
Monday, October 06, 2014

Hard times ahead for Malaysians

Forget about the bullshit politics that have been raging for the past several months in various regions in Malaysia - constitutional crisis in Selangor and a Lite version in Johor, seditious charges in Penang, secession calls in Sabah and Sarawak, etc.

What the government is worried about have been, unfortunately, many issues, among them the ISIS Islamist agitation with Malaysian participation (and worse, their return to Malaysia), rising cost of living and the threat of poverty-related crisis for retirees.

In the last, the Malay Mail Online has published a news article titled Retirement crisis brewing as EPF savings suggest pensioner poverty (extracts as follows):

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 ― Malaysia may be headed for a retirement crisis as tens of thousands of Malaysians depart the workforce for their golden years with less savings than is needed to keep them out of poverty.

According to recent figures from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), the approximately 70,000 active 54-year-old contributors have an average savings of just under RM167,000 last year. The recommended minimum savings level is RM196,800.

The situation is made more alarming by the revelation that 69 per cent of all EPF contributors of the same age have less than RM50,000 in their accounts, as made known by the fund’s chief executive, Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan, last month.

But even RM167,000 is scant consolation. As the average Malaysian expected to live until 75, retiring at 60 with that amount would mean surviving on just RM700 a month for the rest of their days.

With that amount, retirees would technically slip below the RM830 per month threshold that is indicative of poverty conditions in peninsular Malaysia, based on the Statistics Department’s poverty line income (PLI) for 2012.

When a significant segment of the rakyat lives in poverty or near poverty, the country may expect social unrest.

For example, China is shit scared of this issue and seemingly unusual for a dictatorship, but then wisely for its government, the authority has been sensitively responsive to public outcries and demands. The Chinese authority is known to be working extremely hard, nay, even desperately to see wealth distributed more evenly to the rural poor, before the Marie Antoinette's shit hits the Chinese fan (wakakaka).

Other countries like Australia also faces retiree-related problems but of a different kind, where it's more to do with a growing retiree population who is living longer wakakaka, coupled with a declining tax-paying younger population - in other words, the tax collected for the present and future is seen as insufficient to cope with the retiring (and to the government's dismay, longer living) pensioners.

Incidentally, Aus has a national pension scheme which pays pension to every of its citizens and PR, but subject to an asset-income test - in other words, if one doesn't have enough to get by (according to a national set criteria), one will be paid a certain amount of pension by the government. This could also include government assistance in reducing electricity-water bills, land rates, etc.

In the last, namely, government assistance in reducing electricity-water bills, I have heard of an unofficial Malaysian version where in some places, such bills are never issued, nor enforced in collection, wakakaka. Is this true?

Now, if only Malaysia has such a scheme, then the really-needy pension-age rakyat like retired rubber tappers (not estate owners), garbage collectors and those without much or some form of pension income (like the dhoby women who washed clothes by the stream behind my house and the wood cutters in my Ayer Itam village in Penang who sold their cuttings to housewives) would have received government pensions.

Do you remember my narration of an old itinerant village barber Subramaniam in my March 2011 post OK and KO-ed Indian Malaysians? I had then written:

Then there was Subramanian. Subra was a wandering barber in my village. He plied his trade by walking around and seeking out known clients (like young kaytee), while carrying an old small suitcase which contained his equipment including the barber’s sheet.

His village trade eventually disappeared in the face of growing affluence in society and the appearance and greater attraction of girlie barber salons, which provide not only haircut complete with shampoo and drying, but also ear cleaning (I could never take the ‘pain’ of the scrapping though I think it was more psychological than actual physical pain – I dreaded the very scary thought of the sweetie plunging her traditional Chinese-designed ear de-waxer right through my ear drums, ouch & gulp!); there was of course the massaging as well, yup, of zones way beyond the region of the head.

All poor Subra could provide by way of competition was the old fashioned Thuggee-style twisting of the neck to produce a couple of satisfying but frightening 'cracks' (or snaps) – at times I wonder whether he was going to break my neck. But poor Subra’s livelihood inevitably succumbed to modernity and his personal problems, mainly excessive toddy.

Unlike the mee rebus Aneh, he became a total failure. The last time I saw Subra was years ago when I returned home for Chinese New Year celebrations. Shabby, unwashed and smelling of various odour, especially stale toddy, he staggered into my house to pay me a CNY visit. Naturally I welcomed the elderly Uncle and invited him for a drink of, no, not toddy, but traditional F&N sarsi. Declining my welcoming drink he asked rather bluntly whether I could spare him a couple of ringgit.

