at least i think so.

      yr idea is a good one. is it practical or doable?

    13. ' it practical or doable?'

      WHY question whether the idea WHEN u mentioned what we can compromise at the moment when we dun have a better choice.

      All these while, these religious zombies have been howling about ruu355 is for their ummat ONLY. So, ask them to put pay to their words lah. Don't be a munafik to their faith by saying one thing & doing another!

      So, r u sincere in yr thought????

      This is NOT a quid pro quo bcoz there is none!

      Unlike those religious zombies that dare to threaten withholding supports for family law changes to stop unilateral conversion of children if Non-muslims keep 'interfering' with proposed amendments to ruu355!

      I don't mend my words when dealing with hypocrites & religious zombies. U can keep to yourself with whatsoever u think about them.

    14. HY.. Music time.


    It needs to be called out and exposed that the Hudud Private Members Bill is being facilitated, expedited and promoted by the Prime Minister's Department .

    It is one thing to allow the Hudud Bill to be tabled - in fact many democracies do allow Private Members bills to tabled to be examined on its merits or lack of - it is far, far more serious case for the Prime Minister's Department to actually promote it.

    Hadi and PAS on its own can never get the Hudud Bill through Parliament.

    But KT is only going to talk about Hadi.
    I suspect it is because of who is his Dedak benefactor?

    1. bapak transformasi & hadi awang - i help you, you help me. sama2 kita tengok siapa yg nak kena.
