
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spiritual homes?

When MIC experienced difficult internal party problems, especially on near irreconcilability among its leaders, those leaders were known or persuaded to go on a 'retreat' to Madras, now known as Chennai, to sort out their animosities, when at times resolving their family tiff had been allegedly moderated by some big timer in that Indian state.

Kakinang especially if the Aneh was an influential bigshot could undoubtedly help heal wounds and irreconcilability among the Malaysian tambees.

When MCA experienced difficult internal party problems, especially near irreconcilability among its leaders, those leaders were known or persuaded (by Dr M, wakakaka) to instead take a non-Chinese moderator, namely, Allahyarham Tun Ghafar baba, to become its Malay President of the Chinese party, albeit only temporarily.

wah pun see kakinang ma

Unlike the Anehs, the Ah Hneas either dared not contemplate 'retreating' to one of the China's or to be fair to them, didn't consider China (any one of them) as their spiritual home anymore or there wasn't a friendly or known big timer influential enough in one of the Chinese states to moderate their attempts to patch up.

Mind you, the origin of the MCA lies in the Kuomintang Party, where the (then) Malayan founders were Kuomintang officers.

For example, Leong Yew Koh was a Kuomintang major general who became MCA's party secretary general. After serving in Tunku's cabinet as Justice Minister (he was a London trained lawyer), he was appointed by the Agong to be governor of Malacca, the first and probably the last Chinese to become head of a Malayan state.

Another was Kuomintang colonel Henry HS Lee who became Malaya's 1st Finance Minister. And our well known the late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu was a Kuomintang colonel in its medical service.

Perhaps they should have copied Aneh's example and gone to Taiwan lah, wakakaka, at least for a happy jolly.

DAP are known to be quite cheapskates so their retreat would usually be in the Cameron Highlands, where they would also have opportunities to buy cheap cabbages and radish, wakakaka, which should make their wives happy, I hope.

Besides, some of the buildings up in the Highlands are of British colonial designs and look like English mansions. Those DAP members could pretend they were in England, wakakaka again.

But when UMNO encounters internal party problems, their leaders prefer to go to London, the real one, not the DAP imitation version  - see Malaysia-Today's The 'crimes' that Hadi committed.

And the leaders included not only UMNO but wow and double wow, also PKR and PAS. Mind, both latter parties have been offsprings of UMNO.

Mungkin Malay leaders are closeted Anglophiles? Wakakaka.

Yalah, in my KTemoc Kongsamkok's post Foreign spices add flavour to Queen's English I wrote that for some Malaysian Anglophiles:

The occasional trips to London, his cultural Mecca, and even the Sussex and Cotswold countryside, would be obligatory, and events to joyfully share with his peers – “Oh my goodness, they have ruined the Oval. The green is utterly wretched. I am also mortified with the standards of English cricket today.”



  1. I love London, the Welsh Snowdonia and the Scottish Highlands.
    Other than Singapore, which feels almost like Malaysia, the British Isles are probably the foreign place that I feel most comfortable with.
    Yes...I am a Malaysian Chinaman Anglophile....wakakakaka....

    It is costly to visit the UK, no matter how thrifty you are.
    I am fortunate that I retired well off, a long , successful career served with honesty and integrity.

    Unfortunately , many of the UMNOputras who pollute London can never claim the last bit about honesty and integrity. They wouldn't understand the meaning of the word.

    1. aisehman, don't forget Oz - Sydney and Melbourne are like Malaysian towns wakakaka

    2. Huh, which parts? Bondi beach. Oh come on! Lets go to the beach to watch the b. Hahahaha

  2. Aha! ..... enjoying a spot of Taking the mickey out of the hickeys?

  3. As someone here says, UK is a costly place.
    I've wondered how your beloved RPK survives in the UK , with no declared form of employment.
    Ill gotten income ??

    1. is he living a life of indulgent luxury, driving around in a Mercedes like someone did?

  4. RPK Certainly has enough money for overseas holidays....not cheap wey.....

    1. lots of Malaysians including the aunties in my Ayer Itam village have enough money for overseas tours at least once every couple of years.

    2. The difference is these aunties' money is hard-earned, unlike the ASB bonaza that grows out of the Nons' seed money.

      Besides RPK is those upper elites who commands the bulk of the PNB funds ( ASB, ASM....etc), thus in a way the scam the poor underclass Melayus for their ill-gotten living style, here & there!

