
Monday, July 13, 2015

'Colouring' up a mobile phone!

The Low Yat incident, correctly and wisely downplayed by the police as just an alleged snatch & run theft of a mobile phone from a shop followed by (not alleged but real) thuggery revenge, and thus not a racial issue, has now dangerously expanded into precisely what the police has been worried about, an escalating acrimonious spat with racial hue.

Malay Mail Online reportedNews agency Bernama yesterday reported that the police had arrested a 22-year-old local man believed to be involved in a brawl that happened at 7.38pm in the mall.

According to the report, the suspect was caught by security guards at the complex for allegedly stealing a mobile phone and handed to the police.

However, the youth later contacted his friends who reacted by heading to the store where the attempted theft allegedly happened and assaulting the shop workers and damaging the store with losses estimated at RM70,000, Bernama reported.

Earlier today, police arrested three more people following fresh fights that broke out after midnight outside Low Yat Plaza here that reportedly left five people injured — three of them believed to be journalists.

Sadly, it's likely opportunists will grasp hold of the toxic brawl to make political hay, even unto presenting it into a racial incident which BTW it has become. TMI's Low Yat brawl a reminder to vote out extremist leaders, says group has now revealed that the youths 'seeking revenge' were Malays while the mobile phone retailer a Chinese.

News report of Pekida members being involved in the revenge thuggery has added "colour" to the increasingly dangerous situation.

An earlier TMI reported: Yesterday, however, a group said to be the suspect's friends barged into the plaza and attacked the store whose workers apprehended the suspect. They were overpowered and thrown out of the plaza, but in the evening, about 200 people, some of them said to be from Malay rights group Pekida, congregated outside the building.

They were heard screaming derogatory and unsavoury remarks and appeared ready to charge into the premises, forcing police to order businesses at the premises to close early. Police later cordoned off the area and prevented the group from entering the building, but this did not prevent violence to flare up again just after midnight, resulting in five people reported injured, including two media photographers.

The sad irony has been that the alleged bashing of the youth who attempted to scoot off with the phone was not by said retailer but other shop owners in the plaza who caught the absconding alleged culprit. And the alleged bashing has not even been confirmed by police.

UPDATE @ 1800 KL time

Star Online reported IGP: Clear-cut theft led to Low Yat brawl (extracts):

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar ... said two men were arrested at 7.50pm on Saturday - one suspected of stealing a phone at a kiosk inside the mall and the other his accomplice.

He said the two were caught by staff of the phone shop, Oppo Malaysia, and handed to the security guards who later called the police.Khalid said the suspected thief was detained in the lock-up while the accomplice was released at the discretion of the investigating officer who did not refer the matter to his superior.

"This suspect (accomplice) then made up stories to his friends and said that Oppo (staff) cheated them but, in truth, they stole the phone from another kiosk and not Oppo," Khalid told reporters at Low Yat Plaza after visiting the mall on Monday.

"According to the accomplice, he has a receipt of the purchase but when we checked, it was not true.

"He also claimed that he filed a report with us but when we checked our system, there is none. He is a cheat! So please stop spreading false news."

For more about Pekida, read Sophie Lemiere's doctoral thesis on Pekida titled Gangsta to the roots; gangsta through the years. An extract of her work tells us (with my comments there and there, wakakaka):

... the story shared by most members is the version in which Pekida was created in the aftermath of the violent events of May 1969 as a way to prevent a repeat and when all else fails, to protect the Malays in the event of another racial riot.

[kaytee's comment: Hello there, weren't the Chinese generally the ones who were victimised on May 13, and thus the ones requiring 'protecting' (lamentably missing during that sad day), but then, why spoil a damn good Pekida story]

This narrative of Pekida’s history by its members bears four elements: the temporality, the secrecy, the exclusivity and the ultimate mission. Pekida would be an organisation entrenched in the history of the Malay world and a heritage of the Malay community that has transcended time; created by “warriors”, and “heroes” joining the group is like an act of bravery; the organisation has transcend generations and maintain its existence and activity in secrecy whatever its form or its name or umbrella; finally Pekida exists to defend Islam and the Malays, as a member would say “It is for Allah, and Allah’s will”.

