
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Cow-hide Hishamuddin protects cow-head bigots

The title of Malaysiakini’s article Hisham: Don't blame cow-head protesters says it all - the total lack of decency, propriety and responsibility of Hishamuddin.

Not only did Malaysia’s No 1 internal security man, Home Minister Hishammuddin, met with the racist rabble-rousing blood-letting wannabes who threatened Hindus over the location of a Hindu temple in PJ Section 23 and insulted them by desecrating a Hindu holy icon, he defended them as well.

Yes, Hishamuddin, self-confessed wannabe reformed keris waver, asserted those cow-head bigots who flagrantly, tauntingly threatened and insulted Hindus cannot be blamed for the religious outrage, and that “they just wanted their voices to be heard”.

This is the same man who tolerated his jack-booted sturmtroopers bashing people holding peaceful candle-light vigils as well as ADUNs and MPs of another party (both in Selangor and Perak) - now he wants us to believe his outrageous assertions that his UMNO goons "just wanted their voices to be heard”.

He made all sorts of mealy-mouth mooing excuses on their behalf – not worth repeating here as it will only raise your blood pressure.

Then he made the moo-ther of all bull-poo excuses for those cow-head cow-eye mooing whiners ("oh, we didn’t know there was to be a cow’s head") by seizing on meeting two days ago between those bigots and the Hindu Sanggam to state: “So if it can be resolved quickly and both sides understand each other, why (should) they be penalised?”

Resolve? How? What? Yes, you may surmise that as Hisham clutching on a flimsy straw, for his *bull* to chew on.

When challenged as to why the police
had not acted when the cow's head was brought in, he claimed that action had been taken, he moo-ed bull-sh*ttingly: “I was monitoring it myself and reporting it to the prime minister.”

Bull! Bull! Bull! and I'm not gender biased here ...

... because Shah Alam district police chief Noor Azam Jamaluddin had apologised to several Pakatan Rakyat leaders during a meeting with him, where he explained (or provided the excuse) that the officer at the scene was a 'junior'.

At least Noor Azam attempted to mitigate the police non-action by suggesting that the officer at the nasty racist rally was inexperienced in handling such matters, and promised that action would be taken immediately against those responsible for the racist protest.

Now if Hishamuddin claimed he was monitoring the matter, then obviously Noor Azam’s excuse cannot be accepted. Hishamuddin is hardly an inexperienced junior police officer – he’s in fact the Home Minister of Malaysia.

Either Hishamuddin or Noor Azam had been bullsh*tting – guess who?

Recall in the meeting with Noor Azam, Jeyakumar, the Pakatan ADUN who oversees non-Muslim affairs in Selangior, said: "So Noor Azam has given us his word."

And Hishamuddin, by unmitigatingly defending his UMNO cohorts, has effectively pulled the rug from under Noor Azam’s feet because Noor will now be unable to keep his promise of taking action immediately against those racist cow-head idiots, not when the Home Minister has covered those offenders with his ministerial bull-hide aegis.

Hishamuddin stated that the police will investigate the incident to identify who brought the cow's head to the protest, in addition to conducting their usual probe into the protest because “no one is above the law”.

Bull! Bull! Bull!

... because we not only know that UMNO goons are always above the law under this government, but who the police investigation, under the ‘monitoring’ of the Home Minister, will identify as the culprits – no prize if you guess the following:

(a) Teoh Beng Hock (best candidate of the lot as a dead man cannot defend himself), (b) Ronnie Liu, and (c) Ean Yong Hian Wah!

Hishamuddin Hau-seow has demonstrated he is certainly no son of his admirable father, and absolutely no grandson of his illustrious grandfather.
both photos by malaysiakini


  1. Kerismudin is among the poor & low intellect (and there are many more there) but high cunning Ministers in the Wooden Cabinet.

    He's hoping against hope that by spinning about the real issues at hand, the electorate will be persuaded to vote for UMNO/BN.

    In ths he and UMNO/BN will fail miserably!

    Anyone who plays the race, religious and selection application of the law cards, especially a Minister of Home Affairs, is guaranteed to fail!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  2. He acted in his capacity as VP of UMNO first and as Home Minister second. That differentiated between an honorable leader and a gutter politician...

  3. It's a disgrace having this Kerishamuddin as the Home Minister.

    He can't differentiate what is good and bad; and what is right and wrong.

    Instead of penalizing those cow head-demonstrators, he defended them.

    I wrote about the same in but it's in Bahasa Melayu.

  4. yes, tis a golden chance for his party to be supported to rampas balik
    the lost-state , selangor ....!

  5. zzzz : how lucky i'v been ousted !!
