
Friday, March 27, 2015

Fairies and Sons-of-Bitches

The Malay Mail Online - Steer Malaysia from sedition law to win ally against China, Obama told

The US Navy has eleven (11) carrier battle group as above 2nd photo
unseen are the N-powered attack submarines surrounding the surface ships

how many carrier battle groups does China have?

KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 — US President Barack Obama must press Malaysia to abandon the Sedition Act and foster democracy to gain a crucial ally in the region in its race with China, a writer with The Diplomat magazine said.

The Asia-Pacific magazine said China is “particularly keen” on filling the US void in the region through economic clout and “hawkish demonstrations” in the South China Sea.

“If the US doesn’t capitalise on the openness of Malaysia and other nations in the region to its advances — it will surely lose momentum to China.

“One possible step to re-engage? Obama or Secretary of State John Kerry must condemn Malaysia’s draconian Sedition Act, which gives the state sweeping powers against those deemed too critical of the government,” the Japan-based magazine wrote.

The writer, Karam Singh Sethi, noted that there is a “deep desire” for increased engagement between Kuala Lumpur and Washington among students and teachers, to diplomats.

He warned that administrations after Obama will be playing catch up with China for “decades to come” if he does not continue to lay a foundation for strong engagement in the region after his presidency ends in 2017. [...]

The writer must be from la-la land where the tooth fairy, fairy godmother and Tinkerbell live, wakakaka.

The USA does not care two figs about democracy, freedom of expression, human rights, equality or justice, whatever, in other countries so long as those countries remain friendly to and do not interfere with nor obstruct the interests of the American state.

Consider the draconian feudalistic but bloody oil-rich state of Saudi Arabia, whose rulers are propped up by the USA (for oil of course), as was Iran under the Shah (again for oil), and a host of other former dictatorships like those in Chile (copper), South Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, several "-stan" countries of the former republics of the USSR, etc.

Have you ever heard of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's riposte to Sumner Welles, his Secretary of State, who condemned the brutal Nicaraguan dictator as a son of a bitch? The president of the USA, bastion of so-called freedom (or better, 'freedom fries', wakakaka) replied to Welles, “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.”

Roosevelt in his notorious saying had encapsulated the USA's standard attitude towards dictatorships or tyranny throughout the world. In short, the USA doesn't give a shit whether Malaysia's Sedition Act and the UMNO-government's application of this law has been f**king up Malaysians kau kau, so long as the Malaysian government remains friendly to the USA and its interests.

The reason why the USA had previously been supportive of Anwar Ibrahim was due to the Americans seeing Dr M as a very unfriendly leader of a reasonably sized country with strategic assets and geographical features and locations - Malacca Straits (choke point for Chinese ships), rubber, oil and gas, etc.

The USA has had a notorious history of destabilizing governments unfriendly to its political, strategic and economic interests, so that its favoured (local) candidate could take over.

Some if its past victims were South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem (he and family were assassinated in a CIA-backed coup in '63), Brazil's democratically elected President João Goulart (deposed by military coup d'etat in '64), Chile's democratically elected president Salvador Allende (assassinated in an American back military coup in '73).

Other US-backed, sponsored or instigated coups were in Syria in '49, Iran in '53, Guatemala in '54, Congo in '60, Dominican Republic in '61, Indonesia in '65, Haiti in '91, Honduras in '99 and allegedly Ukraine in 2004 and in recent times in Libya and Egypt. The US attempted a coup in Venezuela but failed. This list is NOT exhaustive.

If Dr M had crossed the line which adversely affected US political, financial and economic interests, I wonder whether the USA would have sponsored its nominated client (wakakaka) to take over, one way or another.

And I suppose that's the cleverness or slyness of Ah Jib Gor who on coming into power had straightaway neutralized Mr Manmanlai on the international front by cozying up to the Yanks.

Have you noticed how relatively quiet the American government have been on Anwar since Ah Jib Gor came into power, and how they have 'acted dunno' about Mr Manmanlai? The ugly truth is the USA has discarded him like a used condom.

