
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - for utter evil lives among us

Teoh Beng Hock, the political secretary to DAP (Selangor) exco Ean Yong Hian Wah perished today in a most MYSTERIOUS manner.

He was taken to the MACC headquarters for questioning in relation to a probe concerning several Pakatan assemblypersons, coincidentally(?) all Chinese Malaysians (both DAP and PKR Selangor ADUNs), ... about their so-called abuse of constituency development funds.

Contrast this to the MACC non-action thus far (it has done f*-all) about the former State (BN) exco each spending RM500,000 in a mere two months. Nor has it moved a millimetre towards investigating the multi-million ringgit Disney foray and the RM24 Bali mansion.

Teoh was hauled in yesterday evening, held by MACC overnight for interrogation, but his lawyer was not permitted to accompany him.

MACC claimed he was released at 3.45 am today but ..... now get this and see whether you can ever believe such an implausible tale ...

... did not go home, and according to a Malaysiakini report in Exco's aide plunges to death from MACC HQ, was claimed by MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull to be loitering in the building.

Loitering in the MACC building?

Now, why would someone apparently just released (and we only have the words of MACC on this) after so many hours of interrogation still 'loiter' around the place? Who the f* would want to loiter in the Devil's lair?

The Malaysian Insider reported:
His lawyer M Manoharan, who accompanied Teo to the MACC office yesterday, said the deceased looked normal and showed no signs of being under stress.

"He was happy and looked composed. I had advised him how to handle the interrogation as I was not allowed in during questioning,” he said.

Manoharan, who is the Kota Alam Shah assemblyperson, last saw Teo at around 7 pm yesterday.

Ean Yong said it was highly unlikely Teoh took his own life since he was due to register his marriage tomorrow.

"Furthermore, there was no reason for him to linger (after the interrogation) because his car was here."

So ... He was to have registered his marriage tomorrow, and his car was there ...
... wouldn't you think he (like anyone in his situation, a mere 30-year old man) would have made a beeline for the vehicle to get home to his partner?

Let me ask again: Who the f* would want to loiter in the Devil's lair?

One can smell bullsh*t a zillion miles away about his release, his unbelievable loitering in MACC HQ after being held for nearly 10 to 12 hours there (without his lawyer).

Now the bullsh*t gets bullsh*tter. The MKINI report said:

MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull told reporters that Teo was released at 3.45am but the deceased did not go home and was seen loitering in the building. According to him, Teo had wanted to rest for a while at the pantry. He was seen still sleeping there at 6am.

So, first, Teoh loitered in the building;

... then, from somewhere in the building, in the midst of his loitering, Teoh (must have told him or how would he have known) wanted to rest for a while at the pantry.

WTF? Teoh loitered or rest at the pantry?
Let me answered my own question with Malaysiakini's headlines, which is Exco's aide plunges to death from MACC HQ.

The event (plunges to death) and location (MACC HQ) are undeniable facts (no escaping that), BUT ...

... the question now must be: what caused him to fall? YES, what?

And all of us, includng the PM, knows that the single common denominator with such unexplained MYSTERIOUS deaths has been their occurrence in the custody of authorities (police and now MACC).


  1. I would like to hear MACC's explanation on this unfortunate episode.

    Mr. Teoh, may your soul rest in peace. You don't deserve to go at such a young age.

  2. Many Gitmo detainees committed suicide under intensive interrogations for hours on end supplemented by sleep deprivation, explicit threats and mental torture. Not to mention water boarding and other physical tortures.

  3. The military trainers who came to Guantánamo Bay in December 2002 based an entire interrogation class on a chart showing the effects of “coercive management techniques” for possible use on prisoners, including “sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.

  4. so Anon of 8:48 PM, July 16, 2009 and 8:57 PM, July 16, 2009 (I presume you are the same person) you are suggesting that Teoh "committed suicide under intensive interrogations for hours on end supplemented by sleep deprivation, explicit threats and mental torture. Not to mention water boarding and other physical tortures?"

  5. Perhaps M*CC learn how to kill from the "special force", after hours of failure interrogation.
    Now M*CC achieve their terrorise tactics.

  6. kt,

    i know you are not a fan of RPK.

    read his latest piece and you find his explanation is plausible. ITS A MURDER but everything will be kautim.

    Teo, rise up in red and take your revenge on the MURDEROUS AGENCY.

  7. there are elements of triads involvement within the dap (let's no kid ourselves).problem here is, which one is strong enough to twist the hand (bn or dap triads)?

  8. yea, the kid was being investigated for a case that involves "underground" activity, the triad might be in on it.

    anything could happen. you're not turning into RPK now are you ktemoc?

    stop the media trial

    from how i see it certain parties are trying to turn this into a political issue.


  9. I don't feel safe and can you blame me?

  10. Adli Budiman, your allegation that "the kid was being investigated for a case that involves "underground" activity, the triad might be in on it" directly contradicts that of MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull, who said Teoh was not personally being probed, but called in only as a witness.

    I hope you won't turn this into an issue of so-called (and probably non-existent) 'underground'.

  11. right, i forgot that dap members are angel.bias shit ktemocdunk

  12. First, my condolences to his family, his fiancee, colleagues and friends.

    A witness can only be asked who, what, when, why and where. Don't tell me that takes the whole darn night.

    Anon of 8:48 PM, July 16, 2009 and 8:57 PM, July 16, 2009 (I presume you are the same person), are you now saying that the Yanks are/were entitled to do those things to their detainees ?
    Don't talk about Guantanamo or Gitmo when it happens right here as well. You have lost the moral high ground !

    Those in favour of keeping the BN will of course not find anything unusual in this tragic death.
    About the toyol's 'palace' and the vanished billions in PKFZ they buat dunno.
    They can only see Cows and Cars.
    Real Hypocrites !

    Koh Lai Huat

  13. Let's see how many things smell funny:
    1. Witness is questioned till almost 4am
    2. Witness released at 4am, prefers the couch in MACC even though his car is there and he is getting married in a day
    3. MACC lets people nap in their office, and can just wander around the office till 6am

    And commentator Adli Budiman thinks that MACC office is penetrated/trespassed with Triads who may have killed Teoh so that DAP is protected

    Condolences to Teoh's family, fiancee and friends.
    Condolences to Malaysia, too, for the lack of morality in our govt, its agencies and the BN politicians who cannot question this senseless murder.

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