
Thursday, October 23, 2014

'Dogs' with tongues hanging out

Dr Asri Zainul Abidin, a popular religious scholar (and former Chief Mufti of Perlis) said Ulama who mislead are like dogs with tongues hanging out.

He emphasized he's neither for nor against the 'I want to touch a dog' (and not 'hug a dog' as some mufti had alleged) event but stressed on his Facebook:

“While we’re busily discussing the issue about touching dogs, let us not forget that there are bigger issues raised in the Quran related to dogs, like ULAMA WHO ACT LIKE DOGS.”

“A Mat Rempit, robber, or a dishonest leader is not worse than an ulama who hides the truth or who twists facts to mislead people. Therefore, the Quran equates ulamas who twist the truth to dogs whose tongues are hanging out.”

Bravo Dr Asri, good on you to tell off those lying clerics who sinfully and willfully went against Allah swt by distorting Quranic teachings (by hiding the teachings or twisting it) to push their own evil prejudices and self-interest agenda.

Interestingly, I believe it had been Dr Asri (if I'm incorrect, I apologize) who quoted a highly respected Syrian Islamic scholar saying that it's quite okay for Sunni Muslims to switch from the teachings of one madhhab (Sunni Islamic school of jurisprudence) to another.

For example, Muslims could switch from Syafi"i teachings to that of the Maliki madhhab. Coincidentally the Maliki madhhad considers dogs as clean creatures.

Well I'll be doggone, that's certainly food for thoughts.

guess where my thoughts are?



  1. Asri has been accused of being a Wahabi, which in Malaysia is considered a deviant sect.
    Malikis are also considered deviant in Malaysia.

  2. The dog in the picture appears to have 3 tongues!

  3. All human interpretations instead of devine!

  4. so the current hot topic is abt dog pig n pendatang?

    btw, i think the host stance wrt dog n pig r quite deviate from his stance on the god name issue.

    1. each issue treated on its own merits and naughtiness lah, wakakaka

    2. in other word, inconsistent la.

    3. ah, the typical blind obedience of an anwarista, wakakaka.

      unlike you blinkered anwaristas, one should always evaluate each issue on its merits, and not simply sign "blank cheques" away, claiming one would then be consistent, wakakaka

    4. i know when u have no answer, u flow with the tao, similar to yr idol thinking outside the box, what is tao n what is box tak beritahu pun, n now replace with a better term...merit...wakakaka. merits mean what? openness n progress? but in god name issue u said we shd disregard all this. no?

      come on la, dun divert to anwar again, tak relevant la.

      i let u know my stance, if some muslim find this offensive, pig or dog or whatever, then it is offensive to that particular muslim. we shd respect that. but pls dun tell me i cant do whatever i like wrt dog n pig n whatever, bec it is against the law (divine law?). i think this tantamount to impose yr value on me. i hope anwar share my view on this. n i still think i am more consistent than u in various issue regardless what u call "merits" or how u label me this n that, wakaka.

    5. "one should always evaluate each issue on its merits" - exactly, precisely mate.

      That's why your unrelenting hostility towards Anwar on almost anything to do with him appears like the product of a blinkered mind.

    6. Rista, as proof of my philosophy, I now show evidence of me defending Anwar Ibrahim wakakaka, based on my evaluation of the merits of the situation - then I had believed that KJ's jeering at AI was unfair so I defended your manmanlai, wakakaka again. Read this

      HY, read the same too and see the merits wakakaka of my philosophy.

      Mind, you're right that you've been consistent, but only in your blind loyalty to a man who does not deserve it all the time, wakakaka

      Incidentally in a post last year, while discussing about the post-GE13 situation I actually gasp gulp omigosh praised AI wakakaka, stating" "But to Anwar's credit he has finally gathered his balls together and put paid to those 'ravening' (wakakaka) ex-UMNO members - read Malaysiakini's Anwar steers PKR through as 'storm' fizzles out. Maybe there's still hope for Anwar Ibrahim; maybe he knows what's good for him and his political future."

      Mind you, I wasn't complimentary to PKR supporters like you and Rista wakakaka - see my post

    7. oh brother, i think yr philosophy is degil or buat tak tahu. i am very specific of my "accusation" in this thread, yr merit, i guess, have everything to do with the object, perhaps simply bec christian say nothing much abt dog n pig? therefore suddenly u believe malay muslim can decide/think for themselves what is right n wrong from a non muslim perspective?

      rista said almost, i think it mean sekali sekala when yr thought tak senget, u will write something diff abt anwar, but most of the time u r not, ergo every 20 articles we may find 1 that is objective on anwar wakaka.

      i rarely compliment politician or blog host (except that dr especially his debate with ellese, pretty factual and specific to the point), this has nothing to do with i am pkr supporters or no, i dun think u can find much of my comment that praise anwar in a positive manner, beside defend him on some ridiculous accuse from some ridiculous accuser wakakakka

    8. HY, you have lost me. I don't understand what you are driving at.

      However, let me ask you: is the Maliki madhhab teaching that a dog is NOT an unclean creature a non-Muslim perspective? And I wonder where your pig comes into this dog topic?