I always have a soft spot for Subra, despite him occasionally giving a then very young kaytee a cuff or two on the head for not sitting still when he was cropping my hair. I gave him RM20 which saw him seeking leave from me straightaway to hunt down the village Chinese samsu shop man (because it was CNY and the shop was closed). I haven’t seen Subra since that sad parting.

Here we have two examples of Indian Malaysians where one has been innovative and extremely successful while the other gradually became a failure, owing to his inability to cope with the changing business scene of barbering and his own indiscipline.

ayer itam village of yester-years

So how man? In the last half a century there’s more Subra’s than mee-rebus Aneh’s. Yes, there were, have been, are and will be the Chinese equivalents of Subra but never to the shocking numbers in the Indian community.

May I, without offending anyone, say something about the difference between pathetically poor Chinese and pathetically poor Indians? There’s a noticeable lack of support for and within the latter group, unlike the poor Chinese. In this (kaytee’s observation) I believe the MIC has a lot to answer to, especially when you read of the son of a MIC bigwig boasting he housed his German Shepherd pet in an air-conditioned kennel.

Poor Subra would have benefited from such a Malaysian pension scheme a la the Aus one which does the right thing for its citizens, and which could have given him a better last few years in his sad life.

But alas for poor old Subra, for all our bloody f**king oil/gas/timber/palm oil/rubber/etc and the bloody f**king billions we bloody f**king wasted away, we don't have one. Mind, we could chuck a whole Proton Saga into the Arctic, and even talked about wrapping an entire Egyptian Pyramid with batik, and which we would have done if the Egyptian Minister of Antiquities didn't tell us to f**k off!

ayer itam village market

Bet you poor old Subra would have perished by now, probably of alcoholic poisoning in some back lane, un-missed and un-mourned by all saved kaytee and a few of his long time clients (kaytee's village classmates).

Former Aus PM Paul Keating during his days as both Treasurer (Aus equivalent of Finance Minister) in the Hawke government and as PM had wisely advocated higher or increased national work-related saving contributions a la EPF, but faced enormous opposition from (naturally) employers and their Liberal Party-National Party backers, and (sadly & stupidly) the workers themselves who wanted the pay straight away in their own pockets (no doubt expecting the government to look after them when they're retired).

In Malaysia's case it's due to insufficient savings by the pensioners, even with the EPF. Since it has to do with EPF, somewhere along the line, there has been awful bad planning by our authority. The Malay Mail Online report continues:

According to Harveston Wealth Management financial adviser Annie Hor, a nest egg of RM167,000 could be made to last, but only if the retiree is completely free of debt and need not pay for accommodation.

“Otherwise you would be suffering a bit because if you just want a simple life, with three meals a day, maybe just get from point A to point B, petrol, you would need at least RM1,000 to 2,000 per month because, not forgetting when you are older, medical bills are expensive,” she told Malay Mail Online recently.

She added that her 60-year-old mother needs at least RM2,000 to get by in the city, even with her simple lifestyle.

So 2 grand monthly gets one by but for an improved lifestyle, one needs more than 2 grand per month.

Australia's strategy to overcome the pending pension deficit (short term as it undoubtedly is) has been to make people work longer, that is for them to retire much later in life. Sometimes I wonder whether the Aus government secretly hopes the would-be retirees would die in their work prior to retiring, and thus without imposing a long term burden on the younger and smaller-population tax payers?

Will we see Malaysia opting for and encouraging a longer working term until the average retirement age becomes at least 65 (Aus is now talking about 70)?

can you see my old (now belated) granddad among those pushing the car - he was a Chinese coolie without government pension - I provided him that

Apart from forcing people to work longer in their short life spans, this will require the government to expand the working force significantly in order to cater also for the younger population coming into the work force annually.

This is what Malaysian politicians should be worried about, and not about the bullshit politics that we have been getting recently.


  1. Govt worried?
    U must be kidding me?
    Their greatest advice?
    Change your lifestyle matey
    Better zip up my mouth
    Else never know when the big S hits u

  2. Govt worried?

    U must be kidding me?

    There is still that die-hard moneyed 36% Chinapek to be squeezed for that last drop of dott!

