
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The missing photo of a French dinner

Somewhere ‘out there’ is either a damning or a wonderful photo – ‘damning’ or ‘wonderful’ depending on who you are.

I am referring to the rumoured photo of a French dinner shared by the late Altantuyaa Shariibuu, her lover/husband(?) Razak Baginda and allegedly Najib Razak.

At least a million Malaysians, if not more, believe there is such a photo, based on the beat-up and assertions, unsubstantiated as they might be, coming out from the anti Najib camp. Everyone, especially Malaysians love a juicy rumour.

Tian Chua left his wannabe-martyr robes aside for a while to pursue his artistic proclivity and create a facsimile of that diner a trois, all from what was believed to be 1% imagination and 99% wishful thinking – that’s okay as ‘imagination’ and ‘thinking’ are afterall conceptualizing cousins.

The anti Najib camp insisted there is such a photo, based on the say so of Altantuyaa’s best friend Amy otherwise known as Burmaa Oyunchimeg.

Malaysiakini photo

Sweetie Burmaa told Malaysiakini: “I know why she wanted to see Razak Baginda - I have seen pictures of Altantuya with Razak and a government official.”

“She (Altantuya) was having a meal at a round table with Razak (Baginda), a Malaysian government official and other people.”

Strangely, Altantuyaa’s father Steve Shariibuu didn’t come across his daughter’s photo … and neither did anyone from the anti Najib camp, from PKR’s upper echelon to RPK to Malaysia’s Salvatore Dali.

How wonderful if that photo were to suddenly appear (the real one, not the one by our Salvatore Dali) … and how damning if indeed it does … yang and yin, day and night, light and darkness, hope and fear …

If it does, it will prove once and for all, that Najib had lied when he said he has never met Altantuyaa. And if he lied about that, it’s no longer just a matter of lying about their acquaintanceship; the lie (if proven) opens up a whole damning whirlpool of serious implications and consequences for Najib.

I wonder how much such a photo would be worth? wakakaka

If it doesn’t exist, well …. at least a million Malaysians if not more would still believe Najib is lying.

Tough. One reason for that is of course that Najib's propaganda machinery is not as good as that of PKR's.

Gobind Singh Deo, MP for Puchong must have believed it to an extent that he called Najib a murderer and earned himself a 12-month suspension from Parliament.

Apart from kaytee being pissed off with Speaker Pandikar Amin for ramming home the Judge Lynch suspension, I am also annoyed with Gobind, much as I am a DAP supporter.

Why should Gobind or any DAP MP/ADUN act as karm see tui (kamikaze squad) for you-know-who?

Look at Tian Chua! Even our best known wannabe martyr has taken an unusual back seat, lying low whilst DAP MP/ADUNs move aggressively up to the front line.

As for man man lai? He's way way way behind - for example, just compare, no no, contrast his public statement about the Sultans to that of Karpal Singh wanting to sue the Perak Sultan.

Yes, there's no doubt that Najib is someone’s special target – Najib stands between that someone and his 'heritage' position as UMNO (then No 2, now) No 1.

But bugger all that, shouldn’t Gobind speak up for Altantuyaa, even if he were to be suspended from Parliament?

Of course he should … but his sacrifice shouldn’t be only for Altantuyaa, but also for Kugan and Francis Udayappan and 80+ other deaths in police custody – see my posts:

Pagar makan padi - deaths in police custody
Most Dangerous Place in Malaysia!
Was Udayappan Beheaded After His Death?

But to be suspended from Parliament for 12 months for accusing Najib of being a murderer, presumably of Altantuyaa … and based on what?

Alas, I think Gobind has been had! The DAP should let those PKR people do their own dirty work.

Please read my
Murdering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu Again


'Convincibility' - A letter to Yang Amat Berhormat


  1. gobind is an idiot, that's all i can say.

    it's like wearing a rolex watch and strolling at the street inviting snatch thief ... the debate is about mini budget, but he's trying to become hero by raising the murder case and also even after 2 times of being suspended. the speaker is right, kick him out and let him repent for abusing the privilege.

