
Sunday, September 06, 2009

TCow-ering Malaysians

What a bull-sh*tting week. We have a cow-dung-sense Home Minister and his Police Force, with the latter showing itself to be an UMNO political apparatus rather than a neutral public law enforcement body – closing one cow-eye on a bunch of violent seditious racists while arresting a group of peaceful protestors holding not a pig’s head but candles and roses.

Sometimes I wonder who is the worst minister in the Naib cabinet?

His cousin, Hishamuddin, for a litany of moronic acts but with his worst idiocy being the contractual extension of Musa Hassan as the IGP when the latter has demonstrated very clearly his inability to stop crime rates soaring to a new Malaysian high, a man alleged to have connections with the underworld?

Rais Yatim, the fickle-minded Gobbels of Malaysia?

Zahid for choosing that Rozaihat what-his-name, a disbarred lawyer as the candidate for Permatang Pasir?

Muhyiddin Yassin for supporting the racist rants by the Malay language MSM?

No doubt TCow-ering Malaysians.


  1. there's also mukhriz who sokong-ed hishamudin

  2. KT, as much as you and I are not fond of a particular fellow as an alternative, I think UMNO needs to be sent packing.

  3. najib, a possible candidate?

    dont think you will agree, KT.

    if PR ever comes to power, Anwar is the man for you to hantam baik2. but then, you are darn consistent, that I respect.

  4. Well, KT, I really cant figure you out. The residents of Sec 23 were actually trying to protect their homes and neighborhood. Imagine a Hindu temple smack in their midst, with the clanging bells, smoke and noisy festivals, hordes of idol worshipping Indians - life would never be the same. And we all know most criminals are Indians, so there goes the safety of the neighborhood. So the cow head was maybe a little overboard, but it certainly caught the attention of the right people, and now, the right decision has been made. As for the candle & rose bearers, these are no-good trouble makers, trying to capitalise on the issue. I say lock them up in Kamunting.

  5. Dear KT,
    If all the ministers we have now are all 'no good', who do you think we should chose for our PM/ministers come next election?
    Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim or so and so!

  6. Anon of 11:48 AM, September 07, 2009 - when those cow-head protestors were asked what was threatening about the proposed Hindu temple to their Islam way of life in Section 23, 99% could only come up with one reason, 'possible traffic jams'.

    One bloke answered that question with his assertion that he was born a 'generasi May 13' , whatever that means (if not threatened violence by a low class low brow brute mentality).

    In other words, they themselves could not even see any threat (by the Hindu temple in Section 23) to their Islamic lives, but sadly like cows, they allowed themselves to be led by their nose into being an aggressive violent protesting mob.
