
Monday, August 23, 2010

'Tis the nature of the beast (2)

Malaysiakini - Karpal to PAS: Don't rock the boat.

Yesterday I posted 'Tis the nature of the beast where I pointed out a couple of innate characteristics of UMNO and MCA.

Today it’s PAS’ turn. Don’t worry, I’ll blast DAP as well, just to be fair to every party.

The recent tragedies of babies born out of wedlock being abandoned by their mothers and dying unattended, known notoriously as ‘baby dumping’, have caused immense shock and anger.

Pak Haji Nik Aziz has called for the death sentence for the irresponsible mums and then shocked us by demanding that illicit (unmarried) lovers be stoned to death.

Stoned to death?!

In Malaysiakini’s Karpal locks horns with Nik Aziz over baby dumping, Karpal Singh said that the Pak Haji was too harsh - Bhai you're telling me. F* I can't get over it, proposing such a medieval punishment such as stoned to death!

It's bad enough to have capital punishment without that Middle-Eastern atrocity, which is best left to the Israelis (remember “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her”?) and Arabs.

Instead Karpal proposed that this social problem be studied to understand its root cause.

Karpal said: “I am somewhat disturbed by the statement of Nik Aziz, who not only supports the use of capital punishment for those found guilty of dumping babies but has also asked for those committing illicit sex to be stoned to death."

"Nik Aziz should realise we do not live in primitive times. In the present time and age, the punishment of stoning to death, which is a cruel and unjust punishment, does not, and cannot have a place.”

But Karpal is a fine one himself – didn’t he demand the death penalty for child rapist, following another earlier shocking case where a school bus driver with numerous children on board the bus, stopped by the roadside to sexually assault one of his lil’ passengers.

I wonder whether Karpal had overreacted because the driver is an Indian? But I trust I never have to hear my hero make another irresponsible call for the death penalty. My esteem for him has been severely shaken.

But okay, Karpal must have subsequently returned to his senses in chiding Pak Haji for proposing brutal punishment for women who are actually victims, the ones who have the misfortune to bear alone by themselves the burden of unsafe sex.

We should be placing emphasis on education, guidance and counselling rather than stoning people to death. And if society has been more understanding, and parents or families of the unfortunate young women provide support in accepting and caring for the unwanted babies, we would have less of ‘baby dumping’.

Then shortly after that, as reported by Malaysiakini’s Valentine's Day blamed for baby dumping PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan blamed celebrations on Valentine's Day and New Year's Day as the root cause, where these celebrations encourage free sex that has led to ... yadda yadda yadda ... culminating in baby dumping.

Nasrudin claimed: "It's an indication that the 'mating season' occurred during the New Year's Day celebrations."

New Year Day and Valentine’s Day are celebrated all over the world, yet we don’t have our kind of baby dumping in those countries. Why?

'Coz their societies are far more humane, compassionate, caring, supportive and most important of all, less misogynistic.

Misogynistic? Please read my 2006 post Wives not satisfying husbands are abusive!

And incidentally Nasrudin, what about those numerous cases of incest which occurred more frequently in Kelantan and Terengganu than any other states? Have you yet backtracked them 9 months to either New Year Day or Valentine Day (or more likely, Budu Day wakakaka - see Has Aphrodisiac Budu Been Responsible?)

Stoning women to death, blaming western celebrations on baby dumping, blaming women for everything, wanting to punish women – really I dread to think of such leaders for our nations. But ‘tis the nature of the beast in PAS.

As if the above unspeakables were not enough, Pak Haji Nik Aziz then boldly claimed that only Karpal in DAP was against the implementation of hudud laws which would solve the world’s problems.

Two issues here – (a) by stating Karpal is the sole DAP leader against the implementation of hudud laws, he’s actually asserting that every other DAP leader has supported it, which of course is just hopeful nonsense, and (b) hudud laws exist also in, as one example, Pakistan for years yet they have atrocious tribal laws such as revenge rape, with the lower caste group usually being the victims. Read my two posts from 2005:

(1) The NW Frontier – Sharia vs Lust! (3)
(2) Musharraf: "Get Raped & Become a Millionaire"

Don’t give the excuse that those were cases involving tribal laws. They happened in Pakistan, a land where the hudud has been implemented for years, and where Islamic knowledge are far far superior to that in Malaysia. And I could go on to show the misogynistic bias of Saudi syariah judges too.

