
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

De facto déjà vu

The bad sad news is given by Malaysiakini in its Anwar: I'll be charged tomorrow.

Not that I have become an overnight anwarista or one sympathetic to him, but I just don’t like the chain of events where the main opposition personality was accused of sodomy, and then after a lengthy police investigation, will be (tomorrow, according to the Malaysiakini news report) charged with that alleged crime.

Regardless of whether there’s truth in the allegation of sodomy, the official action won’t be good for Malaysian politics, more so when Anwar was imprisoned for a similar conviction of sodomy years ago.

However, until Anwar has been found guilty, as per the law, he is deemed innocent and may stand as a candidate in the Permatang Pauh by-election.

I do not have sufficient understanding of the Malay psyche with regards to a case of sodomy to know how the charge will affect their political perception of his candidature in Permatang Pauh. But I understand to those with strong Islamic faith, sodomy is a horrendous crime.

Needless to say, some will straightaway dismiss the charge as a frame-up whilst others will tsk tsk Anwar for his alleged vice.

But for the other ethnic groups, I dare say the charge of sodomy against Anwar will only win him more support as the 'non' voters in Permatang Pauh will root for the underdog. I suspect any swing back to the BN after the euphoria leading up to the March election may now be denied.

I have no doubt the case will be dissected in a thousand ways in kopitiams all over the nation, by millions of experts in every aspects of criminal law (civil and Islamic), sodomy, DNA, political strategy and whatnot. We're a nation of experts, if not anything.

Everyone knows that I have neither respect nor support for Anwar as a politician, and I have never cloaked my adverse political view of him, but nonetheless I don’t like seeing him incarcerated on the eve of his candidature for the by-election, particularly on a charge of sodomy.

I would rather expose his hypocritical reformasi and nonsensical populist policies.


  1. Am i the first? Am i the first ?(ala2 chedet blog visitors)wakakakaka

    I, Harry Kok, second u on these thoughts, Unkel. Enuff said.

    Harry Kok

  2. I think it is only fair that he is deemed as innocent until proved otherwise.

    But I have personally have little symphathy for him for Anwar hardly is a person to hold such noble principles himself. When he resorts to such destructive and vindictive strategies to kill him political opponents, it is not unexpected to find that his opponents respond in kind.

    I do not think AAB or Najib will stoop to the extent of fabricating such charge though such act is not beyond Anwar himself (remember the Arsenic "poisoning" case ?). But I do get a sense that some of his enemies are at least encouraging this.

    However I think DSAI himself is to blame for his current predicament. If he had not resorted to such vile campaign against the BN leadership to topple te govt (ie the Mongolian murder case, getting the BN MPs to defect,issuing timeframe for his ascession to the PM post,etc) this would not have had happened.

    The impact on him is easy to judge. Just observe his actions after the charge. He panicked and fled to the Turkish embassy. He had been continually demanding the govt to drop the investigation rather than face the court and prove his innocence. This is rather very different from the first case.

    That being charged with sodomy alone will have a Tsunami-like impact on his career. And that will mean that the future of PR is in serious doubt.

    I also believe he does not want the case in the court because he is guilty and/or Saiful will reveal highly damaging information about DSAI.

    I think the police has no choice. If they wait until the election, the world news will claim the police has arrested the Leader of the Opposition (assuming he wins) and this is meant to stop him from forming the next govt. So it is a matter of best of 2 bad choices.

    Also I was told that sodomy is an unbailable offense. So how is he going to campaign ? From the prison ?

  3. Al Gore had to speak out for his old pal who did him a favor in 1997. You all know what I have been harping about. Anwar did himself a disfavor for being caught in a “compromising” situation with only himself to be blamed. As they all say, politics is a dirty game and the dirtiest are the US govt. with their covert operations in destroying other countries’ economies. Nonetheless, the Rule of Law must prevail in Malaysia!!!

