
Friday, October 14, 2016

How to use a PAS RM10,000 amgpow

MM Online - After delay, PAS MP coughs up defamation payment to Guan Eng

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 14 ― PAS MP Nasrudin Hassan has finally complied and made a full payment of RM10,000 in legal costs to Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng as part of the settlement for their defamation lawsuit.

In a statement, Lim's special legal officer Raja Syarafina Raja Shuib said that the Temerloh MP's lawyers had informed her legal team that a cheque for RM10,000 will be issued some time today.

“His lawyers had said that Nasrudin's tardiness by one week to make the RM10,000 payment should be forgiven.

“Although there was a delay in receiving the payment, the Chief Minister is willing to forgive Nasrudin since Nasrudin is willing to make payment and comply fully with the consent judgment order. We hope this will serve as a closure of this episode,” she said.

Raja Syarafina added that she will not respond to any “emotional outbursts” which have arisen from this and now considers the matter settled.

recommend that come 14th February next year Guan Eng uses some of the RM10,000 to send flowers and candy to Betty, followed by a champagne dinner for two, wakakaka. Dom Perignon would be fitting for Guan Eng and Betty.

Additionally, keep some small change for a commiseration card to send to Nasrudin Hassan At Tantawi on the day following GE-14, wakakaka again.


  1. Assalamulaikum Admin,

    Mohon untuk dimasukkan blog saya ke blok tuan. Blog saya:

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    Terima kasih

  2. yea agree with kt.. perhaps don't forget to keep some of it for you to buy some basic stuff at the commissary?

  3. Ah ha..... muslim who cursed others wakakaka.....