    Based on their birth rate, it was calculated by the markah-buta-trained economists that the sustaining trend could last till 2030. Of course, provided the black oil & gas wouldnt be depleted by 2020.

    Meanwhile, illicit out-flow of fund has accelerated in a sabu-&-take- no-prison mode.

    So, there is a saving net for the pensioners - the right kind, less the blur-sotongs in their 3R wet dream.

  3. Countries such as USA and Australia have their share of economic woes, but at least there is a real debate on the future direction of the country.

    Malaysia really only has one economic policy - the New Economic Policy and its various new bottles. The only economic strategy Malaysia has is to siphon off economic wealth created by the Chinese to feed Bumi cronies.
    Every other government "policy" revolves around this NEP policy - education, investment, trade, law enforcement, employment etc.
    Any attempt to point out that the policy is a dead end, or some other true means to create wealth is treated as an attempt to insult the Malays/ the Rulers (pick your choice) and therefore Seditious.

  4. In the picture showing the tram, there is near the monument a roadside stall which serves one of the best laksa in Penang.

    1. is that now or during those yester-years?

    2. I enjoyed one a couple of months back. When you come back from the land of Oz, give it a try.

    3. Thanks, I will. My fave used to be the stall just outside the Ayer Itam wet market, next to the main road, and the one at the corner of Padang Brown just opposite the Chinese Convent School, next to Dato Keramat Rd (but these were years ago before I came down to Oz)

  5. Judging from the 2 black cars on the left side of the picture, and the "look" of the bus, this picture was probably taken in the mid 50's. Amazing how the colour of the photo still looks so pristine!

    1. I recall photo was taken from some sort of RAAF Butterworth 'memory lane' website

    2. It was quite a common Penang postcard from that period - yes, it was in the 1950's. My father had a copy, and he had about a dozen other postcards from the period.
      Unfortunately we didn't take good care of them, and the copy I have is not in as good condition as the one you posted.
      I still live in the locality, 60 years later, but it is totally transformed.

      Actually, the legend you put under the photo - "Air Itam Village" is not quite accurate. It is in Air Itam, but at that time it was just the junction leading to the main village, which is another 2 km away (a roundabout was built later)
      Not a lot of buildings at this actual junction at the time. There is a shop house on the far right of the picture - which later became Sui Wah, which is how Sunshine Supermarkets started.
      The straight road leads to the Penang Hill Raiway terminal at the bottom of the hill.

    3. actually what you've termed as 'ayer itam' is in fact 'ayer itam village', the largest village in Malaysia. you have incorrectly visualized 'ayer itam village' as that part of ayer itam village which are the wet market cum main commercial-shopping sector. But ayer itam village (ie. ayer itam) is much larger than just the wet market and begins where kampung baru ends, somewhere around boundary road (upper end). Thus ayer itam village embraces Reservoir Garden, Zoo Road (mosque), Chor Sin Kheng Rd (some sweeties I know still live there, wakakaka) and all the way up to the base of the Hill and the other way up to paya terubonmg area (long buoi).

    4. @ Air Puteh, thanks for your comments re the picture. Was in Penang just recently - Air Itam is now chock full of multi-storeyed flats and apartments and it's impossible to reconcile the present with the photo KT provided. Now that you mentioned the Sunshine Supermarkets, it provides a useful "fix" of the present location in relation to the past.

      I think the like the kampong-ish look of the past much better. Reminds me of the care-free, rustic charm of that era!

    5. Hi, KT - re the picture of the goods-laden pushcart. Your grand-dad must be the gentleman at the head of the cart, the one wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt, right?

    6. There used to be a small zoo along Zoo Road, back before WW II, but its long gone, only the place name remains.

    7. one could access the castle-like zoo ruins from Chor Sin Kheng Rd by scaling the barb wired fence, but I love the rambutan plantations surrounding it more, wakakaka. As school boys we used to "help" ourselves to the fruits to enjoy them among the zoo ruins

    8. The obelisk in the photo is a memorial to those killed during WWII by the Japanese. After the war, hundreds of bodies were found buried in mass graves near the junction, victims of the Sook Ching massacre. More bodies were found elsewhere in unmarked graves on the island, near Rifle Range, as well as near Relau and Batu Maung.

