
Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Magic of Anwar Ibrahim?

Much as I have been abused and reviled for allegedly ‘hating’ Anwar Ibrahim, and most certainly for criticizing him ;-) I have never denied that he has been the glue that kept the diverse component parties in the loose coalition of Pakatan Rakyat together – see my post Can we trust Anwar Ibrahim? where I wrote “No doubt Anwar had done his part to keep the Pakatan in a cohesive form during the election campaign (and no one can take that away from him) …..”

Recently, in my post Anwar Ibrahim's worst nightmare emerges I discussed the dissatisfaction by Pak Haji Hadi Awang* of PAS who voiced his preference to deal with UMNO rather than the Pakatan with a secular DAP as an undesirable ally, where he stated:

* as different from Pak Haji Nik Aziz who is very suspicious of UMNO

“If others can meet Umno (leaders), why can’t PAS meet Umno? (Such comments) show a lack of understanding. On the basis of Islam, we have the right (to do so). PAS can negotiate with any party.”

Pak Haji also took pot shots at Anwar Ibrahim for being the de facto leader of the Pakatan, stating in no uncertain terms:

“No one is the sole leader of Pakatan Rakyat. (Its) leadership is collective, and we have mutually agreed that the respective party leaders can seek to influence our friends in BN to join us. Because of this, the issue of why PAS is meeting Umno should not arise.”

“After the victory, the role of PAS people needs to be taken into account. PAS people are not stupid. Do not sideline their contributions after the win.”

But if Pak Haji Hadi had read Malaysiakini news article Pakatan suspects Khairy has access to police report he may well change his mind about the DAP, because Malaysiakini reported that when Mukhriz Mahathir “… slammed Pakatan Rakyat MPs for insisting on more stringent standards of evidence as contained in Islamic laws for accusations of sexual violations”, alluding to the impossibility of having four male witnesses to the alleged sodomy case against Anwar Ibrahim, and that a DNA sampling should be more preferable and fair to all parties.

Mukhriz said: “There are leaders over there who are demanding for four witnesses (to the alleged act of sodomy). How can there be four witnesses? They would have sinned if they saw the commission of the act but did not do anything to stop it!”

Pak Haji would be (spiritually) heartened to note that many Pakatan MPs, both Muslim and non-Muslims, stood up to protest against Mukhriz’ alleged “… disparaging' of Islam.”

Now, get this Pak Haji, a member of those 'quasi-satanic' DAP MPs, Charles Santiago (DAP-Klang) also jumped up to defend Islam, demanding of Mukhriz: “Are you challenging Islam?”

Alhamdulillah and a secular 'wow'!

And of course apart from Charles Santiago defending Islam on behalf of PAS, in that Malaysiakini article, we also see ‘enemies’ like Mukhriz Mahathir and Khairy Jamaluddin joining forces to demand that Anwar Ibrahim provides the DNA sample.

The Anwar magic of cozy cohesive compulsion on others, even across the political divide into UMNO, is just amazing, and even when he was not present!


Oh, that anwarista word ‘hate’ which I have been accused of demonstrating against Anwar Ibrahim can be explained by an article by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) titled The cult called PKR.

RPK wrote that piece criticizing Ezam Mohd Nor but his observations are equally applicable to all anwaristas. He remarked (relevant extract):

… The problem at that time, though, was that Ezam was PKR’s blue-eyed boy, the darling of the party, and any negative comments about Ezam, or Azmin Ali for that matter, was considered a treacherous act. You are a traitor to the cause, a traitor to PKR, a traitor to the opposition, a traitor to the Malay race, and a traitor to the entire nation -- all in one -- if you badmouth one of the PKR darlings.

That is the trouble with PKR. They dabble in cult personalities. When you are the current hot favourite, the flavour of the day, even your fart smells sweet. But once you fall out of favour then they even curse your poor innocent mother who has nothing to do with your political business and does not even know what is going on.