[kaytee's comments: Dangerously not unlike the so-called Illuminati or allegedly the more secret conclave of Freemasonry - influenced by Jews? wakakaka]

While yet another popular narrative is that the evolution of the organisation has followed the political path of the country where the defence and safety of the Malays has become a necessity, reinforced by the events of May 1969.

LATEST: @ 1500 hr KL time

TMI reported that Jalaluddin Yusof, president of Pekida, has said that Pekida will not hesitate to act if its members were involved in the brawl that took place in the vicinity of the Low Yat Plaza last night, which injured five people. [...]

Jalaluddin said Pekida, despite being a Muslim charitable body, has always been made the scapegoat whenever incidents like the Low Yat Plaza brawl took place. "Pekida do not like to fight, we prefer that peace be maintained. It would appear that once again, Pekida has been made the scapegoat.”

Good on you, Jalaluddin. This is what we want to hear.

t seems the rioting mob had been so arrogant that they refused to disperse until they spoke with city police chief Datuk Tajudin Md Isa. DAP complained that police did nothing as the mob hurled racist insults and racist taunts, but look, I won't fault the police on this as sometimes it would be wiser for the cops to let the mob vent their anger verbally so as to take the pressure off their more physical inclinations.

Then what we feared most happened, with the Malay Mail also reporting:

KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — The People’s Welfare Party (KITA) demanded today the Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Ministry conduct a search of all handphone shops in Low Yat Plaza in the next 48 hours as a move to protect the Malay consumer after fights broke out at the gadget mall yesterday.

Party leader Zamil Ibrahim also held its minister Datuk Seri Hasan Malek responsible for the incident that sparked the brawls that have resulted in four arrests and left at least five injured even as police dismiss the brouhahaha as racially-tinged.

“We are waiting for Dato Hassan Malek’s team to raid the handphone shops in Low Yat… if the raids are not conducted within 48 hours...might as well resign… you only shame the Malay race… A Malay minister… the ones who are cheated when buying handphones are Malays!” Zamil wrote in Malay on his Facebook page.

Zamil Ibrahim was the bloke who took over KITA, a party founded by our dear Zaid Ibrahim but then shortly after, dissolved by him. Zamil refused to accept that KITA had tutup kedai and went about running it on his own, initially together with former Gerakan and former PKR member, Tan Tee Beng (the son of Gerakan stalwart Tan Gim Hwa), although Tan might have eventually left KITA.

Zamil's recent attempt to promote himself from kutu-ness into a more Perkasa-like prominence was seen in a 02 May 2015 FMT news report Kita asks how Mahathir’s sons became billionaires - extract as follows:

SUNGAI PETANI: The People’s Welfare Party, Kita, has urged former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad to explain how his sons Mokhzani and Mirzan had become billionaires “overnight”.

Party leader Zamil Ibrahim said Mokhzani had been named the ninth richest man in Malaysia by the Malaysian Business magazine in 2014.

As a Kedahan, he said, he knew that Dr Mahathir’s father was merely a school headmaster, while Mahathir himself had operated a simple clinic in Alor Setar before becoming the top politician in the country.

Malaysians were thus curious to know how Mokhzani and Mirzan became billionaires and among the richest Malaysians.

“We humbly request Tun Dr Mahathir to clarify. Zamil described as a “world record” that sons of a former premier could own billions in past three years..

“You can’t get this world record in any part of the world. Only Dr Mahathir can explain,” said Zamil.

While it has been a relevant question, Zamil would be seen as (like kaytee has been accused of, wakakaka) taking sides with Ah Jib Gor wakakaka in the current Mahathir campaign to depose Najib.

But Zamil's latest antic is to be frowned on in his seditious "colouring" of an alleged theft to an extent where now it requires the Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Ministry to bloody well conduct a search of all handphone shops in Low Yat Plaza in the next 48 hours as a move to protect the Malay consumer.

In his selfish eagerness to boost himself upwards from his current nonentity kutu-ness, he has virtually twisted the incident of mob thuggery into the necessity of a witch hunt of McCarthyism proportion on mobile phone retailers, or far more frighteningly, exploiting and hijacking Pekida's touted defence of Malays whatever the root cause leading to the incident might have been.

This man has intruded on very very very dangerous grounds. Will the IGP put him under arrest for seditious incitement?

I think not as said Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Ministry has just announced it will launch Ops Tulen, thus pampering to what has been seditious incitement.

