
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Police cow-ed by cow's head?

But why was the police so slow in its response to such a public act of religious sacrilege, when tardiness in dealing with 'national security threats' had never been a weakness of the Royal Malaysian Police Force?

Police intelligence cannot be so obsolete that it is not aware of the act of sacrilege being planned and executed, when the organisers had taken pains to ensure that their protest would get the maximum mass media coverage – reported, photographed and videoed.

- Lim Kit Siang

The Malaysian Insider CPO: Protest to be investigated under Sedition Act tells us that the Selangor CPO - but only after none other than the PM gave an ass-kick to the IGP who in turn gave one to him - finally mumbled something to the effect that his normally alert-aggressive (against Pakatan) but recently somnolent (against UMNO) police would be looking into yesterday’s cow-head illegal assembly at the state secretariat building.

[Note: he didn’t use the word ‘illegal’, but that’s what that event actually had been]

He grudgingly whispered that the (my words again) 'illegal but police-tolerated (maybe even protected) mob of hoodlums' who were (my description, not his, of what had occurred) sprouting irresponsible racist vicious threats of blood-letting against the relocation of a Hindu temple, would be investigated under the Sedition Act.

He said those involved would be called up for questioning. He proudly boasted: "We have identified those involved in the incident and will be recording their statements.”

above underlining are mine

That’s all? Oh, I feel so safe now!

So unlike sweetie Teresa Kok, those blood-letting wannabes aren't dangerous enough to be held under the ISA, ironically an Act which would just be gnam gnam (fitting) for those assh*les.

And bullchicken-sh*t protestor, the so-called Action Committee chair Mahyuddin Manaf, who had earlier warned the Pakatan state government to give in to them or the residents would retaliate (stating: "We will not budge one inch, even if lives are lost or blood is made to flow. We will still defend Section 23 from having a temple built there"), changed his moo-ing today, asking with cow-eyes "Cow's head? Don't know where it came from?", and stressing he was not a racist.

He belakang-pusing-ed with his miserable mealy-mouth moo-ing: "From the onset, I gave importance to religious sensitivities. I want unity. We are not against the temple, we just do not want it to be built in a Muslim majority area."

[read his 180 degrees cowbull in Malaysiakini Organiser: Cow's head a mystery!]

And if you’re still in doubt about the Selangor Police double standards - not unlike that of the useless bludging makan-gaji-for-free branch of UMNO posing as a public service, the MACC - just read The Malaysian Insider editorial Can’t hold a candle to cop’s excuse which tells us the following (with delightful shades too of the punning way of my matey Dean Johns):

One can’t hold a candle to the Shah Alam police excuse for inaction in fear of sparking further anger at the cow-head protest yesterday. It begs the question if the dozens of riot police in full gear were cowed by the actions of 50 protesters armed with banners and a cow’s head.

And smacks of double standards.

Dozens of people have been hauled away for less provocative stunts, like wearing black or holding lit candles at night. The only thing these cow-head protesters had in common with the others was to assemble without a permit.

Of course, a democracy can tolerate if not encourage public assemblies and protests but not anything that is provocative or insults another person’s faith. Isn’t there mutual respect anymore? And is it not the duty of the police to keep the peace by preventing stunts that can inflame racial passions?

Opposition politicians have long condemned the Royal Malaysian Police for not arresting the rising crime rate but instead focusing on political activity against the ruling Barisan Nasional government.

It’s now plain to see that they may be right after all. The police have to act without fear or favour, for they carry the royal warrant. All the more so when the police top brass were breaking fast with the King yesterday, hours after the protest.

The proffered excuse of not acting because of the ‘volatile nature’ of the protest is pathetic and a slur on a force that has served the nation for some 200 years. And shows up the police as a farce, to borrow the words of Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

Are we a nation that quickly detains those who wear black or hold candles but take our time for those who insult religions!

And do we have to wait till the cows come home for some police action against those who threaten Malaysia’s peace and give a bad name to Islam?

Well, considering it’s the infamous (the current IGP-led) PDRM, maybe we need to wait until …

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon,
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.


