
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Miscellanous - from reformasi to royalty

From Malaysiakini - Pakatan takeover plan still on track: Anwar.

Today Anwar Ibrahim said an opposition plan to seize power remained intact despite a series of secret talks between one of its partners with the ruling government.

Seize power? Anwar Ibrahim’s reformasi – wakakaka – this man has such thick skin he has no shame at all in showing the true colours of his so-called reformasi.

From Malaysiakini - Local fishermen unamused by Batu Puteh claims.

Malaysian fishermen are pissed off with Singapore's claim for
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around Batu Puteh.

If one were to look at the map, one would see the outrageous nonsense of the Sings. Those Sings think Malaysia doesn’t have an EEZ rights too? Sheeesh!

Reminds me of an Indian story – elephant stood under a coconut tree; lil’ mouse was on elephant’s back, attempting to screw elephant – the cheeky lil’ sod. Coconut dropped on elephant’s head; Mama pachyderm cried “ouch”; mouse said: “Sorry dahleeeng, I didn’t mean to be so rough.”

F* Sing tikus at its bloody height of impertinence!

From Star Online - Kit Siang: Why Malay unity and not Malaysian unity.

Uncle Lim asked AAB this question regarding the once-secret UMNO-PAS' 'Malay unity' talks. I too ask the same question of PKR’s Mohamad Fairus Khairudin (Penang’s Deputy CM) – see PKR leader wants in on UMNO-PAS 'Malay unity' talks!

From Star Online - Rulers have special roles.

Highly admired Regent of Perak, once (prior to the March 08 election) touted as the ‘silver bullet’ to kill off the BN werewolf, told us yesterday that Malay Rulers are not decorative symbolic monuments who merely carry out ceremonial duties. Rather, they have roles in society, which means their views should not be taken lightly.

He then gave several examples of the royal righteous roles, one of which caught my eye.

HRH said of Nizar, the new MB, who sacked the state religious director without getting the Ruler's assent first.

HRH justified (or in kaytee’s reckoning, attempted to do so) his humiliation of Nizar, stating: “That is why the state government was asked to withdraw it!” because, according to his HRH, Nizar contradicted the principle of basic justice as the director had not done any wrong and was not given an opportunity to defend himself.

If you read my Supremacy of the people's voice in democracy I brought out HRH’s initial reason for rebuking and forcing Nizar to back down, on the grounds that the dismissed chap was a director of a State religious department, and the Sultan, as the State’s head of Islam, has his royal prerogative on all matters of State religion, including deciding who should be sacked or not sacked involving State religious issues.

And on those (religious rights) grounds, he revoked the MB’s decision in the dismissal.

Apart from the needless public humiliation of Nizar, and thus undermining his MB’s authority, I pointed out that Karpal Singh had been absolutely correct for speaking out against royal interference with politics and political management decisions.

Even though the man was the director of a State religious department, his sacking was not related to religious matters but rather his political behaviour as a State public servant – he was insubordinate to the PAS MB.

Certainly insubordination would then be within the rights and powers of the MB to dismiss him, even without consulting the Sultan as it has nothing to do with a religious issue.

Yes, I noted that there were the usual politically motivated calls, no doubt from BN, to charge Karpal with lèse majesty.

But, was Karpal Singh right? Let's see what HRH said yesterday of the case.

HRH did not bring out the Sultan’s right as the head of Islam in revoking the MB’s decision to dismiss that insubordinate bloke.

That's right - that reason was totally absent! What HRH said was that MB Nizar contradicted the principle of basic justice as the director had not done any wrong and was not given an opportunity to defend himself.

So it has now been admitted by HRH that it was an administrative issue and not a religious one!

A case of basic (administrative) justice! And so, according to HRH, he had (on behalf of Papa) intervened to ensure there was basic justice.

What about the unacceptable issue of insubordination to the MB? And the subsequent public humiliation of a MB? Was there basic justice for MB Nizar?

Quite frankly, by raising the case again and changing HRH’s reason for revoking the MB’s administrative decision, the Regent has made his justification worse.

If I were to draw any consolation from this sorry saga, I can only say HRH has at least indirectly heeded Karpal Singh’s admonition on royal interference with politics and political management decisions.

