
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Insulting Jibrail

TMI - Guitars, football kits haram, says Islamic scholar

well-known Muslim musician Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

Collecting guitars or football kits is no music to the ears of Muslims, says an Islamic scholar who declared the religion forbids such hobbies.

His puritanical views tabled at a seminar in Kuala Lumpur come at a time when Malay Muslim groups are seeking a stricter implementation of Islamic laws in the country.

Abdul Raof Nurin said the majority of ulama forbid the use of musical instruments, such as piano, drum and saxophone, as they were deemed part of Western culture, which was not in line with Islamic values.

Only musical instruments like kompang or gong were encouraged, he said while presenting his paper at the National Seminar on Entertainment and Islam organised by the Malaysian Muslim Consumer Group (PPIM) and the Human Development and Investigation Bureau.

Sheer bullshit because the archangel Jibrail (pbuh) is known to blow a horn.

Furthermore the bloke should not cherry pick when he asserted that the above prohibited items "...  were deemed part of Western culture, which was not in line with Islamic values."

Then he should not, for a start, travel by car (including taxis and buses), trains, modern ships and airplanes as these inventions came from and are part of Western culture.

He should also not use a phone, computer, airconditioning room (is he now staying in a 5-star hotel?), nor even a microphone to deliver his speech.

The list of items from Western culture is endless. But the sickest joke is that he prohibits playing drums while encouraging the use of kompang - huh?

If he uses any of the above mentioned Western inventions he is just a bloody cherry picking hypocrite.

He should also pray for forgiveness from the archangel Jibrail (pbuh) for insulting the archangel as being unIslamic for blowing his horn.


  1. Technically he may travel and drive a Proton Saga (maiden model / !st model).
    As it have a crescent moon and a star on the bonnet.
    Old Mahathir did mentioned about Islamic car,

    Wonder why he (abdul) did not say that using logo of harimau on National crest and cop's badges are haram. Such priest caste are clearly selective.

  2. Life is really hard......

  3. This is the mentality of a frog living under the tempurong for a very long time.Perhaps all his miserable life.Does he not know that there are so many Malay rock bands and Malay artistes,male and female in Malaysia.This stupid fool should and always will be shiok sendiri his own self.

  4. "Sheer bullshit because the archangel Jibrail (pbuh) is known to blow a horn."

    KT, I think it should be Israfel not Jibrail.

    - hasan

  5. In Judeo-Christian beliefs it's Jibrail or Gabriel who blows the horn when God reappears on Earth, while in Islamic beliefs, you're right, it's Israfil or Raphael who does the trumpeting on Resurrection Day. Strangely, in both the Bible and Quran, the two (horn blowers) are NOT mentioned by name but only by allusions.

  6. OutSyed The Box blog has made the case often enough that when a society/community gets too obsessed about religion, it invariably starts to rot from the inside out.

  7. Yes, I've just taken a look at the latest posting at Outsyed the box and the stupidities the men of god, holy men, whatever they want to be called, inflict and impose on the ordinary people is just unbelievable. It makes an observer speechless with horror!

    Religious leaders who capriciously make up rules and prohibitions from their own twisted interpretations of religious texts can be likened to one afflicted with a form of brain cancer and the unfortunate part is they want/insist on infecting everyone else with their disease.

  8. the cuckoo guy who know's5:05 am, December 08, 2014

    If the cowardly pariah,Alvin Tan had his passport revoked,that he is considered a stateless pariah.What would the US state dept do when he is considered a stateless person?Will a stateless person still can be considerede for political asylum?Then all the staetless persons in this world will be having a fiesta,and the US will be fucked.

    1. That's why you know enough to call yourself a cuckoo.....talking off tangent about Alvin Tan who's actually taunting that idiotic home minister when this post here is about the the fcuking ulama living in his tempurung world. In our beloved country...the ones grabbing the headlines nowadays are either the Ketuanan melayus or the Sick-in-the-Head ulama melayus, all shooting out shit from their foul mouths.

    2. Having one's international passport revoked DOESNT mean one is stateless. It just mean one cannot travel outside the country since passport is a prerequisite traveling document

      Alvin is STILL a M'sian, like it or not. NO one can revoke his citizenship, not even the Agong, since he is born into it. Unless he denounces it himself by applying for another country's citizenship.

      Typical brainless moron of keeping calling for revoking of citizenship of born M'sian!!!!!

      Real cuckoo to the nth.......

    3. The horn was originally just the hollowed out appendage from the head of a cow or ram , with its end cut off for blowing (hence the name "horn"). Nothing Western about it, all communities which keep cattle or sheep had it.

      You cannot lump horns together with guitars, which are definitely a Western invention.
      Cars, phones, air conditioners are not "culture". They can fit into very different cultural values. However, movies and music definitely have cultural content.
      You are starting to sound like some idiots who say if you don't like Israel or USA, then don't use computers.......

      Abdul Raof has a right to preach rejection of Western music , for example, just as long as he doesn't try to limit the rights of others who disagree.

    4. aha so I see, the community of God's archangels kept cattle and sheep - wakakaka.

    5. Religions grow out of the communities in which they take root. Virtually all ancient religions started from agrarian communities.
      They called it a horn....maybe angels actually use fusion-powered synthesisers...who knows ?

    6. oh, are you saying that angels and horns were all in the heads of those members of the agrarian community?

    7. Is Ktemo high on drugs ?

  9. the new kampung man11:13 am, December 08, 2014

    From stampings and desecrating of bibles to sex blogger Alvin Tan to defence staff in NZ for attempted rape.Malaysia the land of the bolehs is famous for all the wrong reasons.Go shiok sendiri and figure it out.

    1. afterall, isn't Malaysia's famous cry "Malaysia Boleh"? wakakaka

    2. Now we are going to have a German guy to run MAS.....
      Why not, I suppose.....all the rest of the locals have failed...

  10. the cuckoo guy who know's9:11 pm, December 08, 2014

    Anon 10:01 and 10:54,

    has the real Alvin finally surfaced on KTemoc's blog to defend his cowardly acts of acttacking any Dick and Jennie hiding from the safe arms off our shores.Hohoho.

  11. It is better to have a German guy than to have a moron.Hehehe

  12. The sooner that all the frogs living under the tempurong realized that Anwar has out lived his welcome and has closets full of skeletons,the better it will be for the opposition.Anwar is the main obstacle to PR marching into Putrajaya.Wake up,sleppyheads LGE and Tony Pua.Rafizi,forget about this useless dude.

    1. And you would be the biggie PM elect

  13. the gaffe guy who know's3:24 am, December 09, 2014

    Kaytee,sweetie Hannah Yeoh had chased the Umno opposition leader and sacked him from his post.Just joking lah.Sweetie Hannah put pressure and this guy just crumbled with his knees twerking.Hehehe.One,two and three thumps up for the sweeties.

  14. Over at OutSyed The Box the latest posting is a really juicy article about UMNO allegedly employing bloggers to act as their stormtroopers/cybertroopers to attack the opposition and UMNO's critics. If you are interested in current affairs, you will definitely enjoy reading that.
