
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hishamuddin Hussein was for Nordin Top but what about Chin Peng?

The Malaysian Insider reported that Chin Peng is fighting for his last wish to be buried in Sitiawan, next to his father and grandfather.

He claims his right to return to Malaysia was reneged on by the Malaysian government, a very nasty breach of international legal agreement that even Samy Vellu would have described with his fave phrase of ‘tidak boleh pakai’.

Legally, the government had agreed with him and the Thai government, made 20 years ago in a peace deal in Haadyai, to allow all Malaysian communists who desired it to return home and live in peace.

Hmmm, maybe Chin Peng didn’t read the small print; what he thought of as ‘…all Malaysian communists …’ was actually written as ‘…all Malay communists …’?

Several key players who brokered the deal on behalf of the Malaysian government, including former IGP, Tan Sri Rahim Noor, were actually waiting to testify in support of Chin Peng but the High Court in Kuala Lumpur tossed out his suit without calling for a trial.

The Malaysian Insider reported that
Judge Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi stated it was a known fact that he had committed “evil” acts during the 12 years of the Emergency after World War Two (WW2).

While the word ‘evil’ is fairly subjective, depending on which side you have been standing, be that as it may, I would recommend to Chin Peng to seek assistance from Home Affairs Minister Hishamuddin Tun Hussein.

Hisham as the Home Minister is commonly known (his other ‘affectionate’ nickname being kerismuddin) is known to be champion of rehabilitation.

Hisham had lamented he was too late in rehabilitating Noordin Top, the most notorious terrorist mass killer in SE Asia, when the murderer was killed by Indon police. How Hisham must have wished he had the opportunity to turn such a vicious killer into the proverbial lamb.

Alas, opportunity lost but what the hey Hisham old chap, you can still try it out with Chin Peng - no doubt a 2nd best compared to Nordin Top but can still produce a good karmic outcome for you.

Yes, Hisham The Compassionate even saw to it that the corpse of Nordin Top was not abandoned in a foreign pauper’s grave, but brought home to tanah air kita.

Surely, Hisham’s compassion and penchant for rehabilitating terrorists would be in bountiful surplus, and adequate enough to spare for an aging former terrorist?

However, Chin Peng wistfully remarked: “If I’m Malay, it would be very much easier for me ... Unfortunately, I’m not Malay.”

Nah Ah Pek, not now when UMNO is for all Malaysians, more so if one’s dad and granddad were also buried in Sitiawan.


  1. UMNO malay has never honored an agreement whether written nor verbal and that's a fact. Look at what happen to Sabah and Sarawak. The royalty money to the state of Terengganu and Kelantan, Sabah during PBS time. So don't expect them to honor any agreement cos they are not men of honor. Any wonder why TG Nik Aziz called them hypocrite and hell dwellers? I surely not cos it's as clear as day. Only those who are the same creed will make an agreement with those beast and expect them to own up ( TG Hadi and Nasha and the unity faction?).

  2. Perhaps they fear their version of Malaysian history would be exposed as only make belief with Chin Peng back on home soil.

  3. This bloody comunist has killed my grandfather. I did not kill you dah kira nasib baik tau!

  4. ..suggest that this kris wielding primate rehabilitate all those presently awaiting execution at death row, then give them all jobs at his house, office,etc

  5. DingDong, the Japanese killed my family too but why are you allowing Toyota, Honda, Shiseido, Akai, Sony and everything else? Double standard! Hipocrite!

  6. Greenbug

    You need to be more intellectual to grasp the difference between japanese soldiers who took orders from their commanders and Chin Peng.
    Japan lost the war and paid a huge price vide the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the loss of millions of lives. Japan have paid the price for their expansionist policies. they invaded other countries. The Japanese army commanders were tried before the courts, found guilty and executed. they paid the price for their acts.

    Chin Peng the communist, waged war against his own homeland, killed thousands of innocents, and get to stay in a luxurious villa in Thailand and eat Japanese food on his birthday. He was not tried before court of law to answer for his crime of killing innocent Malaysians ruthlessly, and for treason.

    Like General Yamashita, he should have the balls to come to Malaysia to be tried before the courts, and the conscience to apologise to the families of all his victims, and to Malaysians in general for the damage he has caused the country both economically as well as politically. The RM millions spent in resisting Chin Peng and his followers could have been better spent to develop Malaya's infrastructure.

    Let him die and rot wherever he is know. But looking at his picture, he appears to be a healthy old man and does not look like dying anytime soon.

    sri hartamas

  7. Nazak launched the SAYANG program and insisted that umno is not racist.
    Kera Jantan made a great speech (but fake) that umno must change.
    Are they (nazak and kera) hinting that Ong Boon Hwa aka Chin Peng can come back?

  8. you must understand the different. CP fought malaya, malaysia, even after merdeka.

    nordin top fought indons. he was never against malaysia gov.

  9. U silly b@stards . How can u say Nordin more dignified than Chin Peng ? FU .. U must be some malay idiots who got your brain whitewashed by the UMNO manipulated secondary school history subject. Chin Peng fought Japanese and got invited to London to received medal. Then he revenged on those traitors during Jap occupation . Traitors caused more deaths during Jap era than the recent Philipines typhoons and Padang earthquake combined. So what he did wrong ? You guys are so farking annoyed with him just because he's the follower of Marxism. So farking wrong with ppl who chose to read Marxism . It's their farking choice. And dingDong is another farking idiot , if he killed your grand dad , I would believe that he was either a gov army personnel , policeman or worst , a former Jap's lapdog. During a war , of course there will be deaths but I dont see majority of the ppl complaint that their forefathers were brutally killed nor raped by Chin Peng-led communist. There were also Malay communist leaders like Rashid Maidin , Shamsiah and etc . Depend on which side you trust , there is no right or wrong in ideology. But one thing for sure , in Islam there is no such teaching in holy Koran or Hadis that a muslim must set bomb and kill all the innocents. That's for farking sure !!

    Pissed off !

  10. just let this old chap back, die and buried in Malaysia.... History is the past that never lies to human..we should let the next generation know who he is and what he has done let it be good or evil. Lets learn to face the truth....and embrace it to becoming great Nation one day!.....

  11. Vathy

    Well said. I am totally agreed with you. One has to do some intense research and read more before giving comments, otherwise he would look like a fool. Chin Peng should be honored for his past contribution to our country and indeed a great man whom we couldn't deny it. Our history needs to be rewritten accurately without any prejudice.
