
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sex, sex, sex!

Malaysiakini - PKR MP: 'Sexy attire' of athletes may lead to illicit sex

PARLIAMENT A PKR lawmaker today raised concern that the “sexy dressing” of participants in Sukma Games and Fit Malaysia may lead to illicit sex (zina).

However, Youth and Sports Ministry Khairy Jamaluddin responded that there is no evidence the sports programmes lead to fornication.

"I congratulate the minister for organising programmes like the Sukma Games and Fit Malaysia, which were well-received.

"However, I worry. You get commendations today, but we also consider the afterlife.

"The participants wear sexy, arousing clothes and mix freely (both sexes), so we fear that this might lead to zina," Mohamad Imran Abdul Hamid (PKR-Lumut) said.

Mohamad Imran said this when debating the 2016 Budget in the Dewan Rakyat.

In response, Khairy said there was no proof of illicit sex at sports programmes but the ministry took note of the complaint.

The debate on the attire of female Muslim athletes made headlines again last June, after critics slammed Sea Games gymnastics gold medalist Farah Ann Abdul Hadi for wearing a leotard.

This is because the leotard did not comply with the Muslim code of modesty (aurat).

Responding in the Dewan Rakyat in June, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic affairs Jamil Khir Baharom said the aurat cannot be compromised, even in sports.

Wakakaka, as Malaysiakini's readers remarked: When it comes to sex, PKR-Umno-PAS all in same bed.

How some see Batman's symbol, wakakaka 

Anyway, today I'm a bit busy with work, but give me another couple of days and I'll come up with a post on Vagina, Virginity and 'V-agama' or Virile Veneration, wakakaka.

And I'll be fair and not just focus on those Muslim men whose minds were/are overloaded or over-obsessed with the female anatomy, especially her vagina and virginity. I'll be "inclusive", wakakaka, meaning I'll not confine my post on the mentality of only Muslim men, wakakaka again.


  1. wats wrong with 'raised concern' n 'may lead to', u r one tat r bias n try to twist the simple english into sex sex sex, u deserve spanking fr looes coz i suspect yr brain is full with sadomasochism act.

    1. wat 'bout ur brain HY? perhaps is full with kabbazah or the sphincter act?

    2. no la, I am as normal as the guy next door, my brain roll into ecstasy during ejaculation, I am definitely unlike kt n perhaps u, who could reach multiple orgasm just by whacking anwar n pkr wakaka

    3. HY... jangan terasa sangat la.. kita kan kawan lama yang sama-sama berjuang. Dan perjuangan kita belum lagi selesai kan...?

    4. no worry la, u n that poor kt is not the small minded type. me too.

  2. Aren't you a Jihad sympathiser ?

    1. actually NO, whether the call for jihad is by Judaists (the Israelites were the first to resort to jihad calls), Christians (recall the crusades and teh Chinese Taiping Revolution), Muslims (no explanation required), Hindus (against Muslims and Christians), Buddhists (recall that Myammar monk), Chinese (Boxer rebellion), etc

      but I'm definitely against double standard hypocrisy as practised by the West, its press especially Charlie Hebdo, and many UMNO, PAS, etc leaders

    2. Just two days ago I read that the Charlie Hebdo incidence was indeed a false flag operation. What's new?

      Tony Blair had apologized for attacking Iraq and which he believes has now led to the birth of IS. He should be hanged.

    3. Charlie Hebdo was a false flag operation ?? I think the writer is living on another planet.

      That's the problem I have with the majority of Muslims....

      it may well be true that 99% of Muslims are non-violent, but easily a strong majority of Muslims, including in Malaysia, sympathise with the Jihadis or attempt to defend or rationalise the Jihadi atrocities.

  3. If sexy clothes can lead to zina, then better make yourself blind and not watch TV or use internet or even go out. Temptations of all kinds will always be around us. It would be better to control oneself from falling into temptation than try to remove all forms of temptations which is not possible. OK, maybe you could force our athletes such as gymnasts, swimmers and bodybuilders to cover up but what about athletes from other countries?

    1. That's why when Tun was so eager to re-capture Kelantan he used the wrong strategies by 'starving' them from development. He should have instead build an efficient train line connecting Kelantan to KL & JB to bring in all the "sins" to "corrupt" the of the Kelantanese. BN would have recapture Kelatan long ago with or without Tok Guru. The cheaper way nowadays would be to provide free wifi and bring in stock of cheap affordable smartphones to the Kelantanese, of cause with the caveat don't censor the internet.

    2. Excuse me Peter? Corrupting the cultural heritage and moral values of orang-orang Kelantan? It sounds like the "Dulles Doctrine"? Perhaps, Singapore did that to orang-orang Melayu Singapura by encouraging/supporting lots of pop yeh-yeh..? Biarkan Melayu hilang di dalam hayalan? What low-class mentality you have got man!

    3. Me low class? You cheapskate lah! You tell that what you think to the Singaporean Malayu, they will tell you off you bodoh punya orang, you selfish punya orang only sendiri mahu kaya, so many of your kawan still mire in poverty. I bet Tun also will F#*^ your mentality
