
Monday, July 19, 2010

Perak Mufti ain't no Saladin

Hundreds of years ago, maybe even a thousand or more, many Indians on the subcontinent, especially those from the lower caste became Muslims because Islam freed them from society’s iniquitous shackles. As Muslims they could give the bird to human imposed social barriers.

For them, for justice, for humanity, Islam was the great social equalizer.

But wait, read The Malaysian Insider’s Perak PAS Youth calls Harussani a racist, which says (extracts):

Perak PAS Youth also rejects Tan Sri Harussani’s racist attitude and his responsibility as a Mufti. While abroad especially in Australia in June 2010 Tan Sri Harussani revealed his hate against other races during his ceramah with Malaysian students there.

Hmmm, what brand of Islam is he practising? Surely not the Islamic Great Equalizer!

If Perak PAS Youth’s accusation has been correct, then the Mufti’s unique brand of Islam has somehow accommodated his bigoted hate of ‘other races’, presumably non-Malays. Within the Malaysian context, the Mufti must have also included Chinese and Indian Muslims? Or worse, Arab Muslims?

Like the religion of the Hebrews-Israelis, his too has a ‘chosen race’ where other races are goyims (kaffirs) to be destroyed.

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations ... then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." - Deuteronomy 7:1-2, NIV.

"... do not leave alive anything that breaths. Completely destroy them ... as the Lord your God has commanded you ..." - Deuteronomy 20:16, NIV.

Hmmm, charming people ... and in the Mufti's relevation to Malaysian students in Australia he showed his thinking were/are not different from those biblical Hebrews-Israelis.

Incidentally, HTF did he became a Tan Sri when he was the man responsible for nearly causing religious-racial violence through a seditious SMS in 2006 ...

... and worse, when the sh*t hit the fan he blamed the whole seditious crime on a woman. F* pathetic!

Read also:
Perak Mufti unusually meek!
Perak Mufti blamed woman; SIS condemns him!
Perak Mufti pointed at Raja Sherina


  1. We are staunch practising Catholics who firmly believe in a fair-go for one and all. If our priest were to even hint let alone admit that he is a xenophobe, we would not only stop attending his church services, we would also report him to the authorities quick-smart.


  2. Dear, dear Ktemoc

    What's with you these days?
    Lately you have gone Government, Malay and Islam bashing.
    Gone are the tolerant, liberal man.
    Becoming a racist, bigot like uncle Zorro, eh??
    In the first place did the Mufti really utter those words?

  3. quote ... Malay and Islam bashing ...' unquote - mana ada?

    If you read my post careful you would have seen that I penned "... because Islam freed them from society’s iniquitous shackles. As Muslims they could give the bird to human imposed social barriers. For them, for justice, for humanity, Islam was the great social equalizer."

    Does the above sound like Islam or Malay bashing?

    I bash anyone or anything I feel is wrong - read my criticism of Lim KS and the RPK gang in and even sweet hottie Helen Ang ;-)

    ... and my faveorite punching bag, the iniquitous Israeli government
