
Thursday, September 17, 2009

No worries UMNO, the Hindraf cavalry is on its way!

It’s amazing the special high grade vitriol that Uthayakumar has prepared and flung against Lim Guan Eng in particular and the Pakatan Rakyat in general.

In Malaysiakini Uthaya: 'Axis of evil' destroyed Buah Pala [penned by Athi Shankar ;-) ] we learn that he wrote a letter to CM Lim GE stating: "I want to say to them that it would be no longer tenable for Indians to vote blindly for DAP, PKR and PAS in future elections. Watch and learn."

So who will he be persuading the Indians to vote for if not Pakatan?

No prize for your guess!

Now, I did mention ‘vitriol’, didn’t I?

Just get this sample of Uthayakumar’s as reported by MKINI: Uthayakumar accused Lim's government of raping, uprooting, desecrating and annihilating an Indian working class population in an Indian heritage village by using brutal force …

Disgusting over-the-top misinformation! He makes me sick.

And to further nail down our suspicion of his motive, he asserted that Pakatan Rakyat is worse than UMNO.

Ratcheting up his vitriolic propaganda against Lim GE’s so-called culpability in the KBP issue, he stepped on to the racist platform by stating: "You would not have done so had it been a Malay or Chinese traditional village, e.g Weld Quay, Khoo kongsi or Kampung Melayu."

What Human Rights Party is this? It’s disgraceful to talk about human rights when he’s at the same time attacking someone for allegedly protecting Malay or Chinese rights!

Does it matter whose rights are being fought for, so long as it's a legal and moral right!

He claims he represents the 2 million Indian voters but as one MKINI commentator
Victor Johan wrote: HRP secretary-general P Uthayakumar, please bear in mind always that you have no rights in your demands and quotes to state that you are the voice of Indian Malaysian.

You should only act on behalf on your party members and sympathizer and supporters. Not all the Indian Malaysians want you to represent them. A larger group now support Pakatan Rakyat.

md. imraz bin muhammed ikhbal stated most succinctly: I doubt the Indians are blind to not see how unreasonable Uthaya's demands were & how ridiculous his assertions are.

But to those who wish to prove me wrong on this, then by all means, vote for BN and make sure PR loses miserably. Send that message you so want to deliver to PR. Let's see who ends up the one receiving the real message at the end of the day when you blow up your once in a lifetime opportunity to topple a corrupt & racist govt. Let's thereupon wait & see henceforth how well BN treats the Indians. Good luck!

Finally kgen wrote what I would have written: At first I supported Hindraf's struggle to uplift the Indian community but this support has long evaporated.

What has Hindraf done for poor and marginalized Indians except to rant and rave and call for demonstrations? What social and educational programs, funds or assistance for the Indians has Hindraf started?

Real activism is doing the nitty-gritty groundwork and not constantly playing on emotional issues like Tamil schools, temples and Kg. Buah Pala.

If Hindraf considers itself a political force to uplift Indians than attacking PR is a strange way to go about it.

Hindraf can never be an Indian based third force but it can help prolong BN rule by splitting Indian votes and keeping racial politics alive.

Is Hindraf really to uplift Indians or to uplift the two brothers?

Thankfully, many Indians can see through Hindraf and do not give their unequivocal support anymore.

Indeed, and we need to be mindful that in Uthayakumar’s rant against Lim GE on the KBP issue, he (Uthayakumar) made not even one teeny weeny itsy bitsy lil’ mention of Koh Tsu Koon.


  1. Uthayakumar, listen here, I am an Indian and I never appoint you to represent me; so just STFU.

  2. uthayakumar,listen here , i am an indian .please fight for the malaysian indians .do not listen to others.

  3. Why this Uthayakumar fler continues to rant at LGE over the KBP issue when the main culprit is KTK?

    What's wrong with his grey matter?

  4. "He claims he represents the 2 million Indian voters."

    How so?

    Assuming 10% Indians translates as 2.5 million Indians x 1/3 eligible for voting, that's about 800,000 Indian voters, tops 1 million!

    Divide this among Hindraf, MIC, Pakatan and Uthay and the truth is clear.

    Uthayakumar is talking through the other aperture. Indians are not stupid. They will never trust someone who is suddenly pro-UMNO after having been in Kamunting for 9 months and released prematurely.

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  5. i have great respect for this man once but it is real waning.

    if he cant see who's the real enemy, he aint no mccoy.

  6. KT,
    Thats the trouble with this renegade indians who just talk like union leaders and half baked lawyers.

  7. "Uthayakumar accused Lim's government of raping, uprooting, desecrating and annihilating an Indian working class population in an Indian heritage village by using brutal force"

    i absolutely agree lge on this. please put back KTK in penang.

  8. My support for HINDRAF in the beginning was really strong, but not anymnore. It is not a secret anymore the two brothers are not fighting for the Indian community but for themselve. I am sure the Indians in Malaysia are not that blind not to see.

  9. get this right!

    The Penang Gerakan today said that technically it was the current DAP government, that finalised the village land deal and sold Kampung Buah Pala to the cooperative society - Koperasi Pegawai Pegawai Kanan Kerajaan Pulau Pinang.

  10. That's what happens when normal human beings become guests of ISA. Unless you are the Lion of Malaysia or the Tiger of Melaka, normal people will do anything to be released from prison, punishment, psychological torture (yes, no more water dunking or electro-shock treatments). All the fire will be put out once you come out.
    Try to forgive his actions as he is a husband and a father, not someone who grew up post 1950s or 60s where these generation was made of sterner stuff!

  11. Anon of 4:19 PM, who believes a Gerakan person today? That is why the Gerakan Party has been virtually wiped out in March 2008, and its president now serves via the parliamentary backdoor as a tambi boy to Najib.