Yes, they might have uttered a few words or so for their own domestic (liberal) consumption but insofar as relationship between the USA and Malaysia under Ah Jib Gor currently goes, it's all very kamcheng lah (pally-buddy hunky-dory).

Yes, the USA may want to curb China's adventures in the South China Sea (which is more about the latter's concerns for oil, oil, oil rather than the alleged hawkish regional dominance) but it can still do this with a dictatorship in Vietnam or Malaysia.

Indeed, what need has it for any form of democratic states to achieve its strategic containment of China, when it has gone about (or tried) co-opting communist Vietnam and dictatorships in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan?

Yes, the writer must be from la-la land where the tooth fairy, fairy godmother and Tinkerbell live, wakakaka.


  1. China will soon have ( maybe already have ) enough naval and air power , not to match US global power but make it unacceptably costly for the US to intervene in a South East Asian crisis involving China.
    You are right, nations always act in their perceived vital interests.
    Big powers have big vital interests and they will deal with strange and smelly bedfellows if that is what it takes.

    1. One thing for sure. When finally USA let go, it would all over again. The Feud with Japan.

      Can China really handle Japan?

      I got one solution.......Send this cibai kaytee to meet the Japs.........Hahahahaha

  2. Is the US dealing with the Manchus?
    China is unstoppable!


    1. China in a way has been clever, avoiding the wasteful mistakes of the USA and USSR in intervening in far away wars such as (a) both USA and USSR in Afghanistan, USA in Vietnam, twice in Iraq, and in terms of massive aid to Israel.

      China has seen how a post-war Japan by both constitution and choice, avoided the costly involvement (with USA as did Australia and Britain) in global conflicts and rose to be, at one time, the second most rich nation in the world. However, Japan seems to have forgotten that better path, both because of a rising Chinese threat as well as teh preferred policies of PM Junichiro Koizumi and Shinzo Abe, both right wingers

    2. Huaren,
      You know why I insist in the Lupus aka CL Flamiaris to bite kaytee in Aussie? What the cibai fuck are my popcorns?

    3. looes

      Pleaswe forgive my ignorance.
      1. Is he/she the same CL Flamiaris who is a regular visitor of Din Merican's blog.
      2. What is cibXX fuXk?


    4. please let me answer Q2 - cibXX is looes' mouth while fuXk is his head, wakakaka

    5. Thanks, KT.
      But looes may not agree with you.


  3. With their successful 'exploitation' of hydro-cracking with oil sand, USA is no longer oil hungry. In fact, she has become an net oil exporter in the last few quarters!

    Thus, the Geo-politic of the US has been shifted from oil centred to other issues. One of it would be the free flows of US goods, services & commerce.

    To do that, she needs well-tuned alliances that share the common interest. TPPA is one such issue.

    So, dont jump too fast in yr conclusion. U might end up in la la land yrself!!!

    1. due to its high cost, fracking is only advantageous when oil is US$60 or more per barrel. Additionally it is also subjected to stern environmental concerns as the process contaminates any nearby water resources.

      encirclement of China is not about oil per se (while there is that too, principally to control a fast diminishing resource) but a new Cold War, this time against China as a rising power to match or even overtake the USA (instead of previously against the entire communist bloc) - the USA wants to remain the eminent power for obvious reasons and will do its best to disintegrate (and thus diminish, destanbilize and handicap) China as per the former Yugoslavia and USSR

    2. It does appear like the US just doesn't like its position as top dog threatened. Remember how it was making loud antagonistic noises at Japan in the 70's when the latter was on the up and up and economically threatening the Yanks.

  4. In some countries, due to certain circumstances, condoms are washed and re-used. Wakakakaka

    PS. Taking a cue from your analogy.

    1. not if the 'goods' are far too damaged, wakakaka

  5. who needs battleships or carriers when one can so easily squeeze one's nuts by merely turning off the money tap.. China is a bigger trading partner to Malaysia than the US..Mucho billions of annual trade , --Its a very delicate balancing act between economic clout and military might when they head in different directions..

