
Monday, July 20, 2015

Cause of UMNO's bad feng shui

TMI - Umno Youth’s keris waving 10 years ago was start of BN’s decline, says DAP

The waving of the keris by former Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein 10 years ago today at the wing's annual general assembly marked the beginning of the decline of Barisan Nasional (BN) as its lynchpin party moved to embrace right-wing politics, DAP said.

The party's national political education director Liew Chin Tong called the act "controversial" and said it was a symbol of the ruling Malay party turning to the right.

It also spelt the death of the ruling BN, as Umno that year passed resolutions touching on the Malay agenda and reintroduced affirmative action policies for Bumiputera under the New Economic Policy.

Hishammuddin, then the Umno youth chief, had brandished the keris – a traditional Malay dagger – on July 20, 2005 during his speech at the Umno Youth general assembly.

The move was introduced then to symbolise Malay tradition.

Liew, said this paved the way for the party's "dramatic decline".

"The keris-waving act and Umno's right turn did not gain Umno much new Malay support as the Malay middle ground dislikes harsh and extreme acts."

Liew Chin Tong has been right. I'm not sure whether he had been inspired by my April 2008 post into saying this now, wakakaka.

But more than what Liew had mentioned, UMNO's keris has been bad, really bad feng shui for UMNO.

Mind you, I'm not the only one who said that. You'll soon be reading that Adnan Yaakob, once an UMNO supreme council member (he declined to contest for the position in 2013) and still the MB of Pahang, had asked for the symbol of the keris to be removed from the UMNO flag.

He said that the keris is a weapon denoting quarrels, and could have been the cause of the numerous quarrels in the party. In other words it’s bad feng shui for UMNO to have such a nasty weapon as a party symbol.

Adnan stated: 
"There were 20 major quarrels in UMNO since its formation 60 years ago. The symbol may signify the party’s struggles but it also means quarrels."

He reminded us of the acrimonious internal disputes involving the late Tunku Abdul Rahman with Tun Razak instigated by you-know-who, wakakaka, and of course Dr Mahathir with Musa Hitam, Ku Li, Anwar and AAB.

Maybe we ought to add in Onn Jaafar with Tunku. Then there were state leaders such as the late Harun Idris, once touted as a PM, who fell foul of Hussein Onn.

And what about someone giving hell to Najib now? Wakakaka.

The keris in the UMNO flag is drawn, which, according to belief not just unique to the Malay world, must 'taste' blood. Eastern superstition demands that a weapon such as a keris, dagger or sword must never be drawn unless one intends to 'feed' it with blood.

It is believed that the word keris originated from the old Javanese word ngeris which means 'to stab'. And hasn't Ah Jib Gor been receiving more than a few recently, wakakaka.

Well read on, bearing in mind the following was written in April 2008.


In the early 13th Century, Ken Arok, the founder of the Rajasa dynasty in the Singhasari Kingdom of East Java, went to a famous empu (keris smith), Mpu Gandring to order a special keris. The keris was named after the empu, Mpu Gandring.

Arok had evil and lustful designs for the powerful magical weapon. He wanted the special keris to kill the chieftain of Tumapel, Tunggul Ametung.

He saw that the keris was more or less finished but was pissed off when he couldn't get it straightaway because the
 empu, a perfectionist, wanted several more months to 'purify' the special weapon from evil influences. Impatient and hotheaded, Ken Arok killed him with that keris in a fit of anger.

But with his dying breath, Mpu Gandring cursed him and foretold how Ken Arok and seven generations of his descendants would be killed by that cursed keris. So indeed the blood flowed throughout the generations, until subsequently someone saw that Mpu Gandring's keris would only continue to perpetrate chaos and death. He threw the keris into the Java Sea. Legend has it that the keris turned into a dragon.

Here’s one more folklore about a magical keris and another hothead.

Aryo Penangsang was an arrogant hot-tempered Javanese prince, but with exceptional courage and strength. His final battle was with Danang Sutowijoyo, who would subsequently become the legendary Panembahan Senopati, the founder of the Mataram Empire.

In the battle, the young Sutowijaya somehow managed to rip open Penangsang’s belly with his spear, allowing the latter’s intestines to spill out. But Penangsang was not an ordinary bloke so, on discovering that his dangling guts were restricting his movement in the duel, wrapped them tidily around the hilt of his sheathed keris. 'Twas the famous (or infamous) keris, Setan Kober.

