
Sunday, September 18, 2016


Is 'adios' a rude and/or insolent word to say to a departed?

If Jeff Ooi had tweeted 'adios amigo' (goodbye friend) I would say 'yes' as the PAS leader was very much senior/elder to him, and it would have been worse if he had insolently quipped 'adios muchachos' (goodbye guys or boys). 

But with just 'adios' by the word itself,  I do not think so, as it merely merely mean 'goodbye' in Spanish, just as the English word 'goodbye' that one would silently wish a departed one.

And may I remind everyone that Jeff tweeted 'Adios Harun Din. Let there be peace'. Just where was that insolent 'word'?

'Adios' has been a Spanish term used frequently by younger Malaysians. When my matey Osman passed away after an accident, I stood by his graveside and whispered silently 'adios amigo'. I believe (then and now) I wasn't in the least rude, in fact, very sincere, sad and poignantly remembering our dear friendship.

In the West (Americas including the USA and Canada) and Australia, people do poignantly and with sadness as well as much fondness say 'adios' to a departed one. If the departed one was a peer or friend, they would add 'amigo' after the 'adios', to mean 'goodbye my friend', as I did when my late matey Osman was being buried.

I believe the current brouhaha involving Jeff Ooi has been an over-the-top reaction, more a political exploitation of a sad situation, the usual Malay Muslim response to any non who is deemed to be unfriendly to their political cause.

I still recall how an UMNO man by biadap-ish contrast made deliberately rude hurtful comment when photos of Karpal Singh's body in his car crash were published by the news media. He has been a serial abuser of sensitivities, recently insulting also HM the Agong. Why didn't PAS Youth see fit to wallop him?

It seems only Muslim Malays (not Muslim non-Malays) have 'sensitivities' and non Muslims don't have any at all.

Frankly I am quite fed up of Malay Muslims playing up on their so-called 'sensitivities' when none had been involved. There have been too much racial and political exploitations of such so-called feelings by Malay Muslims, especially the politicians.

You might have preferred the Arabic world 'al Fatihah' but we prefer modern words borrowed from, say, the Spaniards or even Japanese such as 'Sayonara, Pak Haji'.

Nonetheless, DAP sec-gen Lim Guan Eng apologised last night, though I believe strongly no wrong had been committed. I reckon LGE was compelled by politics to make a statement to douse the silly politically-driven flames.


  1. Adios.. good riddance... so that there will be peace after you're gone ?

    Jeff Ooi's utterance paints a million interpretation if I may suggest.

    1. adios is Spanish, where the word means goodbye, not good riddance. Interpreting the spanish word as good riddance is looking for faults (cari pasal) to quarrel, by Malays with the nons

    2. it is indeed rude to say 'adios' to someone who is senior at 77 years old and who is in a position of importance i.e. a highly respected religious Tok Guru - Mursyidul Am.

  2. most chinese dun use the term adios. so pls try not to make tis a malay vs non thingy.


    1)y u whispered silently, y not say adios to yr fren family in a normal manner?

    2)do u think jeff would say the same if one decease is a senior dap leader?

    3)u r gooood at speculation, y tis round u merely translate literally the term adios n not the entire sentence take into consideration of dap n pas tussle?

    1. (1) I whispered silently because the word 'adios amigo' was only between me and Osman, a last communication between me and my matey

      (2) who knows?

      (3) "Adios Harun Din" is straight forward

      "Let there be peace" is also straight forward

      Maybe you are/were able to read in between?

  3. It is not the "adios", but the "let there be peace" remark that can be interpreted as an opponent's demise will finally lead to no more fighting (i.e. good riddance!). It is like a shiok sendiri remark but made publicly. Why can't he used common phrases like "condolences to family" etc instead ?

    Ooi should have kept quiet if he can't word his condolences in the proper way.
    Perlis mufti was right when he bemoaned the "political stupidity". Ooi has not

    learnt from his kucing kurap incident, and he along with the Superman, Nga are providing DAP critics with ammunition, without an inkling they are doing more harm to the party. DAP leadership should start a PR course and ask these people to read Helen Ang to have some clue about proper manners in the Malaysian context.

    The Ooi/Din and Nawawi/Karpal cases are similar but Nawawi was much more crude. In the end he apologised, and his boss Najib actually sent his condolences from Turkey. Ooi is still grappling with hacked-not-hacked-retweet excuses and so far Guan Eng has censured him. So when it comes to the foot-in-mouth politicians, DAP is not much different from the rest, maybe even worse.

    1. Grow up lah, all u over-sensitized silo over-viewers!

      There r bigger issues OUT THERE!

      How good IS yr own interpretation based on yr very own subconscious/unconscious understanding?

      Admit it, all of u r just TRYING to be breeding-heart champions/shit-stirrers to 'gain' point (???) from a possible casual remark!

  4. "Adios" in Spanish is an innocent enough word meaning "goodbye". However, Malaysians in general do not speak Spanish, and I doubt Jeff Ooi's Spanish vocabulary extends beyond what he can count on his fingers.

    In Gringo popular culture, when a character says "Adios" to a dead or dying opponent, it amounts to "Get Lost" or "Good Riddance", and is certainly not considered a good wish.

    It is very likely that is where Jeff Ooi is coming from, and it is execrable.

    1. a malaysian doesn't have to speak spanish to say 'adios' it's a commonly enough used word by younger westernized set.

      'get lost' and 'good riddance' are only your interpretations, and not necessarily meant by jeff ooi

  5. In the 1972 Cowboy movie "Joe Kidd" , the lead character played by superstar Clint Eastwood, bids "Adios" to a trouble-maker moments before he dispatched the opponent out of this world using his shotgun.
    Millions of people have watched this movie over the years.

    Regardless how Jeff Ooi's "Adios" is open to interpretation, this incident will likely be taken as another chapter in the "DAP is Anti-Malay or Anti-Islam" narrative.

    1. regardless, 'adios' means 'goodbye' whether to the demise of a crook or a cleric.

      using the Clint Eastwood example, his other famous phrase had been 'make my day' which many younger people said to their friends when someone good was done.

      there are love songs reminiscing about lovers parting which have 'adios' mentioned in them - why not use these examples instead of Clint Eastwood films?

  6. Would the word discourteous be too much for you or the likes of Jeff Ooi to accept?

    1. Only Jeff himself knows what has been his intention when he tweeted 'Adios Haron Din ...'. The rest of us have only speculated. Thus it's up to Jeff to accept your word ro not.

    2. The key point with courtesy is that it is generally not dependent on the intention or lack of , when the person carried out his actions.

      Courtesy is about the person knowing what is the right and wrong behaviour in a social situation, in this case the very recent death of an individual.

      Most Asian societies have strong emphasis on courtesy, and go to great lengths to ensure the younger generation, especially, learn what is courteous behaviour , and what is Not.

      "Kurang Ajar" is a very serious criticism of the parents when their offspring is accused of such behaviour.

      Except DAP types, I suppose.

    3. Woo..ei

      Ada cermin dekat rumah tak?


  7. He forgot to put the accent above the letter o in Adios, and by this simple omission be appeared to be impolite for being too casual and lazy.

    1. wakakaka, or perhaps وداعا would be better