    3. Many of these Chinese Aunties have 6 or 7 figure bank account balances. Don't be deceived by their simple dressing or rough language. Discarded ATM receipts can be a big eye opener. Compare the average working Malay's 3 or 4 figure bank balance.

      "Cina Kaya" has a lot of truth to it.

      Anyway , you can't compare RPK living in 1st world-cost UK to aunties living frugally in Ayer Itam village.

  5. Dapsters have been going to cameron highland originating from pap nong nong time ago. Lky and his lieutenants such as s rajaratnam and toh chin chye used to go there with their malaysia counterparts including chen man hin

  6. 2nd hand Mercedes is cheap in the UK.
    Even a new one is not that expensive, certainly cheaper than Malusia.

  7. For many Chinese Malaysians, their spiritual home could be said to be the place "Above the Clouds".
    You guys will know what I mean.
    Its open 24 hours a day , 365 days a year.

    It was once called "The Chinese Disease ".

    It seems many Chinese carrry a particular gene which has been identified as increasing the tendency to such addiction.

    1. Quote: It seems many Chinese carry a particular gene which has been identified as increasing the tendency to such addiction.

      It also happens to be this innate tendency to boldly, sometimes recklessly, take risks that enabled sizeable numbers of Chinese to become rich. Many do seem to have the appetite to take on risks - in games of chance as well as in business. Other communities may not have large numbers of economically-comfortable members because their religion strongly disapproves of gambling and forbids their members from indulging in it.

      Let's not forget that a number of lotteries offer prizes of millions of ringgit and there are half a dozen draws every week of the year. This probably translates into a dozen or so millionaires being created in the course of a year.

      Those who live by the sword die by the sword. Thus, there are those who are lucky and become rich, but many more fall by the wayside, and some even pauperize themselves because of their lack of self-control.

    2. you'll be shocked by the number of rich Malays and their wives gambling away happily almost every night

    3. What you mentioned may have been true many years ago, but not now.

      Genting Highlands Casino is barred from admitting Muslims.
      It is actually stated in the operating licence, and prominently displayed at the entrances.
      Whether any Muslim VVIPs are surreptitiously admitted and gamble away in secluded corners, I wouldn't know, but they certainly are not seen in the public spaces of the casino.

    4. not Genting; elsewhere (plural)

  8. Leong Yew Koh and HS Lee were unusual in having a very traditional Chinese upbringing and were strong Anglophiles later on in adult life.

    Lee Kuan Yew and Tan Cheng Lock , however had very Anglophile education and came to be "Chinese Champions" much later through politics.
    Lee KY barely spoke a word of Chinese in his childhood.

    1. language is one of the communication tools. the more we know the better. a friend of mine gave tips on how to learn a foreign language easily, effectively and faster. start with bad words or phrases first or befriend a male or female (opposite sex) foreigner.

    2. some years ago I had an ex from Kelantan who used to tell me "kaytee jangan tipu saya, OK?" (pronouncing 'jangan' the K-way) from which I also learn the word 'tipu' wakakaka. I suppose today she'd be telling me to undergo 'sunat' gulp gasp omigosh

      but she sometimes would ask me "sayang, chat pai du nang mai?", which fortunately due to my tomyam blood, I understood, wakakaka

    3. Wah, KT, if you had made the plunge to "Sunat" those days, especially if she had UMNO family would be well made by now.

      No need to toil away Down Under..........

  9. Malaysian Tamil Hindus still look to the great Hindu temples of Southern India as their spiritual beacon. Many Hindu temples in Malaysia could be considered just subsidiary branches. Hence those who can afford it will make the trip to TamilNadu , Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
    Actually there is a bit of colonial inferiority complex here. Hindusm is not dependent on any particular original place, but somehow Malaysian Tamil Hindus still look to the "Mother Country" for spiritual refreshment.

    Many Chinese are of the Buddhist faith, and to Buddhists, the spiritual Holy Land is in northern India/Nepal , not China.

