
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Perak DUN assembled under tree

03 March 2009, barely a year after the last Malaysian general election when tsunamic results brought about a sorry saga of gross interference by civil servants (including the police force) in the State's democratic process, forcing the Perak State Assembly to convene a sitting al fresco, under a tree.
De jure Perak MB said the State Assembly was forced to do so by a 'doctrine of necessity' when the BN controlled police force blocked the rakyat's elected representatives from accessing the building which houses the state assembly.

The two photos are evidence of a historical moment when the rakyat's elected representatives stood up against adversity to demostrate their will to make democracy work for those they represent.

Malaysiakini photo

Malaysian Insider photo


  1. I will write to Ripley's believe it or not for this eventg to be included in their series, Malaysia Boleh!

  2. Chaptokam,

    You will be glad to note that the photos show very few chinese involvement, they are abandoning the loser. Anyway what happen to Chow Kon Keow, one of the Penang local DAP leader who's environment portfolio taken away.

    Idzan Ismail,

    You are right about the Chinese that they are smartest, that why you see few Chinese participating in the losing cause and do not want to get hurt by the police.

    You are also right about the Malay virtue is loyalty, I personally experience that.

  3. Penang CM Lim Guan Eng says the second Penang bridge project is being delayed because the state fell into the hands of Pakatan Rakyat.

    This is the reason I deplore LGE, he is ridiculous and can't stop playing the blame game. That why I saying he have no substance. If he is not careful he will make another history by convening the Penang States Assembly under the Penang Bridge............

  4. p0k0knya...

    this is the best... Peramlee story of all time!

  5. Next time when the police condone all trees, they can do it in the toilets!

  6. The quality of the above comments shows how little most out there have a grasp of the issues at hand in Perak or the poetic beauty of that Assembly under the tree!

    But, JUSTICE must and shall prevail. 2013 is not that far away if you have waited for 50 years!!

  7. drama


    banyak sangat tgk tv la diorang ni

    some people call it justice, but some of us are just plain tired of it

    poetic konon

  8. Unbelievable, where are these people responsibility and ethics. tell you about V.Sivakumar's constitutional expect "DOUBLE TALK" back in Oct 2008 and now..........

  9. somehow i think these perak duns are making themselves a laughing stocks! assembly meeting under the tree, come one, why want to create news and shame malaysia in this manner. if the polis bar them from entering, they should try to force themselves into the premise as this is their right as DUN as stated in constitution. And if they got restrained, cuffed and beaten and manhandled by polis then it will create sensational news to show the world how unfair and unjustice of bn to p-r as the duns merely performing their task as DUN. these duns are cowards anyway , din deserve my respect.

    assembly under the tree, it's pr that suppose to be shameful instead for being such idiotic

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  11. nah, the sultan is ex-cj... he understands law than many of you! don try to link royal's self-interest with the decision had been made. ....

  12. An ex-cj is not necessarily conversant with parliamentary procedures. Besides, even the best of judges are not free from self-interest. That is the reason why judges sometimes have to recuse themselves or are asked to be recused: if self-interest or conflict of interests come in the way.

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  14. And some of the ADUN hit by birds drops and they quick to accuse that Najib purposely sent the birds there! And when they feel the blazing sun heat inside their coats, they quick to accuse that Zamri instructs his officers to OFF the Aircond. These BN is really too much. Sampai bawah pokok pun depa mahu kacau! Too much lah!

  15. XieAn: You are one big joker!!! Hahahahaha! Who's the one who can't read well and who talks rubbish? And who's "retarded" here? Hahahahaha!

  16. For the Executive to use the courts and the public service to interfere with the functioning of the Legislature in this way is in idiomatic English - "to cut your nose to spite your face" - reacting to a problems in ways which are self-destructive.

    We can argue the whole day about the propriety or otherwise of the Perak Speaker's actions. However for BN to use State public servants in physically preventing the Perak Assembly from sitting by locking the gate, using the courts to declare the Perak Assembly sitting illegal etc. are all in the long run going to come back to haunt BN.

    Are the ADUNs in attendance duly elected representatives of the people ? YES
    Is there a quorum ? YES
    Can the Speaker call an emergency sitting of the State Assembly ? YES
    Go ask the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat - he's done it before.

    Does the State Assembly ONLY meet if it is summoned by the Sultan ? NO.

    Then WTF is the Perak State Assembly being prevented from sitting ?

    Bawah pokok, bawah jambatan, tepi longkang, wherever doesn't matter.

    Someday our grandchildren may well treasure this Pokok Rakyat as a national monument - the historic place we defended the right of the Voice of the Rakyat to be heard, wherever, without illegal interference.