You know what? The Ministry may be launching Ops Tulen, but I feel like launching Ops TuLan. F* the ministry and their ridiculous pampering of a$$h*le$.

But then I suppose we could argue it's necessary to protect those Malays who have been the mob at Low Yat Plaza, as they have been so well protected for over 22 years by their godfather, from being cheated by those f* bloody Chinamen like kaytee, who as everyone including every Chinamen and Chinawomen in the world knows, are downright cheats, wakakaka.

To be truthful, what with my Ops TuLan in full swing by now, the ministry's moronic and unacceptable pampering of seditious opportunists has sorely tempted me to tell you an old Malayan racist story, about a Chinese car salesman selling a Volkswagen (the old/original beetle type) to a Malay in the Heartland.

It's a double edge racist story, with its double barbs telling us about (a) the Malay impression of cheating Chinese and (b) the Chinese impression of stupid Malays.

But then, I guess I better not as I, being only a f* bloody Chinaman and not like KITA's Zamil Ibrahim, may be hauled in for sedition.

Oh, and I love this new Mail report. Obviously ISMA wasn't going to allow KITA to steal all the "colourful" thunder, wakakaka. Extracts of the Mail report as follows:

KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — The melee and vandalism at Low Yat Plaza this weekend was the angry response towards “diaspora chauvinists” who insulted and ridiculed Islam and the Malay community, Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) claimed yesterday.

Isma asserted that it is only natural for Malay youths to release their anger on the Chinese traders in the popular tech mall as the Malays are known for running amok, and they would not have done so if they were not provoked by what the Muslim group claimed to be chauvinists.

“This diaspora chauvinists have day by day done their provocation; belittling Islamic teachings, ridiculing the Malay culture, questioning the position of Islam, Malays and the monarchy institution in the country, inciting Malays to hate their mufti and ulama,” said Isma information chief Mohd Hazizi Ab Rahman in a statement.

hus we see ISMA in the above 3rd paragraph casting an even wider net than mere Malay consumer protection, wakakaka, presumably to outdo KITA's demand. I wonder how or what Allah swt would be thinking of ISMA members?

But then, for them to explain away the mob violence at the Plaza as it is only natural for Malay youths to release their anger on the Chinese traders in the popular tech mall as the Malays are known for running amok seems like excusing Hitler for his mass murder of European Jews as Austrians (and Germans) were known for their baking inclination.

However we should be thankful for small mercy that ISMA didn't use a horribly hideous hackneyed term like 'ultra kiasu', but instead a fresh new term 'diaspora chauvinists', wakakaka.

Hmmm, 'diaspora chauvinists', you know, I kinda like it. Wakakaka.

There are in general 3 races associated with the word 'diaspora', namely, Jews, Chinese and Indians. Don't worry lah Aneh, we know who they meant, don't we?

Will the Low Yat brawl turn into something bigger, as May 13 did to enable a coup d'etat? Is it a portent of worse things to come, an evil omen?

Aiyah, Malaysia is never short of such attention-diverting bullshit.


  1. 1. pekida, shortened from Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia. zahid hamidi reportedly referred them as samseng rumah kenduri.
    2. kita = Kicked In The Ass.
    3. isma, i pronounce it as semak (e-tanda).
    4. low yat incident: it takes two to tango.

  2. @ swatow lane many many years ago? too bad as i was too young to follow my uncles then. cuma dengar story (macam2 ada) saja.

  3. “from being cheated by those f* bloody Chinamen like kaytee, who as everyone including every Chinamen and Chinawomen in the world knows, are downright cheats, wakakaka.”

    “It's a double edge racist story, with its double barbs telling us about (a) the Malay impression of cheating Chinese and (b) the Chinese impression of stupid Malays.”

    About ten months ago I bought a Lenovo A850 from a booth in a large shopping mall for RM750-00. The Chinese seller said it is an ori set. I was very happy.

    Last month I have some problem with the phone and went back to the booth to enquire. However, that Chinese seller had sold his booth to a Malay. The Malay lady looked at my phone and straight away she said it is not ori but AP.

    I was angry and upset, and I sold my Lenovo A850 at for RM400.00. The buyer knew it is an AP set when he saw my phone. He tested the phone and he was happy to pay RM400-00.

    Immediately, I bought a new phone Xiaomi Mi4i direct from the distributor on line for RM749-00.