  6. 1. 'Yes, they might have uttered a few words or so for their own domestic (liberal) consumption' - it's called leveraging.

    2. east cost of sabah is a strategic location for paman sam's naval base after subic bay, located in olongapo (philippines's rock city). what do you think?

  7. I'll be shocked if Malaysia ever grants the US military a base in our country, given the Malay perception the USA is and has been a strong and staunch supporter of Israel - Chinese okay lah as they can sell more barang to the Yanks, wakakaka. I don't think any Malaysian PM will survive such a decision.

  8. Guys and Gals,
    Watch out for the TPPAs......The only Najib would let off the hook by USA is by signing away TPPA with Obama. Wanna bet?
    Anyway, this article is purely academic anyway. Hahahaha!

  9. KTmoc - "I'll be shocked if Malaysia ever grants the US military a base in our country, given the Malay perception the USA is and has been a strong and staunch supporter of Israel"

    KT ,

    With due respects to you & your blogsite...

    The US does not need to open a Base in Malaysia with Najib's "Naive" strategies like - ### The United States has excellent access to Malaysian intelligence.###

    Also to share this...

    In 2013, seventy-five visits and exchanges were planned with the US military to boost Malaysia's military capability and ...

    Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Malaysia - Page 408

    27 April 2014 PMO - Obama Najib -

    Sept 2014 -

    03 May 2002 -
    U.S.-Malaysia Defense Cooperation: A Solid Success Story

    By The Honorable Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak

    "...A Special Relationship with the U.S.

    Malaysian forces regularly conduct joint training with United States counterparts, and the United States routinely enjoys access to Malaysian airfields and ports. Also, Malaysia provides one of the few bases outside the United States for U.S. military jungle-warfare training. U.S. troops are warmly welcomed in Malaysia and enjoy training there. In particular:

    There have been more than 75 U.S. military ship visits in the past two and a half years.

    The United States conducts training exercises with the Royal Malaysian Air Force, flying with and against them in mock battles.

    U.S. Navy SEALs conduct training in Malaysia twice a year.

    The U.S. Army does field exercises with the Malaysian army. I might mention here that, for their expertise in jungle warfare, Malaysians are known in the business as "whispering death."

    Finally, 1,500 Malaysian defense personnel have benefited from the U.S.-sponsored IMET (international military education and training) program.

    As you can see, cooperation between our two nations started long before September 11, 2001. But the horrific events of that day galvanized our relationship as never before. Prime Minster Mahathir has been vocal in condemning the attacks, and we have been happy to provide an elevated level of cooperation with the United States on the range of fronts. For example:

    The United States averages more than 1,000 overflights per year. Since September 11, this number has increased dramatically, and all requests have been approved.

    flyer168 - ### The United States has excellent access to Malaysian intelligence.###

    Malaysia occupies a strategic location along the Strait of Malacca and southern South China Sea, and devotes considerable resources to maintaining safe and free shipping lanes for commercial and military vessels. Since September 11, Malaysian forces have been protecting U.S. ships in the Strait.

    Malaysia has a considerable number of troops and military assets on our islands to thwart the threat of Abu Sayyaf terrorists in the Southern Philippines.

    In addition, Malaysia is actively identifying assets of terrorists and teaching Indonesia and other ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries how to freeze assets..."

    03 May 2002 - U.S.-Malaysia Defense Cooperation: A Solid Success Story -

    You be the judge.

    Cheers & happy blogging KT.

    1. flyer168, sorry to inform you you're way off track, wakakaka, shooting at or arguing about a different sector of military activities.

      My comment that Malaysia will NEVER (for the foreseeable future) provide a base per se for the Yanks was in response to kampong lad 6.29 pm's query, as to whether we'll allow the US Navy to build a base in Sabah a la Subic Bay. I stand firmly by my assessment. I think it was last year that there was unsubstantiated rumours the Yanks were operating maritime reconnaissance of the South China Sea from a Sabah base.

