
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gerakan doesn't support local elections in Penang?

I am not surprised that some people are getting irritated by Gerakan Tan Keng Liang’s mosquito-like buzzing around Lim Guan Eng.

His latest gimmick may be read in Malaysiakini’s Gerakan to Lim: Get house in order before meeting PM.

To put it briefly, because that’s all it merits, Tan ‘…has dismissed Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's attempt to meet Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak over the local elections issue as pre-mature.

He advised Lim to first meet with his superior, PR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim over their coalition's stand on local government elections before meeting the prime minister.’

No doubt Tan wants to make a name for itself, especially in a political environment where the Gerakan Party has been decimated, and cleansed from Northern Peninsula which was once its birth ground with Penang as its spiritual home. Incidentally, have you heard a peep from any Gerakan bloke on this issue?

Thus we may ask, today where/what/who is Gerakan Party other than the plaintive whimpering of one Tan Keng Liang – I suppose in that he is some sort of noisy hero in a very silent party – when one is very dead one is undoubtedly silent wakakaka.

Its president, as I had mentioned, is humiliatingly just a mere assistant ce to Idris Jala. Sayang saja, Koh Tsu Koon, a man who graduated from Princeton University with a degree in physics and a PhD in economics and sociology of education from the University of Chicago is now nothing more than an 'assistant ce' minister in report cards.

Forget about Koh, and let’s examine Tan’s most recent mosquito-like buzzing. Now he doesn’t want Lim GE to meet with Najib to resolve the possibility of holding local council elections in Penang and Selangor.

We all know that Najib is the principal obstacle or objector to having local council elections restored to the Malaysian political structure, yet Tan doesn’t want Lim GE to talk to Najib. It looks as if Tan in reality doesn't want Penang to have local election, which makes him a hypocrite – wait, not just that but a noisy hypocrite!

Not only that, this political nobody is attempting to prescribe to Lim GE, the CM of Penang, what steps the latter should adopt towards the holding of local elections.

Tan is attempting to set for Lim GE a task that belongs to Kedah PAS. Thus why should Lim even listen to the Kedah mosquito?

Unlike BN where a component party like the Gerakan Party has to constantly kowtow like a serf to its lord and master, UMNO, to get approval for every decision it wants to make, the Pakatan doesn’t work that way where there is a bullying TaiKoh a la UMNO. The Pakatan is a loose alliance where each component party is a sovereign party which cooperates rather than subordinates itself to a master.

If PAS is reluctant to have local council elections, assuming it had promised this in its election campaign, then it must answer to its own electorate for its broken promise.

Similarly, the DAP and PKR shall similarly answer for its their own actions, or lack of. There’s no uncertainty that both DAP and PKR are fully committed to the 3rd vote. It’s only UMNO preventing them from fulfilling their campaign promise.

Thus, UMNO and BN, which includes the walking dead Gerakan, shall eventually answer to the voters for its refusal to support the DAP Penang government (remember, Tan doesn't want Lim GE to meet with Najib) and PKR Selangor government holding local council elections.

Tan Keng Liang as a member of Kedak Gerakan would have failed miserably to (a) marshal BN support for Lim GE’s proposal and (b) pressure his state’s PAS government to do likewise.

A double failure and a noisy one, but I concede he may well be the only man (politically) alive, just barely, in Gerakan Party wakakaka.


  1. looks like this tan keng liang is becoming a very poisonous buzzing mosquito. Pakatan rakyat must standby some Sheltox or Ridsect.

  2. Eh..WTF is this Tang Ken Lian ?
    A comedian from Gerakan ?

  3. I suppose when you lick ass long enough you stop being able to tell if you have moved on to eating shit. And that is how I see this Tan Keng Liang as having graduated to.

  4. Well, he is trying to be noticed. He hopes as the older but now very silent Gerakan leaders leave or are forced to leave, he can climb up, maybe to be a senator (backdoor appointment only because there's no chance of Gerakan candidate being elected in a federal/state seat wakakaka)

    He knows that Najib doesn't approve of local elections for fear of the BN losing teruk sangat, so while he pretends to chide Lim GE (note he attacks only Lim and not other Pakatan people because Gerakan's main enemy is the DAP) for not doing enough to implement the local elections, he does NOT want Lim to meet Najib for fear that (by a miracle) Lim may succeed. At the same time he gets some cheap publicity in the media.

    So this is a bloke who tells the world he is pushing Lim to have local elections but at the same time putting obstacles in Lim's path because he knows his Lord and Master doesn't want local elections.

    Isn't it sad members of the once-mighty and highly respected Gerakan have descended to such greasy grubby gutter political tactics.