    9. for more about the white 'obelisk' see my post at my other blog KTemco Kongsamkok titled "Village memories 3 - old village cinema & old movies" -

    10. correction to my earlier claim (above) that the old photo depicting the eletrically driven tram was from a RAAF website - it's actually from a British army source (Royal Signals), as I mentioned in my post at my other blog KTemco Kongsamkok titled "Village memories 3 - old village cinema & old movies" -

    11. damn, typo - 'KTemco Kongsamkok' should be 'KTemoc Kongsamkok '

    12. were a fan of Chinese movies , ah...I thought all the while you are an "Ang Moh Sai"

    13. and Korean TV with their sweeties as well, wakakaka

    14. Ktemoc....just realised from your writings that we grew up in the same neighbourhood, but probably many years apart.

      As a child I lived in Kampung Pisang (near the junction with Zoo Road), but that was in the 1950's. Long ago

      Now I live in Banana-land (Queensland)........haha....

    15. Here's a funny recollection about riding those electric trolley-buses in the 1950's.

      They had their advantages - quiet, non-polluting.
      However , the buses could only stay strictly along the route of the overhead electric cables. Having miles and miles of such un-insulated cables over crowded city streets can be dangerous.

      Sometimes the conductor pole jumped the cables, and the trolley-bus came to a sudden stop. The driver had to come down with a bamboo pole (if I recall correctly) and try to maneuver the pole back on to the electric cable. If it was raining heavily, it was too dangerous to do that, so the bus just had to stay put and wait....too bad if you were going to be late for an appointment, but those we more relaxed times.

      We weren't rushing from one place to another every minute in those days.

    16. 1953...We stood at attention when the Union Jack was raised, and sang "God Save the Queen" at school assembly.......I knew the tune of "Rule Brittania" as well...

      Unlike the Malay States, Penang was outright British territory. ....mind you, many Penangites, especially the middle-class and the English-educated were very pro-British in those days, but we knew the country was firmly heading towards Independence.

      Unfortunately, there was also a fair bit of hostility among the Vernacular educated towards the English-schooled types.
      "Chiak Ang Mo Sai"....
      My father was very much English-ed type, from Free School, my mother's family was very much Chinese vernacular-school type.
      When my father went courting her (so the story goes....) , my maternal grandfather had a strong level of hostility.....but in the end he accepted the finds its own way...

      2 generations later....95% of Chinese kids attend Chinese school....even an increasing number of Malay kids.
      And Free School is not much more than just another mediocre Malay school.

    17. wakakaka, have you read my "banana" story at my other blog KTemoc Kongsamkok? It's titled "Bananas - the story, schooling, school sweetheart & sorrowful separation" - see

  6. Those hand-drawn carts still existed in Penang until a few years ago.
    Some streets in Penang are just too narrow for large trucks to pick up or deliver goods. These carts could transport the equivalent of a medium sized truck. The human-powered carts did serve a useful purpose.

    Usually manned by middle-aged-to-elderly folks. Its a hard , honest living, but it has slowly died off, literally..

  7. To: Rajem, Badariah, Ai Suan, Soon Leng, Sivamala, Janet Lee.... don’t forget our reunion in Penang soon.

    A nostalgic post. It is down memory lane for me. So nice of you. Thank you.

  8. For those who are feeling nostalgic, here is a website containing a few hundred old pictures:

  9. There are tons of rich Chinese Fat Cats in the country - they own 60% of Malaysia's wealth
    (according to RPK

    A few photos of low-income Chinese does not change the fundamental fact of the community's wealth.
    Its just extremely grating when they go around bleating that they are 2nd class citizens in the country.

    1. CBMF,

      U r really one hell of a shit!

      Reading tak bolih - never mind about reading between the lines! Reasoning tak'da sebab otak kosong!

      60% claimed by who - RPK?

      Would u jump when RPK asks u to leap from the cliff? Used yr decaying lump sitting between yr ears lah.

      The wealth accumulated by the Chinese M'sians r MORE evenly distributed among their clans. There r extreme BUT not as extreme as in the case of those tongkat rent-seekers.

      Read about this - 'The same happens with Amanah Saham Didik, which is open to Bumiputeras only. Based on its 2014 annual report 2014, the average investment is about RM14,500, but the bottom 86% has an average investment of RM980, while the top 0.5%, or about 1,700 kids, have an average RM 1.5 million.' ????

      Again - 0.5% of the Amanah Saham Didik kids is 1700 & they all have an average account balance of RM1.5M & the poorest 86% having average of RM980!