The PKR crowd is one emotional group of people. I suspect that if Anwar was to order them to commit mass suicide they might just do so. And that is dangerous, as time and time again history has proven. If Anwar could get a religious scholar somewhere in the world to come out with a fatwah (religious decree) that if you die for PKR you will go straight to heaven where 70 virgins are waiting for you, I bet we will not be short of candidates who will volunteer to undertake suicide missions.

Whether it is Anwar, Dr Wan Azizah, Nurul Izzah, Azmin, or Ezam, they all have their cult followers. The PKR people revere their idols and appear to lose their senses when in the presence of these demigods. So how to tell these PKR herds that Ezam is not what he appears to be and that he is a plant, a Trojan Horse, a termite meant to weaken the ranks of PKR? Try doing that and you will get a beer bottle broken on your head. So it was best to just keep quiet and watch. Time would reveal the truth. And, true enough, the truth has now been revealed.

I remember when I was once the sub-editor of the party newspaper, Suara Keadilan, and I published a letter from a reader that criticised PKR’s Youth Movement. The letter was about the high-handed manner the Youth Movement ‘security squad’ handled the crowd. Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, when he was still Prime Minister, was not that well-guarded and his security team did not push and shove the crowd the way the PKR Youth boys did.

It was not my comment. It was a letter from a reader and I allowed it to get published. Wow, you should have seen the SMSess I received. The PKR Youth boys cursed me and one of Ezam’s ‘groupies’, Jo, even challenged me to a boxing match. I was having dinner with Johari Abdul and Dato’ Kamarul at that time and I showed them the SMS.

Another aspect of Anwar Ibrahim's magic!

Amin! - oh, this one is meant for the attention of Pak Haji Hadi Awang ;-)


  1. As another blogger suggested, the paranoia from the PKR side that everything done is a conspiracy from the government to stall their toppling government plan in September, and that blogger alluded that this amounts to almost an admission that the entire Pakatan is nothing without Anwar. if that's the case then it's really sad, I see many genuine, good politicians with a conscience in the Pakatan.

  2. The Chinese and Indians people must understand this:

    1] The Malay Political Enemies of Anwar Ibrahim will NEVER allow him to succeed with his Pakatan Raayat Agenda.

    2] The Malay Political Enemies are so afraid of losing all the Wealth and Riches of this Country falling into the Hands of a Multi-Racial Government.

    3] The Malay Political Enemies of Anwar Ibrahim DO NOT believe in a CLEAN POLICE, AG and Judiciary.

    They have even appointed an UMNO supporter to one of the highest position.

    4] Many Chinese & Indians Tycoons PREFER to have CORRUPTED Malays in the Cabinet, Government Ministeries so that they can do business without hassle.

    They can buy them off for a PRICE ...

    5] The Malays Leaders are telling the Malays that Pakatan Raayat will cause them to lose their privileges, rights, and share of the wealth and riches of the Country.

    Rather then truthfully telling them that the Malay Political Enemies will lose out on Projects, Contracts trhough CRONYism.

    The Malays are still in the State of Denial and worst still NOT truthfull to their religion an dbehaving like True Muslims [vicegerent on earth].

  3. Dear Ktemoc

    Ha! I see it now.
    You used to be a sub-editor of
    Suara Keadilan.

    This explains your animosity toward
    Anwar Ibrahim. I daresay that you are a former cultist who has left the "cult" and is now filled with intense hatred of the "cult leader". (Reminds me of ex-communists who hate communism and become hard core anti-communists and even fascists). Take it easy, my dear man! This hatred of the "cult leader" to whom you once devoted much of your precious time and energy (to your ultimate disappointment) is not good for your sense of justice or intellectual honesty.

    Phua Kai Lit

  4. "Amin! - oh, this one is meant for the attention of Pak Haji Hadi Awang ;-)"

    You Amin?

  5. quote:
    "The letter was about the high-handed manner the Youth Movement ‘security squad’ handled the crowd. "

    ah this i can testify to (real life experience), as i had already mentioned it to ktemoc much earlier - about high anwar's 'security squad' (those PKR boys) behaved when anwar came for the ceramah at han chiang stadium pre 8 march.