  2. Missing Photo? Says who? Soon it will wind its way into the hands of Ali Rostum....baru dia tau siapa Boss!!!

  3. Ha ha , I like the way denzook put it and I quiet agree with him .it's like wearing a rolex watch and strolling at the street inviting snatch thief .
    Probably not a snatch thief but a parang wielding robber who would chop off the hand just to get at the rolex .

    He an idiot , yes that's right , a damn foolish idiot . Now he is a dead warrior hero . We need heros who are alive , NOT dead heros and KT you said it all quote " The DAP should let those PKR people do their own dirty work."
    Trying to rescue a drowning man and in the process the rescuer himself got drowned , how noble but damned foolish .
    Maybe the suspension genes are there from father to son . I used to recall those days when the Lion of Jelutong used to be suspended from Parliament for long periods of time . Not once but many times until the voters in his constituency wondered why they voted a guy to Parliament only to see him out of Parliament by way of suspension . Maybe that's the only way out to catch up with his legal profession while enjoying the benefits of a MP without having to attend parliament sittings . Now the son has followed the father's foot steps !

  4. KT

    Two things here .
    1)Burmaa told Malaysiakini: “I know why she wanted to see Razak Baginda - I have seen pictures of Altantuya with Razak and a government official.”

    “She (Altantuya) was having a meal at a round table with Razak (Baginda), a Malaysian government official and other people.”

    If indeed she has seen the photo , it is without doubt that the photo is in Altantuya's possession . If it is there , they the family would defintely be able to find it , unless it was made up by Burmaa or the photo is non existent .
    As you said the father has not seen it either . If what they claim is true , the father would be in a good position to know quite a lot plus pictures would have been taken of all the various occasions and in the various places like Paris . I mean if you go to Paris for a honeymoon and you father is not aware of it ? And only one photo exists ? I would take tons of photographs when I go overseas .

    2) If Najib doesn't make it , my take is that Anwar will still not make it , but rather Muhydeen will move up and become PM thru the back door .

  5. Hi Kaytee

    Both father and son are rebels. And they are proud of it.
    The difference is when the father got suspended, he still got his perks.
    The son will lose RM157,303.08 in allowances and perks for the year.
    He can be proud he is the first MP to be suspended without allowances.
    He can go to town with the line "I sacrifice for principles and the truth."
    But it's a blesssing in disguise for Puchong folks.
    You know some of them have not even seen his shadow.
    Now you can see him at Puchong.
    So that people do not forget him in the coming elections.

  6. No, KTemoc, Gobind has not "been had".
    Its not about PKR.

    There are enough people in the Malaysian establishment who know - and I stress the word establishment (not just pesky PKR flies) and the word know (not just rumours) - that Najib had some form of relationship with Altantuya to ensure this issue simply will not go away.

    There is as yet no evidence, repeat, no evidence that Najib committed any crime directly linked to Altantuya's murder.

    But Najib is not telling the truth about his involvement in the Altantuya case, and as long as he doesn't come clean, the serious doubts about his integrity will continue.

    I salute you, Gobind Singh Deo !

  7. Look at Tian Chua! Even our best known wannabe martyr has taken an unusual back seat, lying low whilst DAP MP/ADUNs move aggressively up to the front line.


    Dunno why the heck you gave that Tian Chua any high regards...

    He probably wasn't even in the parliament chamber much enough to speak a shyt... I mean PKR people actually...

    As for Gobind... he's very much like his father... furious and straightforward... It's about perception, the ground now perceives that Najib was involved... No matter how much you came into defend of Najib... the public perception is there at the very first place already...

    If there's no "divine intervention", how can Razak Baginda be acquitted without appeal (which is not standard procedure)? If there's no "divine intervention", where is Bala? and why did not the story of Bala be brought forward to the court?

    Gobind was right in talking about Altantuya... but not right to act too furiously and straightforward... to me...

  8. The gerak anti Najib or GAM as you put it is trying its best to deny Najib from becoming PM . They are throwing in everything they have in their arsenal except shoes .
    The obvious reason is very clear , it's either him or them . If and when Najib takes over as PM , many people will be under tremendous pressure to puke . He's not like AAB and I forsee Najib will fight back all those accusations , nows not the time to fight those thrown at him because he's becoming PM is not decided by them ( PR MPs ) . He has to cross the first hurdle and after that to decide whether to fight those detractors or concentrate on the economy .
    Today the Opposition are not targeting on the economy but rather to deny Najib's rise .

