
Saturday, April 05, 2008

USA plans to hear no Israeli evil

It seems the USA, so-called land of Martin Luther King, has refused to attend the 2009 UN conference on racism, to be held in Durban, South Africa, because it fears the conference will question Israeli's Neo-Nazi racist policies against the Palestinians.

Such is the hold of Israel over the USA. Where Israeli misconduct, aggression, and racism are concerned, the USA always assumes a position of 'see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil', that is, if it is not itself complicit in those crimes.

Obviously, the Israelis don't want their racism questioned (say no evil), the Yanks don't want to know about it (hear no evil) and poor US stooge, Mahmud Abbas pretends not to see it in order to continue receiving American handouts (see no evil).

In 2001 the UN had its first World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban. Invariably racist Israel was condemned. The USA, new rightwing governed Canada and Israel in turn condemned the conference for its 'anti-Semitism'

Political observers said while the term 'anti-Semitism' was used in the past to strictly refer to anti-Jewish sentiments, today it has been much abused by Israel and the USA to mean any form of criticism against Israel, even its war crimes and oppressive measures against the Palestinians.

Last December, the UN General Assembly had passed a $4.17 billion budget for 2008-09, voting 142-1 for the two-year budget, which only the US voted against, and that purely because of one item, can you beat this, the provisions for the UN Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.

By doing so, the USA has shown where Israel is adversely affected (even deservedly so), it would become so blind it even voted against anti racism, effectively making it pro-racist. And indeed it is, pro racist Israel, that is.

Meanwhile Israeli (pro leftwing) newspaper Ha'aretz reported that the UN anti-racism panel had sent questions to Israel over the latter's governance of non-Jewish holy sites, especially al Aqsa mosque.

Ha'aretz reported that "the UN anti-racism panel is scheduled to hold a hearing later this week over Israel's attitude toward sites considered holy by its Arab population."

"Israel's government has also been asked to explain if it discriminates between Jewish citizens and its Arab citizens in how it provides housing, education, public services, land rights and legal protection against acts of violence, according to a list of issues released by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination."

"The panel of 18 independent experts overseeing compliance with the United Nations' 38-year-old anti-racism treaty has submitted questions in writing on Israel's policy for preserving holy sites and asked the government to explain why it only grants special protection for places considered sacred by Jews."

"The committee asked for a clarification over the fact that to date, 120 places have been declared holy sites, all of which are Jewish. The list of questions was formulated before the recent furor over a construction project in Jerusalem that some Muslims have charged could damage the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Aha, an anti-Semitic panel of 18 UN independent experts.

kaytee read somewhere that rightwing Israelis and Jews have a burning religious aim to rebuild the Temple of Solomon to enable the advent of the (Jewish, not Christian) Messiah, and the site they have chosen is that of the last burnt temple, where al Aqsa mosque currently stands.

Muslims fears that Israeli archaeologists currently digging near the mosque have a sinister objective to bring the mosque toppling down.


  1. *Sigh*
    Yet again, the repeat of the KayTee's 'Tripitaka' consisting of 3 favorite Derangements making their expected round. Hahahahaa!

  2. *Sigh* too - a case of wits0's 'see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil'?

    I am always amazed by the inconsistency of people (especially Chinese and Indian Malaysians) who would complain against UMNO racism, yet accept Israeli racism against Palestinians.

    Actually I told a little lie - I am not amazed at all because I know precisely why. I was just being rhetorical.

  3. They're of the same root race, but separated by religion. They are Semitic people. What ler?!

  4. Ktemoc,
    "Muslims fears that Israeli archaeologists currently digging near the mosque have a sinister objective to bring the mosque toppling down"

    That's a dangerously incendiary statement - do you have any facts to support this ?

  5. kk, you're so predictable ;-)

    From Israeli Ha'aretz

    Israel gagged news conference by Muslim and Christian figures opposing recent excavation works near a disputed holy site in Jerusalem.

    Ha'aretz reported illegal digging:

    The excavation of a tunnel under Jerusalem's City of David has gone on for months without a license from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), as required by law.

    In addition, there is no operative plan for developing the site by the Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority (INNPPA), which legally administers the area.

    Nevertheless, no steps are being taken against the two IAA archaeologists who violated their license; instead, they are being allowed to dig in an area extending another 100 meters, to "explore" the site.

  6. Yes KT at least you admit you lied.
    Most malaysians support the muslims against Jews, thanks to you and Wong Chun Wai of Star.
    WCW has not apologised yet. Christians too hate Jews.

