
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our judge of "extraordinary standing"

I read a f* amazing item in The Malaysian Insider’s Zaki Azmi to take a seat in Lincoln’s Inn.

It tells us that the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn would each year elect a very few to become honorary benchers.

Those elected would be on the basis of their extraordinary standing in their professions at the level of chief justice or similar or head of state.

Thus Zaki, our very dear Chief Justice of Malaysia has been so appointed Honorary Bencher of the Lincoln’s Inn, one of the four Inns of Court in Britain.

Well I f* be … I became speechless on reading this … though I have to admit since his appointment, Zaki has certainly been “extraordinary” but I won’t go deeper into this – but see my previous post Hall of Dishonour.

I wonder whether those idiots in Lincoln Inn have even bothered to follow WTF’s going on in our amazing Malaysian judicial world.

Currently there are three Malaysian judges appointed as Lincoln Inn’s honorary benchers – our very dear “extraordinary” Zaki, the Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah and highly respectable Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram whom we have not seen lately in political cases at all.

Well, you may argue against my statement above of 'three Malaysian judges', observing that HRH is a former judge but I wonder, just wonder you know ... whether HRH ordering Nizar Jamaluddin to vacate the Perak MB position (a pretend show of power, according to Justice NH Chan, a former judge) would be a judicial decision, thus making him an active judge again.

“Extraordinary standing in their professions” – I thought of describing that statement as ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ but I think ‘f* amazing’ would do!


  1. So we are talking Mary Poppins here.

    Mr Banks: You brought your references, I presume. May I see them?

    Mary Poppins: "Oh I make it a point never to give references. A very old-fashioned idea to my mind."

    Mr Banks: No wonder eveything's higgledy-pigledy here!"

  2. ra..ra..rasu..what..ah?11:25 am, May 31, 2010

    Oh Gosh!!! Could this Malaysian contagion of 'boleh beli lah' reach such an esteemed institution?

  3. You help me , I help you.
    BTW, so call "honourable society of so and so" are merely feudalism title calling tradition.
    It is similar to Robert Mugabe, where he is given tons of honorable title by various Brits institution before he mess up Zimbabwe.

  4. What does it mean ah ? That these three chaps can stay in this Lincoln's Inn when they visit London ? Is it a kind of timeshare for judges ?