  6. its only fair that PAS works with UMNO. Both are fanatic parties with a narrow mind and selfish agenda in the name of "Islam" and " Ketuanan Melayu " to fool the rakyat.

    It's time the Sultans take back their role as the defenders of the Malay race and Islam in this country.

    Politicians must not be allowed to hijack the race and religion for votes and monetary gains

  7. I ask you this, from Merdeka 1957 up to now, can you tell me how many males have been arrested for the crime of sodomising another man (lets leave alone conviction).

    Just tell me how MANY!!!!

    ZERO!!!!! Other than Datuk Seri!!!!

    Not politically motivated???? 51 years from 1957 to 2008!!!!ZERO!

  8. There is a tremendous mistrust of the police and judiciary over this issue.
    And its not just the usual emotional Anwaristas which the regime may feel it can ignore.

    This time its the proverbial "silent majority" which BN likes to talk about.

  9. Hey, KT, you said that you are in Australia but still you manage to blog on the Malaysian political scene.

    That's great! Keep your commentary coming.

  10. Ya lah, KTemoc, you DON'T hate Anwar. Of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course... and Mao Tze Tung is my grandson...

  11. Mr Mao or Mrs Mao (I assume that's your name since you are Mao Tze Tung's grandparent), KTemoc has explained himself well, only if you bothered to read properly.

  12. KT; Perhaps your comments on PKR youth may have some truth but also, bear in mind, they are not properly trained crowd controllers.
    Compared to our professional police force, where millions of tax payers'
    money were spent, did we achieve the goal of making them the people protectors?
    Thugs, liars, ass*****RS to their political masters and corruption to the core. KT, you got eyes but you cannot see, suffering from a lop-sided brain?!
    Anyway, you are still a 'little good fella'...only once in a while, your prefer the belakan!

  13. "Mr Mao or Mrs Mao (I assume that's your name since you are Mao Tze Tung's grandparent), KTemoc has explained himself well, only if you bothered to read properly." Wahahahahahahaha!!! You are a good joker too! Like KTemoc!!!!!

  14. Anon/Phua Kai Lit. I suggest strongly that you go back to school and pay attention to "comprehension".
    You wrote: I see it now....
    I don't think you even begin to see it.
    When there is no comprehension, how can you see?

    I was going to suggest that you read Post-Apocalypse on, but I think not. You may not get it.

    Best wishes,

  15. Dear Anon 12:13 PM

    I am still in school. I'm a university lecturer and I am "always learning". The better to teach my students.

    What you have written is unclear.

    What are you trying to say?

    As for me, I am saying that Ktemoc finally mentioned that he used to be a sub-editor of Suara Keadilan.
    So, he was close to Anwar Ibrahim in the past. Thus, my analysis is that this explains his unhealthy animosity towards Anwar Ibrahim i.e. probably a former cultist who now hates the "cult leader" with all his heart.

    We can debate this last assertion of mine if you disagree. If you reply to my post, please don't do a Shabery Cheek ("turn the other cheek"?)and avoid my point.

    Your credibility will also be enhanced if you state your real identity. For all I know, you could be Ktemoc himself!

    Phua Kai Lit

  16. Sigh.
    Reading and understanding.
    Now, read the KTemoc posting again. KT was quoting RPK's posting. And you, lacking comprehension, happily concluded KT once worked at Suara Keadilan as sub-editor. And formed your "analysis" from there.

    Best wishes, and to your students, good luck.
    Anomie (not KT).

  17. Dear Anon 12:40 pm

    OK. I am eating humble pie now!

    Yes, Ktemoc is quoting RPK.

    I stand corrected. My apologies to you.

    P.S. Anyway, I am still trying to figure out why Ktemoc has so much animosity towards Anwar. His other analyses are thoughtful but when
    it comes to Anwar, they are full of bile and can be very unfair.

    By the way, Phua Kai Lit is my real name. I've also mentioned that I am wary of Anwar.