The point is hudud laws won’t mean diddly squat if the clerics, leaders and people are biased or lustful shitheads (or dickheads).

In asserting the DAP minus Karpal is for hudud, Pak Haji had been dreaming, or hopeful or has high expectations, the last in many ways encouraged by Penang’s Lim Guan Eng in over-praising the caliphate of Umar bin Abdul Aziz as a model for good government and Perak’s Nga Kor Ming for frequently quoting from the Quran.

Thus, is it any wonder that Penang Muslims have been praying for Lim Guan Eng to 'open up his heart' to embrace Islam soon - wakakaka!

I reckon Pak Haji in averring DAP’s almost-unanimous support for hudud, must have decided to give the issue an extra nudge, to get Karpal out of the way so the DAP ‘pro-Islamic progressives’ wakakaka can get on with their support of PAS’ ultimate dream, the implementation of syariah laws and hudud*.

* The latter codifies the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes such as theft, fortification (gulp), yamseng-ing (gulp again) and apostasy.

Lim and Nga must watch out on the quantum of their support for Islamic governance and Quran quoting. It’s one thing to be respectful and indeed to show the respect, but it’s another to support the implementation of hudud.

They must be mindful of the nature of the beast, in PAS.


  1. Hahaha Karpal can shut up the DAP on the issue of Ronnie Liu and the letter-head.
    But with pAS he's hepless.
    KT dear, are you like olf fart Zorro embargoing DAP crisis until the cows come home.
    Yet to hear your valued opinions on the subject.

  2. Ktemoc,
    Karpal Singh is the LKY of DAP. His words are law. Hahaha.....Aiyaa, guess I know you don't have high esteem on LKY as you called him pretty self serving fella. Come on, Ktemoc, everybody including you are self serving too.
    Karpal Singh's words are very clear. The constituition of Malaysia is sacroscant. In fact, Karpal might wanna go back to the first Malaysia constituition. Not the present one kenna changed 600 over times.
    Guess what! Singapore one only changed 18 times. Hehehe!

  3. If (Pas) they want hudud let them have it in Kelantan.
    Or impose it just on the Kelantanese Muslims by way of veto in their state assembly.
    This damn country have 2 sets of laws anyway.
    However there must be an amnesty period before the full implementation of hudud.
    Those whom wants to renounce their religion must be given opportunity to do so.Everybody must be given an option . Will Nik Aziz be game for this.

    Hudud have huge implications when it comes to sodomy and rape cases.
    Must have 4 witnesses or the case is a no go.And the DNA will not be in play.
    Not sure why Nik Aziz did NOT fire a salvo towards a RajaGopal when the RajaGopal "pardon" a muslim lady to do community work for drinking beer.Remember the lady who was threatened with fine , jail and whipping just for a mug of beer?

    But hudud is just a sideshow as Pas , Dap and PKR are determine to kick out bn which is the main foe.
    Hudud cant be a more important issue than kicking the umno zionist.As Pakatan is NOT even the federal govt.

    Karpal is right about this matter here.Cant have hudud if bn is still the govt. And to have hudud ...Pas must have sufficient numbers in parliament to veto .
    Until that day comes , do get on with normal life.
    Talking about hudud now is so premature ..same as letting out a fart in a small room , stinks like hell for a while and it dissipates.

  4. Serious Shepherd8:15 am, August 24, 2010

    Some non-Muslims said that not all Muslims agree with hudud.

    What they should know is that these Muslims come from those who abstained from voting for hudud law at the Terengganu State Assembly in the year 2000 (read: UMNO).

  5. Buttercup, re Ronnie Liu and the support letter issue, it cannot be denied that the DAP took swift and transparent action (unlike another party wakakaka, the one with a member owning the Bali mansion) by removing Tee Boon Hock from his councillor position and expelling him from the party.