    1. my late parents were staunch buddhists, dad was of the Theravada school while mum was following the Mahayana school. Contrary to your belief, buddhists don't conduct haj or have a spiritual home to visit because buddhism is about doing things as per the teachings of buddha There is no deity or god in buddhism, hence no spiritual place to visit. If Chinese buddhists do go to northern india/nepal it's more about tourism rather than a holy pilgrimage. eg for mum, she only went to Kuan Im Teng in Pitt Steet if she needed to visit a holy place (what is Pitt Street it called today?), same street as Kapitan Kling Mosque

    2. your ex's 'tipu' (cheat) is equivalent to 'pelemah', the word unknown to the east coasters. how come your ex did not say 'sayang' in the siam language as well? it sounds lebih manja la.

      is ayer itam not your spritial home? if yes, it's about time for your pilgrimage. word 'ayer' already spelled as 'air', but its pronunciation remains the same. petrol kiosks are installed with facilities for water & inflating tires and the board written as 'air & angin', pening!.

      other than melaka, there's quite a bit of peranakan families in penang, and are you one of them?

      pitt street has been changed to jalan masjid kapitan keling (phew, too long). but we still call the original name. just like 'jambatan sultan abdul halim muadzam shah', the name of penang's second bridge but we prefer to call it 2nd bridge or titi (jambatan) baru. banyak jalan2 diberi nama baru, sudah tidak ada oomph.

    3. no, sayang sounds more manja than thi-rak - it flows (into my heart lah), wakakaka

      though my family is peranakan - mum wore sarong kebaya, dad wore sarong at home, we makan dengan tangan, lots of sambal, ulam, petai, jering, and curries in our cuisine - I wonder why we speak Chinese even at home - I suspect that might be because the Penang environment (then) had a far more dominating Chinese lingo (Hokkien) than was the case in Malacca

      I love ayer itam, its laksa asam (dipasar) and mamak mee rebus, pasembur (behind Kong Min SRKC)

    4. p/s we also spoke thai at home but only when my father was still alive - he passed away when I was about 6. my dad was a linguist, and spoke thai, chinese (at least 2 dialects), english, tamil, malay fluently

      for some obscure reason my paternal grandma who spoke thai didn't continue talking with me in thai. my maternal granddad spoke in teochew to me but after he passed away, I forgot every teochew word, well not every but sufficient to render me illiterate in teochew, wakakaka

    5. No wonder your brain is so screwed up...

    6. no, i didn't mean that word (sounds too official to me). there is a colloquial southern thai one (not krungthep) which means 'yang' shortened of 'sayang'.

      'i wonder why we speak Chinese even at home'

      yes, it's the environment. some malays & tamils even bhais can speak fluent hokkien. if you 'ketagih' all those original delicacies, i can send them on-line, anytime. after all is we are one-click away. cheers!

    7. thanks kampong lad

      aiyoyo monsterball, still visiting me er? can't resist kah? wakakakaka


    This is what I found on-line.

    I have also seen publicity for such tours put up in various Buddhist temples in Malaysia, including Penang, so I was pretty sure there is such a practice going on.

    Not being a Buddhist, I couldn't confirm for sure.

    1. Thanks, but if you read one of the linked articles on Buddhist pilgrimages, it says:

      Pilgrimage has formed an important part of Buddhist devotional practice from ancient times. The Rg Veda, a Brahmanical text composed in about 1200 BC, refers to the spiritual benefits that could be acquired by undertaking a pilgrimage to holy sites.

      In the Mahaparinibbana sutta, another early text, it is stated that the Buddha encouraged all devotees to make pilgrimages to four holy sites to ensure that they would be reborn in a heavenly world. It was at these four sites that the most significant events of the Buddha's life took place (birth, enlightenment, turning the wheel of the law and death).

      The 1st paragraph refers to Rig Veda which is a Hindu (not Buddhist) text. Rig Veda predates Buddhism so it obviously wasn't referring to Buddhist but rather Hindu pilgrimages

      The 2nd para refers to Mahaparinibbana sutta, which is the last/final teachings of the Buddha, as he was dying. He consoled the monks who lamented about not being able to see him anymore that they could visit his place of birth, enlightenment etc to boost up their morale. Many take that consoling as a requirement for pilgrimage. But not so, for Buddhism is about Buddhists practicing the teachings of Buddha rather than dabbling or indulging in rituals


    This is what a Western Buddhist scholar has to say about the Vedas and their influence on Buddhism.
    Yes, the Vedas specifically related to Hinduism, but they have tremendous influence on Buddhist belief.
    Buddha himself probably considered himself still a Hindu, but thought that Hindu practice had deviated from what is right. His teaching was an attempt to get the right thought, believes and right behaviour.

    In a way , Buddhism saved Hinduism. In the centuries that followed Buddha, Buddhism became dominant in India. Its simplicity, its accessibility to ordinary people, its egalitarianism all served to convert many from Hinduism.

    Hinduism was forced to reinvent itself, and incorporated many Buddhist practices. However, the caste system remains, one of the most unattractive aspects of Hinduism.