    Phua Kai Lit

  18. Can I just say that I agree with you about PKR being about idols and demi-gods ...

    I have never been a Anwar cultee not even back when I was in school in the 80s and he was part of the Govt., hence all these Anwaristas really quite entertain me with their Anwar or nothing attitudes.

    I have been accused of lacking perspective because I am not an Anwarista nor am I a BN fanatic.

    This whole comic tragedy our country is in is really taking a toll on the people. What I am noticing is political alignments are causing rifts in relationships that far outweigh the damage current politics has on it's rakyat long term.

    I pray we wade through safely to a peaceful Malaysia under a leadership that is unbiased and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race and religion and perhaps I am a dreamer - but this is my hope.

    I don't care which party rules, I care what these people can do for all of us Rakyat.

  19. "P.S. Anyway, I am still trying to figure out why Ktemoc has so much animosity towards Anwar. His other analyses are thoughtful but when
    it comes to Anwar, they are full of bile and can be very unfair. "

    Why can't the MahaDewa Anwar worshippers can't except that NOT EVERYBODY like him more so, DON'T WANT him for a PM?


    P.S. I think it's a good business idea to make worship dolls of Anwar, I'm sure it's a good market. You can pray to it everyday for blessings and when you die you go to heaven.

  20. "Why can't the MahaDewa Anwar worshippers can't except that NOT EVERYBODY like him more so, DON'T WANT him for a PM?"


    Why can't the MahaDewa Anwar worshippers EXCEPT that NOT EVERYBODY like him more so, DON'T WANT him for a PM?

  21. Aiya, I was just browsing thru Malaysiakini.. now it seems there's a bruhaha about having to have 15 cars when arresting Anwar.

    Amender? WTF? That also issue?

    Should he be cordially invited by a beat cop lance corporal on a kapchai???? (bring extra helmet!)

    THAT would be an INSULT wouldn't it?? MahaDewa, kena escort ramai-ramai la...

  22. I'm not Pro or Anti anybody.
    In the On-line world, I don't know you, you don't know me. We stand and fall on the logics and facts which we present.

    Its just that whenever it comes to Anwar, Ktemoc ta-ra logic and sense. Just plain bile, and , sometimes, dishonesty.

  23. Anwar refuse the DNA testing, well this logic has demonstrate into fact that the sodomy allegation is true.


  24. What an idiot to make the above suggestion. Not giving your DNA means being cautious because the cops will frame you. That is why when people are arrested they are cautioned.

    The simple truth is if Anwar is guilty why is he not being charged. Open and shut case! Do you need to see Najib before you make a police report?

    I smell a rat.

    Anyway Ktemoc use the time to write something decent not rubbish..especially your anti-Anwar comments.

    So many things to write on why always Anwar? Yes I agree you must be a government stooge like someone said...

  25. "Anwar refuse the DNA testing, well this logic has demonstrate into fact that the sodomy allegation is true."

    Hahahahahahahaha! What kind of "logic" is this???? I agree with the previous poster on this!!

    For your info, the last time the DNA testing was used, Anwar's blood was suspiciously kept for more than two months without the use of an anti-coagulant before it was tested. Do you believe the police or other interested parties would not resort to similar tricks this time round? After all, there was a repeat broadcast of the balaclava-clad police arrest of Anwar yesterday, when almost everyone thought that it was unlikely to recur.

  26. Yoohoo Ktemoc,

    So what's the big deal about his arrest? He's snugly home now in Bukit Segamat sans court remand. What his lawyers pre-empt would happen, didn't. Right? It's just another arrest of a man alleged of crime. But no siree. Surrendering quietly is not the goldern boy's style. A man of histrionics, he must ensure he goes with a bang. And the police knew well what Anwar's gonna do. He expects the police to storm his house like in 1998. So there will be a loud public outcry. He got special treatment too. No need new DNA. Does that tell us somehing?. And from mow till Aug 18 we will be hearing about him vilifying the police.

