
Sunday, September 21, 2008

AAB beset by man man lai bullsh*t in a hoefaitee world

See Malaysiakini article PM under new pressure to quit.

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, once Bao Gong now despised or at best, sneered at.

Anwar Ibrahim, once despised or at best feared, is now (to some) Bao Gong.

Ironically, the former has liberalized a lot of things under his PM-ship including the judiciary, but is seen as draconian.

Historically, the latter has put the draconian screws on* (or threatened to do so to) a lot of issues, but is now perceived as a political reformer.

* including Apcet II, the concept of Bangsa Malaysia with a Bahasa Malaysia, vernacular education particular Chinese, Islamization of schools to affect non-Malay/non-Muslim school children, supported iSA during Ops Lallang, the ringing of bells in Hindu temples, Cina balik Tiong Sun, etc

Under the former, the conduct of the general elections were such that the opposition could win 5 states and more than one-third of the seats in Parliament.

Before the latter has even assumed power (or hopes to), he has already openly boasted of subverting the ballot box, reverting to his 1994 Sabah modus operandi, to seize rule via his preferred avenue, the back door.

The former holds 140 seats in Parliament (inclusive of SAPP’s recent departure from the BN, which still translate into a majority of 58 seats) yet is dismissed by so-called intellectuals and the so-called reformasi party as the legitimate PM.

The latter heads a loose coalition of 82 MPs (where’s the proof he has more?), yet is seen as if he has been denied the rule of government.

The former has suspended an UMNO divisional leader for 3 years from party activities for bigotry, yet his action has not satisfied people.

The latter has not taken any action at all against one of his PKR MPs for bigotry and thuggish behavior in barging into the Bar Council forum despite promising to do so more than a month ago, yet is allowed to get away with (by virtue of his non action) his continuing acceptance of that MP’s bigotry and thuggish conduct.

Who says that world has been fair to AAB? And who says it has to be fair to him?

Oh? Did someone say “what about corruption?”

;-) remember 1998?

Now, why has AAB suffered such a seemingly unfair public image?

Let’s enumerate some of them:

(1) He heads a divided UMNO, where chief torturer Dr Mahathir has been the principal undermining influence and mind you, a humongous influence at that too. An ambitious Ku Li who sees his last opportunity for a stab at the post he thought was his eons ago, has been equally sabo-ish.

A house divided is of course a house screwed – as was proven in the recent general election, an election that reformasi politics tell us cannot be and will not be permitted to be over until Anwar Ibrahim becomes PM.

(2) He permitted the 4th Floor* too much influence, with their advice and decisions in some aspects also too un-Melayu and too un-UMNO – basically they made exactly the same mistake as the Anwar Ibrahim mob did in the period leading up to 1998 – you work it out what I mean.

oh, incidentally, when we talk about the 4th Floor, you may want to know what I learnt, that while SIL has been one of them, he wasn’t and isn't exactly the head honcho in NO 4

(3) He and his advisors haven’t prepared well for changes like the global economy and oil prices which by themselves (economy and oil) could have been managed, but not so when so many other factors (mentioned) are pressing on him at the same time.

(4) He is an ‘old world’ Malay leader who has not taken easily to the new Age of Faiteelah, where everyone (including public servants) wants to be rich real quick (hoefaiteelah), and not just rich but really really stinking rich.

That has been why at some of the recent UMNO general assemblies, those members who see party and consequentially political positions as the chop-chop faiteelah avenue to wealth had behaved like renegade Hang Tuahs on steroids so as to enhance their candidature prospects. That hasn't endeared AAB at all to the non-UMNO public.

Even in opposition politics, Anwar Ibrahim wants to be hoefaitee (and definetely not man man lai) in becoming the PM, regardless of the fact that he has not (is unable to) shown he has majority support.

If you ask Anwar for proof that he indeed has sam sap yet (tiga puluh satu) he’ll probably tell you “don’t bugger me with facts! Besides the 31 prefer to remain anonymous.”

