
Friday, July 18, 2008

To DNA, or not to DNA, that is the Question

In Malaysiakini news article Syed Husin: We can't trust the police, we are informed that Anwar Ibrahim has refused a request to give a DNA sample. He fears the police could fiddle around with the sample to incriminate him.

The government is less sympathetic, accusing him of not cooperating. PM AAB said the police needed a fresh DNA sample for their investigation because the one taken in 1998 was too old.

The PM said: "If he is not guilty, why worry about giving a new DNA sample. If he is indeed innocent, there is nothing for him to fear."

The government even offered him his own choice of a foreign forensic expert but his lawyer R. Sivarasa said Anwar Ibrahim will not agree to that proposal, as the question of police fiddling remains a possibility.

In another Malaysiakini article Dr M: Sodomy again? Gov't not so stupid, Dr Mahathir reminded us that Anwar had also refused to
swear on the Quran in front of religious authorities, unlike his alleged victim, Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

We recall that Anwar had instead resorted to the syariah court, complaining that he was defamed by Saiful in a qazaf case which will require Saiful to produce at least four male witnesses to the sodomy allegation, or Saiful will be in deep trouble.

In Parliament a couple of days ago, Mukhriz Mahathir had “… slammed Pakatan Rakyat MPs for insisting on more stringent standards of evidence as contained in Islamic laws for accusations of sexual violations”, alluding to the impossibility of having four male witnesses to the alleged sodomy case against Anwar Ibrahim, and that a DNA sampling should be more preferable and fair to all parties.

Mukhriz said: “There are leaders over there who are demanding for four witnesses (to the alleged act of sodomy). How can there be four witnesses? They would have sinned if they saw the commission of the act but did not do anything to stop it!”

That earned him an outraged rebuke from Charles Santiago who demanded of him: “Are you challenging Islam?”

Dr M argued that if the AAB government (whom he actually doesn’t like) wanted to ‘fix’ Anwar up, it wouldn’t be that idiotic as to use sodomy as a cause. He believed that the sodomy allegations came about because it has been true.

He revealed that “the last time” there were at least two people (at least?) who went to see him claiming they were sodomised by Anwar.

He averred: "But they were unwilling to make a report or be witnesses in court. One of them, however, did see the imam of Masjid Negara (Taib Azimuddin, now a PAS MP) to seek advice on the religious angle."

Maybe the good Haji could either refute or confirm what Dr Mahathir has revealed? And where necessary, the Quran could be the silent arbitrator.

Dr Mahathir twisted the knife deeper by sneering: "There are certain habits which are not easy to be rid off. Habitual smokers will tell you that. So will drug addicts."

Then Mahathir explained why his enemy, the AAB government will face international opposition to the police case against Anwar.

He said Anwar can be convincing in his arguments especially with those who want to believe in him.

"The Western press has already concluded that this accusation against Anwar is the same old political plot to prevent him from becoming the prime minister.”

"The last time it was I who was the prime mover. (Prime Minister) Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) has denied he is involved this time, but the Western press and the American friends of Anwar will not be convinced and will not let him get off the hook."

A couple of days ago I so happened to read a letter to an Aussie newspaper asking the Australian government to sanction Malaysia because the Malaysian authorities were resorting to the same sodomy bullsh*t to deny Anwar Ibrahim the democratic rights to legally take over as the Prime Minister.

The Aussie letter writer was certainly a step ahead of Dr Syed Husin who had only claimed the same conspiracy but conceded that Anwar ‘will’ soon take over the government, whereas the Australian letter writer sincerely believed Anwar’s party had already won the last general election, and AAB was denying him the rightful and legal political claim to government.

Hmmm, maybe Dr Mahathir has a point in that “those who want to believe in him” will do so.

I wonder whether that letter writer is also a ‘fellow enthusiast’ of Shakespeare as Anwar had (last year) informed Aussies he was.

To DNA, or not to DNA, that is the Question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the minde to suffer
The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune,
Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles


  1. Will be his waterloo if he provide his DNA profiling. He will refuse at all costs, instead he will use the people power to bury the sodomy allegation.

  2. Anwar has again managed to fool the entire world. Who will be next among his close associaties (after Ezam, Nalla and Chandra Muzaffar) to finally realize what kind of person the real Anwar is? Too bad, they'll have to find out the hard way.
    Sadly, most Malaysians are also taken in by this man.