  27. "Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, when he was still Prime Minister, was not that well-guarded and his security team did not push and shove the crowd the way the PKR Youth boys did."

    Mahathir actually never got very much security at all.

    When I was young I had a care-taker/baby sitter, whom I went to after school. This woman was a huge Mahathir fan - a trait she never infused into me ;)

    Anyway at a public event once in the early 1990s, this woman was present as Mahathir walked through the crowd towards a stage, obviously he had a security detail... but it was so loose that this woman managed to duck under the barricade of men, look Mahathir right in the eye, and tell him how great she thought he was. He looked surprised, but just smiled and shook her hand. His bodyguards didn't lay a finger on her.

    Later (2003 I think), after his retirement, a couple of friends of mine in Melbourne said they saw him and Siti Hasmah just casually strolling around Prahran market. Siti Hasmah was checking out the local produce and Dr M was just accompanying her, with no escort whatsoever... just jalan-jalan like it's no big deal. Well, I think it was a rather big deal: he was in a part of Melbourne with a reasonably large Jewish community ;) and yes, the Jews in Melbourne DO know who he is... they wouldn't have physically harmed him in any way, but I wouldn't rule out intimidation.

    Anwar, on the other hand, has reason to be more cautious. He has been assaulted while in police custody, so precautions are necessary. Especially since Karpal has been sent a live bullet, DAP Perak has been firebombed, Altantuya was blown up... dangerous times la.

  28. 'I was stripped naked, my private parts examined'

    Mkini -

    The regime really has a morbid fascination with Anwar Ibrahim's private parts, semen etc.

    Bodoh-betul-lah , all these UMNO-swine.

  29. Come on, all you KMU guys.

    Where is the Chua-Soi-Lek style HD Video of Anwar poking Saiful ? And the Sensurround sound ?

  30. well,it take a bigger idiot to call another person an idiot.


  31. Well KT, do you actually want Anwar as the PM of our country?
    Based by his politic history, it will be very dangerous indeed.
    One need to weight the pros and cons.

  32. I find the commenters in KTemoc are more matured and quite well educated based on their comments unlike those in MT where the moment they open their mouths or their comments are all filled with names calling and profanites .

    They have never tried to engage in a debate or try to understand other people's view . Their only intent is to shaft their view down your throat .

    To PKR supporters Anwar is Dei Hitler, Heil Hitler and Heil Fuhrer
    that's why to me Anwar is a very dangerous person and need to be contained .

  33. Hi chaptokam,

    You are absolutely right.

    By the way Anwar is playing hide and seek with the police, that why they seize him in that manner. I think he would fled the country rather than to give his blood for DNA test.

    More drama coming.

  34. To Anwaristas, KT is like offering them plates of shitballs, but strangely they keep coming back for more.
    KT, what will be the scent of Anwar's fart to PKR hardcores when he jumps ship to UMNO?

  35. "The regime really has a morbid fascination with Anwar Ibrahim's private parts"

    They wanted to measure Anwar's Dick so they can find an actor with the same dimensions for the live-action video which is being prepared.

  36. Anonymous at 8:16 AM, July 17, 2008 said

    "Dear Ktemoc

    Ha! I see it now.
    You used to be a sub-editor of
    Suara Keadilan."

    Read the italics clearly, it was written by RPK, not KT.

  37. fucker kte#$%#%,
    why not u never write something bout ur boss* najis the dick head, by the way i know u always get fuvked by najis and sure u know how explosive is his dick .
    why the investigation only carried on one side so far , ooops ,,,,no no no,, the najis has a lot of guard dog like KTme437, wong chun wai , all this guy serve blow job and get big paid everyday . cheer up , keep up the good work!!!

  38. fucker kte#$%#%,
    why not u never write something bout ur boss* najis the dick head, by the way i know u always get fuvked by najis and sure u know how explosive is his dick .
    why the investigation only carried on one side so far , ooops ,,,,no no no,, the najis has a lot of guard dog like KTme437, wong chun wai , all this guy serve blow job and get big paid everyday . cheer up , keep up the good work!!!
