
Sunday, September 05, 2010

MCA Chua SL cast Namewee to the wolves

The Malaysian Insider’s Kit Siang claims double standards in Namewee, school principals cases reported (extracts):

Lim Kit Siang put more pressure on Datuk Seri Najib Razak today to act against racism by comparing the swift action against controversial rapper Namewee to inaction over two school principals who allegedly uttered racist remarks. […]

Lim disagreed with MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s statement that the party would support any action taken by the government against Wee. Does this include action under the Sedition Act or other capital offences. How can the MCA leadership with four ministers in the Cabinet take such an irresponsible position giving a blank cheque to racists and extremists to set the agenda as to the punishment that should be meted out to Meng Chee.

“Isn’t this a gross abdication of responsibility in government?” he said.

So it seems that MCA President Chua Soi Lek has assured the UMNO-led government his party would support any action taken against Wee Chee Meng (Namewee). Does that imply he agrees with UMNO's strident call for Namewee to be punished for his ‘crimes’.

Has Chua ascertained what actually have been Chee Meng's crimes?

Flashback - Wee posted a YouTube rap song to criticise two school principals for their alleged overt racism against their pupils. It was reported that one of these so-called school principals had told her Chinese students to go back to China while sneering at her Indian students as dogs leashed by their Hindu amulet wrist strings.

There is no doubt a leitmotiv in this form of racism. Remember Najib's former aide who preached that Chinese women are prostitutes and Indians beggars?

'Leitmotiv' in this context means the theme (of racist vilifications against Chinese and Indians) keeps recurring, is often repeated ... and by some UMNO and pro UMNO people. One can only surmise that for these people there has been a common indoctrination program of hate against the Chinese and Indians.

Given this, we shouldn't be too surprised that thus far these two alleged racists have had no action taken against them other than sweet supportive/protective statements from the Education Director-General. The DPM heel-dragged his way through the disgusting shameful and seditious issues by forming a panel to investigate into those alleged seditious crimes.

And we know that panels and committees can be convenient tactics for delaying, avoiding, diverting away the unpleasant arrival at the truth for the 'chosen ones', a truth that seditious crimes had been committed with the natural consequences being at least the dismissal of the two as unfit persons to be teachers. Yes, we have to be realistic and not expect punishments such as jail terms for them.

Now we are informed by Lim Kit Siang that the Education Department has passed the issue (another time wasting tactic) to the Public Service Department (PSD). The PSD in turn said that a show cause letter would be issued to the Kulai school principal if she had indeed uttered derogatory remarks at her students.


(a) the delaying tactic of passing the issue from department to department,

(b) the Education Department which was supposed to have completed the so-called investigation, on passing presumably the finding to the PSD, now sees the PSD saying it would issue show cause letter ... NOW GET THIS F* BULLSHIT ... if she had indeed uttered derogatory remarks at her students.

... if she had indeed
... can mean only one thing, neither the Education Department nor the PSD knows nor wants to know, or pretend they don't know, whether she made the racist comments, despite and in spite of numerous police reports being made against her.

Nah, why should we be surprised. Don’t worry Siti Inshah, a promotion for you is just around the corner.

Lim Kit Siang lamented in frustration: Three weeks have passed since the incident in Kulai on August 12. Is it so difficult to establish the facts and the truth of the incident?

Yes, but only if it means a 'chosen one' would be punished.

Meanwhile, without any delay, Namewee was hauled over the coals, first by the police for 3 hours, then by the MCMC for over seven hours.

So Chua Soi Lek, without checking out the facts on the Namewee issue, you were so keen to ampu your boss that you abandoned Chee Meng, an anti-racist socio-political commentator, to the UMNO-led government for punishment.

It’s like a votive sacrificial offering during the seventh moon period of the lunar calendar. And you wonder why only 91% of Chinese Malaysians consider you NOT fit to be a leader of the community.

NAH! We’ll be waiting for you in the next GE.


  1. Time for the mca to call for another EGM(not again!) to elect a new president. Look at Japan--- 3 Prime Ministers in 1 year!

  2. hi section 377 violator has to play his kowtow role. else, he may end up like his good master Ling and made a sacrificial lamb.
    oh, Chua is just living up to MCA's role, which everybody knows as the lapdog for the obnoxious UMNO. Doggie Chua, whats next? You have no shame?

  3. If he's my son, I will slap him and send him to the dungeon.
    Or I will feed him to the lions.
    He's a product of a Chinese education and a Taiwanese university education.
    Not an iota of patriotism.

  4. u never have a son !

  5. come GE13 : Namewee Vs csl , ok !?

  6. The AG Guni Tahi can charge Soiled Lek for having oral sex .
    Under the Malaysian law , oral sex is a crime .
    Ample evidence as seen from the Soiled Lek sex romp video .
    Soiled Lek as the president of Malaysia Chibai Association (MCA) knows that very well.
    As Brahim ali of Perkosa reminded soiled lek to shut up.
    Which MCA's members can deny this?

  7. Like UMNO Youth, I also wonder why is MCMC not taking action against Namewee.
    Why the double standard?
    Hassan Skodeng and another guy who were not racists were arrested and charged.
    Wow Chinese have privileges and they call Malays racists.