  3. as with everything in malaysia, if your cable is strong anything can be done. if you remember in 1998 SAC Rodwan illegally removing DNA samples from forensic custody. In cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses it was exposed that DNA taken from blood samples was planted on the infamous mattress. When confronted with this fact the prosecution amended its charge and persuaded the judge, Augustine Paul, to expunge the entire DNA evidence from the record.. so how can you trust the police not to do it again? can talk, i can talk everybody can talk till the cows come home, but in bolehland truth is the only item thats a rare comodity.

  4. Well either malaysians are stupid or Bn supporters are just plain ignorants..after so many blatant lies, stupid remarks and uneducated comments from BN MPs n bodohwi... it seems BN supportes try to ignore that yet try to make an assumption this and that.. thats how blind is the BN supporters..

    that because ur hearts already been cloud with power and stupidity.

  5. then what is it that Anwar's camp propose we do? they're saying no to own experts, and making extra demands regarding an independent forensic team too. this time around things are different, the PM is different, the blogosphere is dramatically different, the circumstances are different. this evasion is getting abit frustrating. Should we just throw out Saiful's charge altogether then? that'd mean Anwar is above the law. is that who we hail as our democratic reformer?

  6. I believe K.Bing’s letter in Malaysiakini says it all as well as anyone can. .

    Whichever way you look at it, CONSPIRACY screams at you! Only an idiot will buy the concept that a 60+ old man with a severe bad back forced his attentions on a 23 year old, 6ft male 'innocent victim.' Not once, but on several occasions.

    Or that a college drop out went looking for a scholarship, not at the Education Minister's residence, but that of the dpm who back-tracked when exactly they first met!! And the fool innocently went to volunteer his services for DSIA's election campaign. Bull-shit!!

    It’s obvious why they will not make public the Report. The last time around, they confiscated the diary and then changed the date of the ‘offence’ once, and when offered the perfect alibi, they changed the date of ‘offence’ again. So, if you expect principled conduct from the officers, you can forget it. And since they already have DSAI’s DNA from 1998, why the hoo-hah over DNA now?

    No they have to show probable cause and cannot expect anyone to posibly incriminate himself. We cannot pay mere lip-service to inalienable Constitutional Rights.

    My gut feeling says other than that fool’s ‘confession’ they have nothing else to go on, in which case they should do the honourable thing and close the investigation. That they are not willing to do this clearly indicates behind the scenes ‘invisible hand’ at work!!

    I personally do not care whether DSAI committed sodo mee, hokkien mee,wan ton mee, cantonese mee or screwed a hump-backed Quasimodo. That is his private affair.

    I dare say that if we scrutinise the private lives of our politicians, more than half of them would have to be put behind bars, and if we put their financial wealth as well under the microscope, we would have to string them all up by their goolies. But it seems we are willing to let the crooked politicians go.

    What we want is the quickest exit of a very corrupt and racist regime that has long gone past the point of redemption.

    And DSAI is making all the right noises that gives many the confidence that if he comes into power, we are in for a period of Renaissance. I am willing to take that risk after putting up with
    4th rate governance for over 20 years with now the rise of People Power (Makkal Shakhti).

    And if it doesn’t work out, then maybe we’ll go for Wan Azizah, Nirul Izzah or RPK!!

  7. Anwar does have a point though, doesn't he? There is so little reliability in Malaysian law enforcement and other legal institutions. It is a sham. I hope I am never sitting on the wrong side of a court room in Malaysia.

    And of course Dr. M would ally with the present administration on this, since he was the first to judge Anwar guilty of sodomy!

    Qazaf, DNA, sodomy, four witnesses, balaclavas... too much rubbish for me, I think I will take some time away from Malaysiakini.

    And by the way, a few weeks ago I saw an opinion piece in some Aussie paper essentially brushing aside concerns about Anwar's katakification, citing the toppling of Robert Menzies government as a sort of justifying example. Anwar does have friends in Australia, and with his arrest, their lobby will grow stronger and I think Kevin Rudd will eventually have to "show face" even if he doesn't want to.


  9. int said

    "Anwar does have a point though, doesn't he? There is so little reliability in Malaysian law enforcement and other legal institutions. It is a sham. I hope I am never sitting on the wrong side of a court room in Malaysia".

    Yes agree with you, but do not forget that he was part of the product. Why he do nothing then when he have all the necessary power?

  10. PM said 'DNA is too old' is simply bullshitting !

    DNA Carmotograph is computer graphically recorded. Graph do not lie !