    Again I think Najib does had some form of relationship with Altantuya as Observer observed . Probably in the submarine purchase issue where she acted as the intermediary and as an interpreter .

  9. And to Gobind Singh Deo

    Many have commented that there are two sets of laws in this country and during the Kugan issue many have screamed He is innocent until proven guilty .
    Will these people say the same here and scream that Najib is innocent until proven guilty ? Surprisingly these people are not singing the same tune , for Najib it is guilty until proven innocent .
    And for Gobind to call Najib a murderer in Parliament , Will he care to say the same about Anwar and call Anwar a sodomist in Parliament ?
    This is outrages calling a guy whose is the current DPM a murderer without any substantiated evidence is tantamount to slander and defamation .And coming from a member of the legal fraternity and a MP doesn't speaks well for him .
    I wouldn't salute characters of this kind whoever they may be including Khir Toyo.
    He deserves what has been meted .
    Ever heard any British parliamentarian calling the British Royals murderer for the unproven untimely accidental death of Princess Diana ? Never .....

  10. The ghost of Altantuya will not go away until justice is truly done.

    And the state of denial and utter official silence from Rosemajib, Govt and local MSM over allegations now out in the open courtesy of 'Liberation' in France, is staggeringly deafening!

    What are they waiting for? That the same story should be carried in the London Times and Washington Post and they should claim a Zionist conspiracy? Ha, ha,ha!!

  11. "But Najib is not telling the truth about his involvement in the Altantuya case, and as long as he doesn't come clean, the serious doubts about his integrity will continue."

    he's been swearing on koran, doesn't this is enuff to vindicate him. sumpah kat koran bukan main main tau .....

  12. Here's part of the list financed by The Asia Foundation in the form of grants . Blogs financed by them are thru another source of funding .

    Centre for Independent Journalism
    To improve the free flow of information in Malaysia. The Centre for Independent Journalism's Radiq Radio Project broadcasts news, analysis, and feature programs produced by local Malaysian NGOs and civil society organizations.

    International Republican Institute
    To support democratic development in Malaysia by improving political communications and expanding domestic election monitoring. In conjunction with local partners, IRI will commission polls to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues and support consultations with all major political parties to improve message development, internal democracy, and organizational development. IRI will also work with a non-partisan domestic election-monitoring organization to conduct a long-term election observation in the state of Sarawak.

    National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
    To foster open discourse on legislative and governmental matters and to encourage political parties to be more transparent and democratic. NDI, in conjunction with a leading Malaysian NGO, will organize workshops for political parties on transparency and accountability.

    Open Dialogue Centre
    To promote political participation among urban youth in Malaysia. The Centre will organize discussion seminars on social and political issues with prominent democracy advocates and publish a journal featuring issues relating to democracy and youth.

    Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)
    To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. SEAPA will support the development of alternative media outlets providing professional, responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media, and conduct informal consultations with journalists committed to enhancing journalistic professionalism.

    Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram)
    To promote human rights in Malaysia. Suaram will campaign on issues such as the right to justice, freedom of association, refugees, and freedom of expression. It will also publish its annual survey of human rights in Malaysia.

    Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD)
    To train and empower a new generation of Tibetan activists and to monitor, promote and protect human rights in Tibet. TCHRD will conduct a week-long workshop for college-age Tibetan youth in India and Nepal, which will include seminars and discussions on the concepts of human rights and democracy, the human rights situation in Tibet, the United Nations, and efforts to build a democratic Tibetan government-in-exile.

    China (Xinjiang)

    Uyghur American Association
    To carry out the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a program documenting and reporting on human rights violations affecting the Turkic-speaking, traditionally Muslim indigenous populations of northwest China. This program will research, document, and bring to the attention of the international community independent, accurate information about the human rights situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

    Democratic China
    To promote uncensored reporting and dialogue on issues relevant to China's political development. Democratic China will publish weekly the online Chinese-language magazine Minzhu Zhongguo (Democratic China), which carries analysis by authors inside and outside of China regarding current affairs, culture, history, and international relations.