  5. These sick bast*rds have run out of ammo,like fucking the Christians and Chinese,so they have now turn to the dogs.Hehehe.

  6. anti bigots fighter2:41 am, October 24, 2014

    Fuck these dog haters.Very sick animals,these bastardly mammals and ass lovers.

    Stinking, filthy beasts, the bigger ones are dangerous as well.

    Nothing to do with religious beliefs.

  8. “Interestingly, I believe it had been Dr Asri (if I'm incorrect, I apologize) who quoted a highly respected Syrian Islamic scholar saying that it's quite okay for Sunni Muslims to switch from the teachings of one madhhab (Sunni Islamic school of jurisprudence) to another.”

    My comment: On the mazhab, Muslims must only choose one. They cannot switch mazhab as and when it is convenient to them. However, they are only allowed to do so during “darurat” or exigency or stopgap condition/situation.

    “Coincidentally the Maliki madhhad considers dogs as clean creatures.”

    My comment: Dog is one of the animals on Prophet Noah’s ship. However, the law relating to dog is not only found in the Quran, but also in the Sunnah.

    Is dog halal? If you are looking for this decree in the Quran, you will only see part of it. You must also look what is in the Sunnah.

    The Sunnah is all acts, words and including things hushed up i.e. neither objected nor supported by Prophet Muhammad. The ranking or position of the Sunnah is the same as the Quran because of the fact that ALL what is said or acted by Muhammad are wahyu or revelation from God.

    I am substantiating my statement by quoting what is in the Quran: “O you, who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah (Quran) and the Messsenger (Sunnah) if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.” [Surah An-Nisa 4:59]

    For discussion sake, the Quran never mention on the compulsory duty of praying five times a day. It is in the Sunnah. Rejecting the Sunnah is like blasphemy to the Quran/Allah.

    So, in understanding the issue of halal/haram on dogs, we cannot ban/ignore the Sunnah and argue or look solely into what is only provided in the Quran.

    Angel Gabriel did not come into Prophet Muhammad’s house because there was dog in his house. The dog was under his bed and which Muhammad was not aware. [HR Muslim: An-Nawawi XIII/307, No.5478]. Why did Angel Gabriel act that way? Is it because dogs are not considered as clean creatures?

    - hasan

    1. Re your "Angel Gabriel did not come into Prophet Muhammad’s house because there was dog in his house", it's not just poor Rover that kept Gabriel away but also a statue and a curtain which had figures on it at teh house of the Prophet (pbuh).

      BTW, this was NOT reported by the Prophet (pbuh) himself but a hearsay third party, namely (in hearsay turns) AbDaoud, al-Nisai, al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Hibban.

    2. ‘On the mazhab, Muslims must only choose one. They cannot switch mazhab as and when it is convenient to them. However, they are only allowed to do so during “darurat” or exigency or stopgap condition/situation.’

      Say who???? From where????

      ‘The Sunnah is all acts, words and including things hushed up i.e. neither objected nor supported by Prophet Muhammad. The ranking or position of the Sunnah is the same as the Quran because of the fact that ALL what is said or acted by Muhammad are wahyu or revelation from God.’

      U should check

      to confirm that this;

      "Say, "I possess no power to harm myself, or benefit myself; only what GOD wills takes place." Each community has a predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it" 10:49

      & do remember, it must be said that if we study one ayat in isolation, such as 7:157, it may well seem that the prophet is spoken of as a Law maker in the Quran, however, if we study all the related verses together the picture becomes totally different.

      & The Quran is the ultimate source of Islamic reference. Not Hadith. Not Sunnah. This is stated as

      The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient." 6:114-115

      BTW, the complete translation of Surah An-Nisa 4:59 by Sahih International

      O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

      What have u interpreted/added?

    3. Dear KT,

      In the last paragraph I ended with: “Why did Angel Gabriel act that way? Is it because dogs are not considered as clean creatures?” I am sure you would have noticed that they are not declarative sentences. Indeed, they are interrogative sentences. I am keeping the answers/opinions open.

      As an analogy, the Quran forbids the use of alcohol but the Quran does not mention narcotics. Is narcotic haram or halal?

      @ Anon 12.43

      You are free to believe what you like.

      The Quran declares: “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256]

      - hasan

    4. Wow! From an event "Touch a dog" to help Muslims overcome their fear and repugnance for dogs it has now moved on to a theological discussion of Islamic beliefs and practices. This is absolutely riveting!!

    5. Of course, I'm free to believe what I like.

      My communion with God is between me & Him ONLY.

      What I dont like is yr holier than thou thinking that those who DONT follow yr cult is orang tidak betul pemikiran!

      U people r betul betul pandai to mis-quote the Quran. At one hand keep quoting that universal quranic theme of Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256. Then at the turn of a hand, u proclaim those who dont follow yr interpreted doctrine, which COULD very well be wrong, to be orang tidak betul pemikiran!

      Who is that orang tidak betul pemikiran?

    6. @ Anon 7:57

      Ah… ‘siapa yang makan cili dia yang terasa pedasnya’. Never heard of that Malay ‘peribahasa’?