  4. According to some police sources,putting someone into trouble or fixing someone is so easy.
    You make a police report and stick to your story and identify your enemy.Keep it convincing and the poor soul will be held for days under grilling.
    To prove your inocence you spend big bucks for your lawyer to fight your case.This can be terrfying and cause you so much anxieties.The onus is on you to prove your innocence.
    So I can imagine how Anwar is suffering! I have seen such things happening but you cant do much when you win your case.
    Our laws is not that friendly for the accused but for the accuser he may be enjoying 5 star ratings.
    This is the malaysian law of today.
    Therefore fixers are still used today to finish someone off.

  5. Dato Seri Anwar certainly must have been aware of the options when his spouse stepped down as the MP for Permatang Pauh. As sure as Christmas - the BN cronies are not going to let Anwar be free to campaign for his election. He will be resting for a long long period in Sg Buloh or some other God forsaken place whilst the 'thugs' rule the roost.

    With Permatang Pauh being vacant, the BR has lost one seat in Parliament and the Leadership of the Opposition. Surely the BR gang know that the looters of the nation for the last 50 years or so are not going to let go of power because to let go is equivalent to letting go of the tiger's tail.

    Power corrupts and BN had been in absolute power until the so called 'TSUNAMI' awoke them. Holding absolute power would have already made them 'mad' for power and absolute corruption.

    We cry that this Nation is now gone to the dogs. It will be classified as one of the 'pariah' states on the world stage and our leaders will be standing beside Burma and Zimbabwe during world events. The Malaysian Passport will be treated as shit when we travel overseas. But to those in power with no sense of shame or decency the shit will smell like jasmine as they go along doing their sordid deeds. It is perhaps the fate of Malaysia and its citizens that it should go to the dogs since the time that the late Tun Hussein handed over power as PM.

    Now how are we to ask more Malaysians working and residing overseas to come back? We are a living disgrace in the eyes of the world today. When and how we will redeem ourselves harking back to the age of Tengku Abdul Rahman is something to ponder upon whilst the citizens are told to eat 'cake' when they cry out for 'bread'. Everyone who has a sense of history knows what happened to the person who told that in France 3 centuries ago.

  6. I dont like Anwar nor hate him and not with him politically. What they are doing to him is utterly shameful and inhuman. They could finish him off politically in many other ways ie,to win back the trust and respect of the raayat.KTEMOC, sodomy is not a horrendous crime in Islam.Gay and lesbian occured in the story of Nabi Hud.Read chapter 12 in The Quran. It is also mentioned in The Bible.No punishment is prescribed in The Quran and it is also not stated in the Hudud Law. But it is regarded as a secondary crime, something abnormal.I wont go further. But what we MUST all do is to stand up against the gross abuse of the criminal justice system and other organs of the govt just to protect the corrupt leaders who are now destroying our country.This is why Anwar is getting so much support even from myself.You must admit he has brought changes in 4 States which has been greatly beneficial so far.

  7. But do you have a viable alternative other than to take pot-shots and criticise from the arm-chair?

    In poltics, we often have to settle for the lesser of two evils. You think Obama will transform USA? But atleast he's young and there is a promise of hope.

    And right now, other than DSAI there's nobody here who can take us away from a corupt and racist govenment that is paralysed because, across-the-board, voters are asking for change and a clean Govt. Without the race and corruption card, the incumbent Govt does not know how to lead a multi-racial populace.

  8. Anwar have a choice, to be a statesman and clear himself of the sodomy allegation through the process of our legal system, but instead he twist the facts with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and displayed a non cooperation stand with the law.

    The Permatang Pauh by-election is another clear cut deliberate attempt to exploit the people court and preempt the court of law. He knows pretty well the charge is coming and why can't he wait until he is clear of the sodomy allegation then only go for the by-election?

    Anwar have to be very virtuous if he want to be PM, however his actions and behaver on the sodomy allegation only indicate he have a lot to hide. The peoples must not embrace Anwar unless he face the due process of our legal system and come out clean, We are talking of good values, morality and the future of the country, nothing more and nothing less.

    I do not believe Anwar is the man.

