
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Once there were two ...

“Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame. One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return.”

― George R.R. Martin (A Game of Thrones)

Once there were two brothers. God loved only one. Why? The reason was never given - until thousands of years later by men who wanted to defend God and started being 'creative' in their explanations.

Surely there must be a reason, where some naughty people even suggested God was been a meat lover and favoured the brother who was a shepherd (with lots of sheep and thus mutton and lamb chops) over the other, an agricultural farmer who could only offer grain, fruits and veggies.

Kaytee has an answer here to explain God's so-called unfair favoritism, wakakaka.

Yet an interesting mystery of a story about another two brothers here, wakakaka.

Once there were two military men who were each accused of violating the law (different laws as their case were not the same).

Even before they have been tried by the court (different courts), one has been found guilty but the other found innocent. But then again, one has been found innocent while the other guilty.

Surely there must be a reason, wakakaka.

What about you telling me why? Wakakaka.

Once there were two men who went up to the Temple to pray: one was a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. 

The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed, ‘I thank you, God, that I am not greedy, dishonest, or an adulterer, like everybody else. I thank you that I am not like that tax collector over there. I fast two days a week, and I give you one tenth of all my income.’

But the tax collector stood at a distance and would not even raise his face to heaven, but beat on his breast and said, ‘God, have pity on me, a sinner!’

I tell you,” said Jesus, “the tax collector, and not the Pharisee, was in the right with God when he went home. For those who make themselves great will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be made great.”  - from Luke 18:10-14

The reason is the people who wrote the biblical Book of Luke didn't like Jews (Pharisees), wakakaka.

Once there were two muftis who commented on Lassie. One said ulama should not bullshit (kaytee's words, wakakaka) like a dog with its tongue hanging out, that touching a dog was haram when it's not haram, while the other said that doggie event has made fun of ulama which should not be tolerated as it would undermine their ulama authority (er ... yang amat alim, was it haram or not?).

Surely there must be a reason, wakakaka.

What about you telling me why? Wakakaka.

Once there were two women. One loves handbags while the other loves hand-gloves, wakakaka. One has been reputed to coach her hubby in his duties while the other is known to consider hers as 'God's gift to the people', wakakaka.

Surely there must be a reason, wakakaka.

What about you telling me why? Wakakaka.

Once there were two men, wakakaka. One was said to have once gone to Port Dickson for a wee bit of 'jolly', wakakaka, while the other was said to have gone the 'other way', wakakaka again.

Surely there must be a reason, wakakaka.

What about you telling me why? Wakakaka.

Once there were two daughters, wakakaka. To end this post, glad to say both have bravely backed the 'Get to know Rin Tin Tin' event. Well done, sweeties.


  1. full of euphemism for events known by ALL in bolihland!

    Why should anybody tell u what's implying behind these stories. Most of these stories have not reached the end yet - so how to tell?

    Big picture.... man... I like this better;

    A scifi with a ketuanan tone.

    We should work on this to draw a conclusion about the future of Bolihland, instead of speculation about u-tell-me!

  2. Once there was a Fucked-up guy who hid away in Ozzland....writing imbecilic posts....

    Surely there must be a reason....

    1. ... while the other sucked rancid satay kuah in BolehLand, wakakaka [don't forget, our topic is "Once there were two", wakakaka again

  3. Once there was one country, which became two.

    One country now has a higher level of GDP per person than Switzerland.
    The other country is still stuck in 1st gear, arguing about touching dogs and fixated on whether a coffee-boy's Anus was penetrated.

    1. wow this is a GOOD one - how did I miss it, wakakaka.

    2. It was missed because we have become "comfortably numb" to these things.

      Enjoy the Pink Floyd classic:

  4. "The reason is the people who wrote the biblical Book of Luke didn't like Jews (Pharisees), wakakaka."

    The Pharisee was proud of himself. He bragged about how he did right things. He said to God that he was not like other people who were greedy, dishonest, adulterers and did other evil things, like KT and me… wakakaka! Pharisee did not confess to God of any wrong or bad things that he had done in his life. He wanted God to honour him.

    OTH, the tax collector was so humbled and feeling sad before God. He stood at a distance, and he couldn’t even lift his head to God. He respected and honoured God. The tax collector was remorseful for all the wrong things that he had done. Never did he brag about himself.

    Jesus is telling us that God had listened to the sad tax collector’s prayers because of his attitude. He had respected and honoured God. He is humble and never did he ask God to honour him.