    It is possible DNA taken from Saiful's Asshole did not match the DNA Carmotogragh taken from DSAI during the 1998- 1999 trial.

    Legally, AG office should 'NFA' DSAI case by now. The sodomy case should be thrown out by now.

    AG want the case to stick. So need new fresh DNA sample for fabrication purposes. Saiful's asshole'must be planted' to match the fresh DNA sample

    A court order DNA sample taken without consent is inadmissible as evidence.

    Syabas to all Peacemakers.

  11. """"""""""int said

    "Anwar does have a point though, doesn't he? There is so little reliability in Malaysian law enforcement and other legal institutions. It is a sham. I hope I am never sitting on the wrong side of a court room in Malaysia".

    Yes agree with you, but do not forget that he was part of the product. Why he do nothing then when he have all the necessary power?"""""""""""""""""

    Yes dimwit!!! But he is OUT of govt now and he wants to change the Govt!!!! Doesnt matter what he did or did not do 20 years ago! who the shit cares?

    Your current BeeEnd Govt is stealing money in the open!!! Najis Razak is involved in murder!!! SIL is corrupt to the core!!!!

    And you are asking whether DSAI why he did not do 20 years ago????

    So what??? You willing to live with Najis Razak as your next PM ????

    A corrupt murderer????

  12. He don't trust the police
    He don't trust the judiciary
    He don't want to give further evidence on the Mongolian story
    He don't want Malaysia police protection (prefer to hide in Turkey Embassy)
    He dont't want to swear under Quran
    He don't want to give DNA

    He only want ONE TIHNG
    He only want to be PM!!!

  13. Police see the need to measure Anwar's prick because they want to see how nicely it will fit into Syed Hamid's mouth!
    Najib put his elsewhere...maybe, c-4 victim!

  14. Tun Mahathir had kept silence on Sodomy Part 2, until he was heavily demanded to do so by visitors in his blog, and he came out with this statement

    "Is the present complainant a copycat? Hardly likely. Few would care to make public such a very shameful thing as being sodomised. In fact, the last time at least two people came to see me claiming they were sodomised by Anwar. But they were unwilling to make a report or be witnesses in court. One of them, however, did see the imam of Masjid Negara (now Member of Parliament for PAS), to seek advise on the religious angle."

    Tun must have perfectly known that by making that statement he would possibly be called as witness if the Sodomy Part 2 will be heard in court. I think Tun is ready to reveal all.

  15. Dear Cili,

    Cili said..

    He don't trust the police
    He don't trust the judiciary
    He don't want to give further evidence on the Mongolian story
    He don't want Malaysia police protection (prefer to hide in Turkey Embassy)
    He dont't want to swear under Quran
    He don't want to give DNA

    He only want ONE TIHNG
    He only want to be PM!!!

    ..So that Malaysians can live in peace, in a just society, with equal opportunities for all. Malaysians..will live happily ever after..

    Melayu Totok

  16. Anwar is innocent of everything because the Barisan govt made up the story - only fools believe liars. Who believes "there will be no election" PM and "clean, efficient and trustworthy" ex-Pm is a mega idiot!

    These guys are big time con artists and u trust what they say? They make Samy Vellu look like schoolboy...

  17. donplaypuks® said...
    Whichever way you look at it, CONSPIRACY screams at you! Only an idiot will buy the concept that a 60+ old man with a severe bad back forced his attentions on a 23 year old, 6ft male 'innocent victim.' Not once, but on several occasions.

    But I have a different opinion :

    Anwar's back surgery has obviously rectifed his slip disc condition which was giving him back pains . Similarly a guy who has a knee cap replacement thru surgery will undergo psychotheraphy within one week of operation and should be walking within two weeks . In other words Anwar back surgery should not be a factor now as the surgery was done a few years ago .

    As for subdueing a six footer , I feel he was never subdue . Imagine a guy who joined Anwar's team gets promoted to his aide within three months is something to think about . I believed Saiful if you look at him carefully looks like a homosexual and I have reasons to believe that they were taking their time to enjoy it together and was never subdue and many were led to believe . If I am not mistaken there were as many as six or eight times . And this led many to question why Saiful only chose to report now and not the first time when he was sodomised . That is one question on everyone lips and only Saiful can answer that .

    On whether Anwar could still sustain a erection , should ask Chua SL as he is about the same age as Anwar . A 100 mg viagra should do it , it comes in various gm starting from 50,100,200and 500gm. Normal usage is aroung 50 to 100 for those still able to sustain an erection but not hard enough . This should be able to last for a few rounds .