      You have provided a repertoire of US-Malaysia training activities, joint, hosted by Malaysia (eg. your "provides one of the few bases outside the United States for U.S. military jungle-warfare training") & vice versa, etc (inclduing a warm invitation by Ah Jib Gor, wakakaka) but those are totally different to allowing the Americans to build a naval base of their own here (Sabah) a la Subic Bay (or an air force base a la Clark Air Base) which has been what kampong lad asked per 6.29 pm

      Nations throughout the modern world regularly conduct joint and combined military exercises, sometimes involving potential foes as well, either as direct participants or observers, as has been a recent military exercise with Chinese participation (only in medical evacuation, presumably as a gentle start). But these are totally different from allowing a foreign nation to operate a base here, as had been the case of the Philippines previously allowing the US military bases in Subic Bay (naval) and Clark Air Base (air force), or the Japs and previously, Thailand. The US military operates bases in the Gulf and previously Uzbekistan and a couple of other "-stan" countries, the latter group as part of its encirclement strategy of China.

      By the way, thank you for providing precise evidence of what I have written in my post about Ah Jib Gor cozying up pally-buddy with the Yanks to out-manoeuvre AI, wakakaka

    2. paman sam is now homeless in the s.e.a. region. they want to be a 'permanent resident' instead of being treated just as a 'guest' or 'tourist'. i little bird told me that the location was promised to them by you know who la (orang kampong pun tahu DAH LAMA DAH).

      they would have gotten their wish in not for china's 'strong advice', compounded with the mh 370 tragedy, ah jib gor's balancing act has become tougher & more complicated. it doesn't matter who the pm is.

      the malay perception, if there is, can be easily kow-tim'ed for they (a big majority in fact) don't give no hoots to the presence of paman sam. they can be easily 'pelemah' with kepala babi, hudud, allah etc. it is akin to telling the east malaysians about 1mdb, they will ask you , 'apa binatang tu?'. cheers!

  10. As I understand it, US is seeking broad access to Malaysian ports not amounting to bases.

    Port calls without requiring case-by-case approval. Either unlimited ( unlikely to be agreed by Malaysia) or a generous quota. The US Navy would just have to inform Malaysian authorities in advance of such a port call.
    No bases flying a US flag, but civilian US contractor installations providing non-lethal logistics services e.g. fuel, food, water, spare parts, emergency repairs. No qeapons. They would be low profile, look like any other US owned company in Malaysia.

    No uniformed US military personnel based in Malaysia but there would be US civilian contractors. They would seem no different from the hundreds or of US expatriates who already work in Malaysia.
    Ports that the US have expressed an interest would be Port Klang , Penang and one in Borneo.

    1. Penang and one in Sabah are what they're looking for, to facilitate their ops in the South China Sea and Indian Ocean. I think Port Klang may be a wee redundant as they are already using Sing, and with a bit of luck and okay from Ah Jib Gor, Penang

  11. BTW Parman Sam is not " homeless "in South-East Asia. They have a huge unsinkable aircraft carrier base in Singapore, in all but name.
    Singapore city is crawling with American Navy men every time one of these huge behemoths come into port.
    Why do you think Singapore gets the right to buy the most advanced US weapons that US allows no other country other than a few closest NATO allies and Japan?

    1. actually Sing has far greater access to US military 'exclusive' hardware and software than countries like Australia

  12. What did you say KT? The ugly truth is the USA has discarded its nominated client like a used condom? Betul betul celupar lah kau nih! Wakakaka...

    By the way, just curious why the necessity to show the fifth photo? Are you not showing your own notion of Islam? Your political opportunism perhaps? Wakakaka again..

    - hasan

    1. 5th photo? tunjuk democrasi American sebenarnya - far far worse than mere cakap ta'serupa bikin, wakakaka

    2. ok lah.. I can accept that.. wakakaka

      By the way, Paman Saman is not homeless here at all. Indonesia is Paman Obama's kampong lah.

      - hasan

    3. part of the US strategy to encircle and restrict China