  9. Hey Ktemoc

    No cheers from you? Why are you changing tack?
    Here's a simplistic kampung housewife question for you:
    Does anyone think of framing Tok Guru, Kit Siang, Karpal Singh or for that matter Samy Vellu.
    They have political enemies too.
    I go by that logic.
    The last time I checked, my four pet ayam seramas behave like normal creatures in heat.

  10. xiean

    in what way anwar is non-cooperative with the law? in what ways he is not facing the law?
    by not giving his DNA? well, you must be too young to remember then how they plant the evidence on the mattress and when found out in the midst of the trial, the prosecutor change tack and of course the "irrelevant" judge Paul Augustine gladly accommodate it. and is it wrong to fear this scam will be repeated afterall the key players in the police and AG are the same?

  11. KTemoc:

    Just to express my general agreement with your views, and to add further comments.

    "Regardless of whether there’s truth in the allegation of sodomy, the official action won’t be good for Malaysian politics,..."

    Absolutely: but we are dealing here not with Malaysian patriots, but members of the government and police who are more interested in protecting their backsides than working for the good of the country.

    "However, until Anwar has been found guilty, as per the law, he is deemed innocent and may stand as a candidate in the Permatang Pauh by-election."

    I cannot agree more. If the police and government are smart, that's what they'll do. But they are not smart, and so they may not do this, and they will damage their reputation more severely by denying Anwar his right.

    "I do not have sufficient understanding of the Malay psyche with regards to a case of sodomy to know how the charge will affect their political perception of his candidature in Permatang Pauh. But I understand to those with strong Islamic faith, sodomy is a horrendous crime."

    You have forgotten what happened in 1998 and 1999 don't you, when the Malays overwhelmingly supported Anwar and the opposition forces allied with him? This will happen again, but more devastatingly than what happened before. Sodomy is a sin, but those who trumpet it without proof -- like having four reliable witnesses -- are guilty of a horrible and inexcusable sin as well, and this is how the Malays will perceive, and are in fact perceiving, AAB, Najib, the AG, the IGP, and also, the SIL, Mukhriz s/o Mahathir, etc. The sin of falsely accusing someone of sodomy is so great that most schools of Islamic jurisprudence assert, in no uncertain terms, that those who are guilty of this offence should be lashed 80 times, and their testimony would no longer be accepted in a court of law. Many Muslims in Malaysia fervently hope that at least this hudud law would be implemented on Muslims in Malaysia, members of UMNO, of course, not excluded.

    "But for the other ethnic groups, I dare say the charge of sodomy against Anwar will only win him more support as the 'non' voters in Permatang Pauh will root for the underdog. I suspect any swing back to the BN after the euphoria leading up to the March election may now be denied."

    Righto! If a poll is held right now, the BN will be defeated in even more states, as both non-Malays and Malays will be ganging up against them.

    "Everyone knows that I have neither respect nor support for Anwar as a politician, and I have never cloaked my adverse political view of him, but nonetheless I don’t like seeing him incarcerated on the eve of his candidature for the by-election, particularly on a charge of sodomy.

    I would rather expose his hypocritical reformasi and nonsensical populist policies."

    Good. You are at least more intelligent than the Malaysian government and police. But you do not have skeletons to hide in your cupboard, like the Malaysian police and government, and so you are not in a foolish hurry to dismiss him by using foul means in order to protect yourself. But don't worry, their comeuppance, I have been reliably informed, is just round the corner, and it is unlikely that we have to wait five years for this to happen. Let us hope that the forces that replace them would be more intelligent, believe in democracy, have respect for opposing views, are not gigantically corrupt, and if they are Muslims, hold on to true Islamic beliefs and principles, which many members of the racist party called UMNO don't.

  12. Anonymous said...


    in what way anwar is non-cooperative with the law? in what ways he is not facing the law?
    by not giving his DNA?