I saw the whole series of royal interferences (Perlis, Terengganu, and Perak) as opportunities for flexing of their once-absolute-but-neutralised royal muscles after Dr M left the stage.

The royal humiliation of MB Nizar left me with a sour taste in my mouth. Silver bullet?


  1. I tend to agree with you KT on HRH matter. At least you call a spade and i call it spade too.

  2. There is a BIG VERY BIG difference if Pakatan and DSAI comes to power vs the current BeeEnd power structure and you should highlight it in your blog.

    If DSAI ever comes to power, people should not worry, because DAP and PAS comes to power also as EQUAL partners. Lim Kit Siang and Tok Guru will not just let DSAI do as he wants.

    This will truly be a check and balance govt. Likewise , PAS cant do as they want without angering DAP and also DAP cant do as they want without angering PAS. Because if any of the 3 walks out of Pakatan, Pakatan Rakyat will fall as the Govt. So , all 3 parties work together!...No one single party can call the shots, ie PAS cant simply 'impose' the Islamic state concept without DAP agreeing............DAP cant simply take away the constituionally protected 'special rights' without PAS agreeing.....and finally DSAI cant do as and what he pleases without Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang in concurrence....becoz with Pakatan Rakyat, any of the 3 walking away, they will fall!...............that is REAL check and balance and a true coalition

    That is the difference vs DSAI 10 years ago when he was in BeeEnd.

    now compare above with the situation In BeeEnd,................ everybody knows Badawi and Najis can do as they want. UMNO rules BeeEnd as Superme King. All the rest, MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc etc etc are just running dogs and prostitutes for their masters in UMNO! That is why you have corruption galore!..u call whats happening now in BeeEnd a coalition of partners????

    That is the real difference between a Pakatan Rakyat Federal Govt and the current corrupt govt we have.

  3. Kay Tee, You are absolutely right in your observation. Now, an apology is due to MB Nizar - may be honor him with a Tan Sri at some auspicious occasion.

    Old Karpal is vindicated.

    Penamg larng.

  4. KTemoc

    I like what you said about "Indian story – elephant stood under a coconut tree; lil’ mouse was on elephant’s back, attempting to screw elephant – the cheeky lil’ sod. Coconut dropped on elephant’s head; Mama pachyderm cried “ouch”; mouse said: “Sorry dahleeeng, I didn’t mean to be so rough.”"

    Reminds of Anwar Ibrahim hehe screwing US CROOKS and Pak Lah drops the coconut.

  5. "If DSAI ever comes to power, people should not worry, because DAP and PAS comes to power also as EQUAL partners. Lim Kit Siang and Tok Guru will not just let DSAI do as he wants."????

    Sekarang ni yang mengikat mereka bersama hanyalah Anwar, esok kalau Anwar dah takda? Apa jadi? Macam ni ke nak jadi kerajaan? Keadaan masing sangat tidak stabil. Keputusan2 mereka banyak membelakangkan satu sama lain. Yang belum lagi cuma bercakar je sekarang. Tapi masalah2 dah mula timbul. Pakatan yang tidak boleh diharap. Masing2 ada agenda sendiri. Fikirlah balik, memang tak boleh jadi nya..

  6. The star reported; Face to face PAS-UMNO talks can go on, says Nik Aziz.

  7. Why Malay Unity not Malaysian Unity - Kit Siang says

    My answer: It's because of ultra people like you(LKS), Karpal, Teresa that aggrasively making statements and request that threatened Malays...5 years till the next GE should be used to serve people and talk about the REAL issues like healthcare, infrastructure but instead you chose to play politics and not adding any value to the people. Act like animals in the parliament

    Even animals react to being threatened...think about it

    If you really want Malaysian unity, we should follow indonesia/thailang (no chinese name, no sekolah jenis kebangsaan and prove your loyalty)..then you can talk about equality

  8. "Kay Tee, You are absolutely right in your observation. Now, an apology is due to MB Nizar - may be honor him with a Tan Sri at some auspicious occasion."

    Nizar Jamaluddin is already a Datuk Seri. Why "honor" him with something lower? Are you trying to insult him again?

