
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Police targetting Lim Guan Eng

Malaysiakini - Cops zoom in on Guan Eng

The pathetic RMP are at it again, playing politics, this time by harassing Lim GE.

Those men in blue claimed they are acting on reports lodged in Penang - in Sungai Nibong, Kg Baru, Kubang Semang, Seberang Jaya, Sungai Pinang and Kepala Batas. They said the alleged offences comprise four counts of participating in an illegal assembly, one of violating the Sedition Act 1948 and three counts of criminal defamation.

WHAT, no sodomy!

And what about Lim being a chauvinistic, communist-minded dictator?

But other than a hint that he is being investigated on 6 counts, Lim has not been told when those alleged incidents happened nor any details necessary for Lim to defend himself.

Of course the identities of the complainants are still unknown, and undoubtedly classified TOP SECRET – NATIONAL SECURITY!

His lawyer, Jagdeet Singh, said: "If chief minister is to defend himself, he has to know what he is being accused of".

… and ‘when’ those incidents occurred would also be helpful!

Jagdeet also said: “Many reports have been lodged against others - the prime minister, menteris besar and cabinet members. I want to know whether the police are investigating those allegations.”

Hmmmm, better not hold your breath.


  1. this is UMNOland where the law of jungles apply.

    IF UMNO says so, its law.

    And you have the freaking corrupt MCA salivating for a few crumbs from UMNO. Truly running dogs.

  2. Double standard !? YES, so what !!

  3. So ... this will be recalled in 2013 (or the next GE) ;-)

  4. The alleged offences comprise four counts of participating in an illegal assembly, one of violating the Sedition Act 1948 and three counts of criminal defamation.

    Why not add another one, that of him planning Altantuya's murder? And also him pushing Teoh BH off the 14th floor resulting in his death? Plus selling state secrets to Singapore, Indonesia and the USA?

  5. and stealing two F5E engines? having a Bali styled mansion on the mere pay of a Chief Minister? taking unexplained millions in a brief-case to Australia, etc. wakakaka

  6. Jib and his ever-nagging wife Ros went on vacation to Jerusalem.

    While they were there, Ros passed away.

    The undertaker told Jib, “You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or you can bury her, in the Holy Land, for $150.”

    Jib said he preferred to have her shipped home.

    The undertaker asked, “Why would you spend $5,000 for shipping when it would be wonderful to be buried here on the Holy Land?”

    Jib replied, “Long ago a Nazarene died here, was buried here, and 3 days later he rose from the dead. I just can’t take that bloody chance.”

  7. "mere pay of a Chief Minister?"

    what do you mean by this? he's chief minister of the wealthiest state.
