
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dirgahayu Malaysia

Congratulations Malaysia and Malaysians on your National Day.

the best ever PM we had

And for our Sabahan and Sarawakian brethrens, you celebrate your union with Malaya 16 days later only because Soekarno of Indonesia and Macapagal of Philippines protested to the UN, which forced us to delay merger by those 16 days, in order to conduct a last minute check on the wishes of the Sabahans and Sarawakians by the Cobbold Commission.

Thus 31st August is our true pre-planned/original National Independence Day whilst 16th September has been a date forced on us by foreigners.

The date of 31 st August was said by the late grandfather of former PM AAB to be an auspicious Islamic date for our Independence.


  1. If you consider the long march of history, the "Natural Historical Rights" over North Borneo (which Malaysia calls Sabah) belong to the Sulu Sultanate.
    The Sultanate no longer exists as a legal entity, but its successor is the Republic of the Philippines.

    Note : I am not a citizen of any South East Asian country, so there are no considerations of patriotism or loyalty for me in this issue.

    1. if you looked at it that way, then many countries or states today, like Sarawak, Sabah or North Borneo, the Sulu archipelago off the northeast tip of Borneo, Seludong (modern-day Manila), and the islands off the northwest tip of Borneo including Pahlawan Island, etc belongs to the Sultanate of Brunei. Will Philippines be willing to surrender Manila and Pahlawan Island back to Brunei?

  2. merdeka dari siapa?, malaya kecuali p.pinang & melaka (temasek kena jual) tidak pernah dijajah oleh british.

    1. tiada ada negara Malaya sebelum British membentuknya pada 01 Feb 1948, yang mengandungi PP, Melaka and 9 negeri2 sultan. Sebelum 01 Feb 1948, hanya adanya negeri2 sultan masing2. Maka dengan Malaya, perlu di bebaskan dari British, and selanjutnya kemerdekaan pada 31 Aug 1957

    2. hehehe, kt sudah lupa leh. anda sendiri pernah jawab kpd soalan saya sebelum ini didlm satu artikel yg malaya tak pernah dijajah. hanya penang & melaka saja merdeka. but you are not alone becos prof khoo kay kim has similiar view.

    3. memang sdr betual, yaitu negeri2 sultan tidak pernah dijajah.

      Tetapi Persekutuan Malaya adalah sebuah negara yang di cipta atau bentuk olih kerajaan penjajahan British, dimana sebelum itu (01 Feb 1948) tiada adanya sebuah negara yang dipanggil 'Malaya'; hanya negeri2 sultan dan crown colonies PP dan Melaka berada pada saat sebelum 01 Feb 1948.

      Di samping itu pula, negeri2 British, PP dan Melaka, telah di tuang masuk dalam bungkus atau package negara baru itu, Malaya, maka semuanya secara otomatis atau suka-sendiri British telah menjadi kepunyaan British atau di bawah kerajaan penjajahan British, maka hari kemerdekaan Malaya pada 31 Ogos 57 adalah sesuai, wakakaka.

      Inilah akibat kegiatan strateji kerajaan penjajahan British. Apa kita pula buat, bila sultan2 tertentu telah serah kedaulatan meraka kpd British Advisors, walaupun secara rasmi, mereka hanya Penasihat sultan, tetapi secara de facto, adalah penjajahan, wakakaka

  3. 'Apa kita pula buat, bila sultan2 tertentu telah serah kedaulatan meraka kpd British Advisors'

    i have lots to comment abt this but i just can't afford to receive 'uninvited guests' at my home pagi2 buta. takdak kerja, cari kerja. cheers!