    I am convinced that that Malay who bought the phone at Low Yat was cheated of course!

    Why can’t the Chinese just be honest and tell this is an AP set; it is a few hundreds ringgit cheaper and the warranty is only for 3 months?

    Don’t blame the Malays lah.

    1. From Star Online

      ... Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar ... said two men were arrested at 7.50pm on Saturday - one suspected of stealing a phone at a kiosk inside the mall and the other his accomplice.

      He said the two were caught by staff of the phone shop, Oppo Malaysia, and handed to the security guards who later called the police.

      Khalid said the suspected thief was detained in the lock-up while the accomplice was released at the discretion of the investigating officer who did not refer the matter to his superior.

      "This suspect (accomplice) then made up stories to his friends and said that Oppo (staff) cheated them but, in truth, they stole the phone from another kiosk and not Oppo," Khalid told reporters at Low Yat Plaza after visiting the mall on Monday.

      "According to the accomplice, he has a receipt of the purchase but when we checked, it was not true.

      "He also claimed that he filed a report with us but when we checked our system, there is none. He is a cheat! So please stop spreading false news,"

      okay bro hasan. Only kaytee as a Chinaman cheats wakakaka but other Chinamen are quite honest.

    2. Luckily I knew he is an old bloody madcap who went amok, otherwise I would be convince that Malaysia really got no more hope.

    3. When you see a hasan and a snake, you

    4. "When you see a hasan and a snake, you" must whack looes' head like a golf ball...wakakaka

  4. Commonsense will tell us that this was a theft.But sometimes or almost all the time,trouble makers will turn it into whatever to suit their purposes.Or else they wouldn't be known or called trouble makers.And there are herds of morons who wpuld believe these trouble makers,and follow them like mice following the piep piper.

    1. If proven they are thieves then cut off their hands and do it in public in front of Low Yat Building. Let it be a lesson to all other Malays.

      I am for Ops Tulen. Aku marah kerana aku ditipu oleh Cina.

  5. Pukimak kaytee.......if you are supportive of the establishment, I have nothing more to say

    I hold Najib responsible

  6. Yes , Jalaluddin, Pekida is a welfare organisation, the way the Mafia were welfare organisations among the Italian Immigrant population in the US or the Ghee Hins among the Chinese in Malaya.

    Fact is they are a criminal organisation which does some "social responsibility" activity on the side from the large amount of surplus funds that they gather.

    What is worse in Malaysia is they have semi-Official government sanction. Many government officials, even Ministers are Pekida associates. They ensure that Pekida carries out its activities unmolested by the Police. Even when their activities become impossible to cover up, as in the latest Low Yat incident, Police will handle them with kid gloves.

    Just look at the number of cars around which brazenly display the 3-line livery of Pekida, whether or not they are real members.

    Imagine how far you would get if you instead have the "04" gang emblem painted on your car.

    Mohammed Najib b. Abdul Razak is himself complicit in this culture of impunity and immunity surrounding Pekida.

  7. Police were still investigating and case not even closed yet and within less than 24 hrs PEKIDA already mustered a mob to Low Yat shouting police were biased in investigating?
    Determined to turn it into Racial confrontation or riot - and as if there was some coordination with PapaGomo and few others who were posting on social media - inflammatory lies and pictures of terribly beaten up victim of mob violence,claiming they were the Low Yat victims..exploiting the situation. Inciting hatred trying to stir up racial violence ..Motives were obvious but question is - Who is behind this? Too much of a coincidence to not be suspicious! And if this is not clear cut case of sedition,,incitement,What Is?

    1. " Too much of a coincidence to not be suspicious! "

      Coincidence or causal connection incidents?

    2. causal? hmmm bro, u sound like my sis helen la. i tell myself never buy anything from kiosk in low yat, semua penipu. likewise i dun give my vote to pencuri, penyamun dan perombak. whoever work in low yat, be it melayu cina india dll campur sekarang bangla suma sama, all give untrue detail n misleading statement. masuk kandang kambing mengembek. itu la mo dekat lowyat. buy at the specialist store or authorise agent n retail. there is no free lunch.