    1. there's a few differences between the two religions but one fundamental difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is that the latter doesn't rely on god or gods for salvation - in fact the gods are totally irrelevant to a buddhist, buddhists believe the god or gods (dewa & dewi) are also subjected to samsara, that is, birth, death and reincarnation,(presumably the life span of a dewa could well be in the million of years, wakakaka)

    2. this is what i got from lebai google;

      The 4 castes in Hinduism are
      Brahmins:assisting people with worship
      Kshatriyas:made of soldiers and nobles
      Vaishyas:made of farmers,merchants, and craftspeople
      Shudras:servants and labors

      you can see that the above is to identify types of profession in the community. unquestionably, they need and depend on each other in their daily life. somewhere along the line, the above has been misinterpreted to mean different from the original purpose intended. blame religion?

    3. blame those in privileged positions who mythologized the ketuanan caste, especially the brahmins

    4. I have a colleague is of the Brahmin caste, but there are no practicing priests in their family.
      For those who are not priests and have no hereditary privilege or inherited wealth, i.e. no more than an ordinary Thambi, being of the Brahmin caste really introduces many complications to life, with no accrued advantages.
      They cannot dine on ordinary food. It has to be strictly vegetarian and some Hindu version of "Halal". Their choice of potential marriage partners is severely limited. Most guys end up in arranged marriages with a girl they hardly know.
      Workplace relations with other Hindus can get very complicated. A Brahmin reporting to a very Low caste head can become a very nasty relationship either way. The Brahmin may heavily resent it, or the Boss may take the opportunity to deliberately make the Brahmin suffer indignities. There are other kinds of friction if the Brahmin is the Boss, and the subordinate is of very low caste.

      Of course, there are many Brahmin families , which have over decades, even centuries used their privileged caste status to build up temporal wealth, so there are many who range from middle-income to the very rich.

    5. in malaysia's situation the 1st two groups except the soldiers of course, become one i.e. maharajas & ulamaks, (the al-sauds & al-wahab), 3rd group is the capitalist, and farmers, craftspeople, servants and labors are in group 4 i.e. the rakyat.

    6. what about the 'classless'? the harijans, dalits or more crudely, pariahs?

    7. haiya anhnea, don't ask that question la, hati boleh panas mendidih, tidak ada hujan di penang sekarang, badan pun 'juak' wor.

  12. Many Malays (other than the Aneh-type Malays) consider Indonesia as their spiritual home. After all, many Malays are no more than 2nd-generation Malaysians, with direct family roots in Jawa or Sumatra.
    Malay politicians, both BN and Opposition, go to Indonesian leaders for blessings of major political moves. Ordinary Malays who can afford it go to Indonesia for advanced traditional medical treatment, or to obtain the services of powerful "Bomoh" or get special jampi.

    That is one major reason why, apart from corruption, the Malay administration has been distinctly disinterested and lacking in energy to tackle the problem of Indonesian illegal immigrants.
    Many personally did not see any wrong with Indonesians coming here to live and make a living without permission. After all, that is often no different from what their fathers or mothers did in earlier days.

    1. Including one clown from ponorogo

    2. ya ya, all the problems at the mexican/us borders are already history.

    3. Siapa dari Ponorogo ?

  13. There is not and never has been a true classless society.
    The Communist classless workers paradise was a lie, and the mirage did not last more than 80 years.

    What every society must do is

    a) Ensure mechanisms to limit the gap between its most privilege groups to the lowest extremes
    b) Ensure an open, mobile society where a person , by virtue of effort, opportunity, brains, education, ability or simply plain luck can improve their position in the society.
    c) Ensure legal rights and protection for all
    d) Ensure some safety net for the least fortunate in the society.

    Other than that, I think humans are unavoidably stuck with some form or another of a Class-stratified society.

    1. Many mampus due to this atheist belief. Time to crucify kaytee

  14. is all an artificial construct of European Colonial powers who carved up Malay South-East Asia into their individual spheres of influence.

    Some of the Indonesian islands in the Riau-Lingga archipelago are within sight of Singapore's city lights, and a short boat ride from Johor.

    Someday , it will all come together again in one big Supra-state.
    Gajah Mada's dream of Nusantara....

    The only problem, from the Malay Sultanates point of view, is Indonesia is strongly republican , and all Their Sultans were forced to give up power. Though they retained their estates and properties, and even today are often very influential in their localities.

    The Chinese and Indians will all be fucked.
    Who cares ?

    1. Fuck chinese........Hahahaha.....What happen to Mongols and Manchus?

      Fuck you la!