  7. Just the first paragraph tells you all you need to know:
    JERUSALEM (AFP) — Amin al-Siyam says he is awakened nearly every night by the sound of Jewish settlers tunneling under his east Jerusalem house towards the Old City’s deeply sensitive Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
    Settlers are digging tunnels, willy-nilly, under the Old City? Only at night? Are they building apartments to live in?

    Well, later in the article, if you parse it correctly, you can see that it is the Israel Antiquities Authority who are unearthing a 2000-year old tunnel, not “settlers:”
    `The Silwan project has aroused similar suspicions, in part because people are not allowed to see the tunnel, but primarily because the work is being funded by the Ir David Foundation, an Israeli settler group.`
    To dismiss that all into just calling it “a settler group” is more than dishonest - it reeks of bias.

    There’s commitment to science and knowledge for you.

    This article shows that the AFP has no interest in truth or accuracy - it simply parrots anti-Jewish positions without any real reporting.

  8. Arabs are like Leftist blathering liars, pehaps a bit more established as they have been around longer and have been using camel BUt-ter to grease through every gaping lack of logic and consistency. The Leftist aren't far behind though, with their, "fake but accurate" argument.

    Perhaps KT also revere St.(Pancake)Rachel enough to stand up to a bulldozer too? ;)

  9. In a press release condemning Hamas for restricting press freedom, the International Federation of Journalists states:

    “This intimidation and political bullying of journalists does great damage to the Palestinian cause,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It undermines efforts of journalists throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip to work together to build a unified media movement in favour of stability and democratic development.”
    So the major reason to push for more press freedoms in Gaza isn’t to help inform the world about truth, but rather to further the “Palestinian cause.”

    Can you imagine a statement from any international agency professing support for the “Zionist cause” the way that these supposedly objective journalists explicitly support the “Palestinian cause?”

    Apparently, press freedom is only important when it goes towards issues that the press supports. In 2002, the union gently chided Palestinian Arab journalists for unilaterally deciding not to take pictures of Palestinian Arab children with weapons - because those pictures were being used by some people to show PalArab depravity. No condemnation, just a statement that “We understand the deep frustration that journalists feel about those who try to manipulate the media message, but journalists need more freedom to do their job in Palestine, not less.”

    The subtext is that of course it is the journalists who decide what is important and which should be highlighted - and which ignored. They choose the message and they aren’t thrilled with those who “manipulate” it.

    The IFJ claims to represent over 500,000 journalists in 110 countries. It includes members from the US - four unions are members - as well as Israel.

  10. Among well-informed people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists hate success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can do no wrong.

    Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel

    Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the product of pathologically high self-esteem.

    A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.

    Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.

    Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an "Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.

  11. The UN Conference in Durban in '01 was hijacked just to condemn israel by Islamists and Leftist Liberals. Why should anyone return to the same old vomit? Looks like mullah KT lost it in terms of commonsense logic. :D

  12. wits0, I am truly sad at your vile description (pancake eh?) of the late Rachel Corrie, a brave young woman who paid with her life for what she believed in, human rights of the Palestinians living in an occupied state by a brutal Israeli regime.

  13. Idiot woman who wouldn`t get out of the way of a bulldozer.Even a dog runs acros the road when an oncoming car.
    In the law there is `volenti non fit injuria`. She knowingly undertook a risk, and put her life at risk. She bear the consequence.

    Badly brought up, spoilt kid.

    Her family should be sued and made to pay Caterpillar for all the nuisance they have caused.

  14. the debate has gone down to the Israeli gutter - I pray your sis won't ever suffer the cruel fate of Rachel Corrie

  15. Rachel Corrie came from a solid Left leaning family background. She volunteered to be a damn tool for the so-called Peace movement - the pro Palestinian International Solidarity Movement.

    A typical narcissistic activist, she expected to be seen by the driver of the Israeli Caterpillar tractor and deliberately stood in its path. Afterwards she became the ISM's patron saint, it would appear.

    Her mum and dad were later received by no less than the ugly Arafart himself. Wonder whether they learnt anything useful in retrospect. And the ISM had the audacity to sue the Caterpillar company!

  16. `I pray your sis won't ever suffer the cruel fate of Rachel Corrie`

    Aiyoyo! Lucky for my sis. Prayers from a devotee of Baal can never affect her.
    No wonder she`s doing so well - not having been spoilt and badly brought up like the patron St. Pancake Rachel