    On the basis of fairness and due process, the party could only reprimand Ronnie as MB Khalid found there was no corruption involved. C-A-T lah, my dear Buttercup wakakaka.

    I continue my rights as a Malaysian to blast any naughty political party including DAP.

  6. Quote: Today it’s PAS’ turn. Don’t worry, I’ll blast DAP as well, just to be fair to every party.

    Yaaaaay! way to go man! I can imagine the scene as played out ...

    KT: Alright, guys, line up in single file. No need for all that pushing and shoving - you'll each get your turn.

    Now, you at the head of the line. Step forward. Drop your pants and bend over. There's something I need to give you, and which you need desperately.

    As for the pair of you - Ahmad and Azeez - I want you both to line up twice. You two need a double dose of the treatment as everyone can see. ;-)

  7. * About a week or so ago, there was a report of the Taliban stoning a man and a woman to death for allegedly having illicit sex.

    * Some Muslim communities still practise "honor killings" when the father and the brothers would readily kill the daughter/sister in order to protect the family's honor.

  8. DAP is not like last time. They are weak now and not united to oppose Islamic state. Some of the new DAP people like Lim Guan Eng is just thinking of their CM post or people like Ronnie who just want their EXCO.
    I am not suprise now that Gerakan is a new force taking over DAP's role in promoting our country as a secular country.
    See this Article here today:

  9. ALOR STAR: PAS should learn to give constructive opinions and suggestions to overcome rising social ills and crimes in the country, rather than taking advantage of them to promote hudud law, a Gerakan Youth leader said. Kedah Gerakan Youth leader Tan Keng Liang chided PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat for proposing the implementation of hudud law to eradicate social ills and crimes, such as child dumping.

    He also slammed PAS Youth chief, Nasrudin Hassan, for blaming Valentine’s Day and Jan 1 New Year’s celebrations as among the main causes of baby-dumping in the country.

    Tan rebuked Nasrudin for alleging that these celebrations promoted extreme liberal socialising and free sex, which led to baby-dumping.

    “PAS leaders should carry out an in-depth study on the matter before pointing figures without evidence.

    “They should give constructive views and proposals if they were sincere in assisting the government in eradicating the crime of dumping babies.

    “Baseless accusations will not solve anything,” Tan said.

    He took Nik Aziz to task for being an opportunist in taking advantage of the situation to propose implementation of hudud law as the only way to stop the rot.

    Federal Constitution

    Tan urged PAS leaders to understand that Malaysia is a multi-racial country with a Federal Constitution, while the anti-crime laws were being enforced under the Penal Code.

    He said the various ethnic groups have long rejected hudud law, which, among others, advocated penalties such as cutting off hands for theft and stoning to death for adultery.

    “Even Pakatan Rakyat ally, the DAP, has rejected hudud law,” he said in a statement today.

    He pointed out that DAP national chairman Karpal Singh had issued a statement recently arguing against hudud law as an answer to social ills and crimes.

    He quoted Karpal as saying that “the DAP cannot accept any form of implementation of hudud law in the country”.

    Tan claimed that DAP’s outright rebuff exposed Nik Aziz’s advocacy of hudud law as “merely his own dream.”

    “PAS must understand its dream was not shared by many Malaysians,” he said.

    He condemned Nasrudin’s “narrow-minded” interpretation of Valentine's Day and New Year celebrations.

    He said that since Malaysia is a multi-racial country, Malaysians’ rights to celebrate special occasions should be respected.

    He took a swipe at PAS Youth wing’s ignorance of the existence of various cultures in Malaysia and for failing to understand that these celebrations don’t promote free and rampant sex.

    “Such an allegation raises suspicion among Malaysians who celebrate these special occasions. As a responsible movement, PAS Youth must substantiate its allegation with strong evidence.

    “If it fails to do so, it should publicly apologise to all Malaysians for making such an irresponsible allegation,” Tan said.

