
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Malays and Chinese

Sebastian Loh demands that Chinese must confront anti-Malay racism, claiming the Chinese-controlled companies called 6.3 Chinese applicants for every Malay applicant, while by contrast, Malay-controlled companies called 1.6 Chinese applicants per Malay.

The Indians are the best, kind of in-between

Thus Chinese are far far far more racialist that Malays. Oh, those bloody sneaky arsehole Chinese.

But wait!

NO NO NO, I wasn't going to say I'm one of those bloody sneaky arsehole Chinese, wakakaka.

It's Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Shamsuddin Bardan who disagreed with Sebastian Loh's argument.

He said Sebastian Loh has been unfair in saying so (as above), which has been a naughty and unfair generalisation.

Shamsudin said: “There will be some companies which blatantly discriminate against people, but most employers do not look at race in employment. We must find out the reasons why Malays are facing unemployment. What are the reasons employers find them less employable?”

He suspects that the incorrect (Sebastian Loh's) perception stemmed from the large number of unemployed Malay graduate, but this did not equate to racism.

Does this mean our mainly Malay-dominated Malays' universities have been over producing Malay graduates?

Shamsuddin also believes the biggest stumbling block faced by Malay job seekers was their general poor mastery of English as well as their unwillingness to speak the language.

This has been to their disadvantage as English has become the language of commerce and economy globally.

Indeed, Shamsuddin added: “Businessmen are out to make money, they just want someone who can do the job, regardless of their race or religion.”

On religious issues within the work place, he said: “Muslim employees should not see fulfilling their religious requirements as constraints to do their jobs, while employers should adopt some form of flexibility.”

“Take for example Zohor prayers. It can be fulfilled between 1.20 pm and 4 pm, so companies can allow their staff to take their lunch break from 1.20 pm onwards, so that they can pray during their lunch break.”

Shamsuddin said in this respect, employees must be fair to employers, and vice versa, as it was not right for employees religious activities to result in loss of productivity at the work place.


  1. "Businessmen are out to make money, they just want someone who can do the job, regardless of their race or religion.”

    As a person who runs a business and makes hiring decisions, I would say that is not fully true. A most important factor in Businesses succeeding and turning a profit is having an effective team. Employers hire people whom they consider are capable of contributing to the strength and fit into their team.

    The fact is , for most Chinese businesses, an unspoken and unwritten criterion is they prefer "Chinese", even if the ability to read and write Chinese is not really a prerequisite for the job. A Malay who is Chinese literate may still not make the cut.

    Since much of the private sector is in the hands of Chinese owners and/or Chinese management, the opportunities for Malay graduates to be hired are limited indeed.

    1. no Chinese will ever be Chief Secretary, Armed Forces Chief or IGP. no matter how qualified they may be

    2. also, it has been MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan who disagreed with Sebastian Loh saying the latter was unfair (maybe he was/is RTA in mufti, wakakaka) and influenced by the perception by an abundance of (over supplied) and under qualified Malay graduates who could NOT speak proper English

      dei, 'mi kajian orang Melayu
