
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Someone's gonna use a sledgehammer?

Malaysiakini reports in its news article Racial issues: Army chief tells gov't to act that:

Departing from the norm, the Armed Forces today reminded the government on the danger of allowing racial issues to exacerbate.

Categorising it as a security threat, its chief Abdul Aziz Zainal called on the authorities to take stern action against those who stoke racial sentiments.

He warned that racial issues should not be raised as it had the potential to create chaos and disorder.

Well, I suggest that the General should butt out of civilian affairs and be aware it only has a supporting role to the police in any civil disorder, and not usurp the role of the civilian law enforcers.

Tradition requires the military to stay out of domestic affairs. What the General has just done has been an unprecedented military interference (albeit only a verbal implicit warning) into civilian matters. I don’t bloody like it, no, not at all!

I would like to ask the Defence Minister to explain to the Malaysian public on why the Armed Forces Chief has been allowed to make such a public statement of warning, as if the military was instructing the government on governing.

The military chief shouldn’t break th Armed Forces's apolitical tradition of not interfering with civilian issues or anything of a domestic nature.

Quite frankly I am not sure whether the person pulling the strings (AAB, Najib, ?) has been behind this veiled threat that the military may make a move. But I don’t like the smell especially when Ahmad Ismail has been pressing the racist switch in tandem.

Just a wee too coincidental. I am getting goose pimples. KNN!


  1. The Army Chief could only have made his statement with the blessing or even the direction of Najib.

    So this is an indirect message from Najib.

    Najib is a far more dangerous authoritarian threat to this country than Anwar ever was.

  2. Pak Lah akan meneliti perkara ini dan akan menentukan hukuman yang sesuai. Kita tunggu apa tindakan yang akan dikenakan.

  3. Anonymous 6:42 PM,
    Najib is a far more dangerous authoritarian threat to this country than Anwar ever was.

    I wouldn't want to jump into that conclusion so fast without any evidence .

    I am sure for the Chief of Armed Forces not Army Chief ( a lot of difference ) to have made such a statement he must have received classified information to warrant him to make this call . Don't forget they have the Military Intelligence wing under him and as such this can be classified as internal threat to the security of the nation .
    The British Army is also involved in the IRA threats which is also deem internal affairs of the Brit. Govt.

  4. Just a wee too coincidental. I am getting goose pimples. KNN!

    Go and get a hot bath Kaytee , you should be alright !Nothing to get cold feet yet !

  5. Ktemoc's question to Najib -"I would like to ask the Defence Minister to explain to the Malaysian public on why the Armed Forces Chief has been allowed to make such a public statement of warning, as if the military was instructing the government on governing ".

    Yes I too would like to know & expect you Ktemoc to communicate with the esteemed Defence Minister to explain.

    Appreciate you keeping us posted on this , and don't say you forgot, coz i shall be waiting.

  6. The army chief said, the government should take stern action against those who stoke racial sentiments.

    There was never any statement where he clearly stated he or the army was going to campur tangan in the civilian affairs.

    It may be wrong or politically incorrect for the chief of the army to vent his feelings, but from how I reaad it, there was never any threat express or implied that the army would involve itself in civilian affairs.

    Are you being a little too uptight for a small reason?

  7. mr chaptokam sir

    you sound eerily like ktemoc's under mutated clone so I wonder. are you an unclear mirror site of ktemoc ? you even support him when he is often mis-incoherentless and requently gets hyper-mixed up between penang & australia , London and colorado . and then thinks he is rambo and mills & boon put together, and so doesn't serve any useful purpose for the greater good of Malaysians in general other than those retired and nearly expired

  8. Seems like I don't know whether this is relevant, but I'd been looking for it for a long time. I dimly recalled the events but never had access to the news reports.

    It's about the economic acumen, or lack of of the so-called savior of Malaysia, as considered by LKS:

    "Anwar yang tidak pernah terlatih dalam bidang ekonomi tentunya mendapat pengajaran yang bermakna dalam isu, apatah lagi bila Kit Siang menegaskan :

    “Adakah amat mengejutkan bahawa Yang Berhormat Menteri Kewangan nampaknya tidak memahami ekonomi antarabangsa yang asas ini sehingga saya bimbang bahawa Yang Berhormat Menteri sedang teraba-raba dalam kegelapan dan Malaysia memang mujur kerana tiada bencana kewangan besar yang berlaku sehingga kini. Yang Berhormat Menteri sepatutnya berhenti daripada mengelirukan orang ramai dengan mengatakan kerugian dalam rizab-rizab lain sebanyak RM10.1 bilion oleh Bank Negara tidak penting disebabkan ia boleh dioffset oleh lebihan sebanyak RM16.5 bilion dalam rizab asing”

    This is in ref to the great savior when he was Finance Minister, all those years ago.

    You can read the rest of the article here:

  9. Anon 11:44PM,

    There is nothing wrong to share or not to share the same thoughts, but to show you anger and blast people whom you do not agree reflex the behavior of Ahmad Ismail but on different matter.