'Anonymous'? Perhaps until the next general election? wakakaka!

(5) Precisely because AAB is an ‘old world’ Malay leader he thinks he has all the time in the world to plot, but alas, today Machiavellian politics moves at the speed of the Internet, though mind you, it still stinks with the same foul cesspool odour.

But many blinded by hope, hate and hunger for change cannot detect that same cesspool odour emanating from the man who wants to be PM, because they have been seduced by the man man lai bullsh*t in a hoefaiteelah world.

(6) Etc etc – you work it out.

But when is Anwar Ibrahim going to take action against Zulkifli Noordin, PKR MP for Kulim?


If he still refuses to take disciplinary action against the Kulim Wonder, then he must be deem to condone or accept such bigotry and thuggish behaviour. Therefore he isn't fit to be considered as the alternative PM!


  1. I disagreed that the "former" has liberalized a lot...

    It seems like the "former" had done a lot more clamping, and sleeping than the "latter" or the former PM...

    You sound like praising that AAB... which to me is totally bullcr@p ;) As for DSAI... same same lah... no one can have a pair of clean hands in politics... It's just the AAB's feet smell bad as well and he did nothing to cover up the smell... ;)

  2. Hey KT please view this clip before its taken off :

  3. Your amazing single minded hardworking pursuit/bashing of Anwar,lapping freely on Blogspot with your diminishing retired time is astounding, bearing in mind that yours is a lost cause as a self confessed misguided idealist and chiak pa eui lang pa ( aka Penang Hokkian ).

    Your series of unfortunate events disguised as intelligent insightful analysis albeit based purely on 3rd hand reporting vis a vis Malaysiakini n sometimes the Star is slowly sinking you into helplessness n I suspect total oblivion in the weeks to come.

    But good luck and sincere salute on your indomitable staying power thus far, if only you are on the right camp as a noisy silencer like your goodself would be helpful at least to offer some welcomed distraction from time to time

  4. ANON...9.02 Have to agree with you entirely .This KT chap has a hidden agenda and perhaps during his lifetime Anwar must have crossed him or his path.From obsevation on this blogs (already well known for Anwar bashing]
    Even old buggers are unforgiving sometimes but this guy is relentless.There must be a reason? Maybe obsessed to destroy, to pick a bone? or plain SICKO!
    Don't not forget his usual kickafellows like killer and that chaptokam to wax in their two cents worth.

  5. AAB all the while never have a strong support within UMNO even though he achieved a strong mandate from the people during the 2004 election. Mahathirism is still deep rooted in current UMNO that why he flip flop in many instance, he want to do the right thing, but either way would would hurt somebody, it a catch-22 situation.

    As we all know AAB was hand picked By Dr M and the moment the former go against the latter policies and cancellation of Dr M pets projects ( crooked bridge etc ) and willing to have better relation with Singapore, that older fellow go for his ass. The older fellow will not stop until AAB is depose or he drop dead. The attack from the older fellow and PRK actually cause a lot of damage to AAB credibility until people are so bias that they do not see AAB strength but only weaknesses.

    No body appreciated that during AAB administration the economy remain strong and the Ringgit appreciated, which give us more buying power, that why every MATA fair achieved record attendances, every school holidays people are crowding the airport to go for holidays. The economy and ringggit only reverse course after the March election. Well today I am able to renew my passport in just two hours, before it will take two weeks and the front desk civil service are more approachable compare to Dr M time, this are all due to AAB effort. Who gave the order for Royal Commission into the Lingam Video Clip? Who allow Anwar to go Germany for his back cured? These are just the few

  6. Let me do a little bit of soothsayer and prediction . The time is getting near . For those who think this is hogwash take it as a story in one eye out the other .

    I will try to explain what I am are saying in spiritual terms ok ! There is hope and don't despair .