    3. HY... please convey my kind regards to your sis Helen and tell her that I have invited Hannah Yeoh to my house for dinner on the second day of Raya... wakakaka

    4. and dress etiquette for ladies during dinner will be baju kurung and selendang, wakakaka

    5. NO dress code. Hannah can wear revealing leotard if she wants to.. wakakaka

  8. There is no such thing as blaming Pekida and making them the scrape goat.Nobody can blamed them if they were not present in the first place.So what are their screaming and angry members there?As spectators or negotiators like the IGP's brother?

    1. bruno, sometimes it's good to give some people the benefit of the doubt wakakaka

    2. "bruno, sometimes it's good to give some people the benefit of the doubt wakakaka" and privilegium clericale... which KT perhaps forgot to mention wakakaka

    3. aiseh bro hasan, benefit of doubt is vastly different from your privilegium clericale - the former is loving and compassionate attitude whilst the latter is the priesthood caste's claim to privileged Brahminical ketuanan superiority, wakakaka

  9. People involved in herd mentality rowdiness and violence are just exactly like cattle drag by their noses to the waterholes and forced to drink water.These people were never taught to use their brains.That is,if they ever had any in the first place.

  10. Bro Hassan,
    Please refrain from ever buying anything from a Chinaman. It will save them from getting beaten up or worse. Even CCTV evidence also showed the culprit ran away with a hand phone, confirmed by IGP, but got caught and handed to the police. No report say this thief got beaten up by the arrester. It was he who when back with his gang to beat up the shop assistant and trash up the shop. Only then, did other retailers intervened to save the poor Oppo guy from getting more beating by this gang. Subsequent mob events were instigated by people like Papagomo, whom police is looking for him. So, please lah, if you got cheated before, it was not because you bought from a Chinaman, but because you bought from a cheat. The phone you happily bought from online store may or may not be from a Chinaman supplier, but it is certainly imported from China from a Chinaman.
    Once my CCTV recorded a thief stole a piece of jewelery from my shop and when confronted, he ran away. Security guards caught him after a short chase and beat him up, then brought him to the guard room and beat him up again before calling the police. When the police arrived, they(policemen) beat him up again. When arrived at the police station, the thief was beaten up again. I felt pitty for the thief. I am Chinese, thief is Orang Asal, guards are Indians, police are Malays. How would you racialize such an incident? Crime is color blind.
    Perhaps, in order not to racialize a crime and it's enforcement, Malays shouldn't go and rob a Non-Malay shop (now I see why Huddud is needed for Muslims, no offence intended.)

    1. best statement from Teo Akbar in his/her "f you got cheated before, it was not because you bought from a Chinaman, but because you bought from a cheat", and likewise when the thief, robber, thug, murderer is of any colour, but is still a thief, robber, thug, murderer

      good on you matey

    2. Bro Teo Akbar…

      Please don't take my comment as an attack on the Chinese people. It is not. I don't mean to offend but only to bring up a real issue to light so that it can be discussed and perhaps someday corrected. Ops Tulen, perhaps? [“Ops TuLan. F* the ministry and their ridiculous pampering of a$$h*le$. Wakakaka…”]

      Human nature is what it is. Many people, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Australians, Africans, etc etc etc wherever they are, will try to cheat if they think they can get away with it. Ironically, some of those people who cheat live a better life than those honest ones.

      Thus, if we take this human nature for granted and left it completely unchecked it will encourage more people to cheat. It is our responsibility to suppress cheating and encourage integrity, like giving harder punishment. For Muslims IF we can have hudud imposed upon them, you can see the result.

      Let me ask you a question: If there is a way around a rule, and they think they won't get caught, the majority who will cheat the system will it be the Malays or Indians or Chinese?

      To some of us we are brought up with the belief that someone upstairs is always watching us and that we will pay later for our transgressions. OTOH to some of us cheating is indeed a way of life and which is deeply ingrained in the habit and perhaps a culture?

    3. "Let me ask you a question: If there is a way around a rule, and they think they won't get caught, the majority who will cheat the system will it be the Malays or Indians or Chinese?"