      Iff u can, go figure it OUT why such a BIG difference for a VERY small group of people, supposedly having the same tongkat care by the same ketuanan govt!!

      BTW, it's a research done by one Muhammed Abdul Khalid. Do some good to yr bird brain, read it (do remember between the lines)!!!!

      Such a phenomenon is not an isolated case, more similar comparison can be found under all those 'tongkat' schemes managed by PNB, suposedly for the poor 'Bumiputras'!!

      Since u cant see the inherent unfairness done to yr OWN people by yr own 'self-claimed' ketuanan' elites, what kind of the CB warrior r u?

      Better go join IS to see what role yr Pak Arab would put u to do. Better get yr wet dream about that 72 virgins continue while u still can claim as a tongkat-induced lembih warrior!

  10. The EPF average savings of Rm 167 K is actually not too bad, if it is net of debt (all loans paid off). It is possible to earn returns of 10% per year or RM 16.7 K.
    That's about RM 1,400 per month. It is still possible for two people to live on RM 1,400 per month , assuming house fully paid off, no longer supporting children, excluding capital purchases - just basic cost of living.
    There are advantages to not being a high cost country.

    I'm a working adult, with lots of various expenditure to support - house loan, children's education, children's expenses, car loan , work commuting costs etc. However, almost all of those will not be needed by the time I retire.

    Just living expenses for my wife and I can certainly fit inside RM 1,400 per month. We live modestly but not poorly.

    Of course, additional buffer needs to be made for capital items + emergencies.

    1. Where did you get 10% returns? EPF is just over 6% and current bank FD rate is at most 4%. High risk investments?

      Taking EPF rate of 6.5% on RM167k, you get interest of about RM900 a month.

      Fuel and tolls will amount to RM300; electricity, water, telephone etc is about RM150. That leaves RM450 for food which is about RM15 a day.

      This will leave almost nothing for those occasional expenses which occur in such regularity that they collectively become almost routine costs : house repairs, vehicle breakdown or maintenance or replacement of parts, wedding invitations, donations for bereavement, sudden medical problem, road tax/insurance, life insurance instalment...

      Even the repairs of national cars are not cheap unless we use non-genuine parts. Car insurance will come with all kinds of loading if you and/or your car is above a certain age. However you can save on medical bills by using government hospitals.

      The above example is just living modestly, not even talking of enjoying at bit more luxury such as holidays trips or fine dining. Not even about supporting aged parents or in-laws.

  11. At one time it was estimated Chinese women made up 80% of all the prostitutes in the Malay Peninsular. In those days, Chinese men were brought in as manual workers, and Malaya was no place to bring an ordinary woman to start a family.

    Not true any more in 2014, as the majority of Pros are now foreigners - Indonesians, China nationals, Vietnamese, even Russians and Khazaks...

  12. @ Anon 10.08

    You are a perverted and a terribly deranged cyberbully. Your politeness always takes a back seat as you launch your shameless attack on anything conceived as Melayu. Even in your best write you can only talk-down of the Muslims but never the normal conscience that shapes the outlook of over a billion people.

    Reading your write in between the lines, your ultimate goal is nothing less than an overall removal of the Malay privileges; and ISLAM must return to their former insignificant seclusion before the oil boom.

    Being a regular reader of your comments I do not think your xenophobia and paranoia of the Malays and Muslims could ever be surpassed. Thus, I would recommend that you should hang about in the confine of a psychiatric ward ‘sine die’.

    I agree with KT that hard times ahead but not only for Malaysians but for the whole world. This is as indicated by Raghuram Rajan, a former IMF Chief Economists, who said that... “We are back to the 1930s, in a world of competitive easing. Back then, it was competitive devaluation of currencies, but competitive easing could lead to competitive devaluation”. Rajan, years in advance, had predicted the financial meltdown of 2008.

    My therapeutic words for you Anon 10.08 are that even when the hard times comes the government of the day would never ever nationalize even a single Chinese wealth, buildings, houses and businesses premises in this country: Or to allow even a single Taliban/IS agent to enter our country to destroy Chinese assets, whether in bad or good times.

    - hasan

    1. U know what, u r one of my favorite punching bags. Since not that many of u, serve up to anything interesting but trash, thus my constant trashing with idiots like u!