    On whether penetration is possible when the anus is hole is small and tight . Assuming that Saiful is a virgin and the hole is small , yes the anus is small but it can expand as in the case when you are shitting hard stools . The hard stools when it comes out is roughly the diameter of the penis and it is hard and long . Of course it is tight and that's where the pleasure comes from .

    Imagine the womans vagina , it can expand until the size of the head of the baby . Same explanation here . All it needs is some lubricant

  18. Dear All,
    The world is But A BIG STAGE ,We are all actors in this big stage .
    We are were chosen to be born here in Malaysia .
    Be thankful with what we have .
    Be thankful that we were not born in Iraq, in Uganda , in ziimbabwe , in palestine, etc etc.
    It is also that we are not born equal , our fingers are also not the same length
    Our parents might not love all their children equally
    Our own brothers and sisters might not have the same life as one another
    We should be thankful to be born perfect , not cacat.
    Doesn’t mean that if we are born in the garden of Eden we have no woes
    I feel in view of all these we should make the best of our own lives .
    It is destined that we should all go thru our lives with some hardships .
    It is also destined that we should come out better persons after going thru these .
    So stop complaining , stop condemning , all you see are happening are but a stage show with you as one of the actors and the one up there directing .
    Everyone has their role to play .

  19. When Anwar was Education Minister he was responsible for the conversion of all communications between government departments and letters to government agencies and departments from English to Bahasa . Most of the subjects in schools were all converted and taught in Bahasa . That was why our standard of education dropped .University Malaya used to be the top university in the region . Heaven knows what position it is in now . Maths and science were then taught in english but changed to bahasa by him and now this ding dong , with the falling standards back to english and now we have people demanding it to be taught in the mother tongue and bahasa. I recall that very well . Look at our locally produced graduates , can't even talk proper english .

    Besides the schools Anwar also was responsible for the usage of Bahasa in the courts with lawyers requiring to speak in Bahasa during court and in court .Those who could not speak fluently were required to attend special classes for legal words and terminology in Bahasa . That's part of the reason we lost Batu Puteh .Half past six lawyers representing Malaysia internationally .

    When he was Finance Minister almost all his family members , father , mother became directors of listed companies , not one but many many. This is common knowledge in Penang . Every year during Hari Raya you'll have dozens of corporate MDs and CEOs trying to outdo each other ,see who's the earliest waiting in front of his house to wish him hari raya . Ya Goh Chun Lai , Goh Chun Aun , Asas Dunia bosses , to name a few .

    During the Financial breakdown in 1996 till 1998 had he followed the IMF recommendations (overturned by TDM to peg our Ringgit at $3.80)our ringgit would have been traded at 5.00ringgit to a USD . That would have been the guillotine for all the Chinese Businesess in Malaysia . Even the small time Chinese business would have to close shop . They would all have become bankrupted!.Everyone in Malaysia would have to undergo tremendous hardships irrespective of races as the economy of the country was still very much in the hands of the Chinese .Any rises in prices would find its way to the consumers .

    There are still many many more issues but the present generation of people reading this would not know , thats why we have to be very careful as to who we want as a PM . In fact a lot of young people with very strong anti government feelings should find out why there are people who doesn't like Anwar .

    As for the pro-Anwaris , I reckon them to be like the times in Germany before and during the second world war . Where everyone would shout Heil Hitler ! even at a Nazi flag or a photograph of Hitler . They would even go to the extent of prosecuting or reporting their own relatives who dissent to the Gestapo to be executed and shot by firing squad .

  20. aiyah, at the end of the day, it is far easier to believe Najis Razak the womanizer is bonking a hot babe like Altantuya than a 61 year old man involved with an ugly shit like Saiful!

    Thats Najis Razak for u!!!!

  21. Chaptokam,

    Sorry sir. The points you made are nothing but just standard script of perpetual half truths and lies to undermine Rakyat's growing disillusionment with the Govt of the day.

    Live in denial, sir..just continue live in denial.

  22. So Chaptokam, your conclusion is ... Anwar a sodomiser? IMHO it is not Saiful who had been sodomised ...

    As to TDM's view, I wouldn't put much weight to what he said. I seem to recall at least two occasions when he was called to defend his position in court, he hid behind executive privilege. It might not convince other people but it did me ... on TDM having something to hide, that is.