    In the olden days they use to refer emperors and kings and even messiahs as sons of god . right ! agree ?
    Even right now , Presidents of nations , kings and prime ministers are all chosen by god , born to be king or born to lead . That's why we have this phrase : man proposess, god disposess .
    To be a president or a prime minister you have to be chosen by god that's why NOT anyone can be a prime minister or a king or a president of a country .Even if you are the number two in the heirachy if you are Not destined to be the number one you will not make it no matter what you do .
    Think about that and equate that to the current situation in Malaysia .ok
    Anwar was supposed to be PM but did not make it , instead Badawi made it .
    Next we must ask ourselves why was Badawi chosen to be PM this time and not Anwar by the gods ??

    Answer is :
    To destroy or dismantle the the bad policies of UMNO in the past few decades .
    All the things we mentioned that UMNO did in the last 30 to 40yrs that we are all so pissed off and disillusioned is happening now . However it will take some time . Actually the time is now very near and hopefully we should be able to see it happen .
    Today we are seeing the evolution : UMNO crumbling , internal fights , Mahathir legacy exposed as dictatorial , NEP crumbling , racist policies being replace with multiracial policies , exposure of judiciary corruption , exposure of tainted and corrupted politicians , police and judges , exposure of would be Kataks or frogs, exposure of seizing power by illegitimate democracy or katakcracy , exposure of the beast within etc .
    Equate that to the whole scenario . We have 30 yrs of bad rule slowly going down the drain. God works in very strange ways by putting a sleepy , sloppy and slow old guy as PM who talks without oomph .

    Since Badawi's job is nearly finish but still not yet finish , the two fighting to become PM will still have to wait for it.Whether they are destined to take over from him no one knows yet irrespective of all the political dramas , wayang , sandiwaras deception and snake oil selling salesman talk and moves . It might not be either one of them , might end up to be someone else chosen by god .Who knows it might end up with the Kelantanese prince .Right now all the bad karma are now flowing back to the people responsible for it .Just take a good look at TDM is one good example . This also applies to the rest of UMNO warlords like Zakaria , Shahidan , Ahmad Ismail , Hishamuddin and his keris , etc.

    Eventually after the cleanup process someone who replaces Badawi will ensure that Malaysia will be a better country to live in .There is now an evolution also going on in the component parties like MCA and Gerakan who are now openly criticising bad govt policies like ISA and the ketuanan melayu which have never happen before . That is what is happening right now , our country is in the middle of an evolution ,politically .
    The N in Rahman does Not indicate it is Najib ,could be New to indicate a new period of leadership . If Anwar is destined to be PM no one can change that except god .However I believe that will not happen as he is NOT the chosen one .
    The chosen one will be revealed very soon !!

  7. Anonymous 9:02 & 9:51pm

    It's not wrong to disagree but at least make your points clear why you disagree. Pick on kaytee's points and tell us why u think he's wrong instead of guessing his intentions. For goodness sake guys, show some substance. If you have any, of course.

  8. anon of 9:02 pm on 21 Sept

    Your "chiak pa eui lang pa ( aka Penang Hokkian )" signals your non-Penang origin or at best, a koay karng larng (mainlander).

    A true Penangite would say "chiak pa sneow eng" or even "chaik pa boe soo choe".

    "... eui lang pa"? - very Southern Hokkien - bukan anak PP lah - wakakaka

    Yes, as zappa said (thanks), please show me where my comparison of AAB with AI has been wrong.

    As anak PP would say "barn barn lai", not man man lai, and "ee see tua hau siow" (he's a bullsh*tter) - wakakaka!

  9. KTemoc

    As anak PP would say "barn barn lai", not man man lai, and "ee see tua hau siow" (he's a bullsh*tter) - wakakaka!

    how about my ?? "ee see tua pau sen" (he's a bullsh*tter) wakakaka!