    I'm really, really pissed off at Barisan Nasional's actions in Perak.
    And I can tell you this, as I'm not a PR supporter. BN is pissing off a lot of independent voters.

    Just wait for GE13.

    We will remember.

  17. Teachers have been and still are being advised to conduct nature study lessons within conducive environments, such as in the science garden. So should these teachers be arrested for holding classes under cherry trees?

  18. Should nature study teachers be arrested for holding classes under cherry trees?

    OMG! That's an illegal assembly! Arrest the teachers! Send the kids to schools for juvenile delinquents! The PDRM should send its riot police to all schools to ensure that such illegal assemblies do not take place!

  19. Observer,

    It is also idiotic for the Perak speaker to suspense the BN and independent ADUNS. Clearly he acted on bad faith and abusing the Speaker privileges, only blind people don't see it.

    PR ADUNs are people representatives, Independent and BN ADUNs are not, you want me to buy that........

    Tell me, why can't they settle the score by having all ADUNs presence, each with voting right. The answer is simple PR will be voted out, that why the Speaker goes for those dogmatic actions.

    You alway claim that you are not PR supporter, but you spin well for them.

    Agree with you " just wait for GE13 ", but in the meantime back off and lick you wounds...............

  20. Read Tengku Razaleigh's comments at:

    Phua Kai Lit

  21. Kaytee Bro

    Doctrine of necessity? You made me laugh.
    They are no longer necessary. Out of the government, out of the state assembly.
    The government officers do not recognised them.
    Whatever policies they have cannot be implemented.
    I have already commented at length in my ex-colleague and Star boss Chun Wai's blog

    Xie Ann and Chap ToKam.
    Yep. rhe Chinese are pragmatic people. They won't waste time joining demos. Make money ma.
    Sweating in the hot sun only get the tear gas and a ride in the Black Maria.
    i have been to at least 7 schools in most of the states in Malaysia and I have many chinese friends.
    Their pragmatism is if you have something to offer, I am your friend.
    Did you see Tan Sri Lee Kim Siew (hope the right name) Country Heights owner claiming in The Star his close ties with Tun M.
    Soon you will be hearing many Chinese declaring pals with Najib.
    And I sense that the new Chinese are very political. Should I say more interet in politics and very vocal at that.
    This is a departure from the days of my dad and grand-dad's time.
    Or even my time.
    Most that I know did not even bother to vote.
    Of course Malays have always been into poltics.
    From the morning we wake up till bed-time, its always politics.

  22. How dare Nizar and gang tarnish the image of my tree at the car park of the State Secretariat building.
    I and siblings used to sit there while waiting for our dad to take us home after school decades ago.
    We used to have cendol, ice-cream, mee goreng and rojak there.

  23. Some of the comments amused me.

    It seems many people REFUSE to read history, and REFUSE to enjoy the freedom of though. It is how unfortunately, when the colonized gain independent from colonist, the colonist mindset inherit by the colonized.

    Firstly, are meeting under the tree a jokes? If it is a jokes, then question yourself about the legitimate status of Malaya gaining independent from British colonist.

    Secondly, ask yourself about constitution. Are we going to ditch the country constitution like toilet paper like those communit country?

    Thirdly, come to question of independent. Is independent about turning a yesterday group of colonized , to become a new colonist? Or it is a process of liberation of the country from colonist?

    Perhaps some of you wish to shout , "long live the queen"?

  24. Idzan Ismail

    Tan Sri Lee Kim Siew should be Lee Kim Yew .

    There's this Tan Sri from Penang who used to be very close to Vincent Tan of Berjaya whom I have mentioned many times before in this blog . Looks like he's now slowly getting pissed off with his new found friends . Recently he was overheard telling someone that the Penang State Govt is a one man show . Everything has to be vex thru by the Cheap Minister of Penang . And all excos cannot issue statements without going thru him first . They have now become lame ducks excos . And theres the flip flop policies and statements from some of his excos including the one that they will tear down all illegal structures located at beach front at a certain date , today that date has come and gone and now they have given them temporary reprieve .
    Coming back to the Tan Sri , he thought being a businessman he could get some deals from his new found friends , he has learnt it the hard way , its still the BN who can give him what he expects , not his new found friends , and lately from what I know , it'll be a matter of time before his new found friends turning into has - beens fiends .

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  26. Chaptokam,
    I just goes to show, unlike the previous tenants, the PR government in Penang refuse to be in businessman cronies pockets, everything can "kautim".

    Its not that they are anti-business. But don't expect everything can be settled through connections.

    I'm a businessman, and I have no qualms voting DAP again.