    Why don't we ask ourselves that if all these were not to have happen , would Anwar be facing these charges today ? Today the issue is not between Anwar and the Govt (AAB & Najib) Its between his additive mismeandour and his coffee boy Saiful . Why bring the Gomen in ?
    If he had not hired his coffee boy , there will be no story today . If he had not promoted his coffee boy to be special assistant , Saiful would still have been a nobody and this would not have happen today .
    If he had taken the advice that his coffee boy is a mole , also no story today . If he had not brought his coffee boy for overseas trip , also no story today . If he could have control himself , also no story today .Without these Saiful would have nothing to report to the polis . Without these Naijb would also be looking for needles in the ocean .
    So who to blame ?? Why now try to put the blame on the AAB & Najib tag team or the Gani & Musa tag team ? Why now blow up the issue that its a political conspiracy ?

    Doesn't the blame game comes back to the one who started it . He has NO ONE to blame except HIMSELF .

    As to killer's comment that I think DSAI himself is to blame for his current predicament , Killer is absolutely right .

    On the other comment by killer that if he had not resorted to such vile campaign against the BN leadership to topple te govt (ie the Mongolian murder case, getting the BN MPs to defect,issuing time frame for his ascession to the PM post,etc) this would not have had happened. Add the Bala's SD , telling the press he has more evidence ,the medical note issue , etc .

    In the ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu ,
    You don't open too many battle fronts in a war as you don't have the manpower and logistics to handle it .
    You also never underestimate your enemy .
    You must know what your enemy is capable of . ..
    Anwar has opened too many battle fronts with all the various issues . His Allies PAS and DAP has not openly come out to defend him because they are also aware of his addiction . Mat Sabu should know and so is Karpal Singh . In fact both of them have mentioned his addiction when he was DPM and in UMNO .

    Anwar has already underestimate his enemies , he didn't expect Tan Sri Musa to file a summons on him legally.

    You don't fight a war like this , I wonder who is his strategist ???? Must be those Anwaristas in cyberspace .

    Just too bad , like what KT said I too don't hate him like my strong dislike for TDM , its just that I would rather expose his hypocritical reformasi and nonsensical populist policies and all the recent royal circus in town creating very unstable stock markets affecting our economy and severly affecting us , the rakyat.

  13. This Anwar case stinks!!! Yes time definitely foreign expert witnesses have been called to confirm the presence of DNA evidences to prove Anwar did commit sodomy. This time, Anwar's lawyers cannot "twist and turn" like 1998. These forensic methods are straightforward and convincing proofs. Mati lah Anwar. Even Al Gore cannot save him. Will someone please get an arsehole dildo to keep him busy in prison please.........

  14. Apa2 jelah Anwar ni. Dah kes dia ni kes liwat orang, yang sibuk pergi canang dekat orang konspirasi lah ape lah buat apa. Beri je kerjasama dengan siasatan, tak perlu nak banyak sangat cerita. Kalau tak salah tak payah takut dan tak payah kecoh sana sini. Tuduh orang sana, tuduh orang sini.

  15. Hi Ktemoc and others

    Take a look at this:

    P.S. Still believe in the credibility of the FIL-SIL regime
    that is running Malaysia into the ground?

    Phua Kai Lit

  16. Hi All

    And here's a statement from Dr Chen Man Hin:

    Phua Kai Lit

  17. Anonymous Phua Kai Lit ,

    Hi Ktemoc and others

    It confirms what many of us has already speculated , Mr Phua .

    The doctor's SD confirms that there was no bleeding , no pus , no tear . And that also confirms that whether Saiful was sodomised or not cannot be determined .

    From what we suspected all along , that it was consented casual sex or sodomy between the two of them . That Saiful is a homosexual . That they have been doing it for some time .

    That will answer all the questions posed . Habitual homosexual don't get torn arses . No forcible entry due to consented sodomy , that explains the 61 yr old man able to sodomise a 23 year old . If Saiful's arse had been a Virgin arse , tears and bleeding would have been seen by the doctor , there was none .

  18. Dearest Chaptokam:

    Thank you for your arse-ful comment. Very instructive. I find it oddly informative too. Tells me a lot more about you than it does about Saiful or Anwar's sexuality. Are other MCA members well versed in matters of the arse too?