    How are the mighty fallen - 2 Samuel 1:27

  5. What do you all expect from Tan Keng Liang? To ask Najid to drop the NEP? Dream on, you fools. Tan Keng Liang will keep quiet the moment Najid gives him a datukship

  6. Ktemoc,
    For one joker who doesn't even allow others to comment speaks volume on the person called Tan Keng Liang. Lee Kuan Yew once said if one got to join politics & damn people, be prepared to be damned.
    Come to think of it. You know the common traits that RPK, Karpal Singh & LKY? They loves challenges. UMNO is so afraid of LKY, need to kick out Singapore. Especially Malaysia Solidarity Centre is gaining grounds.

    Of course, they are idoits out there who believe that Tan Keng Liang is a "few good men". But "I no stupid". I can see through this little prick.

  7. Ktemoc,
    from what I read, Tan Keng Liang is not an ordinary noisy mosquito.
    If what you predict is true, he may be one of the shrewd politician in gerakan we have to beware.

  8. i think we still have to give credit to Tan Keng Liang for voicing his support for local council election (although just in PR states) even when Najib said no. How many people in Barisan came out to support it that time? I think there is none.

    But if we look back at ourself in PR, how many voice out againt PAS when they reject local council election in Kedah and Kelantan?
    I think there is none who came out. So, what makes us in Dap or PKR think we are better than Tan Keng Liang?
    Just think about this point (which is the reason why I still respect Tan Keng Liang even he is gerakan).

  9. Ktemoc,
    you may also be interested to see a letter from a malaysiakini reader. I think it shows the sentiment on Pakatan now and people are calling out for Pakatan to buck up or be boot out!

    Why not the third vote for K'tan, Kedah?Anis Maria
    Mar 18, 10
    1:40pmI refer to the Malaysiakini report PAS leaders pose questions over local polls.

    Apparently, Kedah under PAS is not interested in holding local council elections. I am very surprised that why no one from Pakatan Rakyat has come out to speak up against PAS in Kedah on this.

    Isn't PAS also part of Pakatan Rakyat and didn't Pakatan say that they are for local council elections? Aren't DAP and PKR part of Pakatan in Kedah? Or is Kedah Pakatan 100 percent controlled by PAS and the other two partners have got no say at all in Kedah?

    How about Kelantan? Is PAS also rejecting local council elections for Kelantan? So what exactly is Pakatan Rakyat's stand on all this?

    Even NGOs like Bersih are now questioning what is happening to Pakatan Rakyat on the local council elections issue. This issue has also given Gerakan's Tan Keng Liang ammunition fire away at Pakatan Rakyat non-stop.

    This does not look good for the future of Pakatan Rakyat. As a voter who is not aligned to any political party, I hope to see Malaysia having a successful two-party system. I think most people also want this.

    Pakatan Rakyat needs to build up its trust with the people and keep all the promises it made.

    This local council elections issue is not only about implementing the third vote. It is also an issue about maintaining trust and keeping promises.

    I hope Pakatan can help to clarify matters and get Anwar Ibrahim to solve this issue on urgent basis. Otherwise, I think hoping for a successful two-coalition system would just be a dream.

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    closePost comments only open to subscribers. Not a Subscriber? Please subscribe now and login to Malaysiakini.1 - 1 of 1 commentsby Chandrasekar Krishnasamy - 18 hours ago

    PR unlike BN is not a regitered party. But given the chance of a 3rd vote, Kelantan sure will win handsomely, But Kedah will fall... The pull down the pig abbatoir in Alor Setar, and dug up a Hindu grave in Batu Pegaga near Kuala Ketil. So they have dug their own grave.

  10. Most PR leaders are not behaving like they are people will support them in next GE whatever they do or say.
    But believe me, things may change if PR still don't fulfill their pledge and openly dare to break their promise (like PAS in Kedah or Kelantan on the local council elections).
    Why do you think there is a lot of people (including PR supporters like me) now supporting the view of Tan Keng Liang on the local council elections? Plain simple.....because he is talking logic and just asking PR to keep their promise.

  11. As you rightly pointed out, Gerakan is now decimated and becomes irrelevant. Some like this Tan Kheng Liang is just trying his luck to get some attention for himself. As for former CM and now coffee boy to Jala, he's now wallowing in self pity.

  12. Bukit Mertajam, I've already given the reason why DAP and PKR cannot force PAS - this is because Pakatan doesn't have a Big Bro like UMNO in the BN - in Pakatan every component party is equal, not like BN where MCA, Gerakan and MIC have to kowtow to UMNO.

    Quite frankly I am not even sure PAS had made a campaign promise to hold local elections, but whatever, PAS has to answer for its decision.

    BTW, is ambiitous but selectively noisy Tan Keng Liang eyeing KTK's post? wakakaka

  13. Ktemoc,
    There are several hurdles need to clear. First is Dr Cheah Soon Kai. Teng Hock Nan. Finally, Lim Keng Yaik clout himself with his anak Lim Si Pin.
    Don't think that Lim Keng Yaik is out of Gerakan. Lim Keng Yaik being beri beri smart.
    He left behind "shit" for Chang Ko Youn in Perak, KTK in Penang.