  27. Xiean

    Anyway what happen to Chow Kon Keow, one of the Penang local DAP leader who's environment portfolio taken away.

    I think it has something to do with the above issue that I posted at 6:22 PM . Our Cheap Minister wants by decree that everything and anything must be processed , screened thru by him before it can be displayed , disseminated or issued .

  28. Xiean
    Penang CM Lim Guan Eng says the second Penang bridge project is being delayed because the state fell into the hands of Pakatan Rakyat.

    Totally brash , incompetent , inexperience Cheap Minister .
    See this comment I wrote sometime back :
    Hey Guan Eng ,You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state.

    You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming .
    In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you .
    As I said and will continue to say He is still talking like MR Opposition rather than the Cheap Minister of Penang . Lets wait for GE13 ....

  29. Observer

    I have something that keeps bugging me :

    Wasn't all the ADUNS and the speaker included required to swear allegiance to the State and to the Sultan of Perak during the Swearing In before the Sultan ?
    By their current actions does it amount to TREASON ?

    Am I also correct in assuming that all State Assemblies , not only Perak has to be officially opened by the respective Sutans , Rajas or State Governors ?and in the case of Parliament by the Agong .
    In this scenerio here , does convening a State assembly under a raintree without the official ceremonies and the Sultan officially opening it amounts to a MOCKERY of the PERAK CONSTITUTION and the State while making HRH see red with their actions ?

    Can you enlighten me !

  30. Elifan 9:32 AM,

    These are severely lacking among BN members. In the Perak debacle, there is the failure to understand, for example, that the MB can only be removed in a vote of no confidence in the state assembly, or if he himself resigns. So how can a new surrogate MB be appointed if the genuine MB is still around? Where are the "responsibility" and the "ethics" here?

    Your argument is just like a merry go round and back to square one with this ... Suggest you go and read RPK article on this ..under No Holds Barred ...

    What more to say

  31. Anonymous said...

    I just goes to show, unlike the previous tenants, the PR government in Penang refuse to be in businessman cronies pockets, everything can "kautim".
    I'm a businessman, and I have no qualms voting DAP again


    Perhaps you should countercheck whether the PR Penang govt refuse to be in businessman cronies pockets, everything can "kautim".


    they are unable to ! There's a lot of difference . Are you aware that every gate ( form money to approval by the various agencies and dept ) is a potential death trap or snare ?
    Yes you can change the Penang Govt , but there is still the second echelon group of the govt comprising the various departments in the MPPP to the various federal govt agencies which are still appointed by the Federal Govt and are still loyal to the Federal Govt .
    In layman terms , old wine in new bottle with new cork head .

    Well you have your right in who you want to vote , but for me when I voted for PR in GE12 will be the last time I voted for them , but again anything can happen between now and GE13 and till then wait and see .

  32. Treason ? That's an extremely serious criminal offense, and the maximum punishment is DEATH, but go look up the Penal Code - it is very specific on what offenses are covered. No, the ADUNs and the Speaker have not, legally speaking, committed treason. If they had you bet the Police would have arrested the whole lot and thrown them to the dogs.

    The Agong, and the respective Rulers open each session of Parliament/ State Assembly. There is generally one Session per year, but it is split into several sittings, and it is adjourned in between. Yes, each new session is called by the Ruler, but each sitting which is not a new session, is not. In fact there is very minimum ceremony and protocol for starting such sittings.

    And the Speaker has the right to recall such sittings outside of the published timetable. In Parliament, both BN and the Opposition have ever made requests to the Speaker for such sittings to debate matters of public importance. The BN-aligned Parliament Speaker has NEVER in Malaysian history allowed such an Opposition request, but that is a political matter, not a legal one.

    The Speaker CAN legally call back Parliament if he deems it necessary.

    One of the most momentous events in British Parliamentary history was the emergency session on September 3,1939 to declare war on Nazi Germany when it ignored a deadline to stop its invasion of Poland.

    The last Perak State Assembly session was NOT ended, just adjourned.

    So I don't understand why the court says the Speaker cannot call back the Assembly.

    What the Assembly discussed and voted on is a political matter, not a legal one. The Court has NO right to interfere inside Assembly proceedings.

  33. Chap Tokam.
    Yep. Treason pure and simple.
    About that DAP lone authority, that's an example of a person who has never tasted power.
    Control it while you can.
    Sometimes I wonder why people want to put PK in power simply because they hate BN.
    Is PK any different from BN?
    I think that Penang Tan Sri has already switch allegiance to another person.
    Expediency my friend.
    Don't be suprised he's at Najib's door on April 1.
    It's no April Fool for him.
    ha,ha. The games people play now - one of my favorite songs.