Despite his humongous wound, Penangsang nearly defeated young Sutowijoyo who was beaten down to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

When Penangsang drew Setan Kober to deliver the coup de grâce, he inadvertently cut his own intestines which, if we remember, were wrapped around the hilt of the keris. Needless to say, he died from that fatal wound. Sutowijaya survived to become the founder of a powerful kingdom.

Sutowijoyo so admired his opponent's incredible strength, courage and fighting spirit that he ordered his sons and all bridegrooms of his kingdom (they each carried keris on their wedding day) to commemorate, and hopefully be inspired by, Penangsang’s amazing ferocious fighting feat, by adorning their keris-es with stringed jasmines (called melati rinonce) which symbolically represented Penangsang’s intestines. Apparently this Javanese tradition continues to these days.

We Malaysians are also familiar with Taming Sari, a Javanese keris with magical powers that would protect its owner, though it didn’t save the life of the original eponymous owner, a Javanese warrior who was killed by Hang Tuah through deceit, as was Hang Jebat. Tuah appropriated the Taming Sari after killing the owner, went back home to Melaka to one day kill his best friend at the behest of a tyrant.

All hotheads with keris-es, and all died terribly.

If you have read Malaysiakini over the last few days, we obtained mostly news about the UMNO keris, or to be more correct, Hishamuddin Hussein's keris, and how it affected the course of the election results.

DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan and even UMNO itself (including Khir Toyo) have all blamed Hishamuddin’s excessive brandishing of the UMNO Youth keris for the BN's tsunamic losses in the last general election.

In Malaysiakini, political analysts Ong Kian Min and Oon Yeoh wrote in Hisham's non-apology apology that tells us, ironically "The sad thing about this incident is that we do not believe Hishammuddin to be a traditional Malay ultra. Like his deputy, Khairy Jamaluddin, he is what you'd call a fake ultra – someone who tries so hard to be an ultra for the sake of drumming up grassroots support."

"His upbringing and demeanor certainly gives no indication of any deep ultra roots. His father, was third prime minister Hussein Onn, who probably had as many non-Malay friends as Malay ones. His grandfather, Onn Jaafar, famously tried (but failed) to open up Umno to non-Malays."

"Furthermore, Hishamuddin's track record as the minister of education has not been a bad one, especially when it comes to giving financial assistance to Chinese and Tamil schools and making it easier for them to relocate. But with one movement of his arm, he undid much of the goodwill that would have come his way from the non-Malay community."

Well, looks like Hishamuddin (or KJ) may not be an Aryo Penangsang, Ken Arok, Hang Tuah or Hang Jebat, but nonetheless he has stabbed his own party and the component parties in the BN with his UMNO Youth keris, the Panca Warisan.

One and a half years ago I posted The Curse of UMNO's Keris? where I mentioned that Adnan Yaakob, an UMNO supreme council member and also the MB of Pahang, had asked for the symbol of the 
keris to be removed from the UMNO flag.

He said that the keris is a weapon denoting quarrels, and could have been the cause of the numerous quarrels in the party. In other words it’s bad feng shui for UMNO to have such a nasty weapon as a party symbol.

Adnan stated: 
"There were 20 major quarrels in UMNO since its formation 60 years ago. The symbol may signify the party’s struggles but it also means quarrels."

He reminded us of the acrimonious internal disputes involving the late Tunku Abdul Rahman with Tun Razak said to be instigated by you-know-who, wakakaka, and of course Dr Mahathir with Musa Hitam, Ku Li, Anwar and AAB.

Maybe we ought to add in Onn Jaafar with Tunku. Then there were state leaders such as the late Harun Idris, once touted as a PM, who fell foul of Hussein Onn.

The keris in the UMNO flag is drawn, which, according to belief not just unique to the Malay world, must 'taste' blood. Eastern superstition demands that a weapon such as a keris, dagger or sword must never be drawn unless one intends to 'feed' it with blood.

It is believed that the word keris originated from the old Javanese word ngeris which means 'to stab'.

Now, even Malaysiakini columnist Azly Rahman has in his article After the apology over the keris asked for UMNO to change its quarrelsome and intimidating symbol to one which projects peace.

Azly called for 
"a symbol of any good and friendly ancient Malay scripture that glorifies the common person and not the ancient rulers would be a good replacement."

He added: "The enquiring mind is more powerful than the weapon of mass deception. A new regime must have this as a foundation. I hope to see Umno's new logo."


  1. dun bs la, it is mahathir n many who take the risk to expose the govt wrongdoing that keep umno/bn in check. the sadden part is some foreigner did the opposite to defend the current regime, as if najib n co is the savior forget who wan to bathe the keris with our blood.