  9. Kaytee,
    I have had a fair bit of dealings with Penang DCM Mohamad Fairus Khairudin and, as far as I can see, he is no racist.

    To quote his exact words in the Star, "Umno should invite all Malay organisations if it is serious about holding muzakarah (discussions) on Malay issues and Islam......Umno should also be inviting PKR's Malay leaders, besides those from PAS, and also all non-governmental organisations."

    Pray, tell me how you made the leap of logic, to your conclusion - quote
    "Mohamad Fairus Khairudin's proclivity for an ethno-centric political alliance".

    Penang DAP has a good working relationship with PKR - and we are doing good for the State.
    I really hope your obvious dislike for Anwar and PKR doesn't lead you into flights of fancy.

  10. Dear Anon 813am:

    "...Karpal, Teresa that aggrasively making statements and request that threatened Malays.."

    please provide examples?

    "..(no chinese name, no sekolah jenis kebangsaan and prove your loyalty)..then you can talk about equality"

    agree that everyone goes to Sek Keb, jadi takde sek jenis keb or sekolah agama ...are you ok then?

  11. Dear Ktemoc,

    I found your blog and your views to be interesting.

    Just to let you know, I've added you to my blog list. However, if you're not comfortable with this, let me know.

    My Blog:


  12. I think Sinkapoh claiming Batu Puteh waters is attributable to Anwar. Bcos he was with ABIM, and later he led racist UMNO youts, and somemore hungry for power when Mahatir is No. 1 in UMNO, and somemor founded PKR. So thick skin one this fellar, he aso attempting to seize power from incumbent gahment, thus denying people's legitimate right in voting BN. So u guys see or not, Anwar lost Batu Puteh to Singkapor. That's why!

    Harry Kok

  13. Thank you, Harry Kok, for your Kok story on how Anwar lost Batu Puteh to Singapore! It's a fine satire of KTemoc's politics and his negligible intellectual ability whenever he tries to put the blame on everything that's wrong in Malaysia on the Anwar bogeyman. Had a good laugh!! Thanks again!

  14. Harry Kok,
    That's a brilliant bit of (harmless) satire at Ktemoc's expense.

    Kakakakakak....yup, all roads lead to the evil Anwar....kakakakakak

  15. hamzah

    Teresa - azan petition, and babi farm in malay populated people (please relocate it to chinese populated area so they can endure the pollution as the villagers..- at pulau ketam also can)

    LKS - showed his true colors in the MB Perak fiasco..

    Karpal - Name calling in parliaments (come to think of it, what good has he done for people..i mean real work?)

    and also some kepala besar DAP rep who refuse to wear pakaian istiadat and rather not join the ADUN meeting to show their ego than doing their responsibilities..Ego vs Responsibility?..

    latest, LGB for the surau to think that i actually voted for him...i regretted the decision since

    I want a representative who actually do their JOB not making controversies or making their points by name calling in parliament. Is it too much to ask?

    And i dont oppose Sekolah Agama Buddha/ Sekolah agma hindu/kristian ...I oppose Sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina or u want to abolosh sekolah agama is completely irrelevant..Agama and Bangsa is different...If u talk about bangsa malaysia why need sekolah for certain bangsa?...


  16. Why u guys laughing one kakakakaka (ala unkel KT), my analysis correct what? Although i must says also UMNO-Pas Kataking scheme (Selangor version) was concoted about 2 month earlier than Anwar's Sept 16 Kataking scheme. This has distracted Fed Gahmen from managing the Batu Puteh court case judiciously. And I blames Anwar squarely for this lapse.

    Harry Kok

  17. HRH is actually right on both counts:

    1. issue of appointment of religious officers in the state is a matter which the HRH must be consulted;

    2. before a public servant is dismissed or taken disciplinary action, he must be given the right to be heard, thet is natural justice.

    MB Nizar should take this episode as part of a learning process.

  18. anon 813, "..I oppose Sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina or Tamil.."

    mana ada sekolah "Agama Buddha/ Sekolah agma hindu/kristian" ??

    "If you really want Malaysian unity" ... why can't we all go sekolah kebangsaan aje?

    leave the sek agama as extra curricular lah ...or sunday school, in this case friday school lah.