      My answer to Hasan's question is:
      I remember a Syaria court judge was caught, charged and found guilty of bribery. DPP told the court that when caught, this cheating ex-judge said "die la got caught, please help" to the arrester. This I suppose is trying to find a way out or around. So is it Malay, Chinese or Indian? But I will just call a criminal just a criminal without stressing on his race or religion. Just human.
      If under Huddud law, majority who will cheat the system will be Malays. This is because there can hardly be any conviction due some ancient requirement of 4 pious witnesses, ignoring other modern evidence like money transfer slips, DNA etc. Haddi's requirement is just 4 witnesses even for 1MDB fund transfers. So yes, lots of cheaters will get away scotch free under Huddud (mostly Malays) and If given a choice, Chinese and Indians would also opt to be tried under Huddud law. It is easier to get a conviction under cilvil law and it is harder to cheat the CCTV, documentary, DNA evidence plus witnesses. I like that for theft but for adultery, I would choose cilvil law cause I can't take the risk of stoning to death. Best of both world. Did someone suggested to give non-Muslims this option to choose Huddud or cilvil law already? I think so.

  11. Some thieves stole a phone from a store.When they got caught,they cried rape.That the storekeepers have screwed then deep in the asses.The they rounded up a herd of of buffaloes and gore the shopkeepers kau kau.What a crazy world we live in.Only in Malaysia.

  12. The Truth can be stranger than Fiction...

    Wag The Dog 1998

    "Two weeks prior to reelection, the United States president lands in the middle of a.... scandal. In need of outside help to quell the situation, presidential adviser enlists the expertise of spin doctor who decides a distraction is the best course of action. ...... to help him fabricate a war in Albania -- and once underway, the duo has the media entirely focused on the war....

    Watch Mohammad Najib in action.........

    1. Wag the dog is a fiction-film but you're right that sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction

    2. Oh Come on, you aint that naive. Pukimak Kaytee.

    3. looes cibai, your abuses has become more vile in your insult of even my late mum. doesn't your mum have one too?

  13. Re: hasan @ 10:09 p.m., July 13, 2015
    "Aku marah kerana aku ditipu oleh Cina."

    Cheats, scammers, exploiters ... are found in people of all races or religions.
    If a non was scammed by a Malay, should he also say "Aku marah kerana
    aku ditipu oleh Melayu"?

    Malays have also been scammed big time by Malays, especially in the
    get-rich-quick schemes of the late 80s, the celebrated one being
    Pak Man Telo, whose booty was said to reach RM99m. Now it is
    the Nigerians, Taiwanese, China-citizens doing the scamming.

    En Hasan, you faced problems buying a new car in the late 80s or 90s,
    like most of the working class did, didn't you? At that time all car brands
    except one were taxed beyond reach, we all, like cornered sheep, had to
    go to this particular brand which was enjoying tax exemptions; we had to
    take their financing, accessories etc at higher costs, and even pay under-
    table money to scheming salemen etc. Otherwise "no car is available" for you.
    Now, what would you call such a scheme? We all felt short-changed too.
    (That particular brand is now languishing, call it karma or whatever...).

    In our daily dealings with a myriad of parties, chances are we will feel
    short-changed by some of them, and the race of the other party is incidental.
    I have come across cases of people who were short-changed by relatives .....

    1. Are we blaming the system for what appears to be an overall moral decay? It is only logical that people want to cheat when they see politicians and/or government leaders lying, stealing, and perhaps even killing to get ahead? Perhaps, it makes them wonder whether there is any point to being good?

      Well, there are still many people with enough decency, honesty and integrity not to cheat though, and I would say the majority of Chinese people that I have met fall in this category. No, aku tak akan marah lagi kalau aku ditipu oleh Cina atau sesiapa pun. As Whatif said, heck, life is too short. Don’t make it shorter. Cheers both!

  14. Sad that a hand phone costing a few hundred ringgit could cause so much damage and suffering too. We have to be extra careful that we must not be the cause of incidences such as this.
    I read that the stolen phone is a Levono S860 just like what I am using now. I bought it quite cheap from a dealer thinking that it is ori. Now I know it might be AP. What to do? I blame myself for being ignorant and did not check properly myself. No point cursing others and make myself miserable and prejudiced in the process. Life is too short. Don't make it shorter.

  15. I believe cheaters and other criminals are not racist. They cheat you regardless of your race or religion. Don't tell me that a Chinaman don't cheat another Chinaman? A Malay doesn't cheat another Malay? Criminals take on whoever comes along regardless of race or religion. Racial conflicts are always started by politicians and their so called NGOs. Not by the populace, not even by gangsters nor the cheaters.