  10. Aiiyaa!!! lap dogs to the defense of kt.There is a saying down south here that penang men makes good prostitutes.Sometimes you guys taking sides resembles barking dogs on heat!

  11. KT

    I think you missed out the funniest joke by the GSOS in the recent memory...During the press conference he "revealed" that if PR takes over a group of investment companies has promised to bring in almost US 1 Trillion of funds into Malaysia...LOL...

    In this time where all the investment houses are falling like lallang slashed by a sickle, this GSOS thinks he can "CONvince" them to invest US1 Trillion...Even by his usual "snake oil" standard, this is a master class in the art of bullshitting.

    I wished I has looked at the face of Uncle LKS sitting next to him in the press conference when GSOS said that....

  12. katakcrats

    Don't waste your time trying to decipher or over-analyse KT's "inner motivations" or why people like dismiss Anwar as GSOS.

    Doesn't it occur to you Anwaristas that there could be a simpler reason for our views, that we think he is just a conman with a track record that would put even Machiavilli into shame ?

    Just focus on what KT has written and try to debate with him rather than trying debase him with meaning rants and raves. Suggest keep those hatred-filled posts to gutter-websites like Malaysia Today.

  13. anon of 9:42 am mentioned "... penang men makes good prostitutes ..."

    AI is a Penang bloke lah - wakakaka

  14. chaptokam, your "ee see tua pau sen", yes, may be also taken to mean 'he's a bullsh*tter' but the more correct translation for your phrase would be 'he's a braggart' (big cannon bull).

    bullsh*t better as hau siow ;-)

  15. Good morning to kt and his sunshine jerkers.Anwar bashing is on again.What is it with you guys?

  16. anonymous.11.01,
    Don't you know? this are old buggers on viagra placebos! They have difficulties having a hard on to that poor chap Anwar.

  17. Mahathir's humungous influence in UMNO ?
    If I remember right, only two other UMNO memebers followed him when he resigned.

    Ktemoc, Chaptokam, Killer, three jerkers playing choo-choo train round the mulberry bush...

  18. resigning from UMNO together with Dr M was too much of an ask for his followers - yes, Dr M has lots of followers, even more so after the 08 March disaster, so if the mountain won't come to Dr M, Dr M now plans to go to the mountain

    But what about my comparison (or contrasting study) of AAB and AI? Why not comment on that ;-) Takut? No words to rebut me?

    When is AI going to take disciplinary action against Zulkifli Noordin? Man man lai?


  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. KTee,

    Don't think you love AAB very much but you certainly love DSAI a lot less. I certainly have no problems at all with your views.

    For me, it is the lesser of two evils and in this case AAB is the one that the rakyat does not trust. 8 out of 10 people (of all colors) I met have enough of AAB and clamor for change.

    A man who left for Perth on private business when Johor was flooded etc etc etc, really too long to list, makes the rakyat sick of him.

    AAB has overstayed his honeymoon. He failed to recognize that he IS the root of the problem. 5 years is 3 years too long for him to helm this nation. He MUST go, the sooner the better. Not that his replacement is any better.

  21. have to delete a potential libellous post - I've no time nor patience to read thro' the 'Peace & Wrr' sized post ;-)

  22. Why Najib should stick with Abdullah

    The most important political development in town has very little to do with Anwar Ibrahim. Instead, it is about the dynamics of the relationship between the Prime Minister and his deputy and how they approach the UMNO party elections that are set to commence with the divisional meetings on 9 October.
    Neither Abdullah Ahmad Badawi nor Najib Tun Razak wants to fight the other. They know that this would be disastrous for the party and even prove to be the final nail in its coffin. Both want to honour the spirit, if no longer the exact letter, of the transition plan which originally intended for Najib to take over the premiership and party presidency in June 2010. It was a deal brokered directly by the two men and endorsed by the party Supreme Council.
    But things began to fall apart after the loss at the Permatang Pauh by-election even though this had very little to do with Abdullah's leadership (in fact it was seen more as a battle between Anwar Ibrahim and Najib). There was a resurgence of dissent within party ranks led by vice president, Muhyiddin Yassin, and egged on by Mahathir Mohamed from the outside. This was an opportunity to renew the pressure on Abdullah to go now rather than later. But the spark that lit the fire was Najib's statement a couple of weeks ago that although he was committed to the transition plan, he would also leave it to the divisions to decide whether they want to support it as well. Politics is all about signaling. For many in the party, that statement by Najib was a signal that he would contest the presidency against Abdullah.

