
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zaid Ibrahim sneered at Hassan Ali's double-talk!

Zaid Ibrahim commented on PAS in The Malaysian Insider – for more read here.

The core points Zaid brought up have been:

(1) Referring to Hassan Ali’s criticism of Selcat public inquiry Zaid said:

“What is the point of PAS promising in its manifesto to become a transparent government, that wants to abolish the Official Secrets Act (OSA), that wants to draft new laws [like the] Freedom of Information Act, if the early genuine efforts of Selcat in Selangor have already been opposed and challenged by PAS?”

If you recall, in my post Dr Hassan Ali - whose side is he on? I remarked (extracts):

… why is Hassan Ali so set on Selcat doing the inquiry behind closed doors. Is it to spare the former BN government from the embarrassing public exposure of its alleged misuse of public finds?

The PAS Commissioner claimed he wants to stop Selcat from “bullying public servants” during the recent public inquiry. The public servants he was referring to are District Officers who approved funds required by the former BN ADUNS.

I also remarked about Hassan Ali's hypocrisy in his pretend-attempt to show his concerns for the DO's because Teng Chang Kim, chairman of Selcat, revealed that Hassan Ali had in fact wanted to replaced those DOs,

“Unknown to them, Hassan Ali had been pushing for all senior civil servants — including DO’s, heads of local authorities, the state secretary and state legal advisor — to be replaced during PR state meetings."

I then remarked: That's his sheer hypocrisy and treachery to the District Officers. One can only conclude that the beneficiaries of his demand for Selcat to be conducted behind closed doors would not be those District Officers.

Who then if not UMNO?

But to be fair to PAS, Zaid should have directed his criticism more precisely at Hassan Ali as an individual, because PAS blokes like Khalid Samad and Mahfuz had spoken out against Hassan Ali - good on them!

(2) Zaid also brought out a far more disturbing trait in Hassan Ali. This PAS bloke had objected loudly when it was first proposed that Teng, an ethic Chinese from DAP, head Selcat. As Selcat is an instrument of the legislative it would be only natural that the speaker of the Selangor assembly be nominated.

Either Hassan Ali doesn’t understand the doctrine of separation of power or he doesn’t like Chinese – and just so, we should be reminded he has been one of the proponents of the ‘Malay unity’ talks (and probably more) with UMNO.

I had always believe that Islam is supranationalistic, so I wonder about Hassan Ali's Islamic credentials? That he is a Malay national is not in doubt!

(3) Then Zaid gave a couple of sucker punches to PAS Youth, commenting on the Youth’s far greater interest in banning public concerts and support for moral policing than corruption, oppression and racism.

Zaid said: “It is as if for PAS Youth, the effort to fight corruption, oppression, abuse of power and inciting racism is less important compared to the efforts to make sure the young who are just learning to love and wish to be entertained freely are obstructed from enjoying a little freedom.”

Hopeless! What sort of government will we have with such PAS people? Those PAS Youth should read my What would I say for Merdeka!


  1. Makes me wonder why PAS is not hauling up Hassan Ali for a DI?

    Why does Hassan Ali have to fight the battles for the DOs - if not only to stir shit?

    If the DOs are professionals and abide by the rules - nobody can intimidate them.

  2. tis fler need to be rehab else ' a life is still a life ' !
