
Monday, September 08, 2014

Will Zahid 'sink' the Royal Malaysian Navy?

From NST of 07 Sept 2014 - Zahid urges Penangites to reject patrol unit

GEORGE TOWN: Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yesterday urged Penangites to reject the outlawed Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) because of their unruly behaviour.

Describing PPS as samseng (hooligans), Zahid said the defiant unregistered organisation had no place in the local community.

PPS - uncles (some paunchy ones too, wakakaka) and aunties

“People do not need PPS to patrol Penang, the police can ensure public safety and order,” he said at the Umno Bukit Bendera division delegates conference here on Friday.

Meanwhile, Zahid said 11 PPS members have been found to have previous criminal records.

KUALA LUMPUR: Police arrested two more security personnel, including a member of the Royal Malaysian Navy, who were allegedly involved in aiding militants in the country.

The suspects were arrested in separate operations conducted by the Special Branch's Counter-Terrorism Division (SB-CTD) in Kuala Kangsar, Perak and Sandakan, Sabah on Wednesday and Friday, respectively.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said in a raid in Kuala Kangsar, police arrested a 46-year-old Rela member and seized a homemade rifle alongside 433 bullets.

He said the man was suspected to be involved in making homemade firearms and supplying bullets to militant members, who went for a shooting practice at a location in Gunung Arang Para, Kampung Nyior Ketior in Kuala Kangsar in December last year.

"On Friday, police arrested a Navy personnel, aged 29, in Sandakan.

"We believed that he had helped in smuggling in a suspected militant member into Sandakan from Southern Philippine on June 11," he said in a statement received today

Based on Zahid's logic (whatever that could be, wakakaka), shall we also reject RELA and also the Royal Malaysian Navy?

Remember he has alleged some PPS members have previous criminal records.

Previous! But do they have current criminal records?

Both the RELA and Navy men have been arrested for alleged illegal militant activities!

Which group is more dangerous to our society? People who have previous criminal records or people who have been arrested for alleged militant activities?

And what about people who repetitively make seditious racist comments like Perkasa, ISMA.

What about former Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Mohamad who claimed that it was only the Malays who truly fought for the country’s independence? A seditious tale which ignored the contributions of servicemen and police who shed their blood for Malaya and Malaysia? For more, see my post Chinese policemen.

What about the Chief of the Armed Forces who waded into the political arena just to talk cock and bull. And what about Utusan's various racist articles?

Back to the cases of PPS and RELA & RMN - Based on the timeline of the two NST news report, Zahid should have told us to reject RELA and the RMN more than two months ago. Well, hasn't he been remiss? Shouldn't he resign for his lack of due diligence as the Home Minister?

Oh, wakakaka what about the Unit Amal, the volunteer corp of PAS? Don't we know that PAS, or at least its ulama faction, is now the sweetheart of UMNO, which incidentally had been PAS' Mothership, known as KD (Kapal Diraja) Ketuanan, wakakaka. 


  1. Amal consists of Orang Kita. No action will be taken.
    Just as with Tiga Line, which is a true Secret Society, operates unmolested by police. If a Tiga Line car rams into you, police will ask you to withdraw the police report.

  2. Backward !
    Wrong way !
    Bottom up !
    Inside out !

  3. the gaffe guy who know's1:53 am, September 09, 2014

    Zahid is aggressively famous for his foot in the mouth fuckups.This guy of a minister is a real moron when it comes to words.No wonder we have criminals running wild all over the country.If ministers and police chiefs have their homes invaded with their bodyguards around,one has to just imagine how unsafe and vulnerable the ordinary Malaysians are.

  4. the new kampung man7:08 am, September 09, 2014

    Hahaha.This dude Zahid must have came out from the wrong hole.No wonder he is always screwing up.

  5. the new kampung man8:33 am, September 09, 2014

    Zahid will definitely sink the Royal Malaysian Navy,just the same as Anwar has sunk the Pakatan Rakyat with his Kajang whorehouse.Both are of the lowest ranks of political morons.

  6. Rela is a force constituted under Federal Law - the Emergency (Essential Powers) Act 1964 Amended 2005. Its original predecessor was the Village Home Guard which was established by the British during the Emergency way back in 1948.

    Regardless that some members may have been caught for criminal activities, the organisation has legal standing.
    Penang's PPS has no legal standing. When some members were accussed of carrying out acts of violence and intimidation while wearing their Uniform, the organisation itself became subject to investigation as an illegal society.
    It didn't help that some members were found to have a criminal past. When they openly defied the police, marching during the Merdeka parade, they were practically inviting arrest.

  7. There has been a strong suspicion that DAP is using PPS to be its "Brownshirt" army.
    The police have rightly acted firmly to nip it in the bud.

    Rela and the RMN are totally different matters, it is totally irrelevant to compare them with the PPS.