  23. Quotes from Cili
    He don't trust the police
    He don't trust the judiciary
    He don't want to give further evidence on the Mongolian story
    He don't want Malaysia police protection (prefer to hide in Turkey Embassy)
    He dont't want to swear under Quran
    He don't want to give DNA

    He only want ONE TIHNG
    He only want to be PM!!!

    I think a lot of Malaysian also don't believe our current gov. Only certain "Silly" people like u still trust them, ignorant BN supporter.

  24. (Dr Mahathir twisted the knife deeper by sneering: "There are certain habits which are not easy to be rid off. Habitual smokers will tell you that. So will drug addicts.")

    Oh dear Mahathir, don't you know that liar is also of such a habit.
    Therefore you are of not much different as you are a liar too.

    You were lying in front of the Commission on VK Lingam case that you don't remember a thing. But now remember quite well about two persons admitting that they have been sodomised by DSAI.

    Lying is a habit that is not easy to be rid off too.

  25. I am a twelve years old girl who read your post every day because my friends and dad said your standard of English is very high.Lately we are getting bored with your posting of anwuar this and that.We love your previous type of posting.

  26. Malaysia is doing well, and the Barisan Nasional Government is strong and secure, says former chief minister Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu.

    The Gerakan founder member, who served as Penang Chief Minister between 1969 and 1990, said the March 8 general election was held efficiently and peacefully, and the elected leadership was sound and good.

    “The new national government is strong and secure – and this is the Barisan Nasional Government.

    “Perhaps the Opposition would have to adjust and adapt themselves in their roles,” he said.

    “Malaysia today is peaceful and doing well, although perhaps the Third Estate (the people) and the Internet bloggers find this to be true but not colourful enough,” he said at the opening of a symposium on The Evolution of the Sino-South-East Asian Communities at the Wawasan Open University (WOU) here yesterday.

    Dr Lim, 89, who delivered the opening speech as WOU chancellor, said that in Penang, “life goes on well”, adding he hoped that the international participants would have time to find out for themselves how happily and peacefully the people in this country lived.

    The three-day symposium, organised by the Penang Chinese Clan Council and Clan Associations Youth Committee Penang, is aimed at creating a platform for Chinese clan associations in the region to exchange views on each other’s culture, economic and social policy and opportunities and tourism products.

    The opening ceremony was attended by 400 participants from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

  27. Kelana Jaya MP Loh Gwo Burne was assaulted by PKR personal assistant of Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad from the same party.

    Aiyaaa.......YB Loh, you mixed with a bunch of wild mod who is good only for the zoo, time to shift side lah...buuuuut be very careful lah, they will accuse you of planted mole.

  28. I am surprise Anwar supporters still couldn't see who the real Anwar is.

    It seems he is not interested in proving his innocent.I bet he prefers to go to prison rather than giving samples for DNA testing.

  29. Hey all Malaysians. The general election ended on 8 March 2008 right.? How sad to note there are many people still in denial. Wait for the next election or by election to campaign Sick of all the silly politiking especially by sore losers.

  30. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng still did not get it. The people of Penang do not want the PORR.

    What is the aim of getting the project private and why is Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping involve?

  31. Yoohoo Ktemoc

    My sympathies to the police for being so much maligned, so much reviled. A scapegoat. Also Saiful's family.If I am his mum, I will be wondering heck my son was sodomised but the government and the police are giving too much leeway to the alleged sodomist. If I am Anwar's lawyer, I will not take his case though I am offered millions. Major pill. Yesterday don't wanr DNA, today want DNA, tomorrow another excuse. If you take the old DNA he will cry foul. Police bending over backwards to allow a foreign DNA expert of his choosing. But he cooked all kinds of excuses. A DNA is a DNA be it aeons ago, fresh one, foreign or local tested. He's just buying time to play on the sentiments of his fanatics and his foreign admirers. Be thankful you are not remanded as other alleged offenders. A kid will also laugh off his complaint of being nude tested. Hello brother, its sodomy case. That tool is important to verify. The joke was the backbone pain for sleeping on the cement floor. Lock-up is not the Waldorf Astoria. Brace up for lots more hullabaloo.If case closed, he's our next PM (impossible) also hullaballoo.An avenger on the rampage.

  32. Sleeping on a flat floor is actually good for people who suffered from backbone pain.

  33. "Sleeping on a flat floor is actually good for people who suffered from backbone pain."