    Perhaps, that little prick Keng Liang is in cloud 9 now after Bukit Mertajam's "Hail the King" speech on Keng Liang.
    Come to think Mussolini is also like that........

    You watch Allo Allo?

  14. To test PR's sincerity on local council elections, force Najib to first allow them to take place. Then, if PR still refuses to hold their local council elections, by all means condemn them. So don't condemn PR when it is the PM who refuses to allow these elections. It is like blaming Al Qaeda for terror attacks but ignoring that it was America which first created, financed, trained and armed those mother-f#cking terrorists.

  15. I think they would......Otherwise, they won't ask for it.....

    After 2 years, PR Selangor & Penang has proven their mettle

  16. tan keng liang is definitely creating some hype over this local council election issue in PR states.
    Even if I hate to say, this "shooting" star from Gerakan made a good point about PR must keep their promise on the local council election issue. There must be unity in PR on this issue.....but the very fact that Kedah under PAS openly reject it shows that PR is not unite for the local council election.
    That is bad for PR image.

  17. on another thing, I believe that the promise to hold local council election is by Pakatan Rakyat and not just DAP. Since PAS is in PR, they must also SHUT THEIR MOUNTH and don't openly say they against it. It looks very bad on bad.
    PAS is actually causing a lot of damage to PR these days......they are just a bunch of Zul Nordin.

  18. Please help me find my "Shieldtox". Need it to zap an irritating mosquito.

  19. Someone from Sungai Petani, Kedah2:22 pm, March 19, 2010

    while reading RPK's website today i.e., I note a link to your blog about gerakan rejecting local election.
    But let me tell you the truth. What gerakan had been saying recently is just asking Pakatan Rakyat to uphold their promise on local council elections in PR states. Is it wrong to ask PR to keep their promise?
    Is PAS Kedah not party of Pakatan Rakyat, who made the promise for local election?
    I am a Kedahan in Sungai Petani and I can tell you that PAS in Kedah are pure SHIT and GARBAGE.
    Instead of supporting PR blindly, we should make sure PR is a credible party. People are not stupid.
    Do you know about Pakatan Rakyat imposing the 50% bumi quota in Kedah? How about the demolishing the pig abattoir in Kedah and the plans to demolish Indian temples?

    We may hate BN, but should be thankful there is still people like Gerakan's Tan Keng Liang who keep on highlighting things that PR promise but refuse to honour.

  20. ktemoc,
    for your info, tan keng liang is one of the rare leaders in gerakan which I respect. Maybe you can say he is in the wrong party. But you are definitely mistaken to say this is a bad person.
    From what I know about this person:-
    1. he was the person who initiated the move to propose gerakan to leave BN 2 years ago,
    2. he even went against the ex-PM Tun Badawi last time on the issue of Umno appoiting PM - which was a big news last time,

    If you want to know more about him, just use a search engine like google to find out.
    Anyway, in today's news, you can also see his view on the automatic voter registration, which he slammed Nazri.

    In an immediate response to Nazri's statement, Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang disagreed with Nazri, saying that an automatic voter registration did not equate to forcing Malaysians to vote.

    "With due respect to our minister in the Prime Minister's Department, the proposal for automatic voters registration would not force any Malaysians to vote.

    "There is no sensible requirement to force all Malaysians to vote under such an automatic voter registration system. Even the current manual voter registration system does not force those who had registered as voters to vote," he said in a statement.

    On the contrary, Tan said it would be an ideal system that would give all Malaysians an "option to vote" and that the current system restricted voters to only those who had registered with the EC.

    He said as was previously announced by the EC, there were some 28% or 4.39 million Malaysians over the age of 21 years old who had yet to register as voters as at the end of last year.

    Tan also said the current manual voters' registration system by EC was a costly exercise and a waste of tax payers' money.

    He added that "democracy should be practised from the voice of all Malaysians and not only those who had registered with the EC".

    "As in my previous proposal to the government, I would hope that the government would reconsider allowing "automatic registration for Malaysians who attain 21 years old" and the default constituency should be based on the last known address given by the national registration department unless it is updated by the voters within one year before the election date," he said.

  21. looks like this is no ordinary noisy mosquito issue.

  22. I don't think tan keng liang of gerakan is an ordinary mosquito.
    What he says is taken seriously by a lot of people. If not, Malaysiakini and other news portal or even Raja Petra site would not highlight it. You can see the comments and letters people write. Some like it and some hate it. But more important is people take his view seriously - hate or like!

  23. ktemoc,
    this article of yours was highlighted in Malaysia Today of RPK. I am not sure whether it was highlighted because of the importance of the view by you or Tan Keng Liang (but more likely to be TKL).
    But what I am sure is your article clearly show Lim Guan Eng still have not fulfill his promise for local council elections. And he is now trying to pass the responsibility to Najib.

