
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Is Hindraf about 'breed', not 'need'?

Have you guys noted that Waythamoorthy has been criticizing Pakatan ceaselessly?

Damn ungrateful bloke, when it had been the DAP which fought for him and the Hindraf 5 when they were behind bars.

Well, here’s another Hindraf official (or rather erstwhile Hindraf official), R.S. Thanenthiran who founded a new Indian-based party called, believe it or not, Makkal Sakthi which was virtually immediately approved by ROS, whereas PSM took eons for its name to be okay-ed.

Today Malaysiakini posted Makkal Sakthi backs Zambry.

Now you know why Indian Malaysians have been so badly led – by MIC, various kacang putih parties, Makkal Sakthi and probably Hindraf too – all dying to be UMNO appendages, even after the cow's head affair! Aiyoyo, Thanenthiran, no dignity lah!

Worse, Waythamoorthy or his brother Uthayakumar had the uncouth biadap-ness to call Prof Rama, Penang DCM2, a mandore to Lim Guan Eng. Didn't their mum teach them manners?

But mark my words, see who’ll end up being UMNO’s mandore.

Now, a few words about Kampung Buah Pala from my matey Vijay Kumar Murugavell, as follows:

I will not go into a ten page explanation regarding Kampung Buah Pala except to say that it is irrefutable that the previous BN government alienated the land for a miserable sum without consulting the residents.

Lim Guan Eng (LGE) may be many things but to call him a liar or evil is pushing the buck a bit too far, in the worst case he was probably not well informed or inexperienced in running a state in some aspects.

As to the assertions of LGE sending "Indian mandores" is a cheap shot, he sent two of his Deputy Chief Ministers to meet the villagers one of whom happened to be Prof Ramasamy. At the height of Hindraf protests did for PM Pak Lah send his Deputy Prime Minister to meet Hindraf on the streets? No, instead they were met with water cannons.

I was am truly disappointed with Hindraf's stunt of threatening to burn LGE's effigy, a memorandum of protest would have sufficed, LGE would have gladly accepted the memorandum and explained his side of the story.

Hindraf aimed its vitriol at LGE from the beginning. Had they joined LGE in the beginning to pressure the previous state government to account for their actions and failing that compensation for the settlers the outcome may have been very different.

Hindraf advisor K Maran said Hindraf campaigned against Barisan Nasional because the Indian community wanted a better caring government to help them.

However, he slammed the DAP government for purportedly not showing any difference from the previous one.

Malaysian's mudah lupa (forget easily) including Hindraf. Let me take you down memory lane.

Please view this video :Guan Eng: Indians Rich? Please prove it (Dec 13th 2007)

Barely a month after the Hindraf Nov 25th rally, LGE stood up for you guys.
LGE is now the villain? How about the still unresolved Kugan case? Dare Hindraf burn effigies of the IGP and Health DG ?

Pakatan Manifesto vs Hindraf 18 point Manifesto

Lets get something very clear, the Pakatan Manifesto is meant as a framework if Pakatan takes over the Federal Government not at state level.

Pakatan Manifesto promises to take care of all Malaysians based on NEED not BREED.

It does not promise special quota's for Malaysian Indians or any other ethnicity.

If we look at a cross section of Malaysians below the poverty line, the Malays are likely to make up the largest portion in absolute numbers followed by Indians in numbers disproportionate to their total population, then smaller numbers of Chinese and others in respect to their total population.

All should be given help regardless of their ethnicity, if the Malays and Indians make up most of this number so be it.

You said it matey!

The Malaysian Insider's BN hand in new Makkal Sakthi party?


  1. spot on. it is sad to see Hindraf changing tune now.

  2. Much is quoted from MALAYSIAKINI, I notice. So, let us study which organisation affiliates itself with, and trains MALAYSIAKINI?

    The website below illustrates the close cooperation between MALAYSIAKINI and CIMA which is part of Zionist NED, which is based in Washington, USA.
    Stay tuned.

    Blog viewers- read beyond the media statements and articles published by MALAYSIAKINI.
    Thank you.


  3. Sad to see some have sold their souls.

    Waht were the principles they askd people to respect then for?

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  4. Ever wonder how Semi Velue lasted so long as MIC president and still going?
    The answer is obvious, how many political parties do the Indian community need?

  5. get a grip will you!,stop blaming hindraf and start looking at the bastard scumbag lim guan eng and the majority of chinese in penang with their middle kingdom thinking !!! and vijay keep kissing the chinese ass .why don't you go to an indian majority area in kl and tell them that! hindraf more respect than you or dap.

    you must a really chinese ass kisser to not notice the slur comments towards the kampung buah pala folks.

    to the malaysia chinese,stop hidding behind the bangsa malaysia ,we indians know what you really thing of us,stop being a hypocrite.

  6. I used to respect Hindraf and their leaders but today the so called leaders are nothing but a bunch of clowns and idiots.

  7. work of your preferred 1Malaysia PM.

    anyway, thats politics. Hindraf is infiltrated and bought over. simple as that. money still counts and for that the Indians were sold off by the Indians. Ask Zorro,ok? Sad isnt it?

  8. Let us be polite and just say that many Indians (bukan semua lah, faham kah) adopt the stand that honor and honesty should be as flexible and stretchable as a rubber band.

    On this note, let's also be polite and just say that Umno would not feel comfortable associating with people who demonstrate an innate talent as moral contortionists.


  9. Spot on - thanks for posting this up. I am an Indian and i feel ashamed of Hindraf now. They have obviously sold their souls and it sickens me to see how blindly Indians wd follow them. LGE has done his best for KBP folks - tabik LGE!

  10. The issue is simple.. Pakatan promised Kg Buah Pala reisdents that they would resolved the issue if they formed the state government. Now that they have won, the residents of Kg. Buah Pala were merely asking what was promised before. LGE should just solve it and stop passing the buck!

  11. the land was actually sold for 6.4juta but given a discount of 50% meant for the compensation !