  8. buttercup,

    chinese education no good?

    cant beat your idol, razak the comedian huh?. what eductaion is he? you come from the same league?

  9. gagasan 1MELAYU, no indon allowed, lai lai...

  10. gagasan 1MELAYU, no indon allowed, lai lai...

  11. Saudara KT,

    Saya malas hendak baca lagi isu namewee ini. Mungkin artikel saudara yang penghabisan saya baca. Yang pro terus mempertahankannya mati-matian, begitu juga yang kontra. Jadi apa gunanya berdebat? 'Buang beras sahaja'!

    Cuma saya ingin cadangkan, hayati senikata lagu-lagu rapnya. Setiap perkataan Melayu dalam senikatanya tukarkan kepada perkataan Cina, India, Sikh atau sebagainya. Begitu juga perkataan Islam, tukarkan kepada Buddha, Kristian atau Hindu!!!

    Saya bosan dengan isu ini yang hanya akan membawa perbalahan kaum dan yang paling saya bimbang Tragedi 13 Mei berulang lagi. Malang sungguh nasib Malaysia yang mula hendak menjadi negara maju, tiba-tiba perkara sebegini berlaku. Tiada siapa yang akan untung. Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu!!!

    Saya benci dengan politician yang menggunakan isu-isu perkauman untuk menarik sokongan kaum sendiri. Saya yakin tanpa mereka tidak akan ada golongan yang akan mengapi-apikan isu perkauman.Saya ada ramai kawan berbangsa Cina dan India. Kami telah berkawan sejak berpuluh-puluh tahun lamanya sejak dari bangku sekolah. Perasaan dan kemesraan saya dengan mereka sama sahaja dengan rakan-rakan sebangsa. Kami berbual, berjenaka dan bila perlu tolong menolong.

    Tapi apabila membaca cerita-cerita sensitif dan sensasi seperti cerita namewee sedikit sebanyak akan terbit rasa marah dengan golongan yang lain. Begitu juga bila berjumpa rakan-rakan baik dari bangsa lain hati mula rasa 'sedikit' tersentuh.

    Saya antara pembaca yang sering mengunjungi blog saudara. Antara faktor saya meminati blog saudara kerana saya dapati saudara agak 'fair' dalam memberi komen. Malangnya dalam hal kepartian saudara selalu 'bais' tanpa memikirkan pendapat 'the other side of the fance'

    Saya yakin saudara boleh membantu meredakan suasana panas ini. Semalam saya telah terjumpa UTube yang mencaci nawemee dan secara tidak langsung menghina kaumnya. Sampai bila perkara sia-sia ini akan berterusan? Besok akan terbit lagi rap yang lain dan tiba-tiba kita berperang antara satu dengan lain!

    Cukup-cukuplah tuuuuuu!

    Warga Setia

  12. Saudara Warga Setia,

    Pertama, post saya ingin menonjolkan perbezaan ketidaksanggupan MCA menilai salah/tidak Namewee sebelum cepat meyerah segala2nya kepada kebijaksaan tokoh UMNO, dengan langkah2 dan tahap2 tokoh UMNO dan peyokong (spt Direktor-Jeneral Pendidikan) melindungkan Siti Inshah.

    Tujuan pertama saya bukan khas untuk menimbul perkara perkauman tetapi sebenarnya perkara politik dimana saya ingin tanya, adakan MCA merupakan parti yg boleh mewakili anak Malaysia keturunan Cina?

    Ya, malang perkara yg saya guna menonjol tsb kebetulan insiden2 dilakukan olih guru2 besar yg dituduh bersifat perkauman dan nyayian lagu rap Namewee.

    Sebenarnya, Namewee sebagai seorang bergiat socio-politik bukan contoh tauladan dan saya dirinya juga tidak seronok dengan bahasa yg diguna olehnya. Tetapi (sekarang sampai kita ke tujuan kedua saya) betapa buruk bahasa yg diguna olehnya, ni tidak setanding jelik dgn perkataan2 bersifat perkauman, justru bisa, yg diutarakan olih guru2 besar kpd murid2 mereka

    Ada patutkah kita menerima tinkahlaku guru2 macam tu, dimana murid2 mereka dihina sebagai anjing dan orang asing? Apakahkah akibat mental/sikap murid2 yg tersinggung perasaan berat bagitu?

    Ketua Permuda UMNO Khairy Jamaluddin pun telah kata ketidaksanggupan kerajaan menambil tindakan dgn segara terhadap isu2 kedua guru besar hanya dpt memperbesarkan isu perkauman. Ternyata perkataan beliau benar.

  13. Seamat Hari Raya to all my Muslims friends.
    Maaf zahir dan batin.

    wah baguslah Bahasa Malaysia anda.
    Malu saya dibuatnya

  14. Selamat Hari Raya, Buttercup, maaf zahir dan batin

    Kemampuan Bahasa saya hanya ditingkat 'chong budak' sj wakakaka - dah lama tidak pakainya, sgt kaku ler dan pun menggunakan perkataan yg salah atau inappropriate, tapi saya ingin cuba dgn sedapat mungkin. ;-) maaf kesalahan/kesilapan saya


    A very good reason why CSL ought to be jailed for producing porn DVDs

  16. namewee mempersiasuikan the chinese...sad la... :(

  17. NO, kita berbangga dgn N'wee !
