
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The treachery of Hassan Ali

Malaysiakini reported that highly respected Khalid Samad of PAS asked his party colleague the notorious Hassan Ali 'Is drinking beer worse than misusing public funds?'

It'll be great if that Hassan has the balls to answer.

Many, including some in PAS, have been of the opinion that Hassan Ali is DELIBERATELY ‘sowing discord’ (Malaysiakini's words) within Pakatan to
destabilise its administration of Selangor.

As there can only be one beneficiary of Pakatan’s failure in Selangor, and Hassan Ali’s actions have been seen/assessed as intentionally directed towards Pakatan faiulure, don’t blame us for calling a spade a spade, that he is an UMNO collaborator, a quisling, but one who doesn’t have the guts to state he prefers UMNO.

If he has any honour he should leave and join UMNO.

Talking about 'honour', Teng Chang Khim publicly called him a blatant liar and he couldn't even/daren't refute that!

Khalid Samad, frustrated by his PAS colleagues reluctance or refusal to censure Hassan Ali for his treacherous conduct, asked pointedly on his blog (and thus publicly) of Hassan’s demand to have the Selcat inquiry behind closed doors: "If the issue is embarrassing or humiliating (the civil servants), why didn't we oppose the whipping sentence on Kartika? Is misappropriation of public funds less important than (the penalty) for drinking alcohol?"

"Are we implying that Islam is lenient on the former and not the latter? If we accept the whipping sentence against Kartika, then the open investigation (by the inquiry) should not be objected to."

Khalid Samad has shown beyond any doubt that Hassan has brought shame to Islam by implying such, ...

... and for what, other than to protect UMNO.

And don’t forget, Teng exposed his hypocrisy regarding the welfare of the District Officers because he (Hassan Ali) had been quietly pushing for their replacements.

The hypocrisy and sinister double-standard intention of Hassan Ali was also amply demonstrated by his condemnation of Selcat’s public query of the District Officers (as should be the case), yet publicly criticizing his ADUN colleagues, in the same manner which he said shouldn’t be done.

What’s good for the goose is obviously not good for the gander. This has been the conduct of a man who in reality doesn’t really care about the District Officers being questioned about BN's lack of financial governance but more about protecting his UMNO mates.

Khalid Samad asked Hassan Ali to resign from the state exco and assume a position as backbencher if he wants to be a maverick, one who stabs his Pakatan colleagues in their backs to only benefit UMNO.

But this man is so thick skinned that he won’t have the decency to go.

But worse, he is supported by ‘Malay unity’ champions Pak Haji Hadi Awang and Nasaruddin, both of whom prefer to be in bed with UMNO rather than work with their PKR and DAP colleagues in Pakatan.

The heights of popularity and patriotism are still the beaten road to power and tyranny; flattery to treachery; standing armies to arbitrary government; and the glory of God to the temporal interest of the clergy - David Hume


  1. Will Hassan Ali next propose that the Selangor MB's post be rotated? And the PM's chair, too?

    Proposal to rotate Penang CM post criticised


    PENANG: The proposal by Penang Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) Youth that the Chief Minister's post be rotated between parties in Pakatan Rakyat has been criticised by Penang DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY).

    Its secretary Ng Wei Aik said the three component parties of Pakatan Rakyat had not agreed to any new formula to rotate the Penang Chief Minister's post.

    "This is a racial formula created by Mohd Yusmadi (Penang PKR Youth chief). He is power crazy," he said in a statement here today.

    He was commenting a statement by Mohd Yusmadi that a new formula be implemented so that leaders from all races could be appointed Penang Chief Minister.

    Mohd Yusmadi, the Member of Parliament for Balik Pulau said a new formula was needed to replace the Barisan Nasional (BN) formula which gave the Chief Minister's post to the Chinese and the Deputy Chief Minister's post to the Malays.