      Didnt someone say the ONLY way to deal with illogical fool is to treat him/her as such. Otherwise one would lose sanity in trying! So who’s the pervert, again?

      1st thing 1st, DONT u ever associate me with that tone of - 'the normal conscience that shapes the outlook of over a billion people. '

      FYI, u know nut about me – race, religion, training etc..etc.! What I did do & write r my OWN. Nothing whatsoever has to do with whosoever. REMEMBER THAT.

      So, if u r game, then counter me with yr 'facts' & 'figures' & DONT talk bull about anything else like this - 'I would recommend that you should hang about in the confine of a psychiatric ward ‘sine die’.'

      It’s just like yr usual plugging figures from the sky to justify yr silo rants!

      Thus, be very carefull, not that u r awared for that recommendation of yrs, COULD very well be applied to u, judging from what u had written so far, sucker!

      I have NEVER downgraded Islam in its true form. But yr version of M’sianised Islam is a disgrace& aberration to a holy mission as proclaimed by the Prophet.

      To u – ‘ISLAM must return to their former insignificant seclusion before the oil boom.’???? That period is insignificant? Could that be yr understanding of the greatness of Islam is twisted due to yr constant paranoia of one-up-ship?

      Whatever happens to that golden age of Islam, before the oil boom, that follows after the triumphs of the Prophet over the tribalism of the Arabs? R u a Muslim for REAL????

      WRT your so claimed of xenophobia of the Malays, let me JUST remind u, I wrote all my comments guided by the painstaking observations of the pendita Zaaba since 20s. & please, please do prove me wrong if I’m!

      We look inward to find our faults. Rectify them if possible, and then we look outward for challenges to inspire us to move on.

      What have u done/written except blame/find excuses/cry father-mother for the shortfalls encumbered us, despite of yr so called ‘higher intellectual levels’?? Look through yr past comments lah & reflect inward to see what I’d just said, IFF u still have that little sensibility left.

      So, who’s been xenophobia of the Malays, again?

      The coming ‘hardship’ would see morons like u keep to the tag of blame-others-for-whatsoever-fault-befell-us. Thus, yr subtle threat of ‘ever nationalize even a single Chinese wealth, buildings, houses and businesses premises in this country’!

      U would love to do it IFF u can! But then too bad, there r sane M’sians around, u NOT included!

      As far as – ‘a single Taliban/IS agent to enter our country to destroy Chinese assets, whether in bad or good times’ – I wont count u on it.

      When the IS is been bombed out of hell by the agitated West due to those merciless/illogical shows of beheading of the innocents, many of those ‘retard’ jihadists (terrorists more likely) from bolihland WOULD return with their broken 72-virgin dreams.

      Bet on it, that they would explode when their psychological trauma surfaces later & bolihland has zilch ability to contain them. By then, ALL M’sian assets r easy meats for their terbalik religious-induced hatred. Chinese again? Still so xenophobia about yr fellow M’sian – & it truly prove yr CB ideology about Malaysia!!!

    2. 1. “U know what, u r one of my favourite punching bags.” Haven’t I told you that you’re a cyberbully?

      2. “u know nut about me – race, religion, training etc..etc!” You are correct! I know nut about you, and I do not want to know anything about you either. Please, remember that too, eh?

      3. “It’s just like yr usual plugging figures from the sky to justify yr silo rants!” What figures did I plug in my comment(s)? However, I did mention about what Raghuram Rajan had said, which was from The Sun, Friday, August 8, 2014 – “India’s Central Bank Chief warns of global market crash” p. 22.

      4. “Thus, be very careful, not that u r awared for the recommendation of yrs, COULD very well be applied to u…., sucker!” Yes, it is for me too and as a gentle reminder to ALL readers as well. The Great Depression of 1930s affected everybody, didn’t it? They can always double check and cross check the facts?

      5. “R u a Muslim for REAL????” Please lah… there is no such thing as REAL Muslim or UNREAL Muslim. It is just Muslim or Non-Muslim. And only God knows.

      6. “I wrote all my comments guided by the painstaking observations of the pendita Zaaba since 20s.” Your mind is so captivated by Zaaba to the extent that his expediency has become the criteria for your right and wrong. BTW, there is nothing wrong with NEP or the Malay privileges if you like to call it; the problem is the system – the capitalistic system which is capable of creating unlimited money, and placing unlimited resources into the hands of a few. As you put it very well…“We look inward to find our faults. Rectify them if possible, and then we look outward for challenges to inspire us to move on.”

