
Monday, September 28, 2009

Predictable Israeli sabotage of peace talks

So predictable that’s it would have been laughable, if not for the seriously sinister sabotaging.

I had condemned Israeli perfidy in the American proposed peace talks in my earlier post Yanks unable to stop neo-Nazi lebensraum.

I had anticipated the predictable Israeli sly manipulation of events to put the blame for the Israeli sabotaged peace negotiations on the Palestinians, stating in my earlier post:

Just watch how Israel would now turn the blame on the Palestinians for not keeping their word to stop insurgent attacks (by probably staging a couple of fake rocket attacks). And the Palestinians will once again be termed ‘terrorists’.

Today The Malaysian Insider ran a Reuters article
Palestinians warn Israel after Jerusalem clash which reported:

Palestinian leaders warned Israel yesterday not to stoke tension in Jerusalem in the hope of thwarting peace talks, after clashes at a sacred site in which Palestinians and Israeli police were injured.

“At a time when (US) President (Barack) Obama is trying to bridge the divide between Palestinians and Israelis, and to get negotiations back on track, Israel is deliberately escalating tensions in Jerusalem,” chief peace negotiator Saeb Erakat said.

“We’ve seen this before, and we know what the consequences are,” the Palestinian minister added, in a statement that recalled the visit of then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the site in Jerusalem’s Old City in 2000.

Sharon’s presence at al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, triggered the second Palestinian uprising and dealt the biggest setback to peace efforts in years. […]

According to legislator Hathem Abdel Kader and other Palestinian sources, the clash erupted in the early morning when Palestinians inside the complex — sacred to both Islam and Judaism — saw a group of 15 religious Jews trying to enter.

The Jews never managed to get into the complex, because several hundred Palestinians, who were on alert for such a possibility, began a loud protest. Israeli police responded with tear gas then stun grenades.

Hardly surprising that: Israeli police said it began when religious Palestinians angered by immodestly dressed tourists grew violent.

Palestinians dismissed that account, saying no tourists were involved. There was no further comment from Israeli authorities, who were observing the Yom Kippur silence.

“Providing a police escort for settlers who are against peace at all costs, and whose presence is deliberately designed to provoke a reaction, are not the actions of someone who is committed to peace, but of someone who will go to extraordinary lengths to scuttle all hopes of peace,” Erakat said.

It’s far worse than a simple rocket attack that I had roughly predicted.

There’s no more evil and wicked manipulator than land robbers like the current Likud government, whose forefathers in the terrorist oranization Irgun (and Lehi) had perpetrated the Deir Yassin massacre and various atrocities in the mid '47, and had been the bloodied hands behind the Sabra & Shatila genocide, and recent killers of children in Gaza.

Related: read Human shields in Gaza and be shocked by the murderous neo-Nazis.

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