    Opportunistic dissenters like Muhyiddin latched onto Najib's statement and instigated the grassroots to create a groundswell effect against Abdullah in order to pressure him to bow out in December. For Muhyiddin, this would be a dream scenario with him walking into the deputy presidency of the party probably unchallenged and thereby becoming also the Deputy Prime Minister. Everything came to a head at last week's UMNO Supreme Council meeting where three members – Muhyiddin, Shafie Apdal and Rafidah Aziz - came out to ask Abdullah to hand over power to Najib earlier than the scheduled timetable. Pro-Abdullah forces in the council were told to stand down during the meeting in order to not worsen the situation.
    So what does Najib do now? For all intents and purposes, he is still outwardly committed to the transition plan and does not want to fight Abdullah. He knows that if he digs his heels in with Abdullah, the top job will be there for him by mid 2010 at the latest but in all probability much earlier since Abdullah himself has said that he is willing to be flexible about retiring sooner. The only thing that worries Najib is that if he sticks with Abdullah and there is a challenge from a Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah-Muhyiddin team, he might get swept away along with Abdullah. However, these fears are unfounded. Party leaders know that if Najib swings his support totally behind Abdullah and their forces work together on the ground, there is no other alternative combination that can beat them.
    For Najib, if he decides not to honour his word to Abdullah, he knows he will be stuck with Muhyiddin as his deputy. This would be a problem for him later because the two men are suspicious of one another having once been rivals for the job of Abdullah's deputy. Muhyiddin has also demonstrated via his dissent towards Abdullah that he is a man who has no qualms stabbing his boss in the back, and may do the same to Najib especially in a time of political crisis. Muhyiddin will also not be beholden to Najib because he will think that his elevation to deputy premier and deputy president of UMNO has little to do with Najib. So for these reasons, Najib will not want Muhyiddin as his deputy.
    Najib would be in a much more comfortable position if he goes with the transition deal with Abdullah, and then when the time comes for Abdullah to step down, Najib would have three vice presidents to choose from as his deputy. Not only does this give him the luxury of choice but it will most certainly make the person he selects as his deputy completely beholden to him because it will be entirely Najib's decision unlike the scenario of having Muhyiddin forced on him.
    There are also other reasons Najib should stick with Abdullah. As far as UMNO members are concerned, Najib may be popular. This is courtesy of a solid network that he has cultivated for the last three decades. But his image and credibility publicly is something else. For many people Najib is synonymous with the brutal murder of the Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu. Regardless of Najib's repeated religious oaths that he never even met Altantuya, the taint refuses to go away especially since the man accused of abetting the murder, Razak Baginda, was a close advisor and friend to Najib. Apart from the Altantuya case, Najib is also dogged by shady arms purchases notably the procurement of Sukhoi fighter jets and submarines in which Razak is suspected of pocketing hundreds of millions of Ringgit worth of commission direct from the principal. So with the SAS (Sukhoi, Altantuya, Submarine) scandal tarnishing his public image, Najib still needs Abdullah as a shield of sorts. In fact, Anwar is relentless in his attacks on the SAS issues exposing it as Najib's vulnerable Achilles' heel. So long as Abdullah is around, Najib can use the time to rehabilitate his public image especially with his new portfolio at the Treasury where he can enact popular policies to deflect the public's attention from the SAS issues.
    Finally, the last thing Najib wants is to go through a bruising fight with Abdullah. Najib may ultimately win the battle with current sentiment against Abdullah and his formidable network in UMNO, but could lose the war because of a damaged and divided party.. Abdullah may be against the ropes but he's not going to be a pushover. His supporters will use every advantage of incumbency to fight any challenge and it will significantly split UMNO. This is something that Najib can ill-afford. Even if he takes on and beats Abdullah, he will be left with a party ruined. The implications of this are serious. If BN component parties see a broken UMNO, they might just take it as a signal to jump ship and join Anwar. That could prove to be the final act on the demise of UMNO and it will be on Najib's watch.
    So although Najib may feel insecure about taking his chances with Abdullah for the fear of going down with him, he stands to gain more from sticking to the transition plan and fighting it out by Abdullah's side. It will give him the freedom to choose his deputy, a shield against attacks, time to rehabilitate his battered public image and it will avoid a damaging contest that can destroy UMNO. It must also be remembered that the next few months will be crucial on Anwar front. The sodomy trial will get under way and Najib will not want to be alone when all the sordid details of the case are revealed given his association with Saiful Bukhari Azlan who accuses Anwar of having sodomized him. Without Abdullah, the focus will be entirely on Najib and this could damage further his public image.
    Given these arguments, Najib should come out soon to give a categorical statement to support Abdullah's candidacy for party president. It may not only appear to be the wisest choice but also one that will make Najib most secure in the long run.