  10. ALOR STAR: PAS should learn to give constructive opinions and suggestions to overcome rising social ills and crimes in the country, rather than taking advantage of them to promote hudud law, a Gerakan Youth leader said. Kedah Gerakan Youth leader Tan Keng Liang chided PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat for proposing the implementation of hudud law to eradicate social ills and crimes, such as child dumping.

    He also slammed PAS Youth chief, Nasrudin Hassan, for blaming Valentine’s Day and Jan 1 New Year’s celebrations as among the main causes of baby-dumping in the country.

    Tan rebuked Nasrudin for alleging that these celebrations promoted extreme liberal socialising and free sex, which led to baby-dumping.

    “PAS leaders should carry out an in-depth study on the matter before pointing figures without evidence.

    “They should give constructive views and proposals if they were sincere in assisting the government in eradicating the crime of dumping babies.

    “Baseless accusations will not solve anything,” Tan said.

    He took Nik Aziz to task for being an opportunist in taking advantage of the situation to propose implementation of hudud law as the only way to stop the rot.

    Federal Constitution

    Tan urged PAS leaders to understand that Malaysia is a multi-racial country with a Federal Constitution, while the anti-crime laws were being enforced under the Penal Code.

    He said the various ethnic groups have long rejected hudud law, which, among others, advocated penalties such as cutting off hands for theft and stoning to death for adultery.

    “Even Pakatan Rakyat ally, the DAP, has rejected hudud law,” he said in a statement today.

    He pointed out that DAP national chairman Karpal Singh had issued a statement recently arguing against hudud law as an answer to social ills and crimes.

    He quoted Karpal as saying that “the DAP cannot accept any form of implementation of hudud law in the country”.

    Tan claimed that DAP’s outright rebuff exposed Nik Aziz’s advocacy of hudud law as “merely his own dream.”

    “PAS must understand its dream was not shared by many Malaysians,” he said.

    He condemned Nasrudin’s “narrow-minded” interpretation of Valentine's Day and New Year celebrations.

    He said that since Malaysia is a multi-racial country, Malaysians’ rights to celebrate special occasions should be respected.

    He took a swipe at PAS Youth wing’s ignorance of the existence of various cultures in Malaysia and for failing to understand that these celebrations don’t promote free and rampant sex.

    “Such an allegation raises suspicion among Malaysians who celebrate these special occasions. As a responsible movement, PAS Youth must substantiate its allegation with strong evidence.

    “If it fails to do so, it should publicly apologise to all Malaysians for making such an irresponsible allegation,” Tan said.

  11. Ktemoc,

    If I may comment on your article,
    I think your use of the quotation below is out of context.
    It's bad enough to have capital punishment without that Middle-Eastern atrocity, which is best left to the Israelis (remember “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her”?) and Arabs.
    The Bible did not say there should be no punishment if a wrong is committed. If this is so, the society will be in total chaos, don't you agree?

    Secondly, I believe Karpal did not
    rule out the use of death sentence as mentioned for the rapist bus driver. Death sentence is within the rule of law. However, " stoning to death" is another matter and I do agree it is barbaric as it prolong the suffering and unnecessarily add shame to this sort of public sentence.

    Back to the issue, though, dumping babies are but a sign that increasingly our generation of youth are exposed to sexually stimulating media than ever before and premarital sex is not an exclusive problem that Malaysia face but a worldwide phenomena.

    Thank you.

  12. TL, the sentence of death by stoning was gifted to the world (including the Arab world) by the Israelis - that biblical quote (of what Jesus said to the Judeans) showed its pedigree.

    Society's approval and use of the death sentence is barbaric and against the teachings of most religions - life is not for mortal men to take away under the pretext of man-made law.

    On the issue of baby dumping I have written in my post as to its cause - mind you there are two separate issues conflated into one, namely (a) prevention of pregnancy as well as HIV-AIDS and various other STD by use of condoms - problem here is some religious conservatives ruled against sex education; (b) secondly, the pregnant young women have no one to turn to, for every which way they would be excoriated for their 'sins' and then ostracised if not punished. Therein lies the root cause of baby dumping, society's cruel and uncompassionate mentality.