    Hmmmm.... actually... that... is a good point :)

  34. Rud said...

    So Chaptokam, your conclusion is ... Anwar a sodomiser? IMHO it is not Saiful who had been sodomised ...


    My comment is for you all to think of the possibilities and for you all to have the picture from the other side . You will have to think about it whether he is or is not .See my other comments in Susan Loone blog for my comments . You'll get a clearer picture .

  35. Anonymous said...

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng still did not get it. The people of Penang do not want the PORR.

    What is the aim of getting the project private and why is Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping involve?

    He LGE is a very stubborn fellow . Our friend TKP is now supporting him thats how they manage to hold a big rally in Han Chiang . So I guess its payback time like Samy Vellu used to say I scratch your back , you scratch my back . Also I understand that large sums of money were donated to DAP during GE12 by our friend .

  36. See my previous postings on this issue ::

    What a bunch of Morons here !!!!

    Hey Guan Eng ,You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state.

    You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming .
    In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you .

    If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him .
    If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ??
    You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it .
    Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail ???

    Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ?
    Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this ???

    Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

    Really a bunch of Greenhorns , good only as opposition yang berhormats .

  37. It is our CIA's opinion that this Anwar Ibrahim is a moronic asshole. Why? He wasted a lot of our time trying to help him become PM. Just when he is about to get there after all our hard work of holding "carrots" to those potential "MP switch overs", his dick got mischevious. This DNA delay is to BN's advantage as time delayed dampens everyone's mood. At this juncture, we can only say "WHAT A DICK!"

  38. ExCIA said..

    his dick got mischevious

    "WHAT A DICK!"

    Hadn't had a good laugh for quite sometime .

    Cheers you brighten up my day .

  39. Ktemoc,
    I see you did not bother to post Anwar's lawyer Sivarasa's succint and factual arguments why they are not satisfied with the possible falsification of any blood sample taken from Anwar.

    I first wrote this on Susan's blog, but given the quality (or lack of) of your post, I feel it has to be refuted with some Hard Science. Anyone who has done Biochemistry at University level can attest to the scientific basis of what I present below.

    The issue is not the DNA test itself, it is what is done with the DNA after that.

    With PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) techniques, the little bit of DNA from a blood sample can be multiplied 1 Million times. The “manufactured” DNA is usually in a semi-liquid suspension like goo, doesn’t look like any human tissue, but its that person's DNA alright.

    IF someone has that intent, that DNA can be “planted” anywhere you like - on clothes, on a mattress, on somebody’s skin, inside someone’s vagina or somebody’s anus.

    Its been done before.

    How to ensure this doesn’t happen ?

    One, “Chain of Custody” must be ensured. The DNA blood sample must never leave the testing laboratory. Any PCR generated DNA must also never leave the lab.

    Two, If somebody says they found somebody’s DNA in Saiful’s anus, the context of the finding must be subject to independent scrutiny. E.g. Was the DNA embedded in human semen or just random DNA. Just random DNA is very suspicious.

    There was a case in the US where they found a person’s DNA at a murder scene - looks very incriminating, but the blood stain it was alleged to be taken from did not match either the victim's or suspect’s blood type. The DNA evidence got thrown out.

    Three, "The Chain of Evidence" of the Victim’s medical examination must be preserved. If they took any unknown DNA from Saiful it has to be from June 28th thereabouts, not something coming out after the fact.

    Lastly, as Karpal Singh says, Badawi and Syed Hamid Albar should shut up about this case, otherwise the logical conclusion is they are involved in directing the case.

  40. kittykat, while I respect your right to post detailed or highly technical comments in support of anwar, I find it disturbing that you also want to deny me what I had in fact posted, namely:

    "He fears the police could fiddle around with the sample to incriminate him." right from the very start of the post, in the 1st paragraph, and then again

    "... but his lawyer R. Sivarasa said Anwar Ibrahim will not agree to that proposal, as the question of police fiddling remains a possibility." in the 4th paragraph.

    I believe my highlighting of anwar's (and his lawyer's) expressed concerns about possible 'police fiddling' with the DNA sample is in itself sufficient explanation without the need to delve into technical stuff such as 'PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) techniques' (huh?).

    I have no doubt that readers know what the term 'police fidding' means!

  41. Ai yah,

    I am not a scientist but from what I know, DNA can be obtained even from Anwar's hair lah whether pubic or public

  42. Anwar memang gelabah. Macam2 dia buat sekarang ni, lepas tu sensasi kan cerita. Semua nak raih simpati je.. Anwar2..