  23. You are one of those who will never see a cripple better ever. Once a cripple always a cripple. Right? Has Anwar got a hope in hell about becoming a cripple again? He has got to be the biggest fool if he went back to it.

  24. Isn't he still frog-hunting like he did when he was DPM (recall Sabah 1994), to subvert the outcome of the ballot box?

    So where is his reformasi?

    Wake up, he is still, in your words, a deformasi politician.

  25. KTee,

    The physical self (DSAI) is the same but I believe the software is different now. He should be given a second chance especially after gulag under TDM.

    Anyway there is nothing to lose if he turns out just like AAB. Both I believe are men abusing religion to advance their political careers. Nothing new right?

    What this nation urgently needs are true brainy people, many of which have chosen to migrate.

  26. suci dalam debu

    Software is different now ? Fat chance...what is different is the package is more attractive but the content is still the same.

    Remember Ijok April 2007 ? Anwar, despite the pressure internally, chose to play the racial card by pitting Khalid Ahmad against a MIc candidate from BN. He did so for the only reason in order to win the by-election so he can exploit the Malay majority electorate. And in during the campaigning, he shamelessly exploited the race and religious sentiments to attack the BN candidate.

    However, the very same snake oil salesman is now claiming to be multi-cultural and even went to the extent of making posters of himself in the guise of a popular Indian actor to canvass votes.

    So you assertion that the software has changed doesnt hold water...

  27. brother kt,

    qua dunno u confuse or qua confuse.... when it comes to anwar, u suddenly become an amok.

    but when it comes to other topics, u sound like i correct with the spelling, who the hell called him such confusing nama like the negarakuku name-wee.

    anyway qua learn alot of #@%$*&^bastic words in ur blog...thereby, i, the sultan of bolehland confer u the title of triple S's or SSS or stir shit sticks, equivalent to the bodohland's latok.

    at the rate u go, very soon u'll get our highest title of ioi, equivalent to bodohland's dun....idiot of idiots and join the rank of zzzpm and botak s/o lion of umnno, to name a few.

    fee rpk, no isa, hail anywear, our new peemm.

    rgds, susie

  28. This is now officially a really crap low level moronic blog site.

  29. Then we be careful of the moronicitis virus... lol.

  30. *rolls eyes*

    You got lots of supporters, kaytee :p

    To the detractors: I'm sure in the spirit which the internet affords all of us, you are able to discern the assertions - objectively - and then refute them. That's what the comments section is for, isn't it?