      7. Nationalising Chinese assets - “yr subtle threat”!? Hey Joe – you sure rock man! Bankrupt of ideas?

      8. On IS? Haven’t I commented that it was granted and justified for the West to bomb IS? Please read my past comments. My protest is why the West did not bomb the Jews when the Jews recently murdered about 2100 Palestinians?

      9. On 9 x 7? Haven’t I debunked this? Please read my past comments. I notice that this is your favourite low skullduggery.

      Finally, you wrote…“Bet on it, that they would explode when their psychological trauma surfaces later & bolihland has zilch ability to contain them. By then, ALL M’sian assets r easy meats for their terbalik religious-induced hatred. Chinese again? Still so xenophobia about yr fellow M’sian - & it truly prove yr CB ideology about Malaysia!!!”

      My comment: Hello Joe… you are using IS/RELIGION/RACE in your dream distorted fiction and presenting to your readers this facade of the IS/RELIGION/RACE as the locus for your radical logical conflation about Malaysia, Islam and the Malays!!!

      - hasan

    3. KT, have to borrow yr blog for mud-slinging with an irrational fool, sorry lah…this one time ONLY.

      1)So cyberbully as in using others stupid/illogical/irrational rants as punching bag!!!! There wont be anything about bully (yr imagination/day-dream??) IFF u could have written more sensibly! Shooting stupid comments as cyberbullying - what a mind!

      2)It’s VERY FINE with me, if u don’t want to know anything about me. AND, DON’T use phrase like 'the normal conscience that shapes the outlook of over a billion people.' Try twisting this one out lah for WHAT u r trying to imply! Is this how u were been taught about sarcasm? It shows yr deep down dislike of that group of ‘billion people’! Psychology 101 for u there!

      3)Hahahaha…. one sparrow makes a spring come!!! One factual comment DOESN’T mean u r talking sense. The rest could very well be shit. U have to remember that, too. BTW, I don’t 100% agreed with Raghuram Rajan. I think our Jomo KD talks more sense. But that’s another issue.

      4)cf 3 above.

      5)So, there is ONLY one kind of Muslim??? Then, why r there a M’sianised Islam for u gang? Maybe, just maybe, there is no M’sianised Islam??? And only God knows?????

      6)What’s wrong with Pendita Zaaba’s insights? I bought his idea about NEP, which was the same as Tun Dr Ismail’s, for that poison to last a limited time frame. 15yrs remember? Now blame the system? Yaloh.. do remember that that system is made up of rentiering elites sucking the bottom rank & file dry!

      7)I read between the lines, especially writings from psychopath like u. Take this as yr Freudian Slip & go sleep on it. Bcoz more would come out if u showed-of more.

      8)So, blame the Jews again??? IS is a bloody internal problem that the OIC must takes the bull by the horn. & WHY must the non-Muslims paying their life while doing charity work to help the innocent Muslims?
      & please lah don’t deviate from the subject been discussed. This diversion wouldnt work, for me!

      9)Read yr past comments??? Havent I already given u my summary judgment? Go back & re-read previous posted comments ….real pathetic!

      Now, I bea da han, CB, u r the one that mentioned IS/RELIGION/RACE in yr comment in the 1st place! REMEMBER???

      Selective amnesia? U better learn more from yr ayahanda – for this, u r just a baby in presenting to your readers this facade of the IS/RELIGION/RACE as the locus for your radical logical conflation about Malaysia, Islam and the Malays (bombastic phrase, tapi too cinemaistic in showing of)!!!

    4. ok, thanks both for your contributions. But let's move on to fresh issues. Cheers

    5. Curi-Curi Malaysia11:24 pm, October 09, 2014

      I'm afraid we never really move on to other issues in Malaysia.
      It always revolves around race , religion, race, religion, race , religion... every day, every week, every month , every year....

      It is always 1969 in Malaysia....
      The only difference is whether it is May 12, 13 or 14.

      I suppose no country in the world is ever free from ugly quarrels on race and religion, but there are also countries which are more relaxed and open minded on it.

      I have often met visitors who get confused reading local newspapers and finding out just so much of Malaysia daily revolves around disputes over race and religion.

      After all, many visitors have obviously seen and been drawn to all the smiling and harmonious marketing videos of Malaysia Truly Asia..
      ......what a lot of crap...