    1. really, what did the Pharisee care when Jews and Christians have (effectively) different God. To the Jews, Jesus was a heretic.

    2. "Once there were two men: The Prophetic Story and Moral Imagination". [Amy Merrill Willis]

      Surely there must be a reason. What about you telling me why?

      - hasan

    3. More fiction ?

    4. Sometimes I find it extremely interesting for an atheist to quote bibles to make their cases. Think of it carefully, what makes you think not that ktemoc does not belong to Pharises? I am waiting for the Lupus aka CL Flamiaris to have a debate with cibai in aussie land

  5. Uh huh ... you ain't seen nothing yet!

    The direction this Bolehland is moving, with gathering momentum, we all may be prudent to insist that our daughters start learning how to cook and do domestic chores. It won't be long before we all start exporting our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters to Indonesia, Philippines, and other countries to work as domestic servants. There are plenty of Bolehlanders who are working hard to nudge us in that direction.

    1. during madhater's time, many malaysians have become illegal collies in Nippon land

    2. "during madhater's time many malaysians have become illegal collies in Nippon land".

      I had a family member who was one...scraped and saved up enough money to later start his own business in Malaysia.

      He has made a success in life, but it would have been impossible to make it on his own in Malaysia....wrong skin colour....

  6. kt also has a reason why he prefers najib and rosmah.

    1. RM? hope so - I could do with a few extra RM, but till now the govt, UMNO, MCA, and worst of all DAP haven't sent me the due cheques, wakakaka

    2. Do you really think that you need direct money meh? There are many ways you can derive benefits from? There are many ways to skin a cat. So how's your sister's cat's death anniversary?

  7. Wan Azizah (the one with the hand-glove) is a much more superior person than Rosmah (the Birkin handbag lover) .....morally, ethically, intellectually, regardless of what you may think of their husbands.

  8. .....once there was a brave commentator on this blog.....Hehehehe

    1. The same Ball ?
      Welcome back !

    2. Not so. The original monsterball used the lowercase "m" whereas this one used a capitalised "M". So, wrong and different monster!!!

    3. Sad to inform that Mr SS Goh has gone to meet his Maker.

    4. tokio_rain,

      What you say above ... is it really true or are you kidding?

  9. Kaytee,is this monsterball,the original "balls" who lost his dentures while screwing and humping in Haadyai? Or is it someone pretending to be Mr Monsterball.Either way,it is going to be a nightmare for you if the monster is back.Hehe.

    1. Why nightmare? Moderated mah.. Hehehe.

    2. Ktemoc's blog is very quiet nowadays, with few comments after monsterball stopped visiting.

      It is also a function of his "Editorial" stance.
      If people want to read vitriol against Anwar and nice things about Najib there are plenty of better blogs to get that...

      Look at his blog visitor count....a shadow of its former self.

  10. tokio rain,

    long time no see.I thought that you had joined the monster and had migrated to Haadyai,the land of confort for good.Hehe.

    1. Speak for yourself you used-to-be-ball-apologist turncoat. Still walking them bitches? Hehehe.

  11. Once there were two charges under the same Akta Hasutan.

    One chose not to prosecute Datuk Ibrahim Ali for advocating the burning of The Bibble to protect the sanctity of Islam, while the other said student actvitist Adli Adam had made fun of Islam which should not be tolerated as it would undermine its official religion status

    The key word is apparently the contextualization of their respective action even though their interpreted/expressed intention was dodgy!

    ‘On the contrary Section 3(3) of the Act has made it abundantly clear that “intention” (however good) of the person uttering the statement, is irrelevant if the statement has a seditious tendency. It boggles my mind how the AG could excuse the man on grounds of his good intention when the law says otherwise. It also boggles my mind how burning the bible would defend the sancity of the Islamic religion (“untuk mempertahankan kesucian agama Islam”).’

    Surely there must be a reason, wakakaka. You tell me....

  12. Most religions have some form of belief in Reincarnation, Resurrection, Return , whatever....

    Yup, Monsterball is back.....soon....with a vengeance.
    Wakakakakaka !

    1. so far no added value from MB - if still along such valueless input I may not release further comments from him, wakakaka

  13. There was once two bloggers.

    One started off as a NASA supporter, as well as a follower of The-One-Who-Walks-On-Water.
    Then she transformed , and became a supporter of the Kris, and attacks NASA with almost every blog post.

    The Other one also started off, and remains a NASA supporter.
    But this one attacks The-One-Who-Walks-On-Water with almost every blog post.

    Both are nut-heads....wakakakakaka...