    Foundation for China in the 21st Century
    To support a variety of forums for liberal intellectuals and prodemocracy analysts to promote democratic values and political reform. The Foundation will sponsor a book series and two Internet-based projects, the China E-Weekly magazine of analysis and commentary, and a petition forum.

    Human Rights in China
    To carry out human rights information gathering, reporting, publicity and advocacy. Special projects will include focused research on human rights developments in the traditionally Muslim-majority northwestern region of China.

    Rest of list here :

  13. Courtesy of 'Liberation' in France ? or is it Bangkok ? donplaypuks ?

    Arnaud Dubus, Foundation coordinator

    Arnaud Dubus
    Bangkok based journalist
    Tel : 66 2 3816599
    e mail : arnauddubus@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
    Blog :
    Website :
    adresse skype : arnauddubus

    So Arnaud Dubus is a Bangkok based journalist writing for the French Tabloid .

    Do you see the connection here ?
    Recently one sweetie who is based in Bangkok " disappeared " for a few days without updating her blog for a meeting. She and Arnaud Dubus are both based in Bangkok . She is also funded by the Asian Foundation whose money trail leads back to the US . And this Foundation funds NGOs , Human Rights Activists , Oppostion Groups and so forth .

    So make your guess who's involved in this piece of spin !

  14. These suspicions regarding the PM to-be are extremely damaging indeed.

    Not surprising that BN operatives are going all out to attack it.

  15. Errr chaptokam 1:28 pm

    Thank you for your public service through your investigative reporting.

    Now, can you post an equivalent list for the financing of
    New Straits Times, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, Sin Chew
    etc? Don't forget to list the MCA subsidy for The Star and its Chinese-language equivalent. ;)

    Phua Kai Lit

  16. Denzook says that Najib's "been swearing on koran, doesn't this is enuff to vindicate him. sumpah kat koran bukan main main tau ....."

    Ye ke? Since when can swearing on the quran prove one's innocence? More importantly, since when is swearing on the quran regarded as proper and legitimate Islamic practice? Good God! Ya Allah! If you don't know the answer, Ustaz Nik Aziz will enlighten you on this! Anwar Ibrahim, being a good Muslim, knows this, and we Muslims are encouraged by the fact that he does not engage in the kind of show that Najib indulges in, at the expense of the revered holy book of Islam.


  17. Chaptokam

    Don't flatter yourself. You don't have to connect the dots for me and most others. I know enough about Susan Loone. So, get a life!

    But, the news has hit the streets of Europe. Where is the usually predictable official protest of 'interfering in the internal affairs of M'sia' bullshit or Rosemajib threatening to sue for libel and defamation?

    Deafening silence!!

  18. KT considers: 'Najib's propaganda machinery is not as good as that of PKR's.' But they spend millions on it! Don't they? Why is it not as effective as the opposition, which spends much less on it?

  19. 'Najib's propaganda machinery is not as good as that of PKR's.'

    Come on...Ktemoc...Najib has Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, TV3, RTM1, RTM2, Star, New Straits Times all at his beck and call.

    The only thing I would add is all that media heavy machinery cannot cover up the truth !

  20. Phua Kai Lit

    Don't forget to list the MCA subsidy for The Star and its Chinese-language equivalent. ;)
    Need the MCA subsidise the Star ? The MCA owns the Star and is getting dividends from the Star . Or rather the Star subsidise the MCA , not the other way round as you put it . And by the way of late the Star has been giving prominent coverage for LGE in Penang without any interference from MCA . Now that you have mentioned it , perhaps we can do something to reverse that .
    Thank you Phua .

    As for Sin Chew , Nanyang , Guong Ming and Oriental Daily , ask the owner in Sarawak , the timber tycoon , not owned by us and we don't give any subsidies to them either . They are self financing .
    The others ask UMNO , I cannot comment on things I don't know .
    Satisfied ?
    So you should be happy the US subsidise , gives grants , funds NGOs , Human Rights Activists , Opposition Groups in SEA , China , Tibet , Burma etc to serve their political agenda . You want to get recognition , awards , noble prize , funds , grants from the US join the activist , opposition groups , write articles condemning your country and you would be rewarded in due time .

