
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Syed Hamid wants code of ethics for bloggers

Your most 'favourite' minister wakakaka, Home Minister Syed Hamid, has stated that a Code of ethics is needed for bloggers.

Unlike one Tengku whoever ;-) a former minister who accused bloggers of being chiefly (80%) female liars who were mainly unemployed, Syed Hamid acknowledged that:

“Blogging is touching the lives of more and more Malaysians. With such a powerful tool, bloggers are able to influence their readers and shape their perspectives. They can unite communities and they can divide them. The dangers of distortions and inaccuracies in blogging are very real and it is capable of destroying lives.”

He said: “Blogging and reporting on the Net is no longer a past time done after midnight by people in pyjamas or kain sarung.”

No Minister, you're right, sometimes we are absolutely naked or even sitting on the throne while posting sh*t articles … or more correctly … articles about government and opposition sh*t-ness.

Syed Hamid said that bloggers 'must ensure their write-ups are balanced, accurate and information verified and not based on hearsay ... yadda yadda yaddda.'

What?!! We are now elevated to the status of journalists and reporters? ;-)

Then he also referred to the King of bloggers as Dr M.

Wah, Syed Hamid now wants to bodek Dr M.

He said: “Blogging is indeed coming of age. These are exciting times and even the king of bloggers (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad is enjoying it.”

But he ‘hinted’ that the time has come for a bloggers’ code of ethics to help preserve peace and prevent incitement of hate or racism. He said the code of ethics will be merely a guideline and not a legislation.

OK, Minister, but get this – don’t be taken by the belief that any blogger represents all of us, though a few might want to lay claim on that right to represent.


  1. I enjoyed this post very much. I actually burst one laughing at one point. Luckily, no one was home!

    :) Still smiling now.

    This is the part:
    "No Minister, you're right, sometimes we are absolutely naked or even sitting on the throne while posting sh*t articles ..."


  2. Gosh, don't these people get it? A blog is a personal site. What code of ethics? Why?

    Sorry for using your space to rant, but news like this is pretty pissing off.

  3. We would also need a code of ethics for ministers...the first one who should uphold them is none other than Syed Kojak himself

  4. King of bloggers? what a CRAP!! who give and acknowledge that title anyway, apart from the al-blur himself?

  5. 'Twas a slip of his slimy tongue---he meant to say King of mamaks

  6. "Sorry for using your space to rant, but news like this is pretty pissing off."

    No need to be pissed off over something as insignificant as this. A bloggers "code of ethics" will be as influential as a bloggers alliance... anyone who thinks up these things doesn't understand cyberspace at all, and is locked in the classical "old media" way of thinking.

    Nothing to see here, just move along...

    king of bloggers... indeed... ROFL...