      Perhaps, this may help you: “When a man is wrong and won’t admit it, he always gets angry.” [Haliburton, Thomas C]

      Ah… I just remembered there is another Malay ‘peribahasa’: “Siapa luka siapa menyiuk, siapa sakit siapa mengaduh.”

      It simply means this: ‘Yang merasa tersindir, dialah yang membuat pekerjaan yang disindirkan itu’.

      Did I call or accuse a specific person ‘orang tidak betul pemikiran’? Then it is highly probable that the person who responsed ate the ‘lada dan terasa kepedasan itu’. Wakakaka…

      - hasan

    7. anon 7.57

      i think hasan said muslims who perform the five daily prayers without wudhu are orang tidak betul pemikiran. r u a muslim? if u r a muslim n u solat without wudhu then u r orang tidak betul pemikiran.

    8. Let’s recall this comment filed under;

      “Anonymous11:08 am, October 22, 2014

      Hi Anon 10.05

      Yes I remember our discussion on Tagore.

      OutSyed The Box (“OTB”) ………

      My Comment:

      From Sahih International: Surah Al-Maidah 5:4 “They ask you, [O Muhammad], what has been made lawful for them.…………………………

      I have opined that Syed Azmi and also Ustaz Iqbal have good intention in regard to this event. Afterall, the caption of the even is 'I want to touch dog'. However, some even went to the extent of cuddling the dogs. That can be sensitive and misinterpreted and/or capitalised by ORANG TIDAK BETUL PEMIKIRAN.………..

      You be the judge.

      - hasan”

      Who wrote that????

      Still want to denial???

      Ooop… there is a Malay peribahasa which says that;

      ‘Sesiapa meludah kelangit dan kena pada muka sendiri juga’

      Tau tak?

      Menfitnah pada ummat Islam yg tak bersetuju dengan pandangan kau, ada lah apa?

      Baik… terus ber-wakakaka lah!!!!

    9. @ Unknown 11.50

      What I actually said was that those who misrepresented and capitalized this dog issue are 'orang tidak betul pemikiran'. The phrase was not directed to those who don't follow my Islamic cult/ritual on wudhu and solat. However, Anon 7:57 (in the earlier post) did mention the following:

      "Question - Isnt this in violation to the Quranic command that ONLY what is mentioned in the Quran is the TRUTH? What’s wrong with praying free-style and without taking the wudhu? Isnt the ’communion' exist between Allah & the prayer ONLY? Or r those praying without performing the wudhu is insulting the communion with Allah & thus cant be one with God?"

      In view of the above your comment is still very relevant though.

      - hasan

  9. I'm a Malaysian Muslim residing in Singapore.

    It may interest you on official Islamic policy re: dogs in Singapore.

    Still basically in line with the Shafi'i school but far more thoughtful than the closed minded argument in Malaysia.

  10. As they say....every dog has its day.
    That dog sure looks like having a lot of fun being fondled......wakakakaka...I wouldn't mind trading places.....wakakakakka

  11. Lord Byron wrote the following epitaph in honour of his faithful friend:

    Near this Spot
    are deposited the Remains of one
    who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
    Strength without Insolence,
    Courage without Ferocity,
    and all the Virtues of Man without his Vices.
    This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
    if inscribed over human Ashes,
    is but a just tribute to the Memory of
    who was born in Newfoundland May 1803,
    and died at Newstead Nov 18th, 1808.

    When some proud son of man returns to earth,
    Unknown by glory, but upheld by birth,
    The sculptor’s art exhausts the pomp of woe,
    And stories urns record that rests below.
    When all is done, upon the tomb is seen,
    Not what he was, but what he should have been.

    But the poor dog, in life the firmest friend,
    The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
    Whose honest heart is still his master’s own,
    Who labors, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
    Unhonored falls, unnoticed all his worth,
    Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth –

    While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
    And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven.
    Oh man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
    Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power –
    Who knows thee well must quit thee with disgust,
    Degraded mass of animated dust!
    Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
    Thy smiles hypocrisy, thy words deceit!
    By nature vile, ennoble but by name,
    Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.

    Ye, who perchance behold this simple urn,
    Pass on – it honors none you wish to mourn.
    To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise;
    I never knew but one – and here he lies.

  12. "Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth - "

    Quite true. Only one dog will go to heaven. The dog that slept in the cave with the Ashabul Kahfi youths for 309 years.

  13. long live extremism…hate and ignorance triumphs…again.!.zealots win the day
    ” halle…. gut wrenching …luyah..
    .Poor Syed Azmi spreading goodwill is like a non halal thing to do and he is forced to apologize,under the shadow of insults,threats and intimidation..the fear of reprisal is very real..
    Wish i could say to him,”hey “i ve got you covered,got your back,but then, can only lend a voice..Where are the moderates ? Suffering in silence? Where are the voices of them who govern,Cowering in their prudent silent cowardice.
    Meanwhile,the ” Moral authorities or guides,many in robes, continue to insist their moral compasses,pointing to the place named the right direction/destination..Dented psyches is the fare for the journey
