
Saturday, September 24, 2016

The wrathful father

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was jealous for Zion sonnys with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her them with great fury.

- Zechariah 8:2

(1) During the Asian economic meltdown, the Finance Minister of a certain country did not help a shipping magnate appropriately, lending only (it was rumoured) half of what the magnate wanted. The Finance Minister who was said to be a future PM (at that time) soon discovered that he was ousted from office for his lack of cooperation.

(2) Sometime between 2004 and 2009, a relative of the Finance Minister of a certain country 'took over' (wakakaka) some lucrative contracts from someone's son. The Finance Minister who was also the PM (at that time) soon discovered that he was ousted from office for his lack of cooperation.

(3) Between 2009 and now, the Finance Minister of a certain country did not help someone's son appropriately, avoiding the family of that someone like the plague. The Finance Minister who was also the PM soon discovered that he was the target of a scheme to oust him from office for his lack of cooperation.

The story on No (3) above continues ... wakakaka.

Hell Hath no fury like a father scorned.

1 comment:

  1. (4) Between 2009 and 2014, the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister of a certain Asian country appointed a personal proxy as ex-officio investment decision-maker of a Government-owned Development Board. The proxy proceeded to instruct multi-billion US Dollar investments be made in obscure so-called subsidiaries of Middle Easter investment arms. When the Governing Board of the Development Board raised objections due to the uncertain parenthood of those subsidiaries, they were overruled by the PM cum Finance Minister.

    The US Federal Bureau of Investigations has established that a few Billion US Dollars of those "investments" later found their way, via circuitous routes, into the Personal Bank Accounts of that South East Asian country's Prime Minister cum Finance Minister. Other funds found were paid into the Proxy member's account, as well as the PM cum Finance Minister's stepson's accounts.

    All investigations within the said Asian country have been effectively shut down, and no cooperation being given to foreign governments investigating transactions conducted on Their side.

    The Asian country's Auditor General's report into the episode remains a classified State Secret.