  24. ktemoc,
    you may be interested to see 2 letters in Malaysiakini from readers. It clearly shows the displeasure of people on the disunity of PR on this after being exposed by Tan Keng Liang.

    What is happening to Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah?Chandra K
    Mar 19, 10
    7:40pmI refer to the Malaysiakini report Gerakan to Lim: Get house in order before meeting PM.

    I read this news about Kedah Gerakan's Tan Keng Liang asking Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to settle the issue of local council Eelections within Pakatan Rakyat before meeting the prime minister to ask for the same.

    I am not from Penang, but just another ordinary Malaysian from Kedah's Sungai Petani. In the last general election, I voted for a change in our country's leadership including voting for Pakatan Rakyat (that time, it was 'Barisan Alternatif').

    Many promises were made including reforms in democracy, promises to help the Indian community, being fair to all people irrespective of race and religion, etc. PAS even used a slogan 'PAS for All'.

    After winning the last general election, Pakatan Rakyat's Kedah government (led by a PAS menteri besar) suddenly changed and began to openly break their promises. They even forgot all the promises they made in the last by-election at Bukit Selambau.

    It started with the increase in the state's bumiputera housing quota to 50%, the demolishment of a pig abattoir and of an Indian cemetery in Kuala Ketil. I want to ask - what have Pakatan Rakyat done in Kedah to help out the Indian community?

    Don't ask the people aligned to PKR or DAP or even the MIC. Just ask the ordinary Indians in Kedah what have they seen after two years with Pakatan. On local council elections, Lim Guan Eng announced he wanted to have it for Penang while Selangor has also announced plans for it. But suddenly, our Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak says 'no'.

    Again, this is another open break of a promise made by Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah. Not only is there no development in Kedah, even democracy has been sold out by Pakatan in Kedah. What is happening to Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah? Why are we so 'special' in Kedah that we don't need local council elections?

    Coming back to Tan Keng Liang, I believe what he is trying to say is that Pakatan Rakyat must keep their promise in all Pakatan states including the one regarding local council elections'. Don't just think about Penang only.

    If Pakatan feels that Kedahans are sure to vote for them in next general elections (even after Pakatan openly declaring to break their promise in Kedah), then let us see how we, Kedahans, are going to teach Pakatan a lesson at the next polls!

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    closePost comments only open to subscribers. Not a Subscriber? Please subscribe now and login to Malaysiakini.1 - 1 of 1 commentsby augustin - 5 hours ago

    Good attempt Chandra, but when it is an Indian issue, for Malaysians it is the last thing that bothers them no matter what the truth is whether it is BN or Pakatan. As a voter, you have your choice to decide and it is solely upto to you to make the change.


    Why not the third vote for K'tan, Kedah?Anis Maria
    Mar 18, 10
    1:40pmI refer to the Malaysiakini report PAS leaders pose questions over local polls.

    Apparently, Kedah under PAS is not interested in holding local council elections. I am very surprised that why no one from Pakatan Rakyat has come out to speak up against PAS in Kedah on this.

    Isn't PAS also part of Pakatan Rakyat and didn't Pakatan say that they are for local council elections? Aren't DAP and PKR part of Pakatan in Kedah? Or is Kedah Pakatan 100 percent controlled by PAS and the other two partners have got no say at all in Kedah?

    How about Kelantan? Is PAS also rejecting local council elections for Kelantan? So what exactly is Pakatan Rakyat's stand on all this?

    Even NGOs like Bersih are now questioning what is happening to Pakatan Rakyat on the local council elections issue. This issue has also given Gerakan's Tan Keng Liang ammunition fire away at Pakatan Rakyat non-stop.

    This does not look good for the future of Pakatan Rakyat. As a voter who is not aligned to any political party, I hope to see Malaysia having a successful two-party system. I think most people also want this.

    Pakatan Rakyat needs to build up its trust with the people and keep all the promises it made.

    This local council elections issue is not only about implementing the third vote. It is also an issue about maintaining trust and keeping promises.

    I hope Pakatan can help to clarify matters and get Anwar Ibrahim to solve this issue on urgent basis. Otherwise, I think hoping for a successful two-coalition system would just be a dream.
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    View Comments (1)
    closePost comments only open to subscribers. Not a Subscriber? Please subscribe now and login to Malaysiakini.1 - 1 of 1 commentsby Chandrasekar Krishnasamy - 2 days ago

    PR unlike BN is not a regitered party. But given the chance of a 3rd vote, Kelantan sure will win handsomely, But Kedah will fall... The pull down the pig abbatoir in Alor Setar, and dug up a Hindu grave in Batu Pegaga near Kuala Ketil. So they have dug their own grave.

