
Saturday, August 01, 2015

Worms in Najib's eyes?

Recall my earlier post Holy Grail of evidence against Najib? in which I mentioned that if anyone were to have suffered a heart attack recently, rather than the spurious report of BNM governor Zeti Akhthar Aziz having one, it would have been more likely the NS MB, Mohamed Hasan, because he was reported to have allegedly attacked the PM, wakakaka.

Yes, there was an audio clip circulating around in our current political-insurgency war, wakakaka, in which the poor NS MB was supposed to have endorsed Muhyiddin and also called for the arrest of Najib, which of course he most strenuously denied. Wakakaka.

And despite his protestation, he must have still been worried to bits about his position with Ah Jib Gor because he has now come out swinging with all his might to show both his loyalty to Najib as well as his UMNO-ness.

Malaysiakini reported the following regarding our dear Mohamed Hasan:

(a) Negri MB roasts Muhyiddin for not backing Najib in which he ... roasted former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin for not giving his full backing to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

He also appeared to laud Muhyiddin's ouster from the cabinet.

"If you have problems with your boss, you're the one who should leave, not your boss," he said in a fiery speech at the Seremban Umno annual general assembly today.

It has to be said that at least MIC's P Kamalanathan has shown far greater 'loyalty' than an UMNO man, wakakaka - so much for that much touted UMNO-Malay loyalty.

(b) Let BN partners die, Umno can take NS alone which reported:

... Mohamad Hasan today said Umno can capture the state on its own without the need for other BN component parties.

As such, Mohamad Hassan said the struggling BN component parties should be left on their own.

"If the others want to die (mampus), then let it be.

"I'm suggesting to (Najib) in the 14th general election, don't follow their demands.

"Instead, give all the Malay majority seats to Umno,” he said during his speech at the Seremban Umno annual general asembly this morning.

He's right in a way because he knows MCA, MIC and Gerakan can't deliver the votes for BN. But what he might not really understand is that though the 3 mentioned clowns in BN might not be able to deliver substantial number of non-Malay votes, they still have support of, say, around 15% of the 'nons', and which may prove to be the deciding ballots in a tight finish.

This is wonderful news for DAP and perhaps even GHB. If DAP and GHB can get their acts together, and if our 3 clowns take offence at Mohamed Hasan's UMNO go-it-alone tirade, there may be a possibility of the new coalition winning Negeri Sembilan in GE-14.

Hope when that happen (UMNO losing NS) Mohamed Hasan won't burst into tears as former Perak MB Tajol Rosli Ghazali did on hearing the results on the evening of 03 March 2008. Utusan reported:

Tajol Rosli kunci pintu dan menangis

KEDIAMAN rasmi Menteri Besar Perak dikawal ketat oleh polis malah dikunci bagi menghalang orang ramai memasukinya di Ipoh, semalam.

IPOH 9 Mac – Kekalahan mengejut Barisan Nasional (BN) Perak pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 semalam merupakan sesuatu yang di luar jangkaan banyak pihak terutama Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohd. Tajol Rosli Ghazali.
Beliau yang berjaya mempertahankan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pengkalan Hulu dikatakan hanya mampu menangis di kediaman rasminya bersama penyokong dan pemimpin kanan UMNO negeri malam tadi.
Berita kekalahan demi kekalahan calon BN juga membuatkan beliau terkedu hingga enggan menemui orang ramai dan pihak media yang berkumpul di kediaman rasminya sejak pukul 8 malam.
Hasrat pihak media untuk mendapatkan reaksi dan ulasan mengenai kejayaan pembangkang juga terbantut apabila beliau tetap mengurung diri di dalam rumah tersebut.
Sehingga ke pukul 6 pagi ini, pihak media masih gagal mendapatkan sebarang komen daripadanya malah wartawan diminta beredar secara baik oleh penyokong-penyokong beliau.

After purging his critics from the cabinet, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has now been urged to also crackdown on his enemies.

The call was made by Negri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan who said using the law against detractors was only right if they were trying to topple a democratically-elected leader.

"Don't let the worms get into your eyes, you could be blind. I don't want my president to be blind," he said in a speech at the Seremban Umno annual general assembly today.

f* it mate, it was NOT my voice on that audio clip
I'm really innocent


In his fiery speech in Seremban, Mohamad Hasan also lamented about the repealed laws that were previously used to crackdown on dissent.

"When there is no EO (Emergency Ordinance) or ISA (Internal Security Act), that is your challenge. People said don't throw away your weapons," he said.

Aisehman, Mohamed Hasan, I know you have been scared shitless out of your wits by that audio clip but my dear fellow, kau liao lah, don't overdo your bodek-self-salvation act, wakakaka.


  1. Now that the NS MB is on the black list,he got to lick Najib's balls to get back on his good side.Bodek mesti bodek lah.

  2. DAP and PKR should quickly announce to NS voters that their votes as valuable to PR in GE14.

    1. unfortunately PKR had failed to gain the rakyat's confidence in NS in the last GE, as had happened in Sarawak,

  3. Guess what? Zimbabwe has asked for the extradition of of dentist Walter Palmer,the wild game hunter who shot an arrow and killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion,Cecil.Wonder what Zimbabwe will do to him if he is extradited.Skin him alive or shoot an arrow through his mini dick?

  4. Worms in Najib's eyes or worms in the opposition's eyes?

    Well,time will tell.First,we will have to wait till all the dignitaries attending the ASEAN have left.Then we will see what the gorillas in blue will do.My best guess is that they do not want to arrest the main players of this 1MDB fiasco,when foreign dignitaries are here for some chit chat and fun.It is not good as it might leave a black mark for tourism.And of course a bad impression on the hosts and a real insult to our guests.

  5. This NS MB who has got the gift of the gab was once a sale and marketing man who had fast-tracked himself in the banking and corporate world and also politics. But the word gab can perhaps be read as bodek too.

  6. Analysis of general elections 2013 for Negri Sembilan state:
    1) Constituencies where Malay voters constitute less than 50% : (14 seats)
    N 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33 & 36
    All were contested by MCA, MIC & Gerakan. BN won only 1, in N7 (MIC)
    Opposition won with majorities ranging from 12% to 53%
    If these seats were to be given to UMNO, will it make a difference?

    2) The remaining 22 seats where Malay voters make up more than 50%
    All were contested by Umno (where to find more seats for Umno?)
    Umno won all except 1 (N13 to PKR)
    7 seats of which were with majorities less than 17% (N4, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20 & 25)
    If only 5 seats were to swing from BN to opposition, BN will lose the state.

    So for 2108, you can make your own scenarios of the political situation, taking
    into account the above statistics and the behaviour of the political parties.