    1. and guess which a$$h*le of a minister initiated a policy against Chinese vernacular education that started the whole drama, from Najib wanting to bathe his keris with Chinese blood to Ops Lalang?

  2. In terms of symbolism .The fact that Hang Tuah (whose origins and DNA is controversial) was a skilled "manipulator" of the "Keris" - ought be mentioned.

    1. Taming Sari was owned by a Javanese warrior by the name of, yes, Taming Sari (keris named after him). Legend has it that whoever held Taming Sari was invincible, yet Hang Tuah was able to kill/defeat two men who held Taming Sari - the first being Taming Sari the original owner of the keris and the 2nd was Hang Jebat.

      How then was Tuah able to kill those two men who were supposedly invincible because they held Taming Sari? By trickery.

      As he legend went, when he tried to trick Jebat the first time he failed.Jebat instead of finishing Tuah off pleaded with Tuah, asking him to forget about the past and become the sultan himself, While Jebat was pleading with his best buddy, Tuah snatched the keris from Jebat and killed him.

      Tuah was no doubt a skillful warrior but not so against Jebat who was reputed to be a far superior fighter and who also held Taming Sari, thus making him invincible. But alas, it was Jebat's innocent and stupid love for the disloyal, ungrateful and treacherous Tuah that got him killed.

  3. One question to that motherfucker kaytee

    How Lim Kok Wing resign hah? Hahahahaha!

    Time for nursery rhyme

    1. Lim Kok Wing's approach is a trademark touchy, feely, feel good messaging.
      He is simply out of synch with Najis' current offensive.

      Najis is going for the nasty, deceitful, sledgehammer approach to cover his arse.
      Alas, it is impossible to cover an elephant's carcass with a fig leave.

      Better for Lim Kok Wing to leave Najis team before he destroys his own legacy and reputation.

  4. All the elders in my extended family are either UMNO members or UMNO supporters.
    Even for me, I would say that UMNO's contribution to Malaya/ Malaysia's independence and early development is undeniable. The Malays would have been trapped In a deep economic rut without UMNO's social intervention in the early days.

    However, sometime in the late 1980's and early 1990's , I would say, UMNO became primarily a vehicle for personal gain for most of those who join it, and especially those who lead it..

    Today, UMNO from its President down to junior level leaders is little more than a Criminal Organisation which does a bit of social work to keep its core rural base on board. And add on heaps of xenophobic propaganda.

  5. Rahman Dahlan said that Lester Melanyi has been labelled a scum.

    Claire Rewcastle has called Lester a liar and a well known debtor.

    Tony Pua has posted a document about Lester's bankruptcy.In other words this dude is a bankrupt.And he said that he has asked his lawyers to sue Lester.

    Well,since this dude is being labelled a scum,a liar,a debtor and a bankrupt,it does not mean that he cannot be telling the truth for the first time in his miserable life.

    Why is Tony Pua so fast at wanting to silence a dude who cannot be believed.Is Tony Pua feeling the itch of some minnows pinching and tingling his sorry ass?I always said that this Tony Pua is a political clown.And he keeps proving me right.

  6. Waving the keris is plain dumb stupidity.That is the reason there is nobody,not a single person within Umno good enough to replace Najib.At the same time,there is nobody ,from the opposition of PM material.So no matter how the outcome of 1MDB,Malaysians are stuck with Najib for better or worse.

  7. For those pinning their hopes on the expose by Lester Melanyi to ascertain the truth from the accusations and counter-accusations, there will be disappointment as his story's credibility takes a hit by the photo goof-up, especially his explanation that someone "wanted to make it better by inserting the photo, so he Googled the name and found this guy" which only fuels allegations of "spiced-up story" .

    This is reminiscent of the episode of a photo of a champion chess player being used in the allegations involving the son of a chief minister not too long ago.

    1. I bet with one cock hair that pukimak. Kaytee Will equate lester with tian chua

  8. Did this Lester guy also said in his 1st video recording that he worked for Sarawak report instead of the shut-downed Sarawak Tribune? Did someone accidentally inserted the wrong words into his mouth, just like the wrong picture? Watching the 1st video, I could hardly make out his spoken English and had to rely on the superimposed subtitles. I still have doubt that his English level is anywhere near an Editor standard for any news portal. In UK, he could get a job as office boy or driver if he cannot speak excellent English like RPK or KT. As for editor job, no way! if he needs subtitles.