    For example, Kaytee has sought a reasonable explanation to AAB's lack of effectiveness. In the absence of hard facts, these are reasonable inferences which, in the absence of facts to the contrary, remain debatable opinion - but valid.

    Kaytee's speculation could be countered by the equally valid inference that AAB's been facing so many problems because he is essentially an administrator with little grasp on the realities of playing hard-line, power-politics.

    We could cite the increasing restlessness in UMNO (as witnessed by Ahmad Ismail, the close-one-eye fella, the Rafidah scandal) as corroboration for this inference; we could say that it isn't so much that AAB was beset by headstrong UMNO leaders, but that he is in reality too weak to have filled the shoes Mahathir left behind.

    See? Instead of blaming Kaytee for being anti-Anwar and a pro-BN agent, why not argue against his points instead of bashing him willy-nilly?

    Just because I support Anwar on pragmatic grounds shouldn't dissuade me from seeing and calling out hypocrisy or just plain stretching of facts when Anwar commits them. The same should follow, vice versa.

  31. Perlembagaan UMNO tidak halang pertandingan
    KUALA LUMPUR 25 Sept. – Naib Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegaskan perlembagaan UMNO memperuntukkan semua jawatan di dalam parti termasuk Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden boleh ditandingi.

    Beliau memberitahu, pertandingan bukan sahaja dibenarkan pada peringkat Majlis Tertinggi (MT) tetapi juga di peringkat cawangan dan bahagian kerana UMNO mengamalkan sistem demokrasi.

    ‘‘Mengikut perlembagaan UMNO seseorang diberi hak dan kuasa mentadbir parti dalam tempoh tiga tahun, jadi tempoh itu dah nak berakhir, ahli-ahli parti kena putuskan barisan kepimpinan baru,’’ katanya.

    Beliau mengulas kenyataan Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim semalam mengenai perlunya dua jawatan tertinggi dalam UMNO dipertandingkan untuk memperkukuhkan proses demokrasi dalam parti.

    Muhyiddin yang merupakan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri berkata demikian ketika ditemui selepas merasmikan Persidangan Ekonomi Malaysia-India 2008 di Dewan Tun Dr. Ismail, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) di sini hari ini.

    Beliau bagaimanapun menegaskan, sebelum ini dua jawatan tertinggi parti itu tidak ditandingi mungkin kerana masa itu orang tidak mahu bertanding.

    ‘‘Tapi sekarang ini keadaan telah berubah sikit, siapa yang nak bertanding terpulang kepada mereka, bekas Naib Presiden dan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Gua Musang, Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah telah mengumumkan untuk bertanding jawatan Presiden,’’ katanya.

    Sementara itu Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Senator Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib juga senada dengan Muhyiddin dengan menegaskan, mengikut perlembagaan pertandingan dua jawatan tertinggi parti dibenarkan.

    Bagaimanapun, beliau ingin ahli-ahli parti memikirkan mengenai sejarah parti yang telah menyaksikan pertandingan jawatan tertinggi parti itu sebelum ini.

    Muhammad yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah menegaskan, UMNO telah mengalami perpecahan sebanyak tiga kali iaitu pada tahun 1981 dan 1987 di mana menyaksikan pertandingan pada jawatan tertinggi parti dan tahun 1997 akibat pemecatan Timbalan Presiden dari UMNO.

    ‘‘UMNO berpecah kepada dua kumpulan pada waktu tersebut menyebabkan parti berada dalam keadaan lemah dan mengambil masa bertahun untuk memulihkan keadaan,’’ katanya.

    Sementara itu anggota Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal bersetuju dengan pandangan Rais bahawa harus ada pemilihan dalam parti tidak kira sama ada untuk jawatan tertinggi mahupun peringkat bawah.

    Katanya, pemilihan dalam parti merupakan satu proses demokrasi yang sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan UMNO dan setiap tiga tahun pasti akan dilakukan. -Utusan