  1. They're merely exhibiting their bovine stupidity.

  2. "But why was the police so slow in its response to such a public act of religious sacrilege, when tardiness in dealing with 'national security threats' had never been a weakness of the Royal Malaysian Police Force?"

    sometimes i realyl doubt if LKS really still senile or wat. sekarang bulan puasa, of course things cannot be done swiftly as it used to be. no sensitive at all.

  3. itu per-ARAK-kan 50 orang ho, kita tau la...pasal dia punya banner manyak cantik ada plint, itu kala pun macam itu kepala naga punya logo merah, kalau PKR ho PAS ho PR ho, dia Perarakan banner tulis tangan saHaJa.... itu mau tipu rakyat punya parti banner manyak cantik prnt...

  4. "Action Committee chair Mahyuddin Manaf, who had earlier warned the Pakatan state government to give in to them or the residents would retaliate (stating: "We will not budge one inch, even if lives are lost or blood is made to flow. We will still defend Section 23 from having a temple built there"), changed his moo-ing today, asking with cow-eyes "Cow's head? Don't know where it came from?", and stressing he was not a racist."

    In the video on youtube, Manaf is one o those who places his foot on the cow's head!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  5. Anti DOUBLE STANDARD9:57 am, August 30, 2009

    Najib, you can hire the best and hghly paid advisors or appoint the most senior UMNO goons to help you, but if DOUBLE STANDARD is still being practised, you are not wise either way.

    Many Rakyat has been tolerant about Govt DOUBLE STANDARD, but they will express their displeasure during the election.

    Najib, are you smart to know this fact?

    Come next election, all PR need to do in campaign is to print thousands copies of picture of :-

    1) severed cow head and

    2) potrait of Teoh Beng Hock

    and BN is doomed.

  6. Candlelight vigilers are henceforth advised to bring along a severed cow's head to ward off the PDRM evil spirit. Make the cow head wear the mask of Musa Hasan for better effect,

  7. The PM telephoned the IGP and its 48 hours... only recording their statements.

    To me, this 'inaction' from the Polis Raja DiMalaysia only tells me I was right on 8 March 2008 and now it is my duty to tell my family and friends not to vote BN come next election.

  8. KT? The cow jumped over the moon?? Sorry, that didn't happen. The poor cow was dead and its severed head was under the feet of the UMNOputras.

    Could Najib wiggle himself out of this bloody mess? I don't think he could, unless he organised a thorough cleansing of the PDRM, the MACC, and put some of the pendatang Wak Toyol's bunch of ruffians under the ISA or charge them for sedition. Will he do that? No, he won't: he's got too many secrets to hide, and these evil doers help him hide them.

  9. think we have lost it.

    look at the historical places. mosques are near temples. worshippers have no problem and respect each other's faith.

    today too many of these morons are baying for blood over a temple.

    you have to thank UMNO for the divisiveness. and that selamat fella for malay supremacy.

    i feel this country is now too deep in the abyss to climb out. and the future geenration is gonna a heavy price for it.

  10. The truth of the unmitigated provocation has nothing to do with religion (for the provocateurs have in their shameless insult of another religion actually insulted their own religion).

    It's all about maintaining political power for self interests (and that has been a double whammy against Islam, in the provocateurs again insulting their own religion by using its Holy Good name for naughty reasons).

  11. You are right kT
    Why must we lose our head in response to some people's stupidity using religion as a mask.
    I am a Malay and Muslim and I do not condone such acts.
    This is also reviled by all peace-minded Muslims.
    This smacks of the hanging of pigs heads in Melaka some months ago.
    Something is not right in our people.
    Nothing to do with race and relgion.
    More of insanity. Period.

  12. Kamu semua double standard

    Bila kepala babi digantung di pagar rumah orang melayu ..semua senyap

    bila kepa babi berselerak di pantai di melaka..semua senyap

    bila kepala babi jumpa dalam surau.. semua senyap

    tapi bila sekali orang melayu buat begini semua bersorak kata perbuatan tak bertamadun..

    Baru aku tahu kalau melayu buat semua tak bertamadun..tapi kalau cina buat atau hindu buat kat melayu .. tak mengapa..

    Itu le nasib melayu kalau pakatan rakyat menang nanti