    Ng said DAPSY felt that the time was not ripe to rotate the Chief Minister's post and that the post be taken up by the party with the majority number of seats and not because the Chinese formed the majority in the state.

    "The new formula implemented by the Penang government is fair to all the people irrespective of race, religion and political background," he said. - Bernama

  2. 'Is drinking beer worse than misusing public funds?'

    For me personally, both are WRONG and should not be condone in any way!!!

    DAP did both of the above (drink beer and misuse of public funds - read" allegations on misuse of ADUN allocations) and still the DAP Fanatics worship the KitSiang and GuanEng Cult cum Dynasty that they can't even be criticised cos they're too 'HOLY' blind and pathetic

    BTW, if any of u DAPFanatics want to argue that the allegations against the DAP ADUNS is baseless and a BN conspiracy (which is used too many times over to cover DAP misdeeds that it kind of become a cliche' and old), I would also say to your face that the same treatment of "INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY" should applies to BN as well...BE FAIR LAH...

    anyway, i voted for change but unfortunately things has changed for worse...leader who can't take criticism, suggestions and different opinion is not leader BUT A DICTATOR...but maybe chinese chauvinistic DAP want to establish a dynasty ruling akin to Qing dynasty in Malaysia.....with support by equally blinded Malays, their dreams may well soon become true..nau'zubillah

    BTW, if u want to talk about competency, i see DAP is master of talking and spinning but not the actual work..Any listing of actual contribution they did over a year they became dominant in Penang and Sgor?..

  3. Anon of 9:33 AM.

    I recommend you lodge a report with MACC wakakaka about DAP misuse of public funds. Go on, be a good citizen. You may even be awarded the AMN or KMN etc for sterling contributions to public service - syabas in advance ;-)

  4. KTemoc,

    Same with you...go and make police report instead of calling/implying BN govt rasuah!!!that's what i've been seeing in blogspheres..ALL ALLEGATIONS BASED ON HEARSAY TO THE EXTENT OF MAKING THINGS UP!!

    The double standards just show the type of people u lots are..Just be fair-lah and whack both parties should there be any misconduct, not putting blind-eye to misconducts due to fanaticism

    BTW, if u are so hard up on stupid pingats like AMN etc, u're on the right track as DAP-butt-kisser..just need to wait for Guan Eng to be emperor..u can be his eunich and lapdogs for the rest of ur life

    ps: Innocent til proven guilty should apply to all...

    pps: Freedom of speech should also apply to all....why preach freedom of speech if you cant even listen to criticisms,suggestions or different opinion?

  5. pingat for you ler

    hey, rather than pingat I much prefer to have a mansion like the one the late Z Deros or, better still Khir Toyo has - best!

  6. Unless I am mistaken, Anon of 9:33 AM is of the opinion that Aktantooyal was blown apart by the DAP's LKS and his son, LGE because they did not wish to share their RM500 million commission from the Scorpene purchase with her.

    And the DAP is the perpetrator of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scam. Whew, some people have brains located up their assholes

  7. Anonymous 9:33 AM, you wrote:
    Drinking beer and misuse of public funds are both wrong and should not be condoned. DAP did both.

    If you are a Muslim, drinking beer is, of course, wrong for you. But most members of the DAP are not Muslims and, therefore, for them drinking beer is no more sinful or wrong than drinking tea is for you.

    You also wrote: DAP want to establish a dynasty ... in Malaysia.....with support by equally blinded Malays

    Who says the Malays are blind? Who says that the Malays support the DAP? It's only you, Anon. 9:33, who make these claims. Can you provide statistics, numbers, any other evidence to support your claim?


  8. pls kasih saya a 'dogtorate'PhD !

  9. Haiyar .. To all Malay readers here , pls do avoid naming your son Hassan if your name is Ali . All that 'Hassan Ali's that I know off are more or less the same racist to each another. There was one in UM as Dept Head ,couple of years back also same kind of attitude. Same racist.