    Yours ever,


  19. dearie

    thanks and you have said well.

    chaptokam seems to know both saiful and anwar well. their sexual inclinations and of course their love for butts. may be, chaptokam is part of this group otherwise how can he say with such confidence.
    chaptokam, one is innocent until proven guilty. well, in your mind its the other way round. guess, you are in the same company as the IGP, AG and the irrelevant judge of 1998 as far as such unconventional thoughts on criminal laws are concerned.
    enough said.

  20. Dearest Dearie guess all of us are very well versed with matters of the arse too , don't we ?? We see it every day , we shit thru it everyday ,we wiped it everyday , we washed it everyday , if we don't then something must be wrong with us . After all its part of us , isn't it dearie ?

  21. Anonymous ,

    Lets not blame ourselves , you and I for we are not part of his predicament . Why should we be quarreling among ourselves on him ? To put me in the league of the IGP , AG and others is your choice . I have no say , up to you , I only offer a possibility of what happen .

    Its a big blame , blame , blame session .

    Why don't we ask ourselves that if all these were not to have happen , would Anwar be facing these charges today ? Today the issue is not between Anwar and the Govt (AAB & Najib) Its between his additive mismeandour and his coffee boy Saiful . Why bring the Gomen in ?
    If he had not hired his coffee boy , there will be no story today . If he had not promoted his coffee boy to be special assistant , Saiful would still have been a nobody and this would not have happen today .
    If he had taken the advice that his coffee boy is a mole , also no story today . If he had not brought his coffee boy for overseas trip , also no story today . If he could have control himself , also no story today .Without these Saiful would have nothing to report to the polis . Without these Naijb would also be looking for needles in the ocean .
    So who to blame ?? Why now try to put the blame on the AAB & Najib tag team or the Gani & Musa tag team ? Why now blow up the issue that its a political conspiracy ?

    Doesn't the blame game comes back to the one who started it . He has NO ONE to blame except HIMSELF .

  22. Dear chaptokam 10:07 am

    Only you can know in your heart of hearts whether you are being intellectually dishonest.

    If you truly believe what you wrote, I am surprised by your "logical reasoning".

    Doc's report shows no evidence of sexual assault.
    So, what is Saiful accusing Anwar of? Consensual sodomy? (Then Saiful should be charged too!)I thought the orginal charge was sexual assault ad nauseum!

    This is a kangaroo court and a Stalinist show trial, no doubts about it!

    Phua Kai Lit

  23. Anwar was charged this morning under Section 337B - that means its not under sexual assault, just plain sodomy.

    Reading between the lines, that basically shows the DPP can't prove rape or assault (which concurs with the Pusrawi medical examination).

    But the sting is, in Malaysia, the penalty if found guilty is the same - up to 20 years imprisonment.

    Does that mean Saiful admits he was having fun ?

  24. Sorry, Typo error Section 377B, not 337B

  25. well Kitty ,

    Guess I cannot answer that , I have already mentioned it !

    that basically shows the DPP can't prove rape or assault (which concurs with the Pusrawi medical examination).

    Does that mean Saiful admits he was having fun ?

    I guess so , Maybe used that as an entrapment .

  26. Dearest Chaptokam,

    Yes my dear Chaptokie, you use your arse every day, for sure, and you subject it to your tender-loving care on a daily basis, like lovingly wiping it, and immaculately cleaning it. I'm not doubting you one bit on what you regularly do with your arse. Although you didn't mention it, I'm sure you fart through it as well. You even mentioned that you "see" your arse every day. This is extraordinary! Do you have a long neck and flexible backbone that allow you to go backwards and under so that you could "see" your arse, and every day too? Wow! There does not seem to be any limits, even anatomical ones, to your obsession with your arse!

    What UMNO, and now the MCA — with the brilliant example of Chaptokam — do with the arse, beggars belief: the stuff of legend, I'm sure.

    Yours ever,


  27. Middle age and still have not seem my own arse. How is it done?

  28. aiyomanaboleh

    mirror mirror on the wall , who has the greatest arse of them all ??

    Use a mirror my friend !

