
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meme: Save Yvonne's Sight

I came to know of Yvonne Foong some years ago, when she blogged on the words of another blogger [sorry, no name please ;-) ] which sort of riled me and better-known blogger desiderata. Of course I wasn’t mad with Yvonne, but only with the words of that 'unnamed' blogger ... but anyway, that was how I know of Yvonne.

The years then passed by quickly, during which I also learnt of Yvonne’s sad plight, which was affecting her eyesight. Alas, one could only ask: kenapa Tuhan?

As my dear friend Marina Mahathir wrote: Yvonne is a young woman who's been singlehandedly raising funds for the operations she needs to treat her neurofibromatosis which causes tumours to grow inside her body.

Can we please do something to support her, so that she needn’t be forced to do this all on her own?

Incidentally Marina tagged me for the ‘Save Yvonne's Sight’ Meme.

I haven’t had the pleasure of knowing Yvonne personally (apart from that blogging incident) let alone met her, so I have to rely on what Marina has written:

… some six months ago, Yvonne had already lost her hearing and communicated through writing on a small white board. But now she's losing her eyesight and needs another operation again. The operation is due in December and once again she needs to raise funds for it. The cost of the surgery is USD44,000 (RM154,770) and the cost of her hospital stay for two weeks is USD915 or RM3219.

She has already raised RM10,000 of this but obviously still has a long way to go. She's hoping to raise the rest by republishing her book I'm Not Sick, Just A Little Bit Unwell in English and Chinese. The books are now available in Malaysian bookshops and from her
website store. She is also selling T-shirts at bazaars and via her web site store. You can read about her surgery and donate to her fund here.

You can also help by sending on this meme. If you do, please follow these meme rules:

1. Create a blog entry titled "Meme: Save Yvonne's Sight"

2. List three things you love to see. Add in the picture of Yvonne's book cover. The URL is

3. End with the line, "Yvonne Foong is in danger of losing her eyesight thanks to neurofibromatosis (NF). Please find out how you can help her by visiting her blog at"

4. Tag 5 blog friends. Be sure to copy the rules, OK?

5. If you have a Facebook account, please check out Ellen's new invention, a "feme" pronounced FEEM, a meme designed for Facebook here. And if you want to blog about NF, that would be great too!

Now the three things kaytee loves to see are:

1. A glorious sunrise like a ‘munchie’ dimpled smile
2. Dragonflies flitting over a lotus pond
3. Yvonne Foong’s smile after her eventual successful operation, made possible with your generous help

I'm tagging the following blogger friends to ask them to help out:
Susan Loone
Lucia Lai
Dr Darren Hsu

Anyone else interested in passing on this meme is more than welcome to do so. Yvonne will much appreciate it! [and if you’re a sweetie, you’re guaranteed one of kaytee’s wet kisses - muah!]

Yvonne Foong is in danger of losing her eyesight thanks to neurofibromatosis (NF). Please find out how you can help her by visiting her blog at

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