    Those retired and nearly expired people do have a place, isn't it. You talk as if your time will not come, perhaps you are right, you may expired earlier than us.

  10. mr Anonymous 1:44PM sir

    I sound eerily like ktemoc's under mutated clone so I wonder. are you an unclear mirror site of ktemoc mmmmm...... sounds like .. looks like.. wait.. let me ask Lingam first .

    well as xiean puts it Those retired and nearly expired people do have a place in our world and they bring with them the vast knowledge and experiences accumulated over the years whereas we are still in the stages of becoming wiser .

    xiean catch up with you soon .

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Did you guys/gals see the first sign of admission of abject failure by the Great Snake Oil Salesman ?

    He has issued a statement saying that the Sept 16th takeover might not happen and he is calling for a summit of PR leaders to "discuss" the issue.

    In the next few days expect some fantastic claims to be spewed out by the cult called Anwarista to justify the failure. Already I saw someone claiming Anwar's bail might not be extended. So expect the next few days to be full of revelations of claims or conspiracy of Bollywoodian proportion.

    And after Sept 16th passes rather anti-climaxially, we can start to expect PAS to stir the pot of PR again....

  13. Hi Killer,

    I bet they will come with another date, another date and other......



  15. xiean ,
    you are staying in Greenlane area ,Island Glades area . see my post of 10:19 AM

    Thanks !!!

  16. Chaptokam,
    Internal Security within the country is primarily the responsibility of the police. That's the arrangement in most civilised countries. The Armed Forces only get called in if there is a general breakdown in order.

    The British Army was called in to Northern Ireland in the 1970's to 1990's because Britain was faced with an armed insurgency by the IRA and its allies. Guerrillas armed with Machine guns, RPGs, Mortars, Land Mines, Plastic Explosives. After the insurgency ended, the British Army has hardly ever been called for Law and Order duties within UK, except the threat of terrorism after 9/11 and 7/11.

    Look around you. Do we have that in Malaysia ?

  17. The Shell Petrol Station next to Greenlane McDonald's ?

    That's a 30 year old Shell Station, has been there since the 1970's. Used to be run by an Old Uncle and Auntie (Chinese, not that it matters). I know they have retired, but I have no idea who runs it now.

    Are you sure of your facts ?

  18. kittykat46

    Are you sure of your facts ?

    Yeap Pretty Sure of it ! Owner is Ahmad Ismail !! The Racist !

  19. The Caltex beside E Gate along Jalan Tunku Udin belongs to Datuk Hilmi the Balik Pulau guy .

  20. Hi chaptokam,

    I received the same information from a friend but later he resend and told me to ignore it stating wrong infro. Anyway I am using Esso and Mobil.

  21. Hi KT,

    I was told that Tan Tong Tong infro can be found in this website but in mandarin.

  22. Hi chaptokam,

    Another infro stating the Island Glades Shell, If you use the tunnel from Pg Bridge the first Shell station outside Gembira.

  23. Humans use sledgehammers, but God uses more powerful weapons. I heard there was a strong earthquake yesterday in Taiwan. Any news on the BN members who are on their Ramadan holiday there?

  24. xiean


    This Mamak is one of the Division Chairman who supported the Racist Ahmad Ismail.
    Ask the Mamak restuarants owners to sent the bills to Mamak Musa at Asenia Property Developers , Bukit Mertajam . He was one of the leaders and organiser in the Komtar demonstration and his name is Senator Musa Syed Fadzir , UMNO BM chairman. For your information he and Abdul Aziz Syed Fadzir the one who threaten to burn the Selangor Chinese Assembly Halls are BROTHERS . Together these two brothers are the owners Fadason Kia Sdn Bhd , Asenia Developers Sdn Bhd at Bandar Perda , Bukit Mertajam and Bandar Mutiara at Simpang Empat , Seberang Prai Selatan . Please Boycott their companies .

  25. XieAn said...

    Hi chaptokam,

    Another infro stating the Island Glades Shell, If you use the tunnel from Pg Bridge the first Shell station outside Gembira.

    You could be right , am checking . He could also own two petrol stations for all you know .

  26. kittykat46

    Am counter checking on this since you brought it up ! Anyway am also told that the Island Glades Shell, If you use the tunnel from Pg Bridge the first Shell station outside Gembira is the right one .

    Sorry about the confusion .

  27. xiean , you are right .its the one you mentioned .

  28. Chaptokam,
    I thought you crawl into the same bed as those worms ?

    For all we know, you were at Najib's ceramah, cheering Ahmad Ismail along.

    You are only today getting worked up because you have "green light" from your lapdog masters. And that only because MCA is facing the political equivalent of Death if BN remains impotent with Ahmad Ismail.

    Hypocrites make me want to throw up.

  29. hey guys, let's stay on post thread please, about the military bloke entering a civil issue.

  30. Aisay, Najib is pissed that Ahmad made him like a cissy loh. Order mah chai to give warning. Like those chinese triad things .. u know.