  29. Dear Ktemoc and Friends

    I have some bright ideas to promote government efficiency in Malaysia:

    Set up a "BN University" with the following departments and schools:

    a. Medical school with a "Department of Anal Anatomy and Anal Pathology" (the aim is to train govt docs who can certify sexual assault/nonconsensual sodomy in spite of evidence to the contrary)

    b. Law school to train legal staff who can achieve high conviction rates in spite of lack of evidence

    c. Journalism school to train reporters and mass media people to be better propagandists and spin doctors as the present batch of KJ-appointees are doing such an inadequate job

    d. Economics department to train government economic advisors who
    can closely monitor the price of primary commodities such as oil so that government subsidies can be adjusted quickly with minimal delay (preferably downwards)whenever there are siginificant price movements.

    e. Finally, there should be a school of police science to train more efficient and effective police officers. Less to ctach common criminals and more to catch other categories of criminals who are more detrimental to national security and stability.

    What do you think??

    Phua Kai Lit

  30. "But the sting is, in Malaysia, the penalty if found guilty is the same - up to 20 years imprisonment.

    Does that mean Saiful admits he was having fun ?"

    That's the question on everyone's mind now...

    I don't really know the details of the law here (nor do I really CARE to be honest) but I do wonder if another scenario is possible.

    How is sodomy defined by the law? I don't want to spoil this blog with graphic detail, so someone please just tell me this: if a pair of men fool around, say kiss, or grope each other, is that sufficient grounds for a sodomy conviction? Because what happens if they can "show" that there was some... well... let's call it "second base", but no buttsex actually happened? Maybe then there's no conviction, nobody gets hurt.............. but more than a handful of devout Muslims can't look Anwar in the eye anymore.

    So it's abuse of the judiciary for the sake of character assassination, but there's noone thrown into jail. I think even Pak Lah, as "nice" as he apparently is, would be perfectly capable of doing that and then going to sleep at night.

  31. My dearest Chaptokam

    You use a mirror to look at your arse every day? Gross! What is there to see, dear? Have you got nothing better to do? Is this a common practice among MCA members?

    Dear, you don't determine the greatest arse by looking at mirrors: there is no "hantu" there to admire your bottom. It is generally acknowledged that the greatest arse in Malaysia today is that of Saiful Bukhari: here is a formidable arse that:
    o can preserve a dying government (or so it was thought)
    o can cut down the opposition to size (or so it was thought)
    o can destroy an opposition leader (or so it was thought)

    But Saiful has a magical arsehole that is prone to doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. That's the sad story of what has become of Malaysia's greatest arsehole... UMNO and the police are quickly realising, to their horror, that Saiful's arse is working against them now. But the chi-force of the contrary movement of his arse is so devastatingly powerful, that it can no longer be reversed. Whatever it is, Saiful's arse is still a major political force to be reckoned with, even if it is working overtime in the opposite direction now.

    Sorry to talk too much about politics dear. But in my heart, I know you understand that it is impossible to talk about arseholes today without talking about the MCA and UMNO. That is what the world has become, my dear.

    Yours ever,


  32. Kaytee,
    You must be losing the plot with your anti-Anwar fanaticism, cause you missed out the story that your favourite Brit, Tony Blair is spending a nice holiday in Penang, and being paid RM 500K for a 1/2 hour lecture in KL.

  33. "being paid RM 500K for a 1/2 hour lecture in KL."

    hahahaha he has to eat too doesn't he :D

  34. Anwar is simply plain stupid. He was given a chance once before that the sodomy charge was drop even though the presiding judge believed that evident of sodomy have taken place. Now he mess up again and start blaming everybody but himself. This is not a PM material lah.

    Penang is eroding yet our Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng have plenty of time to spare and wasting the his time in KL supporting Anwar ,instead of managing the state of Penang. Next time we will sent him back to Malacca like we sent his father to Ipoh.

  35. My dearest Chaptokam

    and sign off with

    Yours ever,


    I am bowled over , I am lost just don't know how to reply now .

  36. Dearie are you from Penang ? Just trying to figure out cos I gave my username to a long time friend of mine just couple of days ago .

  37. kittykat, please see my post about Tony B-LIAR, which I blogged over at BolehTalk ;-)