    This statement should give you a good insight on its meaning , read the lines and in between the lines ."To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. SEAPA will support the development of alternative media outlets providing professional, responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media,

  21. The only thing I would add is all that media heavy machinery cannot cover up the truth ! The Truth ? What is there to cover ? Nothing but the truth ? And the truth is there is nothing to cover ! The truth is out there !


  22. To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. SEAPA will support the development of alternative media

    Does that mean bloggers ? Anti government bloggers like Susan Loone , donplaypuks , Malaysia Today , etc etc!
    But am sure KTemoc is not in there .Wakakaka


  23. donplaypuks

    I seldom flatter myself nor anyone , I only speak what I think is the truth .
    I am neither a ball polisher , and I will still support you or anyone else here if you can substantiate what you write .
    The only thing is I don't have a blog to call my own , and I don't intend to have one as that would take up most of my time behind the computer . I'm a guy on the move !

  24. And the state of denial and utter official silence from Rosemajib, Govt and local MSM over allegations now out in the open courtesy of 'Liberation' in France, is staggeringly deafening!

    ! Silence is Golden ! Just think about it !

  25. Silence is fucking guilty !

  26. Silence is fucking guilty , that applies to Kugan , he play dumb and silent . Ended up dead Silent

  27. I fully agree to this type of language used by Zaid .

    In his speech, Zaid also made reference to what has been described as the kind of baggage that no other Malaysian leader had on entering office.

    He has been linked on the internet and by political rivals to the brutal murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu although he has firmly denied involvement and there is no evidence to tie him to the death.

  28. I fully agree to the language used by Zaid.

    Until the doubts and questions surrounding Najib are answered satisfactorily in an open and transparent process, he MUST NOT take up the position as Prime Minister

  29. Dear Chaptokam @1:28 pm,

    What a long list !

    But your conclusion that it is the Asia Foundation doing this is typical of the misinformation practiced by M'sian MSM and their friends in the BN.

    For your info the NED is the National Endowment for Democracy and not the Asia Foundation.

    And how is the Altantuya Foundation connected to the Asia Foundation ?

    Is this 'guilt by association' ? If so, we all know who is associated to whom, don't we ? (wink, wink!)

    Also @ 1:37p.m you mention 'Asian Foundation'. There are so many Asian Foundations - which one are you referring to ?

    Chaptokam Fan

  30. Dear Chaptokam Fan

    The Altantuya Foundation is set up by Arnaud Dubus, Foundation coordinator strictly for the soliciting of donations and has nothing to do with the funding by the US to NGOs , Human Rights Activists , Opposition Groups and so forth .

    The Altantuya Foundation set up in Bangkok

    An association of independent journalists based in Bangkok and coordinated by French Liberation correspondent Arnaud Dubus has set up a foundation to offer material support to the family of Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribuu, killed in Malaysia in october 2006. The Altantuya Foundation aims to bring concrete help to Mr Shaaribuu, the father of the deceased, and her two children, Altanshagai (five years old) and Mungunshagai (12 years old).

    “When i met Shaaribuu in Ulan Bator in January, he told me he has not bought clothes for two years as he could not afford it. This sixty year old man has to work on two different jobs,to be able to take care of this two orphaned grand children”, says Arnaud Dubus. “I am a journalist, but i also have a heart. I could not help feel compassion for the Shaaribuu family”, he adds.

    Beats me I thought they sued Razak Baginda for a sum of 100 million ( hope the fig is correct) . Wonder what happen to that civil suit ?

  31. Dear Chaptokam Fan

    Is this 'guilt by association' ? If so, we all know who is associated to whom, don't we ? (wink, wink!)

    Depends on how you look at it , who's the personality involved , what's his personal involvement , his close relationship to the people on the other side etc . What's their ROI ( return of investment ) on this personality should their support eventually put him on the throne . As to the guilt by association , would this turn out that our country be turned into the 54th state ? the 52nd being Iraq and the 53rd being Afghanistan ? I leave it to your imagination . wink ! wink !

    Also @ 1:37p.m you mention 'Asian Foundation'. There are so many Asian Foundations - which one are you referring to ?
    I hope you don't mind but I think I'll refrain from answering this one . Cheers !
    But I have reasons to believe its in Thailand .

    Have you noticed one blogger directing and concentrating all their energies and articles on this tropic within this one week ? Including palm reading ? hahaha !